Abbildungen der Seite

Volume II.

Contents: "How Marjorie Blossomed," by Nina Lillian Morgan; Poem-"Wee Wee-est and the Shadows," by Emma Harrihgtop Teel; "A Crocus and Crutches, by Lucy C. Kellerhouse; Poem-Four-Leaf Clover," by Mary Brewerton de Witt; "While Hazel Waited," by Harriet Louise Jerome; Poem-"My Valentine," by Myrtle Fillmore; "The New Shoes," by Florence Harvey; "Whatsoever," by N. M. A.; Poem"Song of the Flowers," by S. E. G.; "How Tulips Were Made," by Theresa B. H. Brown; "How Froggy Formed a Band of Mercy," by Aunt Emma; Poem-"In Society," by Helen Augusta Fussell; Poem --"Glad Tidings," by Mary Connor and her Mamma.

Volume III.

A beautiful story by Mary Brewerton de Witt, entitled "The Garden, the Gate, and the Key." This charming story will captivate the little folks. and please "children of a larger growth" as well, It contains a beautiful half-tone picture of Rose, the small heroine, and shows how sunshine and prosperity were brought into the lives of a family by the practice of Truth in a most practical way. 48 pages.

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Volume IV,

Contents: 'Dorothy's Christmas," by Lucy C. Kellerhouse; "A Christmas Story," by Aunt Seg; "Old Rink's Cherry Tree," by Florence Harvey; "Love's Roses," by Lucy C. Kellerhouse; "Lady Chrysanthemum," by Harriet Louise Jerome; "George's Gospel," by Aunt Seg; Poem- 'Song of the Flowers," by Mary Brewerton de Witt; The Five Sisters," by Aunt Seg.

Volumes V. and VI.

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In presenting these little books to the public we claim for them the originality of being the first of their kind ever published. Over two years ago the little contributors to WEE WISDOM were promised that their best efforts at story waiting should be gathered together in a small book, and their names appended as the authors thereof. Now it so happened when this gathering together was made, there were found to WEE WISDOM LIBRARY VOLUME V be more " Drops From Wee Pens" than one small volume could hold, hence the overflow called forth a second volume, which our young artist presents to you cloud and


color-bedecked, entitled, "Summer Stories."

The "Raindrop Stories," with which the little volume of "Summer Stories" begins forms a very pleasing symposium for a summer's day, and was much appreciated at the time of its first appearance, in so much as a drought threatened the land and raindrops were a luxury. But whether by the magnetism of flattery of these wee pens, or by the power of the Word behind them, the raindrops were not long in finding their way to the thirsty earth. They came in drops, they came in showers, they came in torrents; they came day after day-but Orion in his chapter "On the Flood," tells you.




A Story for Boys and Girls.

This is a beautifully bound book of 168 pages written by Alwyn M. Thurber. It advances the truths of the Science of Being in a clever and most interesting manner, but not in any way obtrusive. It is the one child's story that had been sought so long by parents who love the Truth.

The story opens with a charming Christmas scene in Elsie's home, after which the youthful mind is carried through the other holidays of the year with interest redoubling in every chapter.

Published in boards only, 75 cents. postpaid. Just the thing for a birthday or Holiday Gift.

WEE WISDOM will be furnished in quantities to Sunday Schools at the following rates:

10 to 24 copies, 40cts. each per year. 25 to 49 copies, 35cts. each per year. 50 to 100 copies, 25 cts. each per year.

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Unity Building, 913 Tracy Ave.,

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for 10c.

That is what you get with a three-months' trial subscription to The Nautilus, the bright, newsy, and growing new thought magazine published by ELIZABETH TOWNE and edited by herself and WILLIAM E. TOWNE.

Read the new thought poems by ELLA WHEELER WILCOX.

And the "Meditations," by Florence Morse Kingsley.

Read "The Secret of Quick Healing," by ELizbeth Towne, in November number, and "My Experience with Telepathy," and "Karma and Summerland," by the same author.

And "Psychology of Dreams," by FREDERICK Rosslyn, in October number, and his stories in November and December numbers, with original illustrations.

And PROF. EDGAR L. LARKIN's visit with JACK LONDON and LUTHER BURBANK, in November, with new pictures, and his other illustrated article in December.

And the new thought serial story, "Prayer and Arithmetic," by ELEANOR KIRK,

And "A Little Journey to the Home of Elbert Hubbard," by WILLIAM E. TOWNɛ, in August number, and "Cosmic Consciousness," and "The Kid's Judge," by him.

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Read ELLA ADELIA FLETCHER'S wonderful series of articles 'The Law of the Rhythmic Breath." Back Lessons supplied if you order NOW.



The Nautilus contains many things you ought to see. This is your opportunity. Grasp it today. It may mean that your life will never again be quite the same. Have you faith to accept? Send ten cents NOW for this $1.00 magazine 3 months on trial. Order of


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Edited by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. Mocitly $1.00 a year. 913 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.

WEE WISDOM. (For children.) Edited by Myrtle Fillmore Monthly. 50 cents a year. 913 Tracy Ave., Kansas City Mo THE SCIENCE QUARTERLY. For study and daily concen tration. Edited by Fannie B James, 730 17th Ave., Denver, Colo. $1.00 a year. With UNITY, $1 50. DAS WORT. (German.) Edited by H. H. Schroeder. Monthly $1.00 a year. 3537 Crittenden Street, St. Louis, Mo. EXPRESSION. Monthly. $1.58 a year; 24 Lower Phillmore Place, London, W., England.

NOW, a journal of affirmations.

Edited by Henry Harrison Brown. Monthly. $1.00 a year. Glenwood, Calif. With UNITY, $1.50.

THE NAUTILUS. Edited by Elizabeth Towne. Monthly. $1.00 a year. Holyoke, Mass. With UNITY, $1.50.

THE PROPHET. Edited by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie. Monthly. 75 cents if paid in advance; otherwise, $1.00 a year. Penn,


THE LIFE. A metaphysical monthly. $1.00 a year, 10 cents a copy. 3332 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

WASHINGTON NEWS-LETTER. Edited by Oliver C. Sabin.
Monthly. $1.00 a year.
1329 M St., Washington, D. C.
With UNITY, $1.50.

Elfrink. Monthly. $1.00 a year. 115 Dearborn St., Chicago,
Ill. With UNITY, $1.50.

THE NEW THOUGHT. An organ of Optimism. Edited by Franklin L. Berry and Louise Radford Wells.

1170 Caxton Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Monthly. 50 cents a year. With UNITY $1.30.

"Truth in Song: For Lovers of Truth Everywhere," by Clara H. Scott. A collection of beautiful songs and hymns for all New Thought gatherings, class room and Sunday Schools. Per copy, 30 cents; per dozen $3.00. Published by Stockham Publishing Co., 70 Dearborn St., Suite 51, Chicago, Ill.


The Unity Society of Practical Christianity holds services in Unity Auditorium, 913 Tracy Ave., . every Sunday at 11:00 Sunday School at 10:00 A. M.

A. M.

Also in Unity Auditorium, 913 Tracy Ave., Healing services every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Mid-week meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Special private classes

according to announcement. All are welcome.

New Thought Center, Judge H. H. Benson, speaker. Service: every Sunday at 8:00 P. M., Unity Auditorium, 913 Tracy Ave.

Truth Students' Society, Prof. LeRoy Moore, speaker, has services every Sunday at 3:00 P. M. in the K. P. Hall, 624 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

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