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Statistical Tables


Designed for the Use of the Writer, the Speaker, the Student, the Business Man, and the Gen eral Reader.

B. C.

Table Showing the Principal Events of Ancient History.

2324. Alleged beginning of Chaldæan astro

nomical observations sent by Callisthe-
nes to Aristotle; the earliest extant is
of 720 B. C.

2200 (circa). The Hia dynasty in China

2000 (circa). Cuneiform writing probably in

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B. C.

1075. Death of Samuel.

1056. Death of Saul and Jonathan.
1055. David King of Israel.

1048. David takes Jerusalem.

1048 to 1006. Tyre flourishes under Hiram. 1042. The Ark removed to Jerusalem.

1023. The revolt of Absalom.

1015. Death of David. Accession of Solomon. 1012. Solomon's Temple begun.

1006. Completion and dedication of Solomon's


975. Death of Solomon. Revolt of the Ten Tribes. The kingdom of Israel established under Jeroboam.

971. Shishak, King of Egypt, captures and plunders Jerusalem.

957. Abijah, King of Judah, defeats the King

of Israel.

906. Israel is afflicted with a famine predicted
by the Prophet Elijah.

901. The Syrians besiege Samaria.
900. Erection of the northwest palace of Nim

897. Elijah translated to heaven.

896. Death of Ahab, King of Israel.

895. Miracles of Elisha the Prophet.

884. Legislation of Lycurgus at Sparta.
878. Carthage founded by Dido.

776. Commencement of the Olympiads. First
authentic date in Greek history.

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771. Palestine invaded by Pul, King of As- | 597. Zedekiah made king over the remnant of

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727. Religious reformation under Hezekiah, 569. Egypt conquered by Nebuchadnezzar.

King of Judah.

721. Samaria taken by Sargon, King of Assyria. End of the kingdom of Israel. Captivity of the Ten Tribes. Isaiah and Micah, prophets, in Judah. 710. Sennacherib invades Judah, but the Lord destroys his army.

560. Pisistratus tyrant of Athens.
559. Anacreon begins to be known.
559. Persian Empire founded by Cyrus.
556. Birth of Simonides (died B. C. 467).
554. Conquest of Lydia and capture of Croesus
by Cyrus.

549. Death of Phalaris, tyrant of Agrigentum.

698. Manasseh, King of Judah. Gross idolatry 540-510. Era of Pythagoras.

in Judah.

685-668. Second Messenian War, under Aris


684. Archonship at Athens made annual. 678. Samaria colonized by Assyrians. 667-625. Reign of Assur-bani-pol, King of Assyria.

659. Byzantium founded by Megarians. 640. Religious reformation under Josiah, King of Judah.

632. Invasion of Assyria by the Scyths. 625. Fall of Nineveh. Babylon independent under Nabopolassar.

624. Legislation of Draco, Archon at Athens. 624 In repairing the Temple at Jerusalem, Hilkiah discovers the Book of the Law, and Josiah keeps a solemn Passover. Jeremiah prophet.

610. Battle of Megiddo. Death of Josiah. 605. Jeremiah's prophecy of the seventy years' captivity. Nebuchadnezzar takes Jerusalem. Jehoiakim his vassal.

602. Jehoiakim revolts from Babylon. 598. Capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. Second Captivity.

539 (circa). Marseilles founded by the Phoe


538. Cyrus captures Babylon.

536. Cyrus ends the captivity of the Jews. Return of the first caravan to Jerusalem under Zerubbabel and Joshua.

535. Rebuilding of the Temple. 535. Thespis first exhibits tragedy. 534. Tarquinius Superbus, King of Rome. 532. Polycrates, tyrant of Samos. (Put to

death B. C. 522.) 529. Death of Cyrus. Accession of Cambyses. 525. Conquest of Egypt by Cambyses. Birin of Eschylus (died B. C. 456). 522. Death of Cambyses. 521-485. Reign of Darius I. (Hystaspis) King of Persia.

520. Decree of Darius for rebuilding the Tempie at Jerusalem.

518. Birth of Pindar (died B. C. 439). 515. Dedication of the Second Temple. 510. Expulsion of the Tarquins from Rome The Pisistratidæ expelled from Athens, Rome and Athens republics. 508. First treaty between Rome and Carthage.

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507-506. Conquest of Thrace, Paonia, and 460. Egypt revolts against Persia.

Macedonia by Darius.

500. Burning of Sardis by the Ionians and


(The re

volt is suppressed in 455.) Birth of Democritus and Hippocrates (both died

in B. C. 357).

497. Battle of Lake Regillus. First authentic 459. Gorgias flourished.

date in Roman history.

495. Birth of Sophocles (died B. C. 406).

494. Tribunes at Rome.


Commission of Ezra to rebuild Jerusalem. Birth of Lysias the orator (died 378). Cincinnatus dictator at Rome.

492. First Persian expedition, under Mardo- 457. Battle of Tanagra.

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485. Accession of Xerxes, King of Persia. Gelon tyrant of Syracuse.

484. Recovery of Egypt by the Persians. Birth of Herodotus (died after B. C. 409). 483. Ostracism of Aristides the Just by the Athenians.

481. Expedition of Xerxes to Greece. 480. Battle of Thermopyla-fall of Leonidas.

Battle of Salamis-victory of Themistocles. Xerxes destroys Athens. First invasion of Sicily by Carthage. Defeat of the Carthaginians by Gelon at HiBirth of Euripides (died B. C.


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447. Battle of Coronea. 445. Thirty years' truce between Athens and Sparta concluded.

444. Pericles becomes supreme at Athens. Birth of Xenophon about this time (died 359). Commission of Nehemiah. The walls of Jerusalem rebuilt. 443-438. The Parthenon at Athens built by Phidias.

442. New constitution at Rome-censors and military tribunes appointed instead of consuls.

440-439. Siege and reduction of Samos by Pericles.

436. Birth of Isocrates (died 338). 431. Peloponnesian War begins, lasting twentyseven years. Potidea besieged by the Athenians (taken in 429). Death of Pericles. Rise of Cleon. Birth of Plato (died 347).

430. The plague at Athens. 428. Revolt of Mytilene.

427. Reduction of Mytilene. First Athenian expedition to Sicily. First comedy of Aristophanes exhibited. Siege of


423. Alcibiades begins to act in Athenian affairs.

418. Battle of Mantinea.

415. Expedition to Sicily under Nicias. 414. Siege of Syracuse.

413. Defeat and surrender of Nicias.

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412. First treaty between Sparta and Persia. 367. Embassy of Pelopidas to Persia. Aristotle Constitution of the Four Hundred at goes to Athens, and remains with Plato twenty years.

Athens. Intrigues of Alcibiades with the Persians.

409. Second invasion of Sicily by the Cartha


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405. Battle of Ægospotami.

404. Athens taken by Lysander. End of the

Peloponnesian War. Government of the 357.
Thirty Tyrants. Spartan supremacy.
Death of Alcibiades.

Beginning of the Social War. Siege of Chios and Byzantium.

taken by Philip.


Phocian (or Sacred War) begins. Delphi

seized by Phocians. Expedition of Dion to Sicily.

403. Thrasybulus restores democratic govern- 356. Birth of Alexander the Great. Temple

ment at Athens.

402. Birth of Phocion (died 317).

of Diana at Ephesus burnt. Dion expels Dionysius from Syracuse.

401. Expedition of Cyrus the younger. Battle 355. End of the Social War. Independence

of Cunaxa. Death of Cyrus. Retreat of the Ten Thousand.

401-384. Ctesias flourished. 400. Malachi.

399. Death of Socrates.

398. Campaign and Peace of Dercyllidas.
396. First Campaign of Agesilaus in Asia.
394. Corinthian War begins.

393. The Long Walls of Athens restored.
392. Veii stormed by Hamillus.
390. Rome taken by the Gauls.
389 (circa). Birth of Æschines.
387. Peace of Antalcidas.

Greek cities in
Asia subjected to Persia. End of the
Corinthian War.

384. Birth of Aristotle.

382. Seizure of the Cadmea at Thebes by

Phœdibas. Olynthian War begins


of Rhodes, Cos, Chios, and Byzantium acknowledged by Athens.

352. Demosthenes delivers his first Philippic. 349-347. Olynthian War. Olynthus taken by Philip.

346. Surrender of Phocis to Philip. End of the Sacred War. Philip admitted to the Amphyctionic Council. Dionysius recovers the tyranny.

343. Conquest of Syracuse by Timoleon. Expulsion of Dionysius. Embassy of De mosthenes and others to Philip. 342-341. Philip's expedition to Thrace. 341. Birth of Epicurus (died 270). 340. First Samnite War begins. Perinthus and Byzantium besieged by Philip. Victory of Timoleon over the Carthaginians at the Crimisus.

(ends 379). Birth of Demosthenes 338.
(died 322).

380 (circa). Death of Aristophanes.

379. Recovery of the Cadmea by Pelopidas.
376. Victory of Chabrias over the Spartans in
sea-fight off Naxos.

372. Peace between Athens and Sparta.
371. Victory of Epaminondas over the Spar-
tans at Leuctra.

Philip general of the Amphyctionic League. Battle of Charonea. Greece subjugated.

337-335. The Latin War. Supremacy of

Rome over Latium.

336. Murder of Philip. Accession of Alexander the Great. Accession of Darius Codomanus.

Foundation of Mega- 335. Alexander destroys Thebes; is chosen

370. Jason of Pheræ assassinated.

generalissimo of the Greeks.

334. Battle of the Granicus.

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leaves Italy.

269. Silver money first coined at Rome.
268. Berosus flourished.

333. Battle of Isus. Damascus taken and 274. Battle of Beneventum. Pyrrhus defeated, Tyre besieged by Alexander. 332. Capture of Tyre and conquest of Egypt by Alexander. Alexandria founded. 331. Battle of Arbela. Subjugation of Persia. Settlement of the Jews at Alexandria. 330. Murder of Darius. Demosthenes' oration for the crown. 327-325. Campaigns of Alexander in India. Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates.

265. Rome supreme over all Italy.
264. First Punic War begins. Chronology of
Arundelian (Parian) marble ends.
260. First Roman fleet launched. Victory oi
Duilius off Mylæ.

260-230 (circa). Reign of Asoka in India.
256. Victory of Regulus at Ecnomos. Inva
sion of Africa.

255. Defeat and capture of Regulus by the Carthaginians. Evacuation of Africa.

323. Death of Alexander at Babylon. Second Samnite War; lasts twenty-one years. 321. First war among the "successors of Alexander." The Romans surrender 250 (circa). Parthia becomes an independen

to the Samnites, and pass under the yoke
at the Caudine Forks.


kingdom under Arsaces.

The Thsin dynasty in China founded.

320. Ptolemy takes Jerusalem. Jewish settle- 241. Defeat of Carthaginians by Catulus at the

ments in Egypt and Cyrene.

315. Thebes rebuilt by Cassander.

314. Palestine under Antigonus.

313. Samnite victory at Lautulæ.

Ægates Insulæ. End of the First Punic War. Atalus King of Pergamus. 240. The plays of Livius Andronicus exhibited (the first) at Rome.

312. Battle of Gaza. Victory of Ptolemy and 238. Seleucus over Demetrius Poliorcetes. Pyrrhus King of Epirus. Appius Clau- | 237. dius censor. Appian Way and Aque

ducts begun.

304. Siege of Rhodes by Demetrius.
301. Battle of Ipsus. Final division of Alex-

ander's dominions.

300 (circa). Chandrogupta (Sandracottus) reigns in India; makes a treaty with Seleucus. Foundation of Antioch by Seleucus.


Date of the decree of Canopus; tablet of

Conquest of Spain attempted by the
Carthaginians. Seizure of Sardinia and
Corsica by the Romans.

The gates of the Temple of Janus at
Rome shut for the first time since Numa.
234. Birth of Cato Major (died 149).
227. Cleomenic War begins.

226. Reforms of Cleomenes at Sparta.
225-220. The Gauls driven from Cisalpine

299. Athens besieged and taken by Demetrius. 219. Antiochus overruns Palestine. Siege of 298-290. Third Samnite War.

295. Battle of Sentinum.

287. Birth of Archimedes (died 212).

286. The Hortensian Law passed at Rome; plebiscita declared binding on the whole people.

284 (circa). Alexandrian Library founded by

Ptolemy Soter.

Saguntum by Hannibal. Second Punie
War begins.

218. Hannibal marches from Spain across the


Pyrenees and the Alps into Italy. Battles of the Ticinus and the Trebia. Hannibal passes the Apennines. Battle of Trasimene. The two Scipios sent to Spain.

280. Achæan League established. Invasion 216. Battle of Cannæ. Alliance of Hanniba

of Italy by Pyrrhus. Birth of Chrys

sippus (died 207).

with Philip II. of Macedonia. 215. Great Wall of China built.

279. Irruption of the Gauls into Greece. First 214-212. Siege and capture of Syracuse br

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