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placed him before him.

This is noble! faid I, clap

ping my hands together

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And yet you would not

permit this, faid the old officer in England 14).

-In England, dear Sir, faid I, we fit all at our eafe 1).

The old French officer would have fet me at unity with myself, in case I had been at variance 16), by faying it was a bon mot and as a bon mot is always worth fomething at Paris, he offered me a pinch of fnuff.


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It was now my turn to afk the old French officer What was the matter?") for a cry of, Hauffez les mains, Monfieur l'Abbé! reechoed from

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14. you would not per mit this in England. Und doch würde ein fol." ches eigenmächtiges Verfahren, worüber Sie fich in diefem Falle so sehr freuen in England Ihrem Vaterlande nicht erlaubt feyn." Dies enthielt eine kleine Beleidigung für Yorick.

15. In England we fit all at our ease. ,,In Eng land fitzen wir alle beques mer," zugleich kann es aber auch heifsen: dort find wir freylich keine folche Sklaven, dafs wir ein folches militärifches Verfahren im Schaufpiel

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dozen different parts of the parterre, was as unins telligible to me, as my apoftrophe to the monk had been to him,

He told me, it was fome poor Abbé in one of the upper loges, who he fuppofed had got planted predu behind a couple of griffets in order to fee the opera, and that the parterre efpying him, were infifting upon his holding up both his hands during the reprefentation. And can it be fuppofed, faid I, that an ecclefiaftick would pick the griffet's pockets? The old French officer fmiled, and whispering in my ear, open'd a door of knowledge which I had no idea of 2)

Good God! faid I, turning pale with aftonifhment is it poffible, that a people fo finit with fentiment3) fhould at the fame time be fo unclean, and fo unlike themselves Quelle groffierté!

added I.

The French officer told me, it was an illiberal farcafm 4) at the church, which had begun in the theatre about the time the Tartuffe was given in it, by Mo

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3. So fmit with fentiment. So verliebt in feine Empfindung.

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2. open'd a door of Knowledge I had no idea of Er machte mich mit etwas bekannt, wovon ich gar keine Idee hatte, nehmlich, dass der Abbé nicht...unartige Satyre auf die Geist. deshalb hinter den Mäd- lichen, fie in einem fo unde

chens ftünde, um ihre Taschen, zu plündern, fondern we gen einer fchmutzigern Abficht

4. It was an illiberal farcafm. Es wäre eine

likaren Verdachte zu haben. Das hauffez les main fey also nicht Ernft, fondern bles Scherz,

but, like other remains of Gothic man

not fome deli Le POUR, et

liere 5) hers, was declining Every nation, continued he, have their refinements and groffieretés, in which they take the lead and lofe it of one another ") by turns that he had been in most countries, but never in one where he found cacies which others feemed to want. le CONTRE) fe trouvent en chaque nation; there is a balance, faid he, of good and bad every where; and nothing but the knowing it is fo can emancipate one half of the world from the prepof, feffions which it holds against the other


the advantage of travel, as it regarded the fçavoir vivre, was by feeing a great deal both of men and manners; it taught us mutual toleration; and mutual toleration concluded he, making me a bow, taught us matual love 3).

The old French officer delivered this with an air of fuch candour and good fenfe, as coincided with my firft favourable impreffions of his character I thought I loved the man; but I fear I miftook the object 'twas my own way of thinking the difference was, I could not have expreffed it half fo well.

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7. le pour et le contre. Das Für und Wider," d. h. das Gute und Böfe,

8. tauhgt us mutual love. Da jeder feine Fehler hat, fo ift gegenseitige Liebe nur. durch gegenseitige Nachfichtmöglich. Um Sie zu lieber mufste auch ich nachfichtig feyn wie Sie es waren, da wir uns beyde kurz vorher etwas Spitzfindiges gefagt hatten.

It is alike troublefome to both the rider and his beast") if the latter goes pricking up his ears, and ftarting all the way at every object which he never faw before I have as little torment of this kind as any creature alive; and yet I honeftly confefs, that many a thing gave me pain, and that I blufh'd at many a word the first month which I found inconfequent and perfectly innocent the fecond.

Madame de Rambouliet, after an acquaintance of about fix weeks with her had done me the honour to take me in her coach about two leagues out of town Of all women, Madame de Rambouliet is the most cor. rect; and I never wifh to fee one of more virtues and purity of heart In our return back, Madame de Rambouliet defired me to pull the cord 10) - I afked her if she wanted any thing Madame de Rambouliet

9) It is alike troublefome to both the rider and his be aft. Es ift fo. wohl für den Reuter als fein Pferd beschwerlich, wenn das letztere bey jeder Kleinigkeit, die ihm in den Weg kommt, ftuzt." Eben fo unangenehm ift es auch fowohl für uns felbft als die, mit denen wir in Gesellschaft find, wenn wir bey jedem anftöfligen Ausdru

cke erröthen. Wir fetzen da. durch uns fowohl als die Gefellschaft in Verlegenheit. Gewohnheit ist auch hiergegen das befte Mittel. Nach einem 'kurzen Aufenthalte in Paris war ich nicht halb fo fcheu

Rien que piffer, faid

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Grieve not, gentle traveller, to let Madame de RamAnd, ye fair myftic nymphs! go each one pluck your rofe ), and fcatter them in your path for Madame de Rambouliet did no more I handed Madame de Rambouliet out of the coach; and had I been the priest of the chafte CASTALIA, I could not have served at her fountain 12). with a more refpe&tful decorum.

II. ye fair myftic nymphs, go each one and pluck your rofe. ,,Ihr geheimnisvollen Damen in natürlichen Dingen, macht immer den Vorwand ihr hät tet eine Rofe abzupflücken, wenn ihr wegen einer natürlichen Verrichtung aus dem Wagen steigt, und entledigt euch derfelben während dafs ihr euch nach einer Blume

bückt. Die Sache bleibt doch immer diefelbe. Wer wollte denn fo sehr delikat feyn, wie ihr?"

12. I could not have ferved. Das heifst etwas undelikates fehr delikat ausdrücken, ob man gleich dawider zu feyn fcheint, oder über folche Plumbheiten fatyrifirt.


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