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something when walking, and now I trust in the love of the Spirit," where I find steadiness and peace. I may be a little previous in stating how I feel at the present time, still I felt when there was a change for the better, I ought to let you know. I thank God every day and several times a day for your good work and His blessings. - MRS C. C. L.

I have received special and unlooked for blessings since I wrote to you a month ago. Certain questions in Science of Being have puzzled me for two or more years. All at once my mind was flooded with light. The darkness became light and the crooked things straight, and, as I read and study UNITY, many things that seemed obscure are clear and plain. In regard to finances, there has been a great improvement in sales, but not the ready money. We have been hampered by bills, owing to sickness and other so-called unavoidable reasons. I have been rejoicing, as you suggested, all the month that the bills were paid, and the rejoicing has not been forced either. I have declared that all is good, and the rejoicing has been spontaneous. My family has said many times, "Why do you look so happy? Have you heard some good news?"

-A. A. B.

I so often think of Emilie Cady's "God's Hand." Oh, how full are our hands, if we will only open them, and use them for good; there is no fear of them ever getting empty, for the supply will always come and fill them to overflowing, but we must keep them wide open. I am doing all the work that comes to me, and have had some glorious results of late, both in present and absent treatments, for rheumatism, financial success and other things too numerous to mention. In my work so many times I hear people say, "Well, I know it is God's will for me to suffer," and the very next minute they are taking all kinds of drugs. Oh, when will eyes be opened to see and ears to hear and minds to know, that "man's word is his only burden." How inconsistent they are. If they would only stop to think: God being all-powerful, could He not make the pains so great that no medicine could help them? Then, too, if it is His will, or His burden laid upon them, as so many say, and they seem to be so very good in every way, how can they interfere with God's plans In Jeremiah 23:34-38, it speaks so much about "the burden of the Lord." Now, if all who think, when they have these pains and aches, that it is God's will, or His burden laid upon them, will read in their Bibles at the chapter I have mentioned, I do not think they will make use of that sentence again.

- MARY A. BROOM, 424 S. Peterson Park Ave., Baltimore, Md.

I can report the hearing is restored, can hear my watch rom one ear as well as the other.

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- M. A. E.


This department is to be a permanent feature of UNITY'S sixteen extra pages to be added for it. A separate magazine is contemplated, but will not be published at present.

People need educating, and especially New Thought people, in matters pertaining to food. It will be the aim of this department to throw light upon every phase of this subject. Questions, contributions and practical experiences are solicited from everybody.


Food bears the same relation to thought that tools do to the workman. Good tools make the work much easier than poor ones. Some people think that the tools do all the work, and that health depends wholly upon diet.

Does the food in your stomach move your body? You say, "No, I move my body through the volition of my mind."

What part does the food take in the process?

It supplies the nerves with a fluid through which the mind sends its power to brain and muscle.

Does the stomach change the natural character of the food?

No, it splits up the particles, and they are distributed as needed by the various parts of the system.

Is the body of the hog one eats still hog-body when it enters the nerves?

Yes, it is still hog, and you carry around in your body all the bodies of the various animals you eat until they are eliminated or consumed in nerve energy. According to this, I should eat beef and become as strong as an ox?

But the ox gets his strength from the vegetable

world; why load your finer body up with his coarser tissue, and come under the thought limitations with which his flesh is impregnated, when you can take at first hands the strength-giving elements that he utilizes?

In a marked degree the mentality of the animal accompanies its flesh. In San Francisco a few years ago many people were poisoned by eating meat from a certain shop, and investigation showed that it came from an apparently healthy beef. Further inquiry disclosed that the steer whose carcass poisoned the people fought viciously for his life, and wrought himself up to a very high state of terror and anger in his efforts to escape. It was concluded that this poisoned his flesh. If it is true in a single instance that the mentality of the animal effects the carcass, is it not logical that the law is universal?

It is universal, and those who eat the flesh of animals are daily filling their systems with animal fears, passions and appetites.

Many of those who are seeking to control their thoughts wonder why they meet with so much resistance and opposition within. It is because they are trying to overcome not only their own discordant thoughts, but those also of the various animals they have consumed. This doubles the work, and a wise metaphysician makes his task easy by giving his nerves food that has not been impregnated with animal thoughts. Then the body receives the messages of the mind without friction, and harmony is attained with ease.

"To show how little the human body needs the foods which are poured constantly into it, one need only instance the scientific fasts which are now becoming common. The latest is Sacco, who is undergoing a 45 days' abstinence from food, his only nourishment being Perrier, a French natural mineral




It is somewhat curious, in view of the authentic records of remarkable performances of non-meateating athletes, that athletes in general do not experiment with a vegetarian diet. It is true that within the past few years, intelligent trainers are gradually reducing the percentage of flesh food in the dietary of their charges, and that the days of the raw beef regime are over. Nevertheless, the vegetarian athlete pure and proper is very much in the minority.

In speaking of athletes who have performed notable feats on a diet from which meat is excluded, a writer on the subject remarks that the feats "appear to prove by themselves alone the very decided increase of physical power by the mere substitution of several kinds of nutriment from plant for animal products which are so much relied on in the greater part of Europe and Australia. The result seems to be owing, first, to the elimination from the diet that matter contained in animal flesh which has the qualities of a continual poisonous or an irritating ingredient foreign to the healthy constitution; and secondly, to the actual fitness and strengthening qualities of the plant products for the human body." Coming from an authority, these words are well worth pondering.

The success of vegetarians in the field of athletics is more remarkable for the reason that several of the winners were, before their change of diet, either ill or far from strong, and would not even have been considered in the running" if they had lived in the ordinary way.

Some of the instances to which the foregoing remarks apply more particularly are as follows:

In the spring of 1902 there was a walking match rom Dresden to Berlin, a distance of 1241⁄2 miles, in

which thirty-two competitors were entered. The first six to arrive were vegetarians. Karl Mann, whose diet was biscuit, bread, marmalade, fruit juice, nut butter, prepared oats, and pure water, was the winner, covering the distance in twenty-six hours and fifty-eight minutes.

In 1898 there was a seven-day's walking match from Berlin to Vienna, which was easily won by Herr Elsasser and Herr Pietz, respectively first and second, who were vegetarians, and who beat the fastest flesh eater by no less than twenty-two hours.

Mr. C. Allen, the well known amateur pedestrian of England, walked from Leicester to London, about one hundred miles, in twenty hours and twenty-two minutes, finishing in a singularly fresh condition, and without any blisters on his feet. His fare was vegetables, bread, oatmeal, and a little fruit.

Some years ago a Miss Rosa Symonds rode a bicycle for ninety-eight miles a day for eighteen and a half consecutive days on a non-flesh dietary.

It is stated on excellent authority that the Vegetarian Cycling Club of England has not only a large numerical racing strength, but more brilliant achievements to its credit than any other similar body in Great Britain.

Geo. A. Olley, the famous bicyclist, at eighteen had gained thirty-two prizes. He is as fast at a mile as he is on a twenty-four hours record, and is a vegetarian. It is worthy of note that when he was a flesh eater he was only an ordinary speed rider, but became a record breaker on discarding meat.

Mr. E. P. Walker, another bicyclist, who in 1899 won the one hundred miles championship and a challenge shield of the Yorkshire Road Club, is a life vegetarian. He is also a record holder and has won twenty prominent prizes.

Two youngsters, Kurt Pfleiderer and Erich Newman, fourteen and fifteen years of age respectively, neither of whom have ever tasted meat, covered a distance of one hundred miles on their wheels in

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