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Domeflic Calamities.

ale-houfe in Turnmill-ftreet, under the name of the Cock-and-Hen-Club, Mr. Boddington was directed by the Juftices to difperfe them: accordingly, attended by other conftables, he went to the house; and, upon entering the club-room, the officers were affailed with cutlaffes, and other weapons, and were all feverely wounded. Hubbard was the man who attacked Mr. Boddington, and wounded him fo terribly on the head, breaft, and fhoulders, with a cutlafs, that his recovery was for feveral months defpaired of. The injury Mr. Boddington received on the above occafion greatly impaired his constitution, and, it is fuppofed, contributed towards his premature death, by rendering him fufceptible of the most poignant feelings on beholding the dying agonies cf a man who had attempted to murder him, and had abfolutely embittered fome of the latter years of his life.

12. A man cleaning the two pair of stairs windows of Lord Le Defpenfer, fell down, and was impaled on the iron railing. He had alfo one thigh broken, and yer is likely to furvive the melancholy accident.

John Kimber, mafter of the Recovery, a veffel employed in the Slave Trade, has been apprehended at Bristol by the Bow-street Runners, and brought to the Public Office Bowstreet, on a charge of having murdered three female flaves on their paffage from the coaf of Africa to that of the Weft-Indies, and is committed to Newgate to take his trial.

There are now in Newgate 406 prifoners, of whom 185 are debtors, 15 under fentence of death, 19 refpited during his Majesty's pleasure, 80 transports, 80 under orders of imprifonment for certain determined periods, and 27 for trial.

To fuch a pitch of depravity is the human mind reduced, by continual objects of cruelty being prefented to the eye, that it is not unusual for the Ladies in the West-Indies to order the

Hangman to give their female Slaves a round dozen, for their amufement. After this punishment is inflicted, the poor wretches are obliged to curtfey to the flagellator, and kifs the fcourge, to fhew that they have nothing fubborn in their difpofition. This, among innumerable other cruelties stand recorded in the Report of the Committee on the Slave Trade.

Among the fingular events attendant upon the French Revolution, may be reckoned that of Louis XVI. being obliged to take out a patent as "Manufacturer of China." This is on account of the Works at Seve, near Paris, on which his Majefty expends a large fum annually.

13. A trotting match was performed on the road between Cambridge and Newmarket; a Stable-keeper undertook to trot 32 miles in two hours. He was allowed two horfes, and per formed it in a minute and a half less

than the time.

So much had the mutineers of the Bounty conformed to the customs and manners of Otaheite, that when two of CHRISTIAN's crew fwam off to the Pandora frigate, they were fo TATTOED, and exhibited fo many other characteristic stains, that on being first received on board, the Pandora's people took them for natives of the island.

We trust that the prefent Bill before Parliament for the reformation of the Police, will have the defired effect. And it is hoped, that at a future period the Public will not fay that the title of the Bill fhould have run thus, "A Bill for the extending the number of the VENAL Magistrates, and confufing the Westminster Police." This Bill fulfils a late Prediction.

A Club called the CHEROKEES, has been inftituted in Dublin, by a fet of uncivilized barbarians, of family and fortune. They have been lately difperfed, by the activity of the Magiftracy, but not before two of the RUFFIANS were fent to Newgate, for attempting to tomahawk a lady of fashion, in a fedan-chair.


Conjuror's Magazine,


Magical and physiognomical Mirror.

MAY, 1792.

Embellished with the following elegant Engravings, all accurately copied by BARLOW, from LAVATER.-I. ATTENTION, DESIRE, HOPE, reflecting ASTONISHMENT; afte GUIDO. 2. The BRUTAL SON taking leave of an indulgent Father.-3. The LAST SUPPER, after RAPHAEL.



Spring Quarter

Farther Verifications

Effects of the Planetary Influence

Hints to young Artifts, by W. Elder, in

murderers by their footsteps

Albertus's Secrets of Nature, continued

convert them into four knaves The Golden Head, which leaping and dancing in a glafs, anfwers different questions

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To cut Glass, or even a piece of Cryf tal, let it be ever fo thick, without the help of a Diamond, in the fame fhape as the mark of the drawing made on it with Ink. 421 For a perfon to chufe a card, you not fuppofed to know what it is, and then for the perfon to hold the cards between his finger and thumb, to ftrike them all out of his hand except the very card he had taken 421 Lives of Eminent Magicians, &c. 421 Gilles de Laval, Lord of Rais, a mon

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Curious Narrative, of man tracing out


The Murdering Sickle





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The preparation of the Indigo Vat



The cruel Alchemist


The Querift, No. IX.

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Answer to Queries


Jacob Boehmen


On the Increafe or Diminution of the

Apparitions, Dreams, &c.


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Apparition of Sir John Owen, con




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Philofophical and Ingenious Amuse


Inftance of Witchcraft

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An Inftance of the force of Imagi


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Domeftic News, &c.


How to deliver out four aces, and



Influence of the Planets on the Foetus 413 The English Fortune-teller, No. VIII Oracles for the Ladies

fter in human fhape, from the 5ft
Number of Gifford's Hiftory of


Printed for W. LOCKE, No. 12, Red Lion Street, Holborn; and fold by all Bookfellers and Newscarriers in Town and Country.

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We efteem ourselves highly favoured by Mr. Adams; his obfervations and ftricture hall be attended to: we flatter ourselves he will perceive in the prefent number, proper attention has been paid to his remarks.

J. S. At a future day we may comply with his wifh; but it is our duty to adhere to our original plan.

J. D. of Buckden, took the most effectual means of obtaining information and notice upon the fubject of his enquiry. We return him thanks for his convivial prefent, and can affure him, the fpecimen, upon trial, appears to be Arfenical White Pyrite, ufually found embodied in folid rock. We, however, caution him to be careful in his future ex"periments, as they might be attended with danger.

A. J. Junior, Sheffield, thall find himfelf noticed in a future number.
J. F. His horary question on ftolen goods has our entire approbation.

Leo's long letter and queries are in hand; and Peter's defence of Aftrology shall be made ufe of at a future opportunity.

Our correfpondent at Montrofe has our fincere thanks; it is flattering to be noticed at fo great a diftance from home.

We are greatly obliged to The PETIT SORCIER of H--n➡r-street for his intended favour; but fo many fancies and combinations with cards and dice have appeared in public, without being proved by experience or calculation, that we must for the prefent beg leave to decline his kind offer, being apprehenfive that his tricks, though new, and extremely ingenious, might deceive our readers, for we can boaft fuch as think for themselves. However, we fhall hold ourselves greatly indebted to this correfpondent for the MS. he mentions on the cabalistic numbers of Hermes.


It is with reluctance we could not infert the learned and laborious anfwer to B. R.'s Query 1. in No. 8. in length; it exceeded our limits. We request a continuance of Mr. Hargrave's correfpondence. His queries fhall foon have a place.

The remainder of the Queries have been fatisfactorily anfwered by the following gen tlemen. J. D. Buckden. Will. Davis. H. L. Stephen Richards. Domus Scientia K. Williams. A. C. Litchfieldienfis. Grace Honour. Wm. Deacon. Philomath, Hotfpur. Mercutio, and fome anonymous..

Propofals for inftrating Pupils in Spiritual Knowledge, including a Plan for commencing Societies or Colleges for receiving instruction.

Mr. WILLIAM GILBERT will teach Aftrology and Spirit, with the nature and ufe of Talifmans, on the following scheme:

First Clafs of Pupils.-One hundred and fifty pounds per annum; or, one hundred guineas down.

Second Clafs. Eighty pounds per annum; or, fixty guineas down.

Third Class. Sixty pounds per annum; or, forty guineas down.

The loweft.-Twenty pounds per annum; or, fifteen guineas down. In all, the firft quarter to be advanced.

The inftruction, to be epiftolary and perfonal, according to circumftances: and, if perfonal, either at the Pupil's own houfe, or at Mr. GILBERT'S; who, as foon as 2col. are fubfcrioed, will provide a proper place to receive Pupils either publicly or privately, as may be plea e: if epiftolary, the Pupil muft free the postage.

Each Pupil ought to understand the elements of Aftronomy.

As there are many excellent tre atifes in the Latin tongue on Aftrology and Magic, Mr. Gilbert will alfo instruct any Lady in that lenguage, in order to promote her better knowledge of Spirit and Aftrology, at fuch moderate advance as her particular circumftances may render convenient to her.

Societies. To accommodate the loweft clafs, Mr. GILBERT will inftruct any number of perfons from three to twelve, at ten guineas each per annum, and above that number indefinitely at only five guineas per head, for all those who are added to the original twelve; or, he will take any number above three at fix guineas down each. N. B. Thofe perfons must actually meet regularly in fociety, and their names and nativities must be given to Mr. GILBERT.

Talismans.-Talifmans will be charged to the loweft clafs at only ONE guinea; to the third at TEN guineas; to the fecond at TWENTY guineas; to the first at FORTY guineas, exclufive of the coft of materials and conftruction, for which the tradefmen's bills fhall be preiented.

No Talifman's will for the future be made for any but Pupils, and will flop the operation of all but those which are made through my direction, or by myself. WILLIAM GILBERT.



FOR MAY, 1792.




I Now, under Spring, treat of a configuration, wherein Kings are all POWER and DIRECTION-wherein their mandates find no delay nor dif appointment in execution. H, called by me Georgeanos figures on the midheaven, Mars, lord of the afcendant, obeys his orders punctually. Females condefcend very much; they favour low fort of people, forcerers, reclufes, and fervants-they fuccumb to the lowest. Mars, ingenious, and active, fedate, people are proud, vindictive, marshal, fafe. Every thing will be complete; there will be no half and half doings this quarter-for all the angles, with the Moon, Venus, Georgeanos, are fixed.

The oppofition of h and 24 (whom Moore calls the two GRAND INFORTUNES, and perhaps juitly, as at prefent marked) may probably, through Spain, France, and England, fet the bad fpirits of Ruffia and Auftria at logger. heads.

Be not furprized if bifhops and dig. nitaries of the Church be more intent on Venus than Jupiter, though mate

ters will be conducted jovially, and Jupiter helps them. Some great per fon is intent on pleasure and uxorious enjoyment. I am not inclined to con tradict Moore's predictions this quarter; let the effects be seen.

This quarter promises an end to matters begun in the winter quarter.

This quarter deftroys fcorpions and fifth brothers, or fifters. A A fine Spring will fucceed, and end with introducing a fine Summer. The care ful gardener prevents blights.


LET him that girdeth on his word boat as he who taketh it off.


And I will leave him neither root nor branch-For ftrong is the Lord God who judgeth her,


The Lord is my rock, and my for trefs, and my deliverer. Thou haft alfo given me the necks Pp z of

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of my enemies, that I might deftroy and a man fhall be a hiding-place from the wind, a covert from the tempeft, as the fhadow of a great rock in a weary land.

them that hate me-Then did I beat, them fmall as the duft of the earth; I did ftamp them as the mire of the ftreet, and did fpread them abroad.


Your hands are not bound, nor your feet put in fetters.

Peace, peace to them that are afar off, and to them that are near, faith the Lord.


I will reftore thy Judges as at the first, and thy Counsellors as at the beginning-afterward thou shalt be cal led a city of righteousness, the Faithful City.

Give, O God! thy judgments unto the KING, and thy righteoufnefs to the KING'S SON.

A King fhall reign in righteousness, and Princes fhall rule in judgment;


Behold! all they that despise thee fhall perish!

This day will I begin to put the fear of thee, and the dread of thee, upon the nations that are under the whole heaven; who fhall hear report of thee, and fhall tremble and be in anguish becaufe of thee: It is done-I am Alpha and Omega.

The leading maxim of the King must now be, Fortitur in re. He will preferve the fuaviter in modo where HE can: but fubordinately to the first. The King of Poland and French nation must do the fame to ftrangers, that the King of England is obliged to do to his own fubjects. Their firft object must be to be FEARED-and then to be LOVED.



AFTER having for feveral years diligently studied, and carefully obferved, the effects of the planetary influences on the great mutations of the world, I am deeply convinced of their reality and power; and therefore trouble you with a few obfervations on the extraordinary and magnificent events which are now burfting from the womb of time.

In the year 1772, the two fuperior planets, Saturn and Jupiter, repeatedly in oppofition from the figns Pifces and Virgo; your readers cannot fail to recollect the mifchiefs that happened to many worthy inhabitants, not only of this metropolis, but also of various other parts of the country, by the fai. lure of Fordyce, Down, and Co. whofe fpeculations, though founded on rational principles, were defeated

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by the concealments of certain Directors of a certain great company, whọ by fallacious ftatements of the compa ny's ability to continue a large dividend to the proprietors of their ftock, in defiance of the protcfts of the virtuous Mr. Manfhip, fuftained the prices of the stock at an enormous height, till Fordyce and his connections were overwhelmed in ruin; India ftock foon after fell 50 per cent.

During the interesting period, to which I have referred, a foundation was laid for that unhappy, and ruinous conteft, which feparated the American ftates from the parent country: which also leads me to obferve, that this month begun with an oppofition of the planets, Saturn and Jupiter, from the cardinal and equinoctial figns, Aries and Libra; which the

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