Abbildungen der Seite


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Text of the Salary Bill as Amended by the

Senate, and Vote by which it passed-Return

of the Bill to the House-Final Vote in the

House concurring in the Senate Amendment-

Approval by the President-The several Rates

of Compensation fixed by various Laws, and

the cases in which the same were retroactive,

and for what length of time-Names of Sena

tors who drew pay under the Retroactive Pro-

visions of the several Laws, amounts drawn,

and dates of same-Names of Senators who

covered into the Treasury amounts due them

under Retroactive Provisions of Law, with

date of such action-A Comparative State-

ment-Mileage paid to Senators in the Thirty-

Ninth and Forty-Second Congresses under the

acts of 1856 and 1866-Effect of the acts of 1873

and 1874-Statement of amounts of Mileage

paid to each of the Representatives and Dele-

gates in the Forty-Second Congress-State-

ment of the amounts for traveling allowances

paid to each Representative and Delegate for

attending the first session of the Forty-Third

Congress-Text of House Bill for the Abolition

of Mileage-Votes on tabling and on final

passage--The Bill in the Senate.

IV. Judicial Decisions and Opinions.40-53

Louisiana Slaughter-House Cases-The Myra

Bradwell Case-The Iowa Liquor Cases.

V. Proposed Amendments to the Constitu-

tion of the United States............................................... .53-58

By Senators Frelinghuysen, Harlan, Sumner,
Windom, Hamilton of Maryland, Wright,
Stewart; and Representatives John Lynch,

Hibbard, Banks, Coghlan, Porter, Benjamin

F. Myers, Arthur, De Witt, McCrary, Eugene

Hale, Coburn, Creamer, Morrison, and Isaac

C. Parker-Reported by Mr. Morton from Sen-

ate Committee on Privileges and Elections, as

to mode of electing President and Vice Presi-

dent-Votes on propositions to make natural-

ized citizens eligible to offices of President

and Vice President-House Judiciary Com-

mittee Report on the Religious Amendment.

VI. Constitutional Amendments,

and pending, in the several States..58-84

Arkansas, California, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky,

Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York,

North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas,



Governors, and others-Action of Federal
and State Officials-Opinions of the Attorney
General-Plans of Compromise-Action of the
Courts-Settlement of Complications.

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Preliminary Surveys for Water Routes, &c.)-
Conclusions and Recommendations of the Sen-
ate Select Committee-Contemplated Improve-
ments of the Mississippi, Northern, Central,
and Southern Water Routes-Benefits antici-
pated therefrom, and estimated cost.

XV. State Action on Railroads........200-205

Illinois Railroad Act of 1873-Railroad Law of

Wisconsin of 1874.

XVI. The Supplementary Civil Rights



The Old House Bill-The Sumner Bill-The
Senate Substitute, and Proceedings thereon in
Senate and House-Amendments and Votes.

XVII. Woman's Rights........ ........209-211

Female Suffrage Proposition, and Vote in Sen-

ate-Female Attorney Vote in House-State

Action in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hamp-

shire, and Rhode Island.

XVIII. Geneva and San Juan


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Universal Amnesty and Test Oath-Another

Proposed Amendment of the Constitution-
Interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment
-The Utah Bill, with Amendments and Votes
in both Houses-Admission of Colorado-Ad-
mission of New Mexico-Cost of Public Im-
provements in all the States and Territories,
comprehending Public Buildings at Washing-
ton, in the States, and in the Territories; Ma-
rine Hospitals, Light-houses, &c.; and River
and Harbor Improvements on the Atlantic,
Gulf, and Pacific coasts, the Northern States,
and the Western rivers-Action of Congress
on Civil Service.

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bank capital paid in; with statistical memo-
randa as to taxes and dividends of national
banks, and touching the various issues under
the act of 1870; with statement by the Comp-
troller as to the effect of the act of 1874.

E. List of Appropriations.......................... .....225-227
For the fiscal years, ending June 30, 1872, made
at the 3d Session 41st Congress, and 1st Ses-
sion 42d Congress-Ending June 30, 1873, at
2d Session 42d Congress-Ending June 30,
1874, at 3d Session 42d Congress-Ending
June 30, 1875, at 1st Session 43d Congress.

F. Revenues and Expenditures of the

Revenues for the fiscal years ending June 30,
1872 and 1873, under the heads of Customs,
Internal Revenue, Direct Taxes, Public Lands,
Miscellaneous Sources--Expenditures for
same years under the heads of Civil List,
Foreign Intercourse, Navy Department, War
Department, Pensions, Indians, Miscellaneous,

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