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alive, and bedevil'd, and ufed worse than St. Bartholo mew), at every ftage he had come at

-I'll tell it, cried Smelfungus, to the world.. You had better tell it, faid I, to your physician 9).

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Mundungus, with an immense fortune, made the whole tour; going on from Rome to Naples from Naples to Venice from Venice to Vienna to Drefden, to Berlin, without one generous connection or pleasurable anecdote to tell of, but he had travell'd ftraight on looking neither to his right hand or his left, left Love or Pity fhould feduce him out of his road 105.


Peace be to them )! if it is to be found; but heaven itself, was it poffible to get there with fuch tempers, would want objects to give it every gentle fpirit would come flying upon the wings of Love to

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fcheinlich erdichtet. Der, den Yorick meynte wirds wohl gefühlt haben.

8. ufed worse than St. Filz. Der Nahme ift wahrBartholomew. Dafs man diefem Heiligen übel mit gespielt haben müffe, fo viel fieht man wenigstens aus diefer Stelle,

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II. Peace be to them. Friede fey mit ihnen! Sanft ruhe ihre Afche, wenn anders folche für alle feine Empfindungen abgeftumpfte Herzen felbft im Himmel Friede haben können. Sie würden fich kreutzigen und segnen wenn die Geister auf Flügeln der Liebe fie umfchwebten. Seligkeit zu fchmecken dazu gehört vor allen Dingen Empfindung. Diefer ganze Schlufs des Capitels ist im heftigen Affekte gegen folche Körper ohne Seelen geichrieben,


hail their arrival Nothing would the fouls of Smelfungus and Mundungus hear of, but fresh anthems of joy, fresh raptures of love, and fresh congratulations of their common felicity I heartily pity them: they have brought up no faculties for this work; and was the happiest manfion iu heaven to be allotted to Sinelfungus and Mundungus, they would be fo far from being happy that the fouls of Smelfungus and Mundungus would do penance there to all eternity.




I had once loft my portmanteau from behind my chaife, and twice got out in the rain, and one of the times up to the knees in dirt, to help the poftillion to tie it on, without being able to find out what was wanting) Nor was it till I got to Montriul, upon me if I wanted not a fervant, that it occurred to me, that that was the very thing.

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the landlords alking

A fervant! That I do moft fadly, quoth I caufe, Monfieur, faid the landlord,


there is a clever young fellow, who would be very proud of the ho

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faid the landlord I'll be shot if this is not a livre out of my pocket 2), quoth I to myself, this very night But they have wherewithal to be fo, Monfieur, added Set down one livre more for that, quoth I — It was but last night, faid the landlord, qu'un mý Lord Anglois prefentoit un ecu à la fille de chambre Tant pis, pour Mille Jana.

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tone, faid I.

Now Janatone being the landlord's daughter, and the landlord fuppofing I was young in French, took the liberty to inform me, I fhould not have faid tant pis but, tant mieux. Tant mieux, tóujours, Monfieur, faid he, when there is any thing to be got tant pis, when there is nothing. It comes to the fame thing 3), faid I. Pardonnez moi, faid the landlord.

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I cannot take a fitter opportunity to obferve once for all, that tant pis and tant mieux being two of the great hinges in French converfation, a ftanger. would do well to set himself right in the ufe of them, before he gets to Paris.

A prompt French Marquis at our ambaffador's ta ble demanded of Mr. H -; if he was H -the poet?

2. a livre out of my pocket. Dies Compliment wirft du gewifs theuer bezahlen müffen, denn die Wirthe in Frankreich find befonders gegen die Engländer nicht ohne Intereffe höflich.

3. It comes to the fa me thing. Es kömmt auf eines hinaus, ob ich tant mieux, oder tant pis in die


fem Falle fage. Das letzteré wählte Yorick in dietem Falle, weil er glaubte, dafs die Kammerjungfer den Thaler nicht umfonft bekommen ha, ben möchte. Der Wirth aber meynte, es müsse tant mieux heifsen, weil es feine Tochter war, die den Thaler bekommen hatte. Sie hatten, däucht mich, beyde nicht Uns recht.

No faid H mildly -Tant pis, replied the Marquis *).

It is H the hiftorian, faid another Tant mieux, faid the Marquis. And Mr. H, who is a man of an excellent heart, return'd thanks for both.

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When the landlord had fet me right in this matter, he called in La Fleur, which was the name of the young man he had fpoke of faying only firft, That as for his talents, he would prefume to fay nothing Monfieur was the beft judge what would fuit him; but for the fidelity of La Fleur, he would ftand refponfable in all he was worth.

The landlord deliver'd this in a manner which instantly fet my mind to the bufinefs I was upon -and La Fleur, who stood waiting without, in that breathlefs expectation") which every fon of nature of us have felt in our turns, came in.



I am apt to be taken with all kinds of people at firft fight; but never more fo, than when a poor de vil comes to offer his fervice to fo poor a devil as myfelf; and as I know this weakness, I always fuffer my judgment to draw back fomething) on that D 3

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'very account and this more or less, according to the mood I am in 2), and the cafe and I may add the gender too, of the perfon 1 am to govern.


When La Fleur enter'd the room, after every dif. count I could make 3) for my foul, the genuine look and air of the fellow determined the matter at once in his favour; fo I hired him firft*)

to inquire what he could do: But I talents, quoth I, as I want them man can do every thing.

Now poor

and then began

fhall find out his

befides, a French

La Fleur could do nothing in the world but beat a drum, and play a march or two upon the fife. I was determined to make his talents do "); and can't fay my weaknefs was ever fo infulted by my wildom), as in the attempt.

2. according to the mood I am in.,, Nachdem die Stimmung und der Fall ift, in dem ich mich befinde." Da mood und cafe in der Grammatik auch der modus und cafus heifsen, fo fetzt er noch einen dritten grammatischen Kunftausdruck hinzu, nehmlich gender wel ches hier fowohl das Gefchlecht der Perfon, als die Art derfelben bedeuten kann.

3. after every discount I could make. Nach allem Abzuge, den ich machen konnte," d. h. nach alle dem, was ich an ihm tadeln konnte.

4 So I hired him firft. So miethete ich ihn zuerst, “ und machte es alfo ganz ver

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