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Principles of Occult Philofophy.

we confess that God is the immediate eaufe of all motion; and thus, as they think, they have furnished a beautiful demonstration of God. But truly, if any opinion in divinity or in phyfics, opens the way to innumerable and moft heavy errors, of a certainty this is it which we have now explained. It can indeed, by this method of reafoning, be demonftrated that there is a God, but fo that there is left but little difference between God and the world: and thefe are the quickfands in which Benedi&us Spinoza fuffered fhipwreck; he loft all fenfe of religion, for an ens, or being, which is powerful by no

force of acting, for it cannot retain any figure, form or difpofition; which effect, nevertheless, whilft they com. monly attribute to matter, they confound by a manifeft error, the effence and effect of the Creator, and created things. We will fuppofe a beast to have done fome damage, or by mifchance to have killed a man, whether or not will it be that God did it by his providence, and may be faid to be the chief caufe of this lofs? I having weighed all things and arguments relative to this fubject, have made this the fum of my thoughts.

(To be continued.)



Abridged from Green's Elements of Occult Philosophy: a scarce Work.

ONE of the greateft obftacles to the fpreading ufeful knowledge, and receiving information from each other, is owing to a fault which most people are apt to flide into, of looking at themfelves, not thofe they converfe with. When we hear any thing propofed, we confider whether it be agreeable to our own prior fentiments, not whether it be right or wrong; by this means, not judging of it by its evidence, but comparing it with those notions we have already imbibed. If I would fee an object in the light another doth, I must put myself in the fame line he ftands in, or elfe it is impoffible I fhould fee it in the fame point of view, without which it is impoffible I fhould judge whether his obfervations on it are right or wrong. We should, therefore, place ourselves in the line we are directed, though at the fame time we may be perfuaded that our own point of view is the belt; by which means we fhall be able to judge whether it is fo or no.

So to give another's argument its due weight, we ought to lay afide all

we think ourselves on the subject, and confine our views intirely to what is before us; not to difcard our own opinion, which is neither better nor worse, nor any ways affected by this seeming preference which is given to the new gueft, but only that we may be able to judge whether it be worth receiving or no. In short, every man whilst he is hearing another man explain his fentiments, or reading his writings, fhould act the school-boy, implicitly for the time acquiefce, as if he knew nothing of the fubject he is upon; then he will fee the whole of what is laid before him, and may afterwards call over again every particular, and try it by his own præcognita, fet the old evidence against the new, and give it a fair trial.

This is what I would defire of the reader, to lay afide felf, and confider and view things in the light I have put them, without rejecting what I lay, merely because it may not be the fame, or because it may contradict what he thought before.

Philofophy is a thing of confequence, becaufe

Ineffectual Powers of Matter.

because on the knowledge of nature, or of the laws and effects of the natural agents, depends the knowledge of the Creator, and the only means of our forming true and distinct ideas or reprefentations of fpiritual objects, whether uncreated, or the created ones; all our ideas being derived from fenfe, as fome happily and with great affiduity have maintained of late.

Those who at prefent are, or not long fince were, in poffeffion of this fource of all knowledge, have only nick-named the effects, and by a fleight of hand, paffed thofe nick names upon us for the agents. Sympathy and antipathy, or attraction and repulfion, the first derived from the Greek tongue, the other from the Latin, are the fame, and may well enough ftand for the phænomena, or effects of nature, but are not agents. The grand question then is by what or whom, and in what manner these effects are performed.

That matter is in itself inert, inca. pable of moving, or exerting any active power, unless mechanically, can hardly be denied. The question then is, what is the mover? where are we to look for the agent or agents to whom we are to ascribe the administration in this fyftem? Is it in created matter er the creator? doth matter, any part of it, rule over and direct the motion of the remainder; or is the hand, which gave being to the world, continually, though unfeen, employed in performing the various works of nature, which are every moment the objects of our admiration, as well as the fupport of our being, and well being?

On this question our philofophers are undetermined; they feem, however, willing to lodge the adminiftration in the creature; dubious ftill upon the point, because ignorant of that mechanical contrivance, by which one part of the creation is made to act upon, and give motion to itself and the reft.

That God is not the immediate agent, they would grant moft willingly and if they would not, the whole face of nature proves it. No fecondVOL. I.


ary causes we fee are employed. But why may he not make use of them as his inftruments to work with? Becaufe Omnipotence can work as well without fuch tools as with. He need not, by an immediate interpofition, keep the earth folid to fupport man, when he could with the fame cafe fupport his feet, as keep together the atoms for a foundation for him to tread upon. He could move the lungs without the air, at the fame time that he makes the air move them, and fo have made but one trouble of it. It is going round about, and doing per plura, what might as well be done per pauciora. To enable, and that by a continual aid, a fecond caufe to do what might be done without its intervention, is needlefs, to fay no wo. It is not inconfiftent indeed with the di vine power to work in this manner, becaufe Omnipotence is equal to the burthen, but not conform to divine wifdom to fet up an agent which cannot work without an immediate hand upon it, when that immediate hand would perform the task without calling in the fupernumerary officer. God could make us fee without fetching light from the fun, to enable us to difcern objects by. It is no trouble indeed to Omnipotence to make the air make the fire burn, or labour to him whofe power is unlimited, to carry the earth round the fun, turning it at the fame time on its own axis, in an angle to its great orbit, that all parts may the more equally partake of the light; but thefe, and ten thousand times ten thousand other actions, though initances of the divine power, (forry ones ftill, in comparifon of the fingle act of the crea tion) would be no proofs of the wif dom and forefight of the Creator, but the very contrary, in making fuch a number of wheels, fuch a variety of works in his machine, when not one of them could move without him, and the work be done much eafier, and more directly, without them.

But our fenfes affure us that many, nay we fee that most, of the operations 3 B


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of nature are performed by fecond caufes; we fee not indeed the mechan. ifm by which they are performed; and what authority have we to fay those agents, thofe caufes, do not the work without an immediate application of him who made them? Do they fee the hand of God upon them? No. That is not pretended to. Has he told them fo? No. Why then is this afferted to prove the divine pory er? Either way of acting proves that. To prove the divine wisdom. Where is the wisdom in making and employ ing fervants who cannot do the work they are fet about? A beautiful contrivance or concatenation of caufes would be a far more illuftrious proof of knowledge, far more befitting the divine goodness, than either to work by occult qualities, or by an invifible hand; in both which cafes man would be deprived of the most convincing evidence, fenfible ocular proof, of the contrivance and wisdom of God; nay, would want proof that thefe things were dependant creatures. But it is furprifing that they should appeal to nature for proofs of wifdom in the Creator, who allow him lefs fkill than to any common mechanick. Man can make a machine to go regularly, and methodically perform what he framed it for; but the wheels of God's machine cannot go unless his finger be continually upon them. That matter is capable of mechanifm needs no proof, and the Creator could want neither power nor fkill; and why then may not things act mechanically? God has affirmed they do, and the reafon of the thing fpeaks the fame language.

If then the creators do not act immediately by themselves, we are to af cribe the economy to fecondary caufes, leaving the great originals no other bufinefs in the material world, than to overlook, and occafionally, when they fee proper, over-rule the na

tural agents.

The next queftion then is, which part of the creation hath the power

lodged in it-folid, or fluid matter? The orbs, or that fluid in which they are placed? Or, in other words, is motion performed by impulfe, or a power inherent in the atoms of matter, continually and neceffarily exerting its virtue, and fo producing the effects we are enquiring after? To fay the latter, is to affirm without knowledge; becaufe the parts or atoms of matter are too fmall to be the object of our senses; nor are they any ways capable of being brought under obfervation, so as to give us an opportunity of judging whether they have fuch qualities or not. Befides, a power acting invifibly, or a virtue which is immaterial, is not an object of the fenfes, and confequently not the fubject of our knowledge. They fay, however, such power is adherent to matter; but he that created matter hath not, that they pretend to, given them any authority for fuch an affertion.

And with fubmiffion, it is unfaying what they lay down, with regard to the inactivity of matter; for when they make matter incapable of moving itself, it is fo a fortiori, of moving any thing elfe. If it be naturally paffive, it hath no active power in it. Nor are they at all helped out of the difficulty by allowing that fuch power was not originally in it; but fuper-induced, or added to it by the creator, a law, as they term it, impreffed on all matter, for the leffer quantity to tend towards the greater; because even fo matter would act without means, and exert a power, though it be allowed that fuch power was given it. If it cannot act of itself, it cannot receive a power of acting of itself. If an incapacity of acting be an attribute or quality naturally belonging to matter, (which your very conceffion of attraction, or any other of the powers they talk of, being fuperinduced doth fuppofe,) fuch quality cannot be taken from it, and a contrary one given it. So their folution of the difficulty fails them. Omitting that they have no authority for faying matter has fuch any. hath God power,


Power of Attraction.

told them fo? Do they fee fuch laws adhering to matter? No. They fee that things move, and conclude that every effect hath a caufe. They fee that a ftone tends to the earth; that the earth encircles the fun, and the moon the earth. All this is right enough, but this brings us not to the point we aim at Because we do not fee the earth act upon the ftone, the fun upon the earth, or the earth upon the moon. To believe this or that thing moves another, when we fee it is not in the place it is faid to act in, is to be more credulous than the most fuperftitious of the papifts. To affirm it acts by a virtue invisible, and confefs we can neither fee how, nor by deductions reach the manner of its fuppofed operation, is to rest on occult qualities. To fay the weight or force with which a ftone defcends to the earth is owing to its gravity, is faying no more nor lefs, than that the weight of a body is owing to its weight. To offer to explain this, by faying the earth attracts or draws it, is doubling the cheat, because the horfe cannot draw, unless he is fastened to the cart; and they have not, nor do they offer to fhew us, the chain which faftens the ftone to the earth, or iron to the loadstone.

Befides, in fact, there is no law of this nature in or on matter. The heaviest bodies do not attract each other, as by such a rule they ought, with the greateft force. Nor is the adhefion of fuch bodies the ftrongest. Many fluids are heavier than many folids; their adhesion it is plain infinitely lefs. The loadstone attracts ftrongly, quickfilver not at all: a diamond adheres ftrongly, and yet has lefs matter in it, if we judge by weight. If attraction were a general law, all bodies fhould attract each other, according to the quantity of matter in them. The loadstone ought to have no more of this virtue in it than a diamond, or than lead hath: nor ought the virtue in it to be more iné clined to draw iron, than to pull a feather to it.


I do not fay that our philofophers affert, that all bodies attract alike, be cause they cannot help feeing the contrary; but if all matter be alike,' the fame as to the form and fize of the conftituent atoms, and this power be either connate to matter, or fuper-added to it, the heaviest bodies would attract the strongeft, which fince they do not, I conclude that attraction is not a law of nature, but performed by fomething diftinct from the, as they term it, attracting body.

And if gravity or attraction, (and fo we may fay of all the other nicknames they have blinded philofophy with) confidered as a quality inherent in, or fuper-added to matter, be in itfelf irrational, unphilofophical, as well as unproved, and alfo contrary to the most common obfervations, our philofophers are ftript of their agent, and we must look farther than they have done for the cause of motion.

If then the creators neither act immediately by themfelves, nor have, that we know of, nay, as far as we know, cannot give a flock or a stone, or one atom power to move another, but by impulfe; nor that impel, unlefs it be firft impelled itself; we must look out to fee what doth impel, and whence its power arifes.

This power cannot be in the folid orbs, because they cannot act, or exert any active power, where their substance is prefent; much lefs can they act, where they are not prefent; or, which is the fame thing, cannot impel without touching. So the earth tends to the fun, a ftone to the earth, and iron to a loadstone, by fome other means. The creator then doth not move things himself, and folids cannot.

It remains therefore that we afcribe the cause of motion to the air, or that fluid ftate of matter in which we breathe, in which birds fly, and in which he who made all things, tells us the fun, moon, and ftars are pla ced.

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A PARADOX is a feeming falfity, but a real truth; it is that which to unthinking perfons, feems abfurd or impoffible; but to a thoughtful man, is plain and evident the main drift whereof is to whet the appetite of an inquifitive learner, and to fet him upon thinking.


There are two remarkable places on the globe of the earth, in which there is only one day and one night through out the whole year.



If by neither day ner night, be meant twilight, it may be any climate of the frigid zones; but if it be understood that the Sun neither rifes nor fets for 24 hours, the places must be ninety degrees diftant from the Sun: thus, if the Sun be in the equator, then the poles are the places; for at thofe times the Sun circuits about their horizon for twenty-four hours, half above and half under it; hence for fo long, it is neither day nor night then

and there.


There is a certain place of the earth, at which, if two men fhould chance to meet, one would ftand upright upon the foles of the other's feet, and neither of them fhould feel the other's weight, and yet they both should retain their natural posture.

The two remarkable places are the two poles; for to the North Pole, the Sun rifes about the 10th of March, and fets not till about the 12th of September: and the enfuing twilight continues till the fun be eighteen degrees be-low the horizon, i. e. about the second of November, then dark night continues till about the 18th of January, at which time the day breaks, and the morning twilight continues till fun rife on the 10th of March. Hence be- which therefore means the center thereHe fays of the earth, not on the earth, twixt fun rise and fun fet are fix months, of; for imagine an hole bored through, but betwixt day-break and twilight's from our feet, to and through the cenend are about two hundred and eighty-ter of the earth, to the oppofite point, eight days, but totally dark only feventy. seven days.

Note, when it rifes to the north pole, it fets to the fouth, and e contra; and because it rifes but once, and fets but once in the year, to either, there is but one day and one night in the whole year.


There are alfo fome places on the earth, in which it is neither day nor night, at a certain time of the year, for the space of twenty-four hours.


or the Antipodes, and one man defcended towards the center at one end of the

hole, and another man defcended at the other end of the hole, till they both met at the center, so would they ftand on each other's feet, with their heads towards the zenith, in their natural pofture without feeling each other's weight. According to thefe maxims, no heavy body gravitates in the center, and all heavy bodies tend to the center; whereas a gravitation at the very cen ter muft imply neceffarily a divergency from the center, or an afcent, which

is abfurd.


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