Abbildungen der Seite


la Cour,―immediately opposite the parade. This luding to the subject of the village, on which would The various tongued denizens of earth who had was fortunate, for it afforded me an opportunity of pend the policy of the State. Indeed, Sir, said he, crowded Frankfort during the great fair were fast re- reviewing the standing army of the state, which wo are on the eve of great events. And so we turning to their distant homes; the well filled table consisted of six hussars and twenty grenadiers. were, much nearer than his Excellency had any "On the second day of my arrival I waited upon idea of; for while he was so eloquently discoursing

d'hote at the Romischer Kaiser was now reduced to

a few members of the corps diplomatique. “See that the Grand Chamberlain, in order to make le pre- on the state of Europe, four of the Hussars of the my passport is en regle for Vienna," said I to the mier pas towards an introduction at court. Letters Guard' were committing some outrage on the ad Kellner, "for Frankfort has now become intolera. of nobility proving three descents at least, were in- joining Prussian territory. bly dull." dispensable to procure the honor of an entree. I "Now, it happened that the commandant of As the traveller journies towards Saxony, the face am a Baron born,' said I, in reply to the chamber. the district was Blucher, at that time a colonel. of the country undergoes a marked change; the vine lain, but the revolution a change tout cela. I had, And," added the Baron, with military frankness," he clad heights of the Mein, gave place to the dark however, brought with me some old musty parch. was a 'matin' not to be trifled with. He accordingly ridges of the Thuringian forest, between which and inents, though not without the apprehensions of ordered a corporal and four file to invade the territothe foot of the Ezegibirge, extend the dominions of compromising myself with my own government by ry of the Prince, and seize the delinquents. He a crowd of petty princes, who, by their family influ. figuring away under my old title. These I handed might have sent, it is true, a larger force, but then ence or political services, have saved their insignifi- to him. Never shall I forget the satisfaction he the difficulty of subsisting them! The corporal set cant independencies from the mediatising ban of the displayed; he capered about the room, singing the out, and executing a march a-la Seidlitz, he surpriGerman confederation. old romance zed the hussars in their their cantonments, and carri My travelling companion was an old Dutch coloed them prisoners to Bulcher's head-quarters. The nel, the Baron Van S. He had made thirty and darted off to lay them before his Highness in sensation produced by the invasion on the court and campaigns, and the wild uncertainty of a camp life person. the minds of the people, was astonishing. The had given to him that happy constitutional indiffer- "On the following Sunday I was invited to the Prince carried his hand to his sword, but the rage of ence which philosophy in vain aspires to. A vein of grand couvert du prince. On being ushered into the the Princess and the ladies of her train was sublime; military pedantry ran through his conversation, but banqueting hall, I was rather surprized to observe it was the wrath of Juno!

Aux bons temps de la chevalerie.'

this was enlivened by such shrewd and profound ob that all the lacqueys wore enormous mustaches. It

Flectere si nec non superos Acheronta movebo.

servations on men and things, such a fund of anec- was, said the Baron a decoration de lacquai which I The only cafe in the little capital was crowded dote, as taught me that the Baron had moved no in- had never before seen, and I accordingly testified with politicians. A general war was deemed inevi. attentive observer on the great theatre of events on my astonishment to the Prince de Bi, who sat table; an alliance with Austria, and above all, a subwhich he had played his part. "In whose domin-next to me. "If you look more attentively at them," sidy from England, was the obvious policy of the ions are we at present?" said I to the postmaster at said the Prince, smiling at my observation, "you state. Every horse in the Prince's stables was imLebenstein, for in the course of our morning's ride, will perceive que ces droles la are the grenadiers of pressed into the service of the estafette. At the exwe had passed through half a dozen states. "In the guard, who on these occasions throw off the uni-piration of a week, murmurs of discontent began to those of his Serene Highness of Saxe Meinengen," form of the soldiers to assume the livery of the foot-be heard; an alarming deficiency in the revenue, was the reply. I confess I felt a little curious to vi- man. To be serious, this little state plays the part caused by the enormous consumption of stationary sit the state that was likely to have the honor of one of an Italian buffoon, and affords food for merriment in the department of foreign affairs, was foretold, day giving a Queen to England. We therefore pre- from morning to night. To begin with the Prince and a few fierce spirits pronounced the word repubceeded straight to the capital, and little time it took himself. He is one of the most worthy men of his lic! What would have been the result heaven only us to get there. estate, dominions, I should say, but a perfect imbe-knows, had not his Prussian Majesty made due re. The town of Saxe Meinengen, is situated on the cile on the subject of his nobility, which he pretends paration to the wounded honor of his Highness of the right bank of the Warre, beautifully embosom- has descended to him in a direct line from Charle- Bentheim Steinfurth, an event which was celebrated ed in hills: it is rather handsomely built, and is po- magne. The court genealogist goes farther, and pre- at court by a grand fête. etically called the City of the Harp. The popula- tends that without difficulty it might be proved that tion of the whole state is about 40,000 souls, its re- the blood of Arminius venue 30,000l. and as a member of the German Con. federation, it has one-fifth of a vote. I gathered this important statistical knowledge from the Court Al.


My conge was expired, and I returned to Breda. A few years afterwards I met this ex-sovereign "tout pur ainsi que sa noblesse, Prince in Paris, where he was living upon a pension Est descendu jusque 'a lui de Lucrece en Lucrece." from the French govornment, his principality having "With respect to the Princess," continued the been converted into a parochial arrondissement of manack. What a ridiculous" spectacle politique" Prince," she may go many lengths beyond her lord. the newly formed kingdom of Westphalia." do these little petty German States present, with She fancies herself another Marie Therese; in fact, I was highly amused with these anecdotes, which their standing armies and all the attirail of a Court. the tone of the Court is aristocratic on n'y pent plus. were rendered more piquant by the Baron's art de Here is the duchy of Saxe Meinengen,-its whole Two parties at present divide the state, an Austrian raconter, a talent he possessed to a degree that would population is inferior to that of a moderately sized and a Prussian, who hate each other as much as the have pleased the fastidious taste of Louis Quatorze English town, and its entire revenue considerably Guelphs and the Ghebellines of the middle ages. The himself.


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less than the of our Queen. Such is the Court inclines to the Austrian faction, for you must It is these political territorial divisions that are fact; an English town, considered unworthy of being know that the Prussian Government has seized a the curse of Germany. Among her children we see represented in Parliament, has double the population, village which lay conveniently on their bouudary much to aduire,-a depth of thought-a love of and centuple the wealth and intelligence of the line which produced a revenue to the Prince of about science-a martial independence of character that dachy of Saxe Meinengen, that has given to us a 801. annually. The consequence of this serious de- elevates the personal dignity of man; but we noQueen who has shown so much elevated contempt falcation in the revenue has been an appeal to the where find the virtues of the citizen-their love of for our Manchesters and Birminghams. An English German Diet, which, however, is too prudent to father-land is not a political aspiration, and in faot hunter would gallop round its territory in an hour; show its impotency by ordering Prussia to make the how should it be so-a German but seldom dies the an English nobleman must be a skilful financier to amende honorable. subject of the prince under whose dominion he first subsist on its paltry revenue without running in "Observe," said the prince, "that man bedizened drew breath; he may have been born a Prussian, like an English General. On gala days he officiates lived an Austrian, and died a Bavarian. Or it may "You are right," said the Baron, "but it was as commander-in-chief; on others, il fait les fonc-have been his worst fate to have been the subject of still worse in the time of the old German confederations,'—of architect to the court, director of bridges some petty independent prince, to support whose tion. In fact the state we are now in is a mighty and highways, and intendant of police. The other beggarly pride, and aristocratic, nay autocratic preempire compared to the Lilliputian deminious of on his right is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in his tensions, his industry, his energies, his manly pride, many of these princes, whose military contingent own opinion-a second Alberoni. His sagacity has have been borne to the earth. to the confederation was fixed at half a man each? already led him to discover that you are charged But a change is fast coming over this state of The whole extent of their territory might have with an important diplomatic mission from a foreign things, the vibrations of the political substratum been ranged by an eighteen pounder. On the for- power. You may anuse yourself at his expense. have already fortold the coming earthquake; one, mation of the confederation of the Rhine, eighty And now mark moro particularly that old cavalier if we are not mistaken, that will not stay its fury de ces Messieurs were mediatised at one coup de in earnest conversation with the Countess Von S g, until it has swept from the face of the land the race plume, an arrangement which was confirmed by the it is the Baron Von H- -g; he has gambled away of pigmy despots, who have so long disgraced it with congress of Vienna in 1815, who I believe would an immense fortune, and now lives by his wits; he their tyranny and oppression. fain have extended to a few more this mediatising generally contrives to lay under contributions every

principle; an act that would have gained for that stranger who arrives at court. You he has already How to Establish a Name.-Dr. Portal, who died assembly the eternal gratitude of the subjects of booked for a vingtaine de Louis at least. Beware lately in Paris, was in high repute as a physician.-these petty sovereigns, who are borne to the earth of him, for he is an able tactician, with the effron. It was really amusing to hear him relate to his puby the weight of taxes to support their beggarly tery of Belzebub himself, as the following anecdote pils the manner in which he began business.pride and ridiculous pretensions. To give you an will show. He was playing a few days ago at Bos. Knowing that, in a great capital like Paris, quackery idea,"-continued the Baron, "shortly after Hol-ton with the Countess Von S., and my cousin the answers well enough for those without talents, the land was overrun by the French, I was in garrison Chevalier B. The Baron lost three thalers and the Doctor determined for once to mako it serve the at Breda." Now at the words "J'etais et garni- Chevalier one, whe threw down half a Frederick purpose of merit. To this end he ordered his man, BOR," I filled out a bumper of Rhudesheimer, for I d'or to discharge his debt. This the Baron imme- the only one that he kept, to knock daily at all the expected the relation of a whole campaign at least, diately pocketed, saying to the Countess, "this hotels in the city, and inquire for Dr. Portal. No and I foresaw it would be far past midnight ere we makes my debt to you, Madam, seven thalers; one of course, knew any thing of Dr. Portal, but by got into winter quarters; but for once I was mis- three that I lost, and four that I now borrow of frequent repetition of the name, and stunned by the taken. you;" so that the Countess, independently of her noise of the knockers, people began to suspect that

Tired of the monotony of a garrison life, I re- winnings, lost four thalers, for he has never paid he was some able man in his line, and for once the solved to make an excursion into some of the little her, and never will! "In truth," said my friend conjecture was right. [We know a professional states of the right bank of the Rhine; they were the Baron, "I observed the old fellow hovering on man who took a lees expensive mode of puffing crowded at the time with French emigrants, and my flanks during the whole of the evening; but he himself. Every Sunday in the middle of the service, need not tell you there was no lack of amusement. was forestalled by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, his valet came running into church to call out his I directed my steps to the nearest of these, the who, drawing me aside, dilated profoundly on the master, to attend in haste a patient on the point of dominions of the Hereditary Prince of Bentheim then political state of Europe. War he deemed in death. The scheme succeeded. The congregation Steinfurth, and took up my quarters at the Hotel de evitable, and he took an opportunity of adroitly al-soon began to think the Doctor in great practice,

and people will employ only those said to be in great) House and 16 years' lease of lot 136 Duane st. 25 by 116-$510. practice.]

A letter from a friend in St. Petersburg furnishes us some details respecting this monument, which may be interesting to our readers.

The dimensions will be as follows.


Three 3 story brick houses N E corner King and Hudson sts. TT. S. Branch............... | Augusta.......38as | Macon.......3 us
an1 33 yrs lease of lot, 50 ft on Hudson, 64 on King st.-$11,800. Planters.......34a4 State B. & Brh' Darien.... .3 a4
Lots 120 and 122 Delancy street, each 25 by 100 st➡$3055. Marine & | Merch, & Plantersdo Augustit In.&
Two story brick house and lot N. E corner Houston and Lau The Bank of Macon has failed. The other Banks in Ma
rens streets, 22:2 by 75 feet-$7100.
con are good at the rate quoted above.

4 years lease of lot and house 47 Warren street-$3000.
Two lots on 18th street, 25 by 92 feet-$3000.


Platform of Granite, with five steps, 5 English Feet. Dover...
Pedestal and base,


The Shaft, a single block of Granite, 84

The Capital, surmounted with a colossal statue of Alexander,


Total height on the monument 160





[blocks in formation]

Monument to Alexander-We adverted a few days since to the gigantic undertaking conceived by Nicholas, the Emperor of all the Russias, of erecting aj massy column of granite in one of the public squares of St. Petersburg, to the memory of his brother the late Emperor Alexander. This is undoubtedly the most stupendous undertaking of the U. S. Branch.para Cumberland....a Augusta.... ..jal present age-and none but a monarch who possessed Gardiner........dou. 8. Branch Thomaston.....a Caso........ an unexhausted treasury, and who wielded despotic Canal... .do Manufacturers'."do power, would for a moment entertain the idea of Portland.. State of Mississippi Bangor executing such a magnificent project. sale South U. S. Branch..... NEW-HAMPSHIRE. U. S. Branch.par at Rockingham...a Claremont a) U. S. Branch.. Cheshire.......a Grafton... Concord.........tlo Farmers' Merrimack Michigan Banks............. N. | Connecticut river do Canada Banks...... Brattleborough..ja | St. Albans at Orange County. THE AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL Montpelier.. Windsor ...... do Burlington... do Rutland AND ADVOCATE OF INTERNAL IMPROVEBank | Bennington MENTS will hereafter contain extracts from approved works upon the cultivation of The Vine, the rearing of Silk, and AgriU.S. Branch.para Plymouth......| Bank of Norfolk cultural subjects generally, in addition to its former variety of The enormous mass of rock intended for the shaft, Boston city B'ksta Cambridge.. in its rough state nearly 90 feet long, and weighing Salem.. Andover...... interesting matter. Its leading character, however, will tinue as heretofore-that of advocate and promoter of internal more than a million of pounds was, after immense Falmouth... Bedford Com' Mercamile.. .de communication. labor, riven from the rock of which it formed a part. Lynn Mechanics' do It was then roughly fashioned, and safely conveyed Merch's Terms, $3, to single subscribers, or to companies of ten, $24 do N. each. It will also be sent to any person at $24 per volume, who on rollers to the water side, where a mole had been Fall built, with a basin in the midst, sufficiently large to Bunker will subscribe for two copies for two years at one time, or remit contain the enormous flat bottomed vessel which $10. always in advance. POSTMASTERS who are friendly to, and willing to had been purposely constructed to receive it on Mechanics' | Oxford... act as Agents for the Journal will be furnished with a prospecdeck, and transport it from Finland to St. Peters tus, by writing to the Editor, and will be allowed a fair commis. burg. When safely embarked, three steamers towed sion for their services. the vessel through the Gulf of Finland to the me- Phenix.... Hamp.Manufacs do Essex.......broke Pacific.. | Farmers'.....broke tropolis-where it arrived safe and was landed on Manu. & THE NEW-YORK AMERICAN is published the quay. It was expected to be conveyed on an inDAILY at $10 per annuni, and SEMI-WEEKLY at $4 per anclined plain to its place of destination, and placed U. S. Branch.para Viliage Bank...ja | North Kingston.janum in advance. on the scaffolding 98 fect square and 36 feet high, Providence.....a Smithfield Lime Mount Also, TRI-WEEKLY, containing all the reading, Rock... Pawtuxet. marine news, and advertisements of the daily paper, and the from whence it was proposed to erect it. Newport Phoenix... only Tri-Weekly paper published in the city of New-York."This last operation," says the Journal du Roger R. I. Terms, 85 per annum in advance. more difficult than any of those which have Globe.... merce, Letters, referring to either of the above papers, may be Manufacturers' | preceded it, will be particularly interesting. Nearly R. Island | Eagle, | R. I. Agricult' addressed (postage paid) to the Publisher, two thousand men will be employed at the same Rhode Do. D. K. MINOR. No. 35 Wall-street, New-York. time and conformably to the orders of his Majesty Merchants' Provi Mount N. E. the Emperor, none but those veterans (vieux braves) Do. Bank of High rers, having machinery for making ropes to any required length Smithfield TOWNSEND & DURFEE, Rope Manufactu who have served under the orders of the deceased, N.E. Commercial do Woonsockt (without eplice), offer to supply full length Ropes for the inwill be permitted to assist in erecting the monument, Freemans' Mech. & clined planes on Rail-roads at the shortest notice, and deliver Burrilville Agric. Far. & Mech broke them in the City of New-York, if requested. As to the quality which is designed to perpetuate his name." and of the Rope, the public are referred to J. B. Jervis, Eng. M. & Smithfield H. R. R. Co., Albany; or James Archibald, Engineer Hudson & Delaware Canal & R. R. Co., Carbondale, Luzerne County Pennsylvania. Palmyra, Wayne County, New-York, 1st mo. 22d, 1832.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

U. S. Branch...par | Bank of Albany...| City State In the packet ship Huntsville, sailed on Sunday for New Or Long Island Commercial, $ Jeans-Mrs P Butler & daughter, Mrs Clements, Mrs Francis, Dutchess Bank of Meaars A H Bowman, H B Robertson, A Winterburgen, TC Farmers', $ Coit, A Brower, BL Lyon, Southmayd, Mills, Evans, Brown. . Utica... .. Bk Columbia.broko Antoine, Woodruff, Lawrence, Ball, Carter, Malcolm, Willis-Catskill.. Do. | Middle ton, Stevenson, FT Turnbull, T Blackwell, JB Hyde, Ch T Newburgh Do. Ontario Franklin Reynolds, Déprat, Coit, and Lyon.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The subscribers having executed large orders for the
Canal Commissioners of Pennsylvania, as well as for several
Central Bank..... Incorporated Companies, have made such arrangements in Eng'and, where one of the Partners now is, as will enable them to import it on the lowest terms. Models and samples of all the
Jefferson County do different kinds of Rails, Chairs, Pins, Wedges, Spikes, and Splicing Plates, in use, both in this country and Great Britain, will be exhibited.
Apply to A. & G. RALSTON!
Philadelphia, Sept. 15th, 1833.
They have on hand Railway Iron Bars, viz: 95 tons,
500 do. 2 by inch-9 do 24 by inch-in lengths of 15 feet
each, with 12 countersunk holes, and the ends cut at an angle
Commercial....of 45 degrees; 300 tons, of bych; with Splicing Plates
Cumberland....d and Nails, shortly expected. Salem B. Co......! This Iron will be sold duty free, to State Governments and Incorporated Companies, and the drawback taken in part pay-
Monmouth..broke ment.

Mech.&Farmers,do] Do. | Wash & of 1 inch by inch-200 do. 14 by inch-135 do. 1 by inch

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

In the ship Marion, sailed 26th ult. for Mobile-Mrs Rober Center & servant, Robt E Center, A R Cuyler & lady, Mis J Ticknor, child & servant, Miss M'E Watson, Messrs Thomas, rent B Co. par Morris Canal..... Laing, RW Alcock, L Bunse, B Newhouse, J Ross; L Satch. State B. Newark B. ell, CE Harris, C White, H D Vankleek, R H Meakings, CA Do. Orange Do. Washington.. do Jennings, A Marshall, and 3 in the steerage. Do. Camden..... People's Per ship Samuel Robertson, from London-R v. John Do. N Sussex......... N.J. Manuf. Co..dc Thornton Kirkland and lady, Rev. William Southwood and Farm. & Mech. do FALL ARRANGEMENT. lady, Mrs. Smith, Messrs. Howitt, Philcox, Cattanach, Wil- at Rahway.. Bk Jersey. THE PATERSON AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD liams, Moreland, Winslow, Rees, and 84 steerage passengers continues in operation from Paterson to Aquackanonk, which Per ship France, from Havre-Messrs. Germain, Mason, U.S Bank ..para | Montgomery | Gettysburgh..Jals within ten miles of the Ferries at Hoboken and Jersey City, Michael Mason, Misses Eugenia and Eliza Mason, of New Or- Philadel. Banks,.. Columbia Carlisle and until further notice, a passenger Car will depart from the leans, Messrs. Urbain, A. Bourgaux, of Savannah; John P. Harrisburg.....a Chester Miners' Depôts at those places daily, (Sundays excepted) at the followSe ze, Augusta; John Diag, Panama; James Darraman, New Lancaster.... Pittsburg.......doing times :Orleans; Frederick Sturt, Miss Heloise, M. Corceltetle, and Farmrs, FROM PATERSON. Louis Béniere, of Cuba-and 74 steerage passengers. Do. | Delaware Erie 8 o'clock, A.M. In the brig Nescopec, from Bordeaux-Monsieur Desire Le- Do. Bucks Penn Monongahela.... before 10 do do 12 York...... 1a1}] do gardo. M. DELAWARE. 3 do P.M. do do

By W. F. Pell and Co.-October 27.

A lot of ground on the east side of Bleecker street, about 100 feet south of Carm ne street-$1800.

A lot on the Ninth avenue, at the NE corner of Sixteenth street, 26 feet by 100-$1275.

A lot adjoining on Sixteenth street, 25 feet by 94-$700.

By James Bleecker and Sons-October 27.

House and lot 285 Bleecker street, 25 by 75-$2800. Lot on NW corner of Broome and Suffolk street, 25 by 52 ft, subject to a lease-$575.

[blocks in formation]

U. S. Branch..... Farmers.......
..Jal | Virg. &
Lot of ground corner of 18th street and 5th avenue, containing Vally, & Branch.fal Do. Northwestern....
about 60 feet square-$1475.

Parties of twenty or more persons can be accommodated at either of the above hours with a private Car. These villages have become remarkably healthy, and persons who wish to avail themselves of this rapid, delightful and safe mode of travelling, will now have a favorable opportunity afforded to them Distance 43 miles, average passage 22 minutes. House and lot on the N W corner of 6th avenue and Asylum Fare 18 pence-Children under 12 years half price. #treet, 66 ft 11 inches on the avenue, 100 ft on the street-$9900. State, & Branches24 | Newbern & Br'nch24 1 C.Fear, & Branch..3 By order. E. B. D. OGDEN, Sec'y. House and lot 7 Rose street, 29 by 109- $4100. SOUTH CAROLINA. The Editors of Newspapers who advertise for the Company, Los on Elizabeth street, near Bowery, 25 by 100 ft; also, lot U. S. Branch..... Union.. 24a3 State Bank.. 2a & will please to insert the above in the place of the former adver Plant & Mech..23 South Carolina,do State Bank S.Cdo tisement. Paterson, October 1, 1832.

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Manilla. 75.0 1 12 a

1 12


St. Croix, 3d

1 30


Wind, Isl. 3d

New Orleans............




MARRIED-On Wednesday morning, Oct. 24th, by the Rev. Dr. Saml. H. Cox, Gilbert M. Milligan, to Lucy Cleaveland, daughter of John C. Smith, all of this city.

On Monday morning. the 29th ult by his Honor the Mayor, William M. Fish, of this city, to Lydia Ann, daughter of John L. Franklin, Esq. of Finahing, L. I.

On Monday evening, Oct. 29th, by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Mr. Charles Lowthier, of the firm, of Sam'. B. Reeve & Co., to Misa Eliza, adopted daughter of Mr. J. Browne.

Sunday evening, Oct. 23, by the Rev. D. Dunbar, Mr. John P Ridner, to Miss Caroline, daughter of Mr. John A. Miller, both of this city.



Hemp......... .....yd

...... Do. American DIAPERS

Russia, broad....piece 2 15 a `2 20


Russia, U. X....bolt 18 00
Zotoff & Konop❜ff 17 00
3d 15 50
Do. 12 50
On Saturday the 27th Oct. by the Rev. Benj. J. Haight, John German, 16 00
Warrin, Esq. of England, to Miss Mary Elizabeth, only daugh- Holland, A. 24 00
er of James Watkinson, of this city.

On the 26th of Oct. by the Rev. Dr. De Witt, Mr. Michael Do.
Burke, son of Richard Burke, Esq. Burrisileigh, County Tip-Do.
perary, Ireland, to Catherine Angelica, daughter of James 1. Do.
Roosevelt, Esq. of this city.

At Friends Meeting House, Stanford, Dutchess Co. on the 25th Oct. Walter Lockwood, Jr. of the firm of Lockwood Haggerty & Co. of this city, to Hannah C., daughter of John Hull, of the former place.


DIED-Thursday morning, Oct. 25th, of apoplexy, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late John J. Glover. On Friday afternoon, Oct. 23, of Cholera, Mrs. Hannah Delany, in her 39th year of her age. And also of the same complaint, her niece, Mary Ann Eagan, aged 6 years. On Saturday evening, October 27, Almy, relect of Thomas Buchanan, in the 85th year of her age.

On Sunday night of rapid consumption, in the 21st year of her age, Sarah Ann, second daughter of the late John Inness Esq.

Tuesday morning, Oct. 30th, John Garretson Poillon, in the 25th year of his age.

On Friday evening, Oct. 23, after a short and severe illness. Mr. James Dur, in the 25th year of his age.

Amer. Joy's, all flax,
No. 1 a 3.

a 18 50

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

do 15 50 a 12 00 Sole, Oak tanned....b
Phenix Mills, Pa-
terson, flax, No.1a3. 16 00 a 10 00 Do.
cotton, Paterson,
Upper, dressed....side
No. 1 a 10......yd
39 Do. 1 00
Braziletto.........ton 30 00
Camwood 70 00
Fustic, 23 00
Do. 21 00 17 00
Logwood, Camp' 27 00
Do. St. 22 50
Nicaragua. 45 00 67 30
14 a

[blocks in formation]

Boards, N. R...........M A
Do. East'n 16 00
Do. Albany do.pce 16
Plank, Georgia do. M ft 25 00 a 35 00
Staves, W. O. 54 00 a 56 00
Do. do hhd, 38 00 a 40 00
Do. do 27 00
a 21 00 Do. R. O. 28 00

a 24 00 a 22 00 4 18 00 a 23 (10 a 2400


a 70 00

85 a




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a 2 50

a 15 00


12 a 13 14 a 17

a 17 00


a 17

[blocks in formation]

a 2000 Imperial

a 23 00 Gunpowder..

a 47 00 Hyson...

a 25 00Young Hyson
a 16 00 Hyson Skin..

a 25 00 Souchong

a 40 00ealing W. 45 00
Hoops. 18 00
Scantling, Pine 15 00
Do. 20 00
Timber, Oak.....sq. ft 20
Do. Geo.Yell. 26 a
Shingles, Cypress. Mit 3 75
Do. Pine..bundle 2 50

[ocr errors]

Dry Cod..........cwt 2.75 a 300 2.00 a 2 25
Pickled Cod........brl 330 a 3 75
Do. 13 00 a 14 00
Smoked do.
a 17
6 30
a 4 62


On the lat Nov. Major John Sprolls, with the dropsy, aged 47 years. Last evening, Oct. 31, of consumption, Mr. Seth P. Gregory, Mackerel No. 6 35 in the 30th year of his age. AtPhiladelphia, on Wednesday, 24th Oct. where she went for Do. the benefit of her health, Mrs. Louisa C. M. Watson, wite of Shad, Conn. 8 50 Mr. Eugene A. Watson, and daughter of the late Don Juan Do. Bucksport, Stoughton, for many years his Catholic Majesly's Consul a Herrings...

[blocks in formation]
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TIMOTH. SEED.tce 13 00 a



a 25 Bohea
4 00

Richmond &

3 a

Martinique &!!
Havana &
Trinidad de

30 a

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30 a 32 Cnba..
27 a
29 a

31 a 33
30 St
31 Manufactured, No.

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

gall 1 12 a 2 25

9 50 Cut, 4d to
Cut, 3d...

[blocks in formation]

WEEKLY REPORT OF DEATHS. The City Inspector reports the death of 101 persons during the week ending on Saturday last, Oct. 27th, viz:-35 men, 2) wo men, 27 boys, and 15 girls-of whom 2) were of the age of 1 year and under, 16 between 1 and 2, 8 between 2 and 5, 4 between. 5 and 10. 4 between 10 and 20, 14 between 20 and 30, 29 between New York suprû 6 50 30 and 40, 8 between 40 and 50, 5 between 50 and 60, 3 between Troy...... 60 and 70, 1 between 70 and 80, and 2 between 90 and 90.


[ocr errors]

.brl 1 €2} a 1 12 a

Turpentine Wilm. soft.

a 11 73 Do. NorthCo.

Spirits Turpentine.gall


175 Canary, Cogswell'

1 621 Teneriffe L.
1 62 Do.

2 87 Malaga, dry.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


3 25 Cut, 21.

40 a 1 12




a 6 50 Western 6 56

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small] 6 6)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

6 62 Sperm, 96 a
Do. 1 10 a
Liver, 15 00
Shore & 14 00 a 13 50
OSNABURGS...yd 9 a

95 Common


Diseases: Apoplexy 1, burned or sealded 1, cancer 1, casu. Philadelphia alty 1, cholera malignant 14, consumption 21, convulsions 8. Baltimore Howard & 75 diarrhea 1, dropey 2, dropsy in the chest 2. dropsy in the heae Richmond City 675 2, drowned 1, dysentery 3, fever 3. fever bilious 1, fever remit Do. tent 1, fever scarlet 2, fever typhus 1, flux infantile 1, hives or Alexandria & George. croup 3, inflammation of the bowels 4, inflammation of the brain 2, in@ammation of the chest 2, inflammation of the liver 1, in 6 50 temperance 3, marasmus 3, old age 3, peripneumony 4, spasm Petersburg. -6 50 1, stillborn 2, suicide 1, teething 3, unknown 1. Scratched and 6 00 Fine

ABRAHAM D. STEPHENS, City Inspector.


[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Florence 30 5 00

3 00 .galion 1 06 Linseed, 85 a

4 12
1 12 Marseilles
$7 Catalonia..


31 Merino, Am. fleece...Ib.

1 12 Pulled,

Lambs, 1st Do. 2d quality...Jo 9: Do. 3d

80 a 1 25 40 a 48 30 a 36

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

References-1, Helm by which the carriage is guided-2, Seat for the conductor-3, Coupé, like French Diligences, for four persons-4, Seat for outside rassengers -5, Hand-pump for filling tanks-6, Seat for engineer-7, Pipe for surplus steam-S, Jigger by which the furnace is fed-9, Flue, or chimney-10, Boiler-11, Furnace-12, A Blower, worked by a strap round the axle-13, Water Tank-14, Break to check speed, regulated by a lever to the conductor's seat-15, Carriage for eight insides-15, Wheels very strong, the spokes not here marked-16. Springs on which the machinery rides-17, Springs on which the carriage rests-18, Frame connecting the whole-19, Machinery under the carriage-20, Ash Box under the fornace-21, Pump by which the engine forces the water inte the tanks- -22, Piston for working the pump.






On the Culture of the Mul-
berry Tree, &c
The character of a complete

[blocks in formation]

to Oxford, and then from Oxford to Birmingham. within the smallest possible space, and without any During its first progress there was considerable dif- danger, although worked at 200 lbs. on the square ficulty in regulating the speed down hill, the ma-inch, and capable of bearing 294 lbs. ; in fact, this Farmer: The Weevil..725-6 chine having, in one instance, hurried down a decli- boiler presents 398 feet of heating surface, and at 721 Foreign Intelligence....747-8vity at a most enormous rate, probably 50 miles an the pressure of 200 lbs. to the inch, exhibits upwards ....729 hour. Captain Ogle, by his nerve and management. of nineteen millions of pounds of pressure, without thard's Aldress, &c...730-1-2 steered it, notwithstanding, with perfect ease. This the slightest danger! The cylinders are 12 1.4 inches in diameter, with .733-4 has been amended, and the vehicle was seen leisurePoetry; Bank Note Table; ly proceeding down long Compton-hill at a steady metallic pistons; and the whole of the machinery is Advertisements, &c.......735 rate of about seven miles an hour: a rate slower than carried horizontally under the body of the carriage. Marriages & Deaths, NewThis information we think worthy the attentive York Prices Current, &c..736 that with which it ascended Leveridge hill. Through

Editorial Notice; Represen
lation and description of 0.
gle and Summers's Steam
Carriage; London and Do-
ver Railroad..
Report, &c of the Superin
tendant of Transportation
of the Baltimore and Ohio
Babbage on the Increase and
Diminution of Velocity....724
Agriculture.&c.-To deter-

mine the economy of Cows;

Literary Notices; Gov. Soc.


The JOURNAL AND ADVOCATE is published every the tortuous windings of Shipstone, too, it proceed- consideration of machinists in general, and particu Saturday, at No. 35 Wall street, New-York, at three dollars ed at about ten miles an hour with the greatest pre-larly the great coach proprietors of the United Kingdom.

a year, in advance.


cision. Perhaps a finer sight has rarely been seen than its starting from Oxford. The intention had been From Bell's Weekly Messenger.] LONDON AND DOVER RAILROAD.-A prospectus of AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL, &c. known previously, and it being the day of St. Giles's Fair, the town was thronged with thousands of vi- this undertaking has just been sent to us. The line sitors; and as the ponderous machine was preparing is very straight, crossing the Thames between Wool. to start from the Star Inn, the description of the car wich and Barking, where a dock for steam vessels, At the head of this number of the Journal, our of Juggernaut rushing on its votaries was strongly &c. and a forry, are proposed to be established.-readers will find a representation, with references, brought to mind. It commenced at about ten miles There also appears on the plan, after passing through of the steam carriage for conmon roads invented by per hour, accelerating its speed to about 14 miles at Greenhithe and Northfl et, a steam ferry across the the utmest. On the whole line of its journey it suf Medway, just below Chatham dockyard, and above Messrs. Ogle and Summers. We have heretofore fered delays from the badness of quality, or actual Upnor Castle; the course then taken is by Milton given some account of it--as will be seen by a refe want of coke, and the time taken up in charging the and a little south of Canterbury, to Dover, frequent. rence to No. 36, page 567-extracted from the exa-tank-matters of detail, which a regular establish- ly crossing the present Dover road. The expedienay of facilitating the intercourse with the capital mination of Mr. Ogle before a committee of the ment will easily correct. When the country through which the experiment and this port, where so large a portion of our com House of Commons. For the annexed account, as has been made is considered, as regards irregularity munications with the continent contre, is insisted well as the above cat, we are indebted to Bell's Week- of level and variety of material of which the roads upon, and great internal commercial advantages are are composed, it must be thought a most successful anticipated. At the rate of twenty miles an hour, ly (London) Messenger of 23d ult. attempt. It singularly happened, that the coke was the minimum of Railroad travelling the journey expended and the steam down at the very moment would occupy three hours and a half; and it is held it reached the entrance of Birmingham; the zeal of out to shareholders who subscribe, that the steamthe populace, however, supplied the want, and it boat alone, unconnected with the main design, will Some notice has been taken by the public press of was hauled with cheerings to the Hen and Chick- immediately yield a profit on their advances. The design certainly appears to possess immense capabi. the arrival of a stoam coach at Birmingham from ens. where its 22 inmates took up their quarters. When its speed, security, power, and freedom lities. Southampton., on the 4th inst. We have since been We hear that active steps are being taken to car. favored with some particulars by a gentleman, whose from smoke, are considered, as well as the road it zeal induced him to become one of the party in this has travelled, we may boldly assert, that the inven-ry the projected Railway from Brighton to London Movel and successful experimental journey. This tion of Messre. Ogle and Summers is worthy of the into effect. It is intended to apply to Parliament coach is the invention of Messrs. Ogle and Sam. highest support, and this we trust it will receive. It for a bill. This scheme will unquestionably meet observation with engineers, that with strenuous opposition from the coachmakers and mers, of Southampton, who, after a most serious ex"Steam is still in its infancy ;" and truly does this others concerned in the transit of passengers and penditure of time and money, have at length accoun. goods. A calculation has been made that the Rail. plished the desideratum of a moving power, by which essay corroborate the truth of it. We believe that the patent boiler of Messrs. Ogle way will cost 180,000l. Passengers will be able, carriages can be propelled on the common roads of the country with speed and safety, and without and Summers is the main cause of their success, as should the project succeed, to be conveyed to Lon. smoke. The first attempt was from Southampton containing the greatest possible heating surface don in two hours,

We shall, in our next, give an engraving and description of another, built by Mr. Hancock, with a more particular description of both.


a common

Report of the Superintendant of Transportation of the comparative expenditure of certain months, It must, however, be remarked that, whilst many the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.

there is a greatly disproportioned result in their net new and permanent sources of revenue have thus profits, thus, on referring to that statement, it will been obtained, there still remains a very large aOffice of Transportation, Balt. & O. Railroad Co. be seen that in the transportation of passengers for mount of tonnage, which, although passing parallel 1st October, 1832. Philip E. Thomas, Esq. President: February and August, the difference in expense of to this work, has not yet been attracted to it. The SIR-The period having arrived when it be those months is only $350, whilst the excess of same facilities that have effected, and that are still comes necessary to report to you the transactions he net revenue of August over that of February, is producing, an increase of the commerce of the road, connected with the transportation on this read for the upwards of $4,900-and again in the transportation will, it may be presumed, gradually add this also to past year, the accompanying documents marked of tonnage, the expenses of July and September only the other resources of this Company. M. No. 1, to M. No. 7, exhibiting in detail all the vary $629, whilst their net revenue differ $3317. In order to insure to merchandize proceeding westoperations in that department, to the 1st October, These results will appear the less incongruous, wardly greater despatch, arrangements were some are respectfully submitted to you. when it is recollected that this Railroad is subject to time since made and carried into effect, to accom. The statement marked from M. No. 1 to No. 3, the expense of a series of inclined planes, and re- plish its delivery at the Point of Racks, and Fredeappertain, exclusively, to the receipts of the Compa- quires the constant support, on upwards of seventy rick, within twenty four hours from its departure ny,-by them it will be observed, that the aggregate miles, of a power adequate to a frequent, rapid and from Baltimore. Independent of the advantages transportation effected during the year, has con. uninterrupted intercourse, day and night, for passen- which it was contemplated thus to afford to the pub. sisted of 89.022 passengers, and of tonnage, tons gers as well as for tonnage-a communication which lic, by this increase of speed, it was presumed that 41, pounds, producing a revenue of $136, whilst it is maintained in the state of efficiency and it would cfie. lo the proprietors of tonnage, now 937.70, whilst by the paper marked M. No. 4, activity required by the public, could not be support-passing between Baltimore and the Ohio river, an it will appear that the expenses incurred in their ed, with even a reduced commerce, at a materially adequate inducement to make the Railroad the chan. transportation, amounted to $69,534 47. The less cost, it is believed, than the expenditures stated, nel of communication for it, as far as between this statements M. No. 5 and 6, exhibit the apportion-respectively, for passengers and tonnage for July city and Frederick, as it would materially reduce ment of the expenditures to the particular branch of and February; whilst, on the other hand, and from the time now required for its transportation in the revenue to which they respectively belong, as well the operation of the causes already adverted to, had established method. The plan proposed in relation as the subsequent net profits of such branch: to this the business of those months even considerably ex- to the Ohio trade has been adopted in a few instan. document are also appended the amounts disbursed, ceeded their actual amounts, the expenses would, ces by several individuals engaged in the forwarding respectively, for the repairs of the road, and of car- notwithstanding, have been comparatively but little of goods, and as a decided saving in the two import. riages and machinery, by the officers at the head of enhanced. ant items of time and expense* has resulted from the

the departments to which those duties belong: and It has been deemed proper to enter thus minutely change, it may fairly be presumed that a more gen. further, in the table M. No. 7, is presented a month- into these details, not so much with a view of endea-eral transfer of the Western tonnage to the Railroad ly detail of the various commodities, and of the ag. voring to explain their effect on the past operations will gradually ensue an acquisition that, from its gregate tonnage of each, respectively, transported on the read, as to exhibit the favorable influence magnitude, would produce a most important addition eastwardly on this road, during the past year. they will exercise on its future success; and it is sa-to the revenue of this Company, and at the same

By reference to these papers, it will be found that tisfactory to find that the additions which are con-time greatly benefit the Western trade. the cost of transportation has, for some months past, s.antly making, and which a more general know- The Railroad to the Point of Rocks-sixty-eight been materially reduced, whilst the commerce and ledge of its facilities will continue to make, to the and a half miles from the depot in Baltimore-was general efficiency of the road have been increased; business of the road, must, beyond their increase of opened to the public on the first day of April last; the immediate cause of the high rate of the expen. its revenues, be attended with the further advantage but owing to the advanced state of the season, and ses, for some time after the road was extended to of adding still more to the profits of the Company, to a change which had been recently established in Frederick, have already been made known; the by diminishing the relative rate of the expenses to the inspection of flour, a very limited accession to most prominent of these, was the withdrawal of the the receipts. the tonnage of the road was for some months pro

moving power of the Company from their ordinary For some time after this road was extended to Fre-duced from this source; since, however, more time traffic, to the transportation of fuel for the supply derick, (and it was one among its many early embar- has been afforded to remove the prejudices which of this city, at a time of unprecedented scarcity of rassments,) the traffic was confined, almost exclu-ever exist against a new channel of communication, that commodity. sively, to the transportation of tonnage, eastwardly, and an untried market, a considerable increase has

The measure thus adopted by this Company, al. whilst the trains proceeding westwardly, though at- taken place in this trade, and arrangements have though completely successful in the highly import-tended with an equal expense, produced scarcely any been matured on an extensive scale for the transpor. ant object contemplated, was, as this description of returns. Tho injúrious effect of such a system of tation to this city of a large amount of produce, du. www.oution anbruc no return toads, attended business, on the revenue of that period, will be rea-ring the approaching season. The tonnage which with a considerable diminution of their revenue:-it dily eonceded; it, in fact, not only deprived the it is expected that this road will thus conduct to having been indispensable, also, that the public exi- Company of a commerce, which yields a higher toll Baltimore, being the product of that portion of Virgency should be promptly met, and the transporta- than that in the opposite direction, but, in proportion ginia contiguous to the waters of the Potomac and tion offected almost without intermission, day and as the transportation westwardly was withheld, a the Shenandoah, has, with few exceptions, been night, an augmentation in the expenses was una- corresponding amount of eastern tonnage was also heretofore directed to other markets, and on this diverted from the Railroad. The extent to which account it is a subject of more decided interest, as it

voidable. As the difficulties alluded to, as well as many o. these disadvantages have been removed, may be in. may, in reference to this city, be regarded as a new thers which arose from a want of experience in this ferred from the fact, that the aggregate amount re- source of business that has been secured to it. In a system of intercommunication, and from the unpro-ceived for tonnage forwarded from Baltimore to Fre. mount it had hitherto been insignificant, but it is inpitious season in which it was opened to the public, derick county, for the first three months after the creasing, and it is moreover the commencement of a produced an unfavorable effect on the early business road was opened to that point, did not yield an ave- participation in a highly important commerce, which of the Company, the operations of that period, or rage of more than $652, for each month; whilst in cannot but yearly become more valuable. even of the entire year in which they are embraced, September alone, the amount derived from the same The Railroad in its progress to Frederick could cannot, it may be assumed, be received as any crite. source, exceeded $3,200. not make any considerable additions to the mercanrion of the prospective or of the actual condition of The result just stated, although so decidedly fa-tile resources of this city, it merely diminished the the commerce on the road; in forming, therefore, vorable relatively to the past operations on the road, cost of transportation to a trade that it already pos. any estimate of this kind, recourse ought rather to is, at the same time, an imperfect evidence of the sessed: this result has, however, been greatly exbe had to a time when the embarrassments alluded extent of the general improvement that has been ef. ceeded by its extension to the Potomac-it has there to had ceased-namely, to the 1st of April,-from fected during the past season, and which the reve. reached the confines of a section of country of great which date to the 1st of October,-being an interval nue of September would have exhibited, had it not, extent and fertility, to which Baltimore, for its variof six months-it will be seen, by reference to the in common with the general commerce of the town, ous and extensive exports, was almost an untried tabular return M. No. 6, that the receipts were been materially curtailed by the pestilence which market. It is the first point, in its progress west$91,002 68, and the expenses $38,286 14. then prevailed. On the appearance of that calamity wardly, at which this work has been enabled in any With a commerce not exceeding that now effect- here the receipts of the company suffered an immeed on the road,-the transportation also being per-diate reduction of upwards of one-third, and on the formed exclusively by animal power,-the returns very item, lately adverted to, of western tonnage, its the data on which this assertion has been made :* It may not be irrelevant to this subject to state just referred to, may probably present a fair indica- injurious effect was at least as decided as on any The rates of transportation, including all the incition of the relative rates of the cost of transportation other. dental charges made by this Company, are as foland its revenue; it is satisfactory, however, to know, As the month of September may be regarded as lows, viz.:

that with the increase of business the ratio of the the commencement of a new season of commerce, From Frederick to Howard street, or to the depot expenditures to the receipts will diminish, and that and as it would, therefore, have formed approximate- near to Light street wharf, in Baltimore, the charge every accession of income must be attended with ly, a criterion of the future business on the road, it is 12 1-4 cents for 100 lbs. and from the last named more than a corresponding augmentation in the net would have been satisfactory, in this report, to have places to Frederick, it is 17 1-2 cents. profits of the Company. This inference will be the presented the returns which a full development of more readily admitted, as it will be apparent that its resources would have afforded ;-but, under the upwards of one sixth of the entire distance to WheelThe distance by the turnpike being 45 miles, or even a considerable increase of the transporta. disadvantages alluded to, it will, nevertheless, being from Baltimore-therefore, tion requires solely a proportional addition to the perceived, that its reveuue, from tonnage alone, has moving power-the horses and drivers; whilst a been $9,340; and that, although curtailed in its bu-moro having been ascertained to be $1.25 per 100 Eastwardly, the freight from Wheeling to Baltilarge amount of great, and, to a Railroad, indispen-siness, and only receiving the benefit of a partial re- lbs., one-sixth would be 21 cents-the charge by the sable charges, of agencies, depot and station ex-vival of the transportation from Frederick and the Railroad being 12 1-4, the saving is 8 3-4 cents; penses, and numerous other items, would not re- Potomac, its receipts from that source have exceed. quire any increase, with a very considerable acces-ed those of any previous month, by $934. Westwardly, the freight from Baltimore to Wheeling, as published on the 29th September, being $2 sion to the business of the road. These results cannot but be considered as highly per 100 lbs., one-sixth would be 33 1-2 cents-the Tho explanation which it is thus sought to make, favorable to the future prospects of this work, indi- charge by the Railroad being 17 1-2, the saving is is deemed the more necessary, as it will account for cating as they do that the use of the Railroad is be. 16 cents. some apparent discrepar cies in the tabular statement coming more extensively and exclusively adopted. M. No. 5, where it will be perceived that, on several occasions, with only a slight increase or decrease in

• Unimportant fractions are omitted,

The saving on each 100 lbs. in both directions is 24 3.4 cents-or, on the entire wagon load of 4,500 lbs., $11.13,

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