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as are merely innocent, and have nothing else to recommend them but that there is no hurt in them.

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14. Whether any kind of gaming, has even thus much to say for itself, I shall not determine: but I think it is very wonderful to see persons of the best sense, passing away a dozen hours together in shuffling and dividing a pack of cards with no other conversation but what is made up of a few game phrases, and no other ideas but those of black or red spots ranged together in different figures. Would not a man laugh to hear any one of his species complaining that life is short?

15. The stage might be made a perpetual source of the most noble and useful entertainments, were it under proper regulations.

16. But the mind never unbends itself so agreeable as in the conversation of a well chosen friend. There is indeed no blessing of life that is any way comparable to the enjoyments of a discreet and virtuous friend. It eases and unloads the mind, clears and improves the understanding, engenders thoughts and knowledge, animates virtue and good resolutions, sooths and allays, the passions, and finds employment for most of the vacant hours of life....

17. Next to such an intimacy with a particular person, one would endeavour after a more general conversation with such as are able to entertain, and improve those with whom they converse, which are qualifications that seldom go asunder.

18. There are many other useful amusements of life, which one would endeavour to multiply, that one might on all occasions have recourse to something rather than suffer the mind to lie idle or run adrift with any passion that chances to rise in it.

19. A man that has taste in music, painting, or archie. tecture, is like one that has another sense when compared with such as have no relish of these arts. The flowrist, the planter, the gardner, the husbandmay, when they are only as accomplishments to the man of fortune, are great reliefs to a country life, and many ways useful to those who are possessed of them. SPECTATOR, No. 93.


1. MODESTY is the citadel of beauty and virtue.

The first of all virtues is innocence; the second

is modesty.

2. Modesty is both in its source, and in its consequence, a very great happiness to the fair possessor of it; it arises from a fear of dishonour, and a good conscience, and is followed immediately, upon its first appearance, with the reward of honour and esteen paid by all those who discover it in any body living.

3. It is indeed a virtue in a woman (that might otherwise be very disagreeable to one) so exquisitely delicate, that it excites in any beholder, of a generous and manly disposition, almost all the passions that he would be aptto conceive for the mistress of his heart in a variety of circumstances.


4. A woman that is modest creates in usan awe in her company, a wish for her welfare, a joy in her being ac tually happy, a sore and painful sorrow if distress should come upon her, a ready and willing heart to give her consolation, and a compassionate temper towards her, in every little accident of life she undergoes: and to sum up all in one word, it causes such a kind of angelical love, even to a stranger, as good natured brothers and sisters, usually bear towards one another.

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It adds, wonderfully to the make of a face, and I' have seen a pretty, well turned forehead, fine set eyes, and what your poets call a row of peal set in coral, shewn by a pretty expansion of two velvet lips that covered them (that would have tempted any sober man living of my own age, to have been a little loose in his thoughts, and to have enjoyed a painful pleasure amidst his impotency) lose all their virtue, all their force and efficacy, by. having an ugly cast of boldness very discernibly spread, Out at large over all those alluring features.

6. At the same time modesty will fill up the wrinkles of old age with glory; make sixty blush itself into sixteen; and help a green sick girl to defeat the satire of a false waggish lover, who might compare her colour, when she looked like a ghost, to the blowing of the rose bud, by blushing herself into a bloom of beauty; and might make what he meant a reflection, a real compliment, at

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any hour of the day, in spite of his teeth. It has a prevailing power with me, whenever I find it in the sex.

7. I who have the common fault of old men, to be very sour and humoursome, whenl drink my water gouel in a morning, fell into a more than ordinary pet with a maid, whom I call my nurse, from a constant tenderness, that I have observed her to exercise towards me beyond all my other servants; I perceived her flush and.. glow in the face, in a manner which I could plainly discern proceeded not from anger or resentment of my cor rection, but from a good natured regret, upon a fear tliat. she had offended her grave old master...

8. Iwas so heartily pleased, that I'eased her of the honest trouble she underwent inwardly for my sake; and giving her half a crown, I told her it was a formeît dueto her, because I was out of humour with her without an: reason at all. And as she is so gentle hearted, I have diligentl avoided giving her one harsh word ever since; and I find my own reward in it: for not being so testy as I used, has made me much hater and stronger than I was before.

9. The pretty, and witty, and virtuous Simplicia, was, the other day, visiting with an old aunt of hers, that I verily believe has read the Atalantis: she took a story out there, and dressed up an old honest neighbour in thesecond-hand cloaths of scandal. The young creature hid her face with her fan ar

and blushed for her & methought, for ever ful circle.

ery burst and peal of laughter, y parent; by which she atoned,* candel that ran round the beauti

10. As I was going home to bed that evening, I could. not help thinking of her all the way I went. I represented her to myself as shedding holy blood every time she blushed, and as being a martyr in the cause of virtue.And afterwards, when I was putting on my night-cap, I could not drive the thought t out out of my head, but but that was young enough to be married to her; and that it would be an addition to the reputation I have in the stud, of wisdom, to marry to so much youth and modesty, even in my old age.


1.1 know there llave not been wanting many wick-s ed objections against this virtues due is grown insutier-ably common. The fellow biushes, he is zuilty. I hould say rather, he blushes, therefore he is innegent


lieve the same man, that first had that wicked imagination of a blush being the sign of guilt, represented goodnature to be folly; and that he himself, was the most, inhuman and impudent wretch alive.

12, The author of Cato, who is known to be one of the most modest and most ingenious persons of the age we now live in, has given this virtue a delicate name in the tragedy of Cato, where the character of Marcia is first opened to us. I would have all ladies who have a mind; to be thought well bred, to think seriously on this vir, tue, which he so beautifully calls the sanctity of manners.,

13. Modesty is a polite accomplishment, and generally an attendant upon merit. It is engaging to the highest degree, and wins the hearts of all our acquaintance. On the contrary, none are more disgustful in company than, the impudent and presuming.


14. The man who is, on all occasions, commending and speaking well of himself, we natu naturally dislike. the other hand, he who studies to conceal his own deserts, who does justice to the merit of others, who talks but little of himself, and that with modesty, makes a favourable impression on the persons he is conversing with, captivates their minds, and gains their esteem.



15. Modesty, however, widely differs from an awke ward bashfulness, which is as much to be condemned as the other is to be applauded. Lo appear simple is as ill-bred as to be impudent. A young masought to be. able to come into a room and address the company, without the least embarrassment. To be out of countenance when spoken to. and not to have an answer ready, is ridiculous to the last degree.

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16. An awkward country fellow, when he comes into company better than himself, is exceedingly disconcerted. He knows not what to do with his hands or his hat, but: either puts one of them in his pocket, and dangles the other by his side: or perhaps whirls his hat on his fingers or fumbles with the button. If spoken to he is in a much worse situation; he answers with the utmost difficulty, and nearly stammers; whereas a gentleman who is acquainted with life, enters a room with gracefulness and a modest assurance, addresses even persons he does not know, in an easy natural manner, and without the least embarrassment.

17. This is the characteristic of good-breeding, a very necessary knowledge in our intercourse with men: for one of inferior parts, with the behaviour of a gentleman, is frequently better received than a man of sense, with the address and manners of a clown. Ignorance and vice are the only things we need be ashamed of; steer clear of these, and you may go into any company you will not that I would have a young man throw off all dread of appearing abroad, a fear of offending, or being disesteented, will make him preserve a proper decorum.

18. Some persons, from experiencing false modesty, have run into the other extreme, and acquired the character of impudent. This is as great a fault as the other.. A well-bred man keeps himself within the two, and steers the middle way. He is easy and firm in every company; is modest, but not bashful; steady, but not impudent. He copies the manners of the better people, and conforms to their customs with ease and attention.


19. Till we can present ourselves in all companies. with coolness and unconcern, we can never present ourselves well; nor will a man ever be supposed to have kept goed company, or ever be acceptable in such company, if he cannot appear there easy and unembarrassed. A modest assurance, in every part of life, is the most advantageous qualification we can possibly acquire.

20. Instead of becoming insolent, a man of sense under a consciousness of merit, is more modest. He be. haves him elf indeed with firmness, but without the least presumption. The man who is ignorant of his own merit, is no less a fo I than he who is constantly displaying it. A man of understanding avails himself of his. abilities, but never boasts of them whereas the timid and bashful can never push himself in life, be his merit as great as it will: he will be always kept behind by the forward and the bustling.

-> 21. A man of abilities, and acquainted with life, will stand as firm in defence of his own rights, and pursue his plans as steadily and unmaved as the most impudent man alive; but then he does it with a seeming modesty.Tous, manner is every thing; what is impudence in one

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