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Arabic numerals refer to the Transactions, Roman to the Proceedings.

Ablative and accusative of degree of
difference: xxxvi.

Ab urbe condita type of expression in
Greek and English: xxxv.
Accusative and ablative of degree of
difference: xxxvi.

Ademar of Chavannes, bestiary of:

Adjective, as runover word: 131 ff.;

largely decorative in Homer: 131;
not naturally an emphatic word:

Aetna, Ovidian vocabulary of: 265.
'ayalwτepos, on Asia Minor inscrip-
tions: 209.

Alcibiades, doubles the tribute: 62;
profits from failure of Nicias: 67;
responsible for Melian affair: 67;
responsible for assessment of 417:
Andocides, testimony to Athenian
tribute: 61, 70.

Antonius Diogenes, source of Lucian's
Vera Historia: 39.

Aorist participle, subsequent action
expressed by: xxxix; suggests
prophetic future: xxxix; expressing
purpose: xxxix.
Apollodorus, fined for encroachment

on theoric fund: 283; under obliga-
tion to Demosthenes: 284.
Apophoreta: xxxiii.
Apuleius, interpretation of Meta-
morphoses of: 238 ff.; habits and
tendencies: 240; moralizes: 242,
24212; seriousness: 25331: desultor
litterarum: 242, 249, 252; no moral
object in moral tone: 245; little
concession to formal literature:
246; no power of organizing mate-
rial: 249; biographical material
for, in Metamorphoses: 25025;
studied symmetry in: 251;
volkstümlich: 253; Hermagoras of:
psychological peculiarities: 258;
interprets plebeian psychology: 259;
manysidedness: 259; near to life of
people: 260.

Arabian Nights, date of: 387; Lucian's
debt to this type of tale: 392.
Argyrus, Isaac, source for lacuna in
Harmonics of Ptolemy: 94 f.
Aristides, Milesiaca: 254.
Aristoxenus, musical theory of: 72 f.
Asia Minor, inscriptions from: 195 f.
Ass, symbolism of: 247; changes in
motivation of, in Apuleius: 247.
Assessment, last, of the Athenian em-
pire: 60 ff.; of 425: 61; of 421: 63;
increased in 425: 64; of Alcibiades:
65; made every four years: 65; in-
creased after 421: 65; and im-
perialism: 67; increased in 417-6:
68; lists confused: 68.

Assiepattle and the Stoor Worm: 42.
Athenian Empire, last assessment of:
60 ff.

Attalus III, on Antioch inscription:


Atthides, attitude to Demosthenes in:

Attis, of Catullus, metre of: xxvii f.
Augur, in Antioch: 225.

Barlaam, work on music: 79.
Bestiaries, great fish in: 44 and 4420;
of Ademar of Chavannes: 102.
Boethius, influence of Ptolemy on: 75.
Brant's Vergil, ships of Columbus in:.

Brendan, adventure with the great
fish: 44.

Bürger, on the Greek Metamorphoses:

Caesura, influence on emphasis: 116.
Cartoon, political, of sixth century
B.C.: xxii f.

Caskets, three in stories of great fish:

Cathari, creed or hymn of: 209.
Catullus, influence on Culex: 265;

use of "Ovidian" words: 268; use
of vagus: 271 f.; Virgil's debt to:
272; excessive use of diminutive
endings: 272; meter of the Attis of:
xxvii f.

Chrysostom, correspondence of: xxvi.

Cicero, literary influence of, on
Juvenal: 181 ff.; de Senectute and
Juvenal's tenth Satire: 185, 186 ff.;
Philippic 2, influence in rhetorical
schools: 185, 188; works of, used
by Juvenal: 185; accord with
Stoics in view of virtue: 193; de
Oratore and Horace's Ars Poetica:

Ciris: Ovidian vocabulary of: 265.
Civilité of Homer: 126.

Columbus, ships of, in Brant's Virgil:

Comic romance: for the educated:

245; ego-narrative in: 256 f.; de-
rived from Milesian tale: 257;
influence of other literary types on:
257; unmorality of: 257".
Confusion in MSS., of G and C: 10;
of T and C: 21; of S and F: 10;
of B and P: 26; of E and I: 15;
of eo and ego: 20; due to eye-
movement: 149; commoner in in-
terior of word: 128, 14, 27.
Contamination of words in Italic
dialects: 51 ff.

Cooking on a monster's back: 35 f.
Corcyra and the Peloponnesian war:
xxx f.

Cross, monogrammatic type: 199.
Culer, and Ovidian vocabulary: 261,
26710, 269; authorship of: 261,
2611; argument from vocabulary:
262; non-Virgilian element in: 264
and n., 270; influence of Catullus
and Lucretius on: 265; Ovidian
influence on, doubtful: 269; prose
words in: 271; compounds in re-
in: 272; ascribed to Virgil by
Drew: 273; evidence of prooemium:
273; work of a novice: 274;
prooemium later than poem: 274.
Cybele, epithets: 229; as Meter
Potamene: 229.

Daniel, Pierre, saves MSS. from sack:
97; MS. named from: 98.
Degree of difference, accusative and
ablative of: xxxvi.

Demochares: nephew of Demos-
thenes: 294; work on Demosthenes:
Demosthenes, a new literary fragment
on: 275 ff.; attitude to theoric
fund: 282 ff.; directed attempt of
Apollodorus: 284; genuineness of
fourth Philippic: 285; temporary
volte-face on theoric fund: 285;
duplicity of: 284; aristocratic

spirit: 291 ff.; attitude of ancient
historians to: 293 f.; Demochares'
praise of: 294.

Diminutives, excessive use of, by
Catullus: 272; in Virgil: 272.
Dinner favors: xxxiii.

dona ferre, used of worship: xxi f.
Donatus, Life of Vergil formerly
ascribed to: 107; additions to Life
of Vergil by: 115.
Ecclesiastical literature as a field for
research: xviii.

Ego-narrative, in comic romance: 256;
in Hermagores of Apuleius: 2573.
Emphatic position, one or two?: 116 f.;

before caesura: 116; before pause:
118; at beginning of verse?: 117,

Encratites in Laodicea: 197.
Error, agreement in: 101.
Eubulus, effect of his leaving office:

"Eumeneian formula": 223.
extare, use in Suetonius: 11320.
Fairclough, Culex influenced by Ovid:

262; his argument: 263; criticism
of his method: 265.

Fiction, ancient attitude to: 238, 2381,

Fish, the great, in ancient and me-
dieval story: 32 ff.; havoc caused
by death of: 35; ships sunk by:
37 f.; ships swallowed by: 40, 44,
47; habitat of: 32 f., 40, 4420, 45;
internal lacaration of: 41 f., 43;
internal burning of: 42; disgorges
victim: 43; cut open to rescue
victim: 43; one attacked by an-
other: 47.

Flowers, use of Greek names for, in
Virgil: 271.

Frank, Grace, work on Phaedrus
MSS.: 103.

Frank, Tenney: on the Culex: 261.
Gambling at Roman dinners: xxxiii.
Gesta Romanorum: great fish in: 47.
Glosses in MSS., object of: 28.
Golden Age poets: statistics of: 157.
Goodell on emphatic position in
Greek: 116 f.

Gradivus, etymology: 56.

Greece depicted in medieval outline
of history: xxix f.

Gruppe identifies Lygdamus with
Ovid: 149, 151.

Gylon, exile of, for treason: 292.
Hammer, S. criticized: 251, 25128,

Harmonics, of Ptolemy: 71 ff.; edi-

tions of: 75; MSS. of: 76, 88, 90,
91; lacuna in: 71 ff., 8230, 83.
Hephaestion, and the meter of the
Attis: xxviii; schemes of: xxxviii.
Heracles, in belly of a sea monster:
41, 4213.

Hermas, a new fragment of the
Shepherd of: xxi.

Hittite: medio-passive forms in:

Holtschmidt, Culex written under

Ovid's influence: 262; criticism of
his method: 265.

Homer, fondness for postpositive in-
finitive: 122; for patronymic: 125;
for proper noun: 126; civilité:
126, 144; epic fulness: 129; use of
participle: 136; adequacy of his
language: 144; its variety: 146;
pity in the Iliad: xxii.
Homeric hexameter, socalled em-
phatic position of runover word in:
116 ff.; clause tends to begin with
verse: 117, 1177.

Horace, Ars Poetica, and Cicero, de
Oratore: xvii.

Humanity of the Romans: xxiii f.
Iguvium, connection with Jupiter: 56.
Iliad, pity in: xxii.

Illegible spots in MSS.: 18, 24, 25.
imitor, Ovid's use of: 177.
Immensity of creatures in tropics:
32 f.

Indic speech and religion in Western
Asia: xxxiv.

Infinitive, generally postpositive in
Homer: 122.

Initial position, some verse effects in:

Inscriptions from Asia Minor: 195 ff.;
illiteracies in: 198, 201; ligatures
in: 201, 211; errors in: 202, 210;
Latin titles in Greek form: 230;
Kosename in: 232.

Interpolation, in the MSS. of Pliny's
Letters; 6.

Interval in music, acoustic theory of:

71; logarithmic expression of: 722.
Island, apparent, really a sea monster:
34, 35, 36, 37 f., 44, 45.
Italic dialects, word contamination in:
51 ff.

Jasconius, the great fish: 45.
Jonah, passive in monster's belly: 42;
in the poem of "Patience": 46.
Juvenal, literary influence of Cicero
181 ff.; writers influential


upon: 186; Satire 10 compared
with Cicero de Sen.: 186 ff.; really
a rhetorical treatise: 18819; in ac-
cord with Stoics and Cicero in his
view of virtue: 193; method in
using Cicero: 194.

Keil, stress on nine-book MSS. of
Pliny's Letters: 5.

Keresâspa, adventure with a sea
monster: 35.

Kleemann, work on Lygdamus elegies:

Kraken, description of: 45%.
Laodicean formula: 216.
Laughter in Lucretius: xxviii f.
Leases on papyri: xxi.
Ligature of N and T: 11.
Liudprand, and Lucian: 4928.
Livy, vocatives in: xxxviii.
Lucian, sea monsters in: 39 f.; source
of Vera Historia: 39; influence on
Gesta Romanorum?: 49; imitated in
eastern empire: 4928; influence on
Liudprand: 4928; sources of the
"Ovos: 238; Toxaris aims at romantic
interest: 246; uses satire to make
Vera Historia less trivial: 246;
author of Greek Metamorphoses:

Lucretius, date of his death: 109;
influence on Culex: 265, 270; use
of "Ovidian" vocabulary: 268;
laughter in: xxviii f.; reductio ad
absurdum in: xxviii.
Lygdamus, is Ovid: 149; biography
of: 149 f.; date of: 153; corre-
spondences with Ovid: 153 f.
Lygdamus elegies, Ovidian authorship
of: 149 ff.; art of: 152 f.; mas-
terly treatment of caesura: 153;
date of: 154; Kleeman's work on:
154; Némethy on: 155: imitations
of Horace and Aeneid in: 155 f.;
language of analyzed: 157; words
not found in later Ovid: 157 f.; rare
words found in Ovid and: 159 f.,
161; phrases in Elegy 3 common

only to Ovid and: 168.
Maledictions, in MSS.: 97, 104.
Manilius, the date of: xxi.

Märchen, character of: 253; unmoral-

[blocks in formation]

Metamorphoses of Apuleius, interpre-
tation of: 238 ff.; for what purpose
written: 238, 242, 24315; sources of:
238; literary character: 240; un-
moral character of hero: 24110; book
XI glorifies the mysteries: 243;
reason for book XI: 244; substi-
tuted for original ending: 24416; an
aretology: 24415.
Metamorphoses, Greek, source for
Apuleius and Lucian: 238; scope
of: 239; written by Lucian: 248.
Milesian tale, characteristics of:
254 f.; not essentially erotic: 255;
broad scope of: 256; a stylistic
term: 256.

Milton, great fish lore in: 46.
Minuscule ancestor of MV MSS. of
Pliny's Letters: 83, 106, 19.
Montanist formula: 220.
Music, Greek schools of: 72.
Musical scales, Greek: 81, 84.
Némethy, on Lygdamus elegies: 155.
Nicias, failure of: 66, 67.
Nicephoras, Gregoras, work on Ptol-

emy's Harmonics: 78 f.; contest
with Barlaam: 79.

Novella, character of: 253, 25323;
Ionian: 255; realistic: 256; trans-
formed Märchen to burlesque: 256.
Olaus Magnus, stories of great fish:

"Ovos, abridgment of Greek Meta-

morphoses: 238; gay and unmoral:
24415; a worked-over Märchen:

opimus, frequent confusion with op-
timus in MSS.: 9.

Oscan, hapiest: 51; haf-, 512; hipid:
512; acum: 52; Herukinai: 54.
Oscan-Umbrian, acno-: 53.
Otto, influence on later editors of
Pliny's Letters: 5.

Otto of Freising, depiction of ancient
Greece in: xxix f.

Outside leaf of MSS. has more mis-
readings: 19.

[blocks in formation]

word in exclusively Ovidian phrase:
163; fond of word play in zeugma:
178; attempt to unify Metamor-
phoses: 258; his vocabulary and
the Culex question: 261; author of
Culex: 262; non-Virgilian words in:

Papyrus, Michigan 10, description of:
275 ff.; official stamps on: xviii f.;
interpretation of a letter on: xix f.;
five leases on: xxi.

Participle, as runover word: 135; in-
fluence in securing variety and com-
pactness: 135; increasing use as
hypotaxis develops: 135; statistics
of use in typical authors: 135; pre-
positive use: 136; use in Homer:
136; as link: 138; subsequent
action expressed by aorist: xxxix.
Passive, nature of the Latin, in the
- light of recent discoveries: xxxvi f.;
essentially a middle in Latin:

"Patience," great fish in: 46.

Patria potestas, in Rome and Phrygia:
217 f.

Patronymic, Homer's fondness for:

Paul and Peter in Anatolian nomen-
clature: 199.

Paving, paid for by wealthy citizen:
235 f.

Peloponnesian war, Corcyra in: xxx f.
Pergamene influence at Antioch: 233.
Perotti, Nicolaus: Sylloge of Phaed-
rus: 98.

Peter and Paul in Anatolian nomen-
clature: 199.

Petronius, why he inserted poetry and
criticism: 246 f.; kinship with
Apuleius: 246; value of digressions:

Phaedrus, Vatican fragment of: 96 ff.;
MSS. of: 96.

Philippic, genuineness of fourth: 285.
Philo saves Alexander's life from a
great fish: 34.

Phrygian, formula: 218; influence at
Antioch: 222.

Pisidian love of vowels: 222.
Pity in the Iliad: xxii.

Pliny the Younger, defense of nine-
book tradition of the Letters: 5;
humanity of Romans proved by:
xxiii f.

Plutarch, testimony to Athenian
tribute: 60, 64, 70.

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