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She had fcarce got twenty paces diftant from me as fomething within me called out for a more particu

lar inquiry ration

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it brought on the idea of a further sepa I might poffibly never see her more the heart is for faving what it can; and I wanted the traces thro' which my wifhes might find their way to her, in cafe I fhould never rejoin her myfelf; in a word, I wifh'd to know her name her family's her condition and as I knew the place to which she was going, I wanted to know from whence fhe came: but there was no coming at all this intelligence: a hundred little delicacies ftood in the way. I form'd a fcore different plans -There was no fuch thing as a man's afking her directly the thing was impoffible.

A little French debonnaire captain, who came dancing down the street, fhewed me, it was the ea fieft thing in the world, for popping in betwixt us, juft as the lady was returning back to the door of the remife, he introduced himself to my acquaintance, and before he had well got announced, begg'd I would do him the honour to prefent him to the lady I had not been prefented myself fo turning about to her, he did it just as well by afking her, if she had come from Paris? No: fhe was going that route, fhe


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Vous n'etez pas de Londres? She

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me thro' Flanders.

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Apparemment vous êtez

Flammande? faid the French captain. -The lady

anfwered, fhe was.

added he

Peut etre, de Lifle?

She faid, fhe was not of Lifle. Nor Arras? nor Cambray? nor Ghent? -nor Bruffels? She answered, fhe was of Bruffels.


He had had the honour, he said, to be at the bom

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Et Madame a fon Mari? - faidhe, looking back when he had made two fteps and without staying for an answer 4) - danced down the ftreet.

Had I ferved feven years apprenticeship to good breeding, I could not have done as much.




As the little French captain left us, Monf. Deffein came up with the key of the remife in his hand, and forthwith let us into his magazine of chaifes.

The first object which caught my eye, as Mon Deffein open'd the door of the remife, was another

2. He had had the honour to be at th bombardment la ft war.,, Er härte die Ehre gehabt dem Bombardement von Büffel im letzten Kriege beyzuwohnen, " Da die Dame aus Brüffel gebürtig war, fo fieht man leicht wie unhöflich diefe Höflich keit fey. Der leichtfinnige Franzofe ift hier ungemein treffend gefchildert,

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3. the lady made a flight curtly.,,Sie machte eine geringe Verbeugung und gab nach Yoricks eigner Bemerkung f. Cap. 33. Not. 7. dadurch zu erkennen, dafs fie eine franzöfifche Edeldame aus Brüffel wäre.

4. without ftaying for an answer, ift paffend für den franzöfifchen Geck von Officier.

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the very

old tatter'd Defobligeant: and not withstanding it was the exact picture of that which had hit my fancy fo much in the coachyard but an hour before fight of it stirr'd up a disagreeable sensation 1) within me now; and I thought 'twas a churlifh beaft into whose heart the idea could firft enter, to conftru&t such a machine; nor had I much more charity for the man who could think uf using it.

I obferved the lady was as little taken with it as myself 2): fo Monf. Deffein led us on to a couple of chaifes which stood abreaft, telling us as he recommended them, that they had been purchased by my Lord A. and B. to go the grand tour 3), but had gone no further than Paris, fo were in all refpects as good as new →→→ They were too good fo I pafs'd on to a third, which stood behind, and forthwith began to chaffer for the price But 'twill fearce hold two, faid I, opening the door and getting in Have the goodnefs, Madam, faid Monfieur Deffein, offering his arm,

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1. the very fight of it flirr'd up a difagreeable fenfation Der blofse, Anblick deffelben brachte ein widriges Gefühl in mir hervor, nehmlich weil ein einfitziger Wagen feinem jetzigen Vorfatze, in dem fo viel angeneh mes für ihn lag, die Dame mit zu nehmen, zuwider war. Dies macht dafs er fo gar den verwünscht, der zuerst auf den Gedanken kommen konnte, ein folches einfitziges Ding zu bauen. So weit geht das Herz, wenn es in Gefahr ift das Liebfte zu verlieren. So verwünscht Horatz den erften


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to step in The lady hefitated half a fecond, and ftepp'd in; and the waiter that moment beckoning to fpeak to Monf, Deffein, he fhut the door of the chaife upon us, and left us.




C'est bien comique, 'tis very droll, faid the lady fmiling, from the reflection that this was the fe cond time we had been left together) by a parcel of nonfenfical contingencies c'est bien comique,

faid fhe

There wants nothing, faid I, to make it fo, but the comic ufe which the gallantry of a Frenchman

would put it to

to make love the first moment 2),

and an offer of his perfon the fecond,

'Tis their fort: replied the lady.

It is fuppofed fo at leaft and how it has come to país, continued I, I know not; but they have certainly got the credit of understanding more of love, and making it better than any other nation upon earth: but for my own part I think them errant bunglers, and in thruth

T. this was the fecond time we had been left together.",, Dies wäre das zweytemahl, wo wir allein gelaffen worden wären,“ nehmlich, das erftemahl wo Herr Deffein den rechten Schlüffel zur Remifenthüre nicht mitge bracht hat, und hier das zwei

temahl, wo er weggerufen wird.

2, to make love the firft moment etc.,, Den erften Augenblick verliebt zu thun, und den zweiten feine Perfon anzutragen," es fehlt weiter nichts, als dafs ein Fran zofe an meiner Stelle wäre.

truth the worst set of marksmen that ever tried Cupid's patience 3).

To think of making love by fentiments 4)!

I fhould as foon think of making a genteel fait of cloaths out of remnants; and to do it

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at first fight by declaration) is fubmitting the offer and themselves with it, to be fifted, with all their pours and contres, by an unheated mind.

The lady attended as if she expected I should go on. Confider then, Madam, continued I, laying my hand upon hers

That grave people hate Love for the name's fake)

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3. the work set of markfmen that ever tried Cupid's patience ,,De schlechteften Schützen, an welchen fich jemahls Cupido müde gelehrt hat." Das heift, die Franzofen verftehen gar nichts von der Liebe! Schürzen nennt er die Liebhaber und den Cupido ihren Lehrer, in Rücklicht der Herzen, die vom Ainor mit feinen Pfeilen verwundet werden.

4. to think of making love by fentiments. „Wie thöricht die Liebe durch Sentiments zu betreiben! d. h. feine Liebe mehr in Worten als Handlungen zu erkennen zu geben.

5. and to do it at firft by declaration etc. Einer Perfon, die man zum


erftenmahle fieht, gleich mit einer Liebeserklärung über den Hals zu kommen ist, wenn unfre Abficht ernsthaft dabey feyn foll, der befte Weg abge wiefen zu werden. Das Herz, welches bey der Aufnahme derfelben das meifte thun mufs, ift natürlich noch kalt aus Mangel einer genauern Be kanntschaft mit dem, der den Antrag macht, und der Verftand wird daher gar nicht geftöhrt alles genau zu erwägen. um einen folchen Pfufcher mit Verachtung abzuweilen,

Die Sache ist zu ernsthaft, als dafs man es leiden könnte, dafs fie leichtfinnig und übereilt behandelt, würde.

6. grave people hate love for the name's fa

ke etc. Betrachten Sie fer

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