Abbildungen der Seite

Arkansas river. H. M. Shreve's report of improvements

on the

Vol. No. Page.
1 1


Arkansas. Report in relation to certain military roads in 2 58 30
Arkansas river. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury

in relation to the establishment of a marine hospital
at the mouth of the


Arkansas and Missouri. Documents relating to the titles of
certain land claimants in

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3 102


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4 175


Arkansas and Missouri to Mexico. Documents relating to
debenture on foreign goods conveyed by land from 7
Armories, and the arms manufactured, for the year 1839.
Report of the Secretary of War, of expenditures at
the national
Armories, arsenals, magazines, and foundries, constructed
or deemed necessary, with a conjectural estimate
of constructing those which are not completed, or
which are not commenced. Report of the Secretary
of War in relation to

Armory. Memorial of the Cairo City Canal Company,
praying that the city of Cairo may be selected as a
site for a national

Armstrong. Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs on
the memorial of Andrew

Army for 1839. Annual report of Major General of the
Army for 1839. Organization of the
General return of the

Army for 1839.

Army under command of General Scott.
eastern division of the
Army under command of General Gaines. Position, &c.,

of western division of the -

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Army during 1839. Number of recruits enlisted in the
Army employed in Florida under command of General
Taylor. Return of the

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Position, &c., of


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Army in Florida under General Taylor. Report, with a
map of the seat of war, of the operations of the
Army for 1839. Report of operations in the Ordnance
Department for the

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Report of Quartermaster General of the
Report of Paymaster General of the
Report of Surgeon General of the


Report of Chief Engineer of the
Statement of diseases and deaths in the
Army during 1838, 1839, and 1840. Comparative statement
of the cost of clothing, &c., for the United States 1
Army for 1839. Report of the Commissary General of
Subsistence of the -

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Army for 1839. Report of the Commissary General of
Purchases of the

Army officers retiring on half-pay. Report from the Secre-

1 1 269

Army. Remonstrance of officers of the corps of engineers
against the passage of the bill to regulate the pay
and emoluments of the officers of the line and staff
in the

Army and navy. Report of the Committee on Naval Af
fairs, on the bill to regulate enlistments into the
Arthur and others, for furnishing the Missouri volunteers
with rations, &c. Documents relating to the claim.
of Michael

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Asbury. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the bill
for the relief of Samuel M.
Atkinson, deceased. Report of the Committee on the Ju-
diciary, on the bill (H. R. 77) for the relief of the
heirs, &c. of Thomas

Atlantic frontier. (See Defences.)

Auditor, relating to the claim of John E. Bispham, for the
payment of an amount of prize money due him.
Letter of the Fourth

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Austin and others. Report of the Commissioner of Pensions
in relation to the claim of Isaac


Bailey, survivor of Bailey and Delord. Report of the
Committee of Claims on the bill (H. R. 43) for the
relief of William

Bailey. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the bill
for the relief of James

Baldwin. Report of the Committee on Commerce on the
petition of Enoch -

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1 2


Banks. Statement by the United States Treasurer of mo-
neys of the United States in the two general deposite 1
Banks to 20th November, 1839. Statement of the condi-
tion of the deposite

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Banking institutions generally, and the kind of money re-
ceivable for public dues. Statement by the Secretary
of the Treasury concerning the condition of
Banking corporations. Resolutions of the Legislature of
New Hampshire, in favor of a separation of the
Government from -

Banks in the District of Columbia on the 1st January, 1840.
Returns showing the condition of the

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Bank. Resolutions of the Legislature of Tennessee against
a national -

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Banks in the United States which did, or did not, stop
specie payments during the suspension of 1839; and
of those which have resumed specie payments.
list of all the

Bank notes. Report from the Secretary of State in relation
to exchange of Government drafts for
Bankrupt law. Memorial of Silas M. Stilwell and others,
praying the passage of a general

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Bank of Georgetown, &c. Memorial of the corporate
authorities of the city of Georgetown, praying the
extension of the charter of the
Banks since the general resumption of specie payments in
1838. Report from the Secretary of the Treasury
in relation to the payment of Government drafts by
the deposite
Bank of Natchez, residing in Philadelphia, praying an ex-
tension of time for the payment of a balance due
from said bank to the United States. Memorial of
stockholders in the Agricultural
Banking companies. Memorial of Joseph Fawcett and
others, praying Congress to call a national conven-
tion for the purpose of restraining and adjusting
abuses in the incorporation of

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Banks in the District of Columbia to resume specie pay-
ments or to wind up their concerns. Memorial of
citizens of Washington city, praying the adoption of
measures to compel the

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Bankrupt law. Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of
New York, in favor of a uniform
Banks in the District of Columbia. Document submitted
by Mr. Merrick, from the Committee on the District
of Columbia, relating to the condition of the affairs
of the
Banks in the District of Columbia to resume specie pay-
ments or to wind up their concerns. Memorial of citi-
zens of the city of Washington, praying the adoption
of measures to compel the
Bankrupt law. Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan
in favor of a

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Banks, and the passage of the Independent Treasury bill.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio in favor of
the separation of the Government from

Banks in said city. Petition of citizens of Washington city
praying a recharter of the

Bankrupt law. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine in

favor of the passage of a

Banking-house of the Bank of Alexandria. Documents re-

lating to the joint resolution for the purchase for the
United States of the

Bankrupt law. Resolutions of the Legislature of New York
in favor of the passage of a

Bankrupt law. Resolutions of the Legislature of Louisiana
in favor of the passage of a

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Banks in the District of Columbia to resume specie pay-
ments or wind up their concerns. Memorial of citi-

zens of Georgetown, in the District of Columbia,
praying the adoption of measures to compel the

Bank notes in exchange for Government drafts. (See Gov-

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Bankrupt law. Memorial of the Board of Trade of the city
of Baltimore praying the passage of a

Banks in which special deposites in specie were made to
the credit of the Treasurer of the United States, in
anticipation of receiving therefor Treasury notes,
&c. Statement of the names of


Banks in the District of Columbia to resume specie pay-
ments or to wind up their concerns. Memorial of
citizens of Washington city praying the adoption of
measures to compel the

Banks in the District of Columbia may not be compelled to
resume specie payments before a general resumption
takes place in Maryland and Virginia. Memorial of
citizens of Georgetown, D. C., praying a recharter of
the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, and that the
Bankruptcy throughout the United States. Memorial of
the Board of Trade of the city of New York pray-
ing the amendment of the bill (S. 324) to establish a
uniform system of -
Bankruptcy throughout the United States. Memorial of
merchants and traders in the city of New York
against the passage of the bill to establish a uniform
system of
Bankrupt law. Remonstrance of citizens of the city of New
York against the amendment asked for by the Board
of Trade of that city to the proposed

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Bankrupt law. Memorial of the New York Chamber of
Commerce praying the adoption of certain provisions
in the proposed

Bankrupt law. Resolutions adopted at a meeting of the
Board of Trade of the city of New York, explanato-
ry of a memorial presented from that body to the
Senate in relation to the proposed

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Bankrupt law. Resolutions adopted at a meeting of electors
of Dutchess county, New York, in favor of the im-
mediate passage of a

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Bankrupt law to be passed by Congress, of a provision re-
quiring the concurrence of a majority in interest of
creditors to entitle the debtor to a discharge. Me-
morial of merchants of the city of New York pray-
ing the insertion, in any


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8 595


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Bank of Washington, praying a renewal of their charter.
Memorial of the president and directors of the
Banks in the District of Columbia. Petition of citizens of
the city of Washington, praying a renewal of the 8
Bank of the Metropolis, the Patriotic Bank of Washington,
and the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of George-
town, praying an extension of their charters until
the 4th of March next. Memorial of the

Barclay, in right of his father, George Barclay. Report of
the Committee on Private Land Claims on the peti-
tion of William

8 615


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Barker, widow of (Isaac) Barker. Report of the Committee
on Pensions on the bill for the relief of Wealthy
Bay. Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims on
the petition of Elihu Hall

Bayou l'Eau Bleue. Resolutions of the Legislature of Lou-
isiana relative to the opening the

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Bentley. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the pe-
tition of Elisha

Benton, in relation to the legislative power of the Union to
assume the debts of the several States. Motion of


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Benton, in relation to the regulation of foreign commerce.
Motion of Mr.
Benton, in relation to the importation, exportation, manu-
facture, and uses of salt. Documents submitted by


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6 299


Benton of the amount of gold, silver, and copper coinage at
the Mint in London from 1816 to 1836. Statement
submitted by Mr.
Benton, relating to the bill (S. 273) "to reduce the draw-
backs on refined sugar and rum, and to reduce the
fishing bounties," &c. Document submitted by Mr. 6 334
Biennial Register. Message from the President of the United

States, explaining the cause of the delay in the publi-
cation and distribution of the

Bispham. Document relating to the claim of John E.
Black. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the bill for
the relief of John -

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Blakesle. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the peti-
tion of Mary

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Blodget. Letter of the Commissioner of Pensions in rela-
tion to the claim of Elijah -
Bloodhounds against the hostile Indians in Florida. Letter
of the Secretary of War in relation to the employ-
ment of
Bloomfield. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the
bill for the relief of Ann

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Board of inspection of lake harbors. Report of the
Board of officers appointed to witness the exhibition of Colt's
improved boarding pistols and rifles, together with
their opinion of the advantages to be derived from
the adoption of the same for the service of boarders
and marines. Report of the

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Board of officers appointed to witness an exhibition of Mig-
hill Nutting's patent cylinder fire-arms. Report of
Bonds issued by the Territory of Florida. Message from the
President of the United States in relation to the
Booth. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the petition
of Betsey
Bosworth. Report of the Committee on Pensions on the

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