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Table of Contemporary Sovereigns from the period of the Discovery of America to the present time.

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1492 Henry VII. Charles VIII. Frederick III. Alexander VI. Catharine,

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Maximilian I.

Pius III.
Julius II.




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* Upon the establishment of the Confederation of the Rhine, in 1806, Francis ceased to be Emperor of Germany, and became hereditary Emperor of Austria, under the title of Francis I.



The figures on the right hand, refer to the page of the history on which an account of each event referred to may be found.)


1492 Columbus discovers the New World........



1497 The Cabots discover the Continent of North America.. 1499 Vespucci's voyage with Ojeda...



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1526 Narvaez attempts the conquest of Florida.............. 1534 Jaques Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence..

1539 Ferdinand de Soto commences the conquest of Florida. 1541 Soto discovers the Mississippi river....

1562 Ribault leaves a French colony on the coast of Florida... 1564 Laudonniere begins a French settlement on the river May... 1565 Laudonniere's colony destroyed by the Spaniards....

St. Augustine, the oldest town in the United States, founded
by Pedro Melendez.......

1568 The Spanish colony on the river May destroyed by De


1576 Frobisher's expedition....

1579 Oregon territory visited by Sir Francis Drake.

First voyage of Sir Humphrey Gilbert......


1583 Gilbert takes possession of Newfoundland................

1584 Raleigh's first expedition sent to Carolina commanded by Amidas and Barlow........


1603 Gosnold's voyage to New England...

1605 First permanent French settlement in North America made at Port Royal...

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1606 First charter of Virginia issued.

1607 Jamestown in Virginia founded; the earliest permanent English

settlement in North America..

1608 Quebec settled by Champlain..

1609 Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson river..
Second charter of Virginia granted..

1610 The starving time in Virginia...
1611 Sir Thomas Dale arrives in Virginia.
1613 New York settled by the Dutch....
Expedition of Argall..........

1619 First General Assembly in Virginia..

1620 Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth...




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1621 Charter granted to the Dutch West India Company for settling the territory between the Connecticut and the Delaware.... 112 1622 Patent granted to Gorges and Mason by the Plymouth Company.

1623 Portsmouth and Dover settled by Gorges and Mason..

Albany settled by the Dutch..






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1624 Dissolution of the London Company...

1627 The Swedes settle on the Delaware, and call their colony New


630 Heath's patent, for Carolina, granted..

1631 Clayborne forms a settlement on Kent island.

1631 Windsor in Connecticut settled....

1633 Maryland settled by Lord Baltimore.. The Dutch settle at Hartford.......

1634 Banishment of Roger Williams..

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Representative form of government first adopted in New Eng


1635 Saybrook settled by John Winthrop...

1636 Mr. Hooker emigrates from Massachusetts to Connecticut.. 1637 Pequod war. Antinomian controversy..

1638 New Haven settled....

1641 New Hampshire annexed to Massachusetts.

1643 Confederation of the New England colonies..

1644 Roger Williams obtains a charter for Rhode Island.

1650 Connecticut abandoned by the Dutch.... 1651 Virginia capitulates to the parliament.. Risingh takes Fort Casimir from the Dutch..








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1655 Stuyvesant the Dutch governor of New York conquers New Sweden....

1660 Charles II proclaimed in Virginia..

Arrival of the regicides Whalley and Goffe in Boston. 1663 Lord Clarendon obtains a charter for Carolina..... 1664 Commissioners sent to New England to regulate the colonies. 100 New York taken from the Dutch by the English........ Charles II grants to the Duke of York a patent for the country from the Delaware to the Connecticut...



The Duke of York grants New Jersey to Berkeley and Carteret 114

1670 Port Royal in South Carolina settled by Governor Sayle..... 146 1671 Charleston settled...


1673 New York re-conquered by the Dutch..


1674 New York restored to the English at the treaty of Westminster 115 1675 Commencement of King Philip's war..

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1684 Colonel Dongan and Lord Effingham's treaty with the Five

1685 Charles II dies and is succeeded by James II.......

1686 Sir Edmund Andros appointed President of New England.... 102 1687 Andros attempts to deprive Connecticut of its charter.... 103 1688 New York and New Jersey added to the jurisdiction of Andros 119 Revolution in England, which gives the sovereignty to William and Mary..


1689 Andros deposed and imprisoned, and William and Mary proclaimed at Boston....




Jacob Leisler usurps the government of New York.



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