And many a day was feen to weep. ' For not a lambkin e'er was loft, Or wether ftray'd to field remote ; But Lubin ever was to blame, Nor careful he, nor penn'd his cote. Yet not a truftier lad was known, To climb the promontory's br.ow ; Nor yet a tenderer... Poems - Seite 13von George Davies Harley - 1796 - 295 SeitenVollansicht - Über dieses Buch
| 1796 - 616 Seiten
...And many ,a ci.;y wat fcen to weep ; , •; • * For riot a kmbkin e'er was loft, Or wether fa-ay 'd to field remote ; But Lubin ever was to blame, Nor careful he, nor penn'd his cote. * Yet not a tniftier lad was known, To climb the promontory's brow; Nor yet a tenderer heart e'er beat, Befide... | |
| British poetical miscellany - 1805 - 262 Seiten
...And many a day was feen to weep. For not a lambkin e'er was loft, Or wether ftray'd to field icmotc, But Lubin ever was to blame ; Nor careful he, nor penn'd his co*e. Yet not a truftier lad was known To climb the promontory's brow ; Nor yet a tend'rcr heart e'er... | |
| 1797 - 512 Seiten
...heard tu ligh, And many a day was feen to weep : For not. a lambkin e'er was left, Or wether ftray'd to field remote ; But Lubin ever was to blame, Nor careful he, nor pcnn'd hit cote. Yet not a truftier lad was known, To climb (he promontory's brow ; Nor yet a tenderer... | |
| 1796 - 688 Seiten was fecn to weep: For not a lambkin e'er was loft, Or wether ftray'd to field remote, But Luhm ever was to blame, Nor careful he, nor penn'd his cote. ' Yet not a truftier lad was known To climb the promontory'* brow : " Nor yet a tenderer heart e'er beat, Betide... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1796 - 612 Seiten
...inaftcr's Iheep, And many ar\ight was heard to figh, ^ * For not a lambkin e'er was loft, Or wether ftray'd to field remote ; But Lubin ever was to blame, Nor careful he, nor penn'd his cote. ' Yet not a tniftier lad was known, To climb the promontory's brow; Nor yet a tenderer heart e'er beat, Befide... | |
| British poetical miscellany - 1800 - 276 Seiten
...heard to figh, " And many a day was feen to weep. ' For not a lambkin e'er was loft, Or wether ftray'd to field remote ; But Lubin ever was to blame, Nor careful he, nor penn'd his cote. Yet not a truftier lad was known, To climb the promontory's br.ow ; Nor yet a tenderer heart e'er beat, Beiide... | |
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