Abbildungen der Seite

the houfe of Mrs. Montague; and John Cliffe, for breaking and entering the houfe of Edward Mozine, and stealing wearing apparel, fome filver fpoons, and other things. Though Cliffe is refpited for the above offence, he is to be removed by Habeas Corpus to Stafford, to be executed there, where he was capitally convicted laft Lent allizes for facrilege, but broke out of gaol and made his efcape; fince which he committed the above burglary. 13th. This day his majesty went in the ufual ftate to the houfe of peers, and opened the feffion with a moft gracious fpeech from the throne.

16th. A fire broke out at a carpenter's, in Wych-ftreet, which it foon burnt to the ground, together with a great quantity of timber. It also burnt down two or three, adjoining houfes, and damaged many others. The hoftler belonging to the Angel inn, in removing the horses during the fire, received fo terrible a kick from one of them, that it killed him on the fpot. This fire, after it was thought to be extinguished, broke out afresh next day, and burnt with as much violence as ever.

The late Mr. Lacy, befides his half of the Drury-lane patent, poffelfed an estate in Oxfordshire of 1200l. per annum, and a fmall freehold at Ifleworth. By his will he has left his fon Mr. Willoughby Lacy all his eftates, real and perfonal, and appointed him fole executor. Mr. Garrick, it is faid, will have the refufal of Mr. Lacy's half of the patent, which is valued at 32,000l.

By the accounts from Bristol of their last year's importation of

fugars from the Weft-Indies, it ap pears to have been 20,000 hogfheads, which is 5000 more than ever was introduced into that port in any one preceding year, and proves the great increafe of their trade in that one commodity only. This day the feffions end

ed at the Old Bailey. At 17th. this feffions, 11 prisoners were ca◄ pitally convicted.

This morning Robert Johnfon was executed at Tyburn, 19th. pursuant to his fentence, for forgery,

An order was received at Newgate last night from the fecretary of ftate's office, to refpite the execution of Robert Leigh, for forging an acceptance upon a draft for 8471. 10s. with intention to defraud Meflrs. Gines and Atkinfon, of Lombard-ftreet, for 8 days.

The grand jury have found the bills againft William Brice, Alexander Strahan, and Thomas Oakley, the three custom-house officers, who illegally entered the warehoufe of Mrs. Partridge, in Fridaystreet, and were brought before Mr. Alderman Wilkes, who obliged them to give bail for their appearance, and bound Mrs. Partridge over to profecute.

This evening was buried at Corfcombe, in Dorfetthire, Thomas Holles, Efq, of that place. This gentleman was formed on the fevere and exalted plan of ancient Greece, in whom was united the humane and difinterested virtue of Brutus, with the active and determined fpirit of Sidney; illustrious in his manner of ufing an ample fortune, not by fpending it in the parade of life, which he defpifed, but by aflifting the deferving, and encouraging the arts and fciences, which he promoted with zeal and [F] 2


affection, knowing the love of them leads to moral and intellectual beauty; was a warm and strenuous advocate in the caule of public liberty and virtue, and for the rights of human nature and private confcience. His humanity and generofity were not confined to the fmall pot of his own country; he fought for merit in every part of the globe, confidering himself as a citizen of the world, but concealed his acts of munificence, being contented with the confcioufnefs of having done well. Pofterity will look up with admiration to this great man, who, like Milton, is not fufficiently known by this degenerate age in which he lived, though it will have caufe to lament the lofs of him.

2 ft.

At half an hour after twelve, the Grand Signior expired, and at half an hour after two, the guns from the Seraglio announced his fucceffor Abdul Hamed.

A court of aldermen was
held at Guildhall, when the
petition of Melf. Adam, for having
the lottery for the Adelphi tickets
drawn in Guildhall, pailed in the

This morning about ten o'clock, one Mallard, a Frenchman, came to Mr. Cater, an attorney, in his chambers, in Lincoln's-inn. Mallard was recommended to him laft year in France by his fervant as a great object of pity, whom Mr. Cater then relieved; about three months ago Mallard came over to England, and foon found out his benefactor, who has fince conftantly extended his charity to him, and, on the prefent occafion, gave him a fhilling, and bid him warm himfelf; foon after Mr. Cater told him he was going out about fome

bufinefs, and that he muft lock bis chambers, on which Mallard turned about, as if going out, but inftantly came round him, and with a large flint ftone cut Mr. Cater defperately in two places on the head; the villain then ran out of the room to bolt the outer door, as Mr. Cater imagined, to hinder any from coming in, and then to murder him; but Mr. Cater running to the window, and crying out murder, prevented Mallard from coming up again, and who then ran away, but was pursued by two men, and taken near Clare-narket, and is now in prifon.

Arrived fafe in the river Thames, the thip Polly, Capt. Ayres, from Philadelphia, with 600 cheils of tea, with which he was chartered by the East-India company for that port, but was not permitted to land the fame.

Letters from Munich mention, that Baron Waldeck was stabbedby his valet-de-chambre, in his bed, at Munich, the beginning of this month; the murderer was inftantly detected, but afterwards shot himself. It fince appears, by fome notes found upon him, that he was promifed 3000 florins for that heinous action, and the hand-writing appears to be that of his young mafter, a near relation to the baron, about 17 years of age, who was immediately fecured on fufpicion.

The tea thrown into the fea at Bolton is valued at 18,000l. at Is 6d. per pound. The whole fent to America is faid to be about 300,000l. worth, which is returning home, not being fuffered to land.

This day there was a general court of the proprietors 25th. of Eaft-India ftock, at their houfe

in Leadenhall-ftreet, for the deter- is, Whether the general's apart

mination by ballot of the following question: Whether the inftructions prepared by the court of directors, as amended by the general court, for the governor general and council of the precedency of Fort William, in Bengal, in confequence of the act for establishing certain regulations for the better management of the affairs of the Eat-India company, as well in India as in Europe; or the inftructions prepared in confequence of the faid act, by the committee of proprietors appointed by the general court of the 7th of December laft, as amended by the general court, fhall be the inftructions recommended by the general court to be sent by the court of directors to the precedency of Fort William, in Bengal: when, at the clofe of the ballot, the numbers flood as follow:

For the directors inftructions 406 For the committee of proprietors inftructions



Majority in favour of the di-
Yesterday the important queftion
relative to the legality of General
Ganfel's imprifonment came to be
argued in the court-of King's-
The matter of fact and
law was very ably argued and dif-
cuffed on both fides, by Meff.
Wallace, Bearcroft, and Buller, in
favour of the caption; and Meff.
Dunning, Mansfield, and Morgan
in behalf of the general. The
court, however, on account of the
extreme difficulty of the cafe, as
well as its high relative importance
to the community at large, defer-
red giving an opinion till fome fu-
ture day. The fact to be decided

ments were really locked when the bailiffs came to the door; should the court be fitisfied of that, the queftion of law arifing from it will be, Whether the occupier of a leparate apartment is to be deemed an inmate, or the poffeffor of a distinct mantion.

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The following remarkable infcription is engraved on a tombftoue in Conway church-yard, Carnarvonihire; Here lieth the body of Nicholas Brookes, of Conway, Carnarvonshire, who was the 41 child of William Brookes, Efq; by Alice his wife, and father of 27 children; who died the 20th of March, in the year of our Lord, 1637."

Robert Leigh, after the expiration of a week's refpite, was executed at Tyburn.


The brewers in this metropolis have left off brewing during the laft month, which has greatly diftreffed the diftiliers, bakers, &c.

On the fourth inftant at Haverfham, Bucks, a very fingular inquifition was taken by the coroner for the faid county on view of the bodies of one male and two female baftard children, found fecreted behind the chimney of a houfe at that place, occupied for fome time paft by a man and his daughter; when it appeared upon the examination of divers witneties, and the confettion of the daughter, that the had criminally cohabited with her father by whom the bad all the above-named infants; that the was from time to time privately de livered of them all; that two of them were born alive, and immediately murdered by her father; that the laft was ftill-boru; and that all three were fecreted by her 43


faid father behind the chimney, from whence they had been taken. Upon which evidence and confeffion, the jury brought in their verdict that two of the children

were murdered by the father (who died about a year ago), and his daughter is committed to Aylefbury goal, to take her trial at the next aflizes.

And on Saturday laft a fecond inquifition was taken at the fame place, on view of another child, afterwards found behind the fame chimney, fuppofed to have been her's, and murdered and fecreted there by her and her deceased father. 29th.

The theriffs of London and Middlesex fent an order to John Wilkes, Efq; to attend the houfe as member for Middlesex, in confequence of the fpeaker's letter, requiring the theriffs to give notice to all members to attend.

Came on to be heard before the privy council, the merits of a petition prefented fome time ago by Dr. Franklin, agent for the province of Maffachufett's Bay in NewEngland, fetting forth, that the people of that province had no longer any confidence in their governor; that they confidered him as an enemy to the province, and therefore prayed that he might be removed. This petition, it feems, had long lain neglected, and, it is not improbable, would have been fuffered to remain fo, had not the agent, by a late acknowledgment, given an opening to his enemies to load him with unmerited abuse.

Dr. Franklin is difplaced from the office of deputy poft-mafter general for the colonies, and the petition above-mentioned difriffed.

The annuity and ftamp-bills were this day figned by the lord lieutenant of Ireland; the latter after very strong debates.

Lord Mansfield and the

reft of the judges in the 31st. court of King's-bench, in Weftminfter-hall, gave their opinion in the matter relating to the arrefting of General Ganfel, at his lodgings in Craven-ftreet last summer; when their lordthips determination was, that the general was legally arrefted; the captain being therefore held good, he is to remain in gaol until he hath fatisfied his creditors, or is otherwife difcharged by due courfe of law. The arguments on this occafion turned principally on two points; Fift, "Whether the lodgers apartments were to be legally confidered his houfe;" and, Secordly," Whether an unlawful caption in the original inftance did not vitiate any detainers for other debts."

Last night, a fire broke out in the houfe of Mr. Theromere, a gold and filver refiner in Rofeftreet, Covent-garden, which confumed the fame, with the furniture and ftock in trade. The flames fpread to the oppofite fide of the way, and deftroyed the infide of the houfe of Mr. Grigg, taylor, and damaged the houfe and yard of a carpenter adjoining.

Oftend, Jan. 19. The diftemper among the horned cattle, and the flatighter of the infected, continue in different parts of this province and neighbourhood; and to this mode of prevention the committee hitherto feem refolved to adhere. Extract of a Letter from Beston,

dated December the 20th. "Tuesday laft the body of the people of this and all the adjacent


towns and others, from the distance of 20 miles, affembled at the Old South meeting-houfe, to enquire the reafon of the delay in fending the thip Dartmouth, with the EaftIndia tea, back to London; and having found that the owner had not taken the neceffary teps for that purpose, they enjoined him at his peril to demand of the collector of the cuftoms clearance for the ship, appointed a committee of ten to fee it performed, after which they adjourned to the Thursday following, ten o'clock. They then met, and being informed by Mr. Rotch, that a clearance was refufed him, they enjoined him immediately to enter a proteft, and apply to the governor for a paffport by the caftle, and adjourned again tiil three o'clock of the fame day; at which time they again met, and after waiting till near fun-fet, Mr. Rotch came in and informed them that he had accordingly entered his proteft and waited on the governor for a pafs; but his excellency told him he could not, confiftent with his duty, grant it until his veffel was qualified. The people finding all their efforts to preferve the property of the EaftIndia company, and return it safely to London, fruftrated by the tea confignees, the collector of the cuftoms and the governor of the province diffolved their meeting.But, behold, what followed! A number of refolute men (dreffed like Mohawks or Indians) determined to do all in their power to fave their country from the ruin which their enemies had plotted, in lefs than four hours emptied every cheft of tea on board the three fhips commanded by the captains Hall, Bruce, and Coffin, amount

ing to 342 chefts, into the fea! without the least damage done to the fhips or any other property. The matters and owners are well pleafed that their fhips are thus cleared; and the people are almost univerfally congratulating each other on this happy event.

An inflammatory hand-bill was a few days ago diftributed in Philadelphia, addreffed to the Delaware pilots, informing them that a fhip loaded with tea is on her way to that port, being fent out for the purpofe of enflaving and poifoning all the Americans; and as the cannot be brought to anchor before that city without their affiftance, exhorting them to prevent her arrival: they cannot be at a lofs how to act. As they have proved fcourges to evil doers, it is predicted of the pilots, that they will give a faithful and fatisfactory account of the tea fhip, if they thould meet with her.

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In this hand-bill they fay, 'It is clear, that if the Americans buy any of this tea, they muft pay the parliament's duty, and acknowledge their right to tax us as often and as high as they think proper, than which nothing can be more difgraceful and injurious to a free people." Extract of a Letter from New York, Dec. 21.

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"The following notice has been difperfed about this city:Whereas our nation have lately 'been informed, that the fetters which have been forged for us by Great Britain, are hourly expected to arrive in a certain flip belonging to, or chartered by, the Eaft-India company; We do therefore declare, that we are determined not to be enflaved by [4]+ 'any,

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