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in partēs trēs, quārum ūnam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquītānī, tertiam Galli. 3. Imperator hōrā septimā vīcum hominibus1 complērī jussit. 4. Cotta lēgātus fortissimē pūgnāns 2 fundā vulneratus est. 5. Romae dierum viginti supplicatio indicitur. 6. Caesar Ciceronem et Sulpicium Cabillōni et Matiscōne in Aeduīs collocavit.

7. Hostés ad vesperum fortiter pūgnāvērunt; tum dēmum fugae sēsē mandāvērunt. 8. Litterae ad Caesarem confestim ab Cicerone mittuntur. 9. Ariovistus dixit eās omnes cōpiās ā sē ūnō proeliō superātās esse. 10. Multi omnium rerum inopia adducti auxilium à Caesare implōrābant. Itaque obsides imperavit, eosque ad certam diem addūcī jussit. 11. Multa ab Caesare in colloquio dicta sunt. 12. Duae legiōnēs, quae in Galliā prōximē cōnscriptae erant, fugae sēsē mandabant.

220. Translate into Latin.

1. The lands of the Gauls were often seized by the Germans. 2. Many Gauls, distressed with want at home, implored aid from the neighboring towns. 3. At that time Caesar was enrolling new legions in Italy. 4. Many legions had already been enrolled in Gaul and Italy. 5. At Rome" Caesar is said to have been advised to hasten into Gaul. On the same day he was advised by Labienus to enlist a new legion. 6. A part of a legion had been placed in winter quarters at Octodurus. 7. At that time he is said to have ordered all the legions to be led out of winter quarters.

8. On that day the camp of the Romans was assaulted by the Gauls. 9. These brave soldiers were wounded while fighting for their country. 10. Let us order them to remain

1 For Case, see 78, Rule XVIII.

2 See Suggestion XIII., 3.

8 Literally, of twenty days; render, for twenty days. The Accusative of Duration of Time could have been used.

4 See foot-note 1, page 234.

5 See 185, 425, II.

6 In rendering into Latin, omit while. See Suggestion XIII., 3.

in the province during the winter.1 11. Into how many parts was Gaul divided? Caesar says that Gaul was divided into three parts. 12. Gaul is said to have been divided into three parts. 13. Into how many parts did you say that our country is divided? I said that it is divided into many parts. 14. He is said to have led his army back into camp about midday.




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221. Read at Sight, examine carefully, and translate into English.2

Caesar copias suas in prōximum collem subdūxit, equitātumque qui sustineret hostium impetum misit. Ipse interim in colle medio triplicem aciem instruxit legiōnum quattuor veterānārum, sed in summō jugō duas legiōnēs, quās in Galliā citeriōre prōximē cōnscripserat, et omnia auxilia collocārī, āc tōtum montem hominibus complēri jussit. Helvetii sub prīmam nostram aciem successerunt, sed Rōmānī facile hostium phalangem perfrēgērunt. Hostēs ab hōrā septimā ad vesperum fortiter pūgnāvērunt. Diutius nostrōrum impetus sustinere non poterant; multi vulnerātī erant; itaque timōre perterriti fugae sēsē mandāvērunt, atque in fīnēs Lingonum contenderunt. Caesar ad Lingonês litteras nuntiōsque misit, nē eōs frumentō nēve aliā rē juvārent. Tum dēmum Hel, vētiī, omnium rerum inopia adducti, lēgātōs dē deditiōne ad eum miserunt.

1 During the winter. Use the Accusative of Duration of Time. See 98, 379.

2 See Directions for Reading at Sight, 137.

8 See Suggestion XVII., 3.

4 See foot-note on summus, 141.

222. Translate into Latin.

1. About midday the general led out all his forces, and placed them in line of battle before the camp. The enemy in sight of their commander fought bravely for many hours, but at length, repulsed by the valor of our soldiers, and overcome (terrified) by fear, they betook themselves to flight. The general was wounded, and many soldiers were slain. 2. So great fear took possession of the Gauls, that they decided to fortify their cities, to bring grain into them from their lands, and to build a large number of ships.

3. The Gauls had filled this town with brave soldiers, and Caesar had been advised not to attack it on account of the valor of the men, the width of the moat, and the height of the wall. 4. At that time so great fear took possession of all the Aedui, whose lands the Helvetii were devastating, that they fortified their cities, and sent ambassadors to Caesar to ask aid.



223. Lesson from the Grammar.

In the verb Audio learn the Indicative Mood of the Active Voice. See page 180.

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Conveniō, ire, vēni, ventum, to come together, assemble, meet,

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225. Translate into English.

1. Nōnne võcēs mīlitum audītis? Vocês omnium militum audīmus. 2. Tum vērō nostrī clāmōrem ab eā parte audīvērunt. 3. Nōnne castra mūniētis? Castra vallo mūniēmus. 4. Caesar castra in altitudinem pedum1 duodecim vallō mūniverat. 5. Legiōnēs sex, quae prīmae vēnerant, castra mūniēbant. 6. Aduātucī, de quibus suprā scrīpsimus, ūnum oppidum duplici altissimō mūrō mūnierant.2 7. Eo tempore castra vallo fossaque muniēbāmus. 8. Ob eas rēs Galba unam partem vīcī, qui appellatur Octōdūrus, vallō fossaque confestim mūnīvit.

9. Flumen latus unum castrōrum mūniēbat. 10. Veneti oppida mūniēbant, frumenta ex agrīs in oppida comportăbant, nāvēs in Venetiam cōgēbant. 11. Rhēnus latissimus atque altissimus agrum Helvetium ā Germānīs dividit. 12. Aduãtuci Caesaris clementiam ab aliis audiebant. 13. Tanta opera neque viderant ante Galli neque audierant.2 14. Eadem de causa Helvetii Celtarum omnium fortissimi sunt, quod fere cotidiānīs proeliis cum Germanis contendunt. 15. Totius fere Galliae lēgātī, principēs cīvitātum, ad Caesarem


1 Construe with vallō.

2 Munierant, contracted from muniverant; audierant, from audiverant. 3 Observe that ante is sometimes an adverb, and sometimes a preposition.

226. Translate into Latin.

1. What did you hear at Rome? We heard that nearly all the Belgae had conspired against the Roman people. From whom did you hear this report? We heard it from many citizens and from the consuls themselves. 2. Judges, you have heard the words of many witnesses, and all these things which you have heard are true. 3. Have the enemy heard what we are doing? I hear that all our plans have been announced to them by deserters. 4. Have you heard what we have been doing at this time at Rome? We have heard of the many good things which you have done in that city.

5. Have you not fortified all these towns with high walls? We fortify our towns, not by walls and ramparts, but by the valor of our citizens. 6. I have never seen the cities of which 2 you write, but I have heard of them from others. 7. The legions that had been enrolled in Gaul were at that time fortifying the camp. 8. Have you not often heard that the Belgae incessantly wage war with the Germans? I have often heard that from you. 9. You have all heard that many states sent ambassadors to Caesar at that time to ask aid.






227. Lesson from the Grammar.

In the verb Audio, learn the Active Voice in full. See the following page.

1 Omit of in rendering into Latin. See 225, sentence 13.

2 Of which concerning which.


8 When the antecedent is a clause, the pronoun must be neuter.

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