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fuggested to the mind, by those objects that perpetually encompass us, when they are beautiful and elegant in their kind.

9. In the Eaft, where the warmth of the climate makes cleanliness more immediately neceffary than in colder countries, it is made one part of their religion; the Jewish law (and the Mahometan, which in fome things, copies after it) is filled with bathings, purifications, and other rites of the like nature. Though there is the above named convenient. refon to be affigned for these ceremonies, the chief intention, undoubtedly, was to tipify inward purity and cleanlinefs of heart by those outward washings.

10. We read several injunctions of this kind in the book of Deuteronomy, which confirm this truth, and which are but ill accounted for by faying, as fome do, that they were only instituted for convenience in the defert, which otherwife could not have been habitable for fo many years.

11. I shall conclude this effay with a story which I have fomewhere read in an account of Mahometan supentition. A Dervise of great fanctity one morning had the misfortune as he took up a chrystal cup, which was confecrated to the prophet, to let it fall upon the ground, and dash it to pieces. His fon coning in fome time after, he stretched out his hand to bless-him, as his manner was every morning; but the youth going out humbled over the threshold and broke his arm. As the old man wondered at these events, a caravan paffed by in its way from Mecca. The dervise approached it to beg a blessing; but as he stroked one of the holy camels, he received a kick from the beaft, that forely bruised him. His forrow and amazement encreased upon him, till he recollected that, through hurry and inadvertency, he had that morning come abroad without washing his hands.

[blocks in formation]

The Cobler and his Son,


Honesty Rewarded, Story of Perrin and Lucetta, 30

Character of Sophia, a young lady,


Agathocles and Calista,


Story of La Roche, Mirror.


Funeral of General Fraser, Burgoyne.


Story of Lady Harrier Ackland, do.


Adventures of General Putnam, Humphrey. 53

The faithful American Dog,


Volcanoes of Iceland, Encyclopædia.


Extract from Dawe's Oration,


[blocks in formation]

Story of Logan, a Mingo Chief, Jefferson.

[blocks in formation]

Emilia, or the happiness of retirement, do.


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