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HEY order, faid I, this matter better in France


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-You have been in France? faid my gentle-". man, turning quick upon me with the most civil triumph in the world.-Strange ! quoth I, debating the matter with myfelf, That one and twenty miles failing, for 'tis abfolutely no further from Dover to Calais, fhould give a man thefe rightsI'll look into them: fo giving up the argument—I weat ftraight to my lodgings, put up half a dozen fhirts and a black pair of filk breeches the coat. "I have on, faid I, looking at the fleeve, will do” -took a place in the Dover ftage; and the pacquet failing at nine the next morning-by three I had got fat down to my dinner upon a fricaffee'd chicken fo inconteftibly in France, that had I died that night of an indigeftion, the whole world could not have fufpended the effects of the Droits d'aubaine * -my fhirts, and black pair of filk breeches-port

All the effects of strangers (Swifs and Scotch excepted) dying in France, are feized by virtue of this law, though the heir be upon the fpot-the profitof these contingencies being farm'd, there is no redress. A.2. manteau

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