Abbildungen der Seite
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which the meterial interefts of this nation are fo deeply concerned.

Gentlemen of the House of

I have ordered the estimates of the expences for the year to be laid before you. From thofe you will perceive the reduction which I have made in all the establishments, which appear to me to be brought as low as prudence will admit; and you will participate with me in the fatisfaction which I feel in this step towards the relief of my fubjects. At the end of a war fome part of its weight muft inevitably be borne for a time. I feel for the burthens of my people; but I rely on that fortitude which has hitherto fupported this nation under many diffulties, for their bearing thofe, which the prefent exigencies require, and which are fo neceffary for the full fupport of the national credit.

My Lords, and Gentlemen, In many refpects our fituation is new. Your counfels will provide what is called for by that fituation; and your wifdom will give permanence to whatever has been found beneficial by the experience of ages. In your deliberations you will preferve that temper and moderation which the importance of their objects demands, and will, I have no doubt, produce; and I am fure that you are unanimous in your defire to direct all thofe deliberations to the honour of my crown, the fafety of my dominions, and the prosperity of my people.

Ceremonial of the Introduction of his Royal Highness George Auguftus Frederick Prince of Wales, into the Houfe of Peers, at the Meeting of Parliament on Tuesday, November 11, 1783.

TIS royal highnefs having been, by letters patent, dated (H 4)


the 19th day of Auguft, in the fecond year of his majesty's reign, created prince of Wales and earl of Chester, was in his robes, which with the collar and order of the Garter he had put on in the earl marfhal's room, introduced into the houfe of peers in the following


Gentleman Ufher of the Black Rod,
with his Staff of Office.
Earl of Surrey,
Deputy Earl Marthal of England.
Earl of Carlisle.
Lord Privy Seal.

Garter Principal King of arms, in
his Robe, with the Sceptre, bear-
ing his Royal Highnefs's Patent.
Sir Peter Burrell,
Deputy Great Chamberlain of

Viscount Stormont,
Lord Prefident of the Council.

The CORONET On a crimson velvet cufhion, borne by Viscount Lewisham, one of the Gentlemen of his Royal Highnefs's Bed Chamber.

His Royal Highnefs the PRINCE of WALES,

Carrying his Writ of Summons, fupported by his uncle the Duke of Cumberland, and the Dukes of Richmond and Portland. And proceeding up the houfe with the ufual reverences, the writ and patent were delivered to the earl of Mansfield, fpeaker, on the woolfack, and read by the clerk of the parliament at the table, his royal highness and the rest of the proceffion ftanding near: after which his royal highnefs was conducted to his chair on the right hand of the throne, the coronet and cushion having been laid on a tool before the chair, and his royal highness being covered as ufual, the cerc mony ended.


Some time after his majesty en

tered the house of peers, and was feated on the throne with the ufual folemnities, and having delivered his moft gracious fpeech, retired out of the house.

Then his royal highnefs at the table took the oaths of allegiance and fupremacy, and made and fubfcribed the declaration; and also took and fubfcribed the oath of abjuration.


Dublin Caftle, March 11, 1783.

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HIS day having been appoint ed by his excellency the lord lieutenant for the inveftiture of the knights of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick, the noblemen named in his majesty's letter to be knights companions of the order were fummoned to attend, in order to be invefted with the enfigns of that dig. nity previous to their inftallation; and being affembled in the prefence chamber, a proceffion was made from thence to the great ball-room, viz. Purfuivants, and

Officers attending the State. Peers named in the King's Letter, viz. Earls

Bective, and Charlemont,. Courtown, and Mornington, Clanbraffil, and Shannon, Tyrone, and Drogheda, Inchiquin, and Weitmeath. Earl of Clanricarde, and the Duke of Leinster. Officers of his Excellency's House, hold, viz. Pages. Gentlemen at large. Gentlemen of the Chamber. Mafter of the Ceremonies. Gentlemen of the Horfe. Comptroller and Steward of the Household.


Officers of the Order, viz.



Regifter, and Usher.
Secretary, and Genealogift.

Ulfter King of Arms, Bearing his Majefty's Commiffion, and the Badge and Ribband of the Grand Master upon a

blue velvet cushion. Lord Viscount Carhampton, Bearing the Sword of State. His Excellency the Lord Lieu


With ten Aids de Camp on each fide, Gold Stick. Battle-axe Guards. On their arrival in the great ball room the different perions who compofed the proceffion proceeded to the places affigned them; and his excellency being covered and feated in the chair of state, Ulfter king of arms prefented to him his majesty's letter, which his excellency delivered to the right hon. John Hely Hutchinfon, fecretary of State, who read the fame aloud, during which time his excellency and the affembly remained standing and uncovered. His excellency being again feated, Ulfter prefented to him the blue ribband and badge of grand master, with which his excellency invested himself.,

His excellency then fignified his majefty's pleasure, that the great ball-room fhould be ftyled the Hall of St. Patrick, which was done by proclamation made by Ulfter king of arms, at the found of trumpets, and with the ufual formalities, after which

His excellency directed Ulfter king of arms and ufher of the black rod to introduce his grace the lord archbishop of Dublin, to whom the fecretary of state administered the oath, as chancellor of the order, and

his grace, kneeling, was invefted by the grand mafter with the proper badge, and received from his excellency's hands the purfe containing. the feals..

The dean of St. Patrick's was then introduced, to whom the oath of register of the order was adminiftered by the chancellor, and he was invested in the like manner by his excellency, who delivered to him the ftatutes and the register of the order. Lord Delvin was next introduced, and having taken the oath, was invested as fecretary; and in like manner Charles Henry Coote, efq. as genealogift-John Freemantle, efq. as uber--and William Hawkins, efq. as king of arms of the faid order, the oaths being firft administered to them by the chancellor, were feverally invefted by the grand mafter.

His excellency then fignified his majefty's pleafure, that in confideration of the tender age of prince Edward, his royal highnefs thould be invested in England, and that his majefty's difpenfation for that pur pofe fhould be entered upon the regifter of the order: and in confequence of his majefty's direction, the lord baron Mufkerry was knight ed, and declared proxy to his royal highnefs prince Edward.

His excellency then directed that his grace the duke of Leinfter fhould be called in; and as by the ftatutes of the order none but a knight can be elected or invefted, his grace, being introduced by the ufher and king of arms, was knighted by his excellency with the fword of state, and immediately delivered to the genealogift the proofs of blood required by the itatutes, whereupon. the oaths were administered by the chancellor, and his grace kneeling was invefted by the grand mafter with the ribband and badge. His


grace then joined the proceffion to introduce the earl of Clanricarde, who being fworn was invefted in ike manner, and both knights joined the proceffion to bring in the earl of Weftmeath; after which the two junior knights performed this duty, and the fenior knight took his feat as companion of the order. The earls of Inchiquin, Drogheda, Tyrone, Shannon, Clanbraflil, Mornington, Courtown, Charlemont, and Bective, being feverally introduced by the two junior knights, were each of them fworn by the chancellor, and invested by the grand mafter, and took their feats as knights companions.

The ceremony of inveftiture being ended his majefty's pleafure was declared and registered for appointing his grace the lord archbishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of Ireland, to be prelate of the faid moft illuftrious order.

A proceffion was then made from St. Patrick's Hall to the prefencechamber, where the lord lieutenant received the compliments of the knights of the order, and of a numerous affembly of the nobility and gentry, who teftified their fatisfaction in this diftinguiflied mark of the royal favour to this kingdom. St. Patrick's-hall was elegantly fitted up for the occafion, and the galleries belonging to it were crowded with ladies of the first rank and fashion; and the whole ceremony was conducted with the utmost pro priety, and with the moft fplendid magnificence.


March 17. Being the feftival of St. Patrick, tutelar faint of Ireland, and the day appointed for the inftallation of the newly created Knights of the SHAMROCK, at fix in the morning the volunteer corps of the county and city of Dublin

paraded at the Royal Exchange, and balloted for the guards which were to be stationed in the cathedral: after which they proceeded to Dawfon-street, to receive instructions from the right hon, the lord mayor, appointed commanding officer of the day, and from thence marched to the cathedral, the avenue to which, from the middle of Bride street, was ftrongly lined, and were there joined by the troops in garrifon, who alfo lined the remaining firects to the Castle. Guards of horfe and foot were stationed at the different avenues leading into the streets through which the proceffion mored, which prevented carriages paffing, and the populace from being too preffing, and by which judicious arrangement the proceffion met with not the leaft obftruction. The cavalcade left the Caftle between ten and eleven o'clock, in the following order: a large detachment of dragoons, ftate trumpets, battle-axe guards, fword of ftate, fovereign's efquires, archbishop of Dublin prelate of the order, the lord lieutenant as grand master, lord Mufkerry as proxy for his royal highnefs prince Edward, the duke of Leinfter, the earls of Clanricarde, Weftmeath, Inchiquin, Shannon, Clanbraffil, Mornington, Mornington, Arran, Courtown, Charlemont, and Bective. The earl of Ely, the remaining knight, being out of the kingdom, his inveftiture and inftallation could not take place. Each knight had three efquires, who attended him in his carriage. In going to the church the knights were in their furcoat only, with their caps in their hands; but in their proceffion back, after they were inftalled, they were dreffed in the full mantle, habit, and collar of the order.-The dreffes of the whole were very rich and magnificent. The proceffion re


turned to the Castle a little after two o'clock, and the knights appeared at the windows to gratify the fpec


The installation of the knights was conducted with the greatest propriety and regularity-not a fingle miftake occurred from the time of their arrival at the Choir till they returned to the Chapter-houfe. The effect of the ceremony viewed from the galleries was amafingly fplendid. As the proceffion reached the choir they were arranged in their proper places by Uliter, and the heralds of arms the prebends feats were prepared under the galleries, to which they filed off as they came up. The efquires of the knights entered three a-breaft, with their white fattin fureoats lined with tky blue, their white fattin bonnets in their hands. After making an obeifance to the altar, they were told off into their proper places immediately under their respective knights, where they continued ftanding while the knights advanced two a-breaft clad in their furcoat only with the cap of the order in their hand, the junior knight first, After being placed in the ftalls formerly allotted to the prebends of St. Patrick, the whole continued ftand ing till the fovereign of the order entered in full drefs, girded with the fword, collar, and mantle, wearing his cap and plumes. He was conducted by the officers of the order to the stall formerly occupied by the dean, and after being faluted by all the knights and efquires, took his feat, covered, when the coronation anthem immediately commenced. After it was finished, the officers of the order, with the heralds and purfuivants, advanced to the fovereign's ftall, making three profound obeifances, where they received the banper, which was carried by Ulfter

to the altar, and there received by the dean. The prince's banner was depofited in the fame manner. The premier knight, his grace of Leiniter, was then invefted with the infignia of the order, by the proper officers, and took his feat covered, when the next knight, lord Clanricarde, was called upon; his grace defcended in full habit of the order to receive him, and was conducted to the fovereign's ftall between the inftalled knight and Ulfter; after the obeifances were made, the premier knight affifted in putting on the fword, the collar, and mantle of the order, and delivered him the cap, when he returned to his ftall, and was faluted by the fovereign and the other knights. After the fame ceremony of inftallation had been gone through with each knight, and all feated in full habit of the order, "Te Deum was celebrated by the band, when the proceffion left the choir in the fame manner they entered, only the knights wore their fwords, mantles, collars, and caps, A guard of 300 volunteers mounted in the cathedral, and were drawn up on each fide of the fouth and center aifles, in lines three deep, through which the procèffion moved, and were received by the whole with prefented arms.

Three troops of volunteer horfe were drawn up in Patrick's Close during the installation.

Gardiner's horse difmounted, did duty in the choir, and were placed as guards at the altar and entrance. The CEREMONIAL of the INSTAL


On the proper precaution having been taken to guide the line of carriages and of fpectators, and the ftreets being lined with the regi ments on Dublin duty, his excellency, preceded by his own car.


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