Abbildungen der Seite

1369. Final payments for lands on Umatilla Reservation.

1378. Conference report on bill relative to immigration of aliens, etc.

1379. Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill.

1381. Vacancy on board of regents, Smithsonian Institution.

1382. Exchange of conveyances between Florida East Coast Ry. and U. S.

1383. Expenses during inaugural ceremonies.

1389. Fifth Regiment Maryland National Guard.

1390. To amend D. C. code relative to capital punishment.

1391. To amend act to reincorporate German Orphan Asylum Association.

1392. To amend D. C. code relative to vessels in harbor of District.

1393. To amend D. C. code relative to stealing of automobiles.

1394. Exhibition of indecent pictures in District of Columbia.

1396. To approve plan, etc., for Lincoln Memorial.

1397. To restore to public domain lands at headwaters of Mississippi River.

1400. Agreement with Wiminuche band of Ute Indians.

1401. Terms of court to be held at Newark, N. J.

1409. To establish division of markets in Department of Agriculture.

1410. Conference report on bill relative to immigration of aliens, etc.

1411. Leases of land in Yosemite National Park.

1413. District of Columbia appropriation bill.

1414. Memorials to Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in D. C.

1415. Expenses of inaugural ceremonies.

1416. Loan of tents to Hella Temple, Dallas, Tex.

1417. Pensions for Indian war veterans.

1418. Change of time for holding court at Jonesboro, Ark.

1420. American register for steam yacht Diana.

1421. Condemned cannon for Wallkill Valley Cemetery Association.

1423. To amend law relative to Patent Office fees.

1424. Protection of migratory game and insectivorous birds.

1425. Fur-seal industry in Alaska.

1427. To change tax on adulterated butter.

1429. Right of way through Fort Wingate reservation, N. Mex.

1430. Conf. rp. on sale of unallotted lands in Standing Rock Reservation.

1433. To extend 25th street southeast, District of Columbia.

1434. Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill.

1436. To create new division of northern judicial district of Georgia.

1438. Immigration station site at Baltimore, Md.

1439. Bridge across Sabine River at Orange, Tex.

1440. Bridge across Monongahela River, W. Va.

1441. Federal accident compensation act.

1443. Launch for customs service at Los Angeles, Cal.

1444. Payments on certain town lots in Oklahoma.

1445. Manufacture of denatured alcohol.

1446. Warehouse for District of Columbia.

1447. Leases of land in Yosemite National Park.

1452. Bridge across Yellowstone River in McKenzie County, N. Dak.

1453. To increase efficiency of Revenue-Cutter Service.

1454. Bridge across Kanawha River.

1463. To donate certain lands to St. Augustine, Fla.

1473. Issuance of patents and surveys of private land claims.

1474. To exempt from cancellation desert-land entries in Chuckawalla Valley, etc.

1478. Appropriation for Military Academy.

1479. Protection of monuments on battlefields of Bull Run, Va.'

1480. Jurisdiction over lands in Mount Rainier National Park.

1481. To amend R. S. relative to records of internal revenue officers.

1482. To remove obstructions from West Virginia avenue, District of Columbia.

1484. Exchange of properties between Porto Rico and War Department.

1486. Intermarriage of whites with negroes, etc., in District of Columbia.

1487. To extend New Hampshire avenue, District of Columbia.

1488. Control and regulation of waters of Niagara River above falls. 2 pts.

1489. Local inspectors for Steamboat-Inspection Service, Los Angeles, Cal.

1490. Hotel on Fort Huachuca reservation, Ariz.

1493. Donations of condemned cannon and cannon balls.

1494. Right of way through Mount Olivet Cemetery, Utah.

1496. To increase efficiency of naval militia, etc.

1497. Conference report on bill rel. to hours of daily service on public works.

1498. Conference report on legislative, etc., appropriation bill.

1499. Coal lands for municipal purposes.

1504. Pension appropriation bill.

1505. Bridge across Missouri River, N. Dak.

1507. To extend time for bridge across Caddo Lake, La.

1511. Coal lands for Grand Junction, Colo.

1514. To amend sec. 81 of laws relating to judiciary.

1515. Bridge across Twelve Mile Bayou, Caddo Parish, La.

1517. Houses of ill fame in District of Columbia.

1519. Conference report on bill for pensions of survivors of Indian wars.

1522. To increase limit of cost of certain public buildings.

1526. Sundry civil appropriation bill.

1527. Commissioners of D. C. to revoke licenses under certain conditions.

1528. Bridge across Mississippi River near mouth of Missouri River.

1529. Bridge across Missouri River near Weldon Springs, Mo.

1530. Bridge across Mississippi River at Minneapolis, Minn.

1531. Bridge across Mississippi River in Beltrami County, Minn.

1533. Legislative reference bureau in Library of Congress.

1568. Term of court at Sunbury, Pa.

1569. Deposits of Government funds.

1571. Bridge across Lumber River near Lumberton, N. C.

1572. Report on investigation of oleomargarine tax.

1574. Hours of employment of women in District of Columbia.

1575. Salary of United States marshal of Nevada.

1576. General deficiency appropriation bill.

1577. Control of waters of Niagara River.

1578. Conference report on bill relative to indigent persons of Alaska.

1579. Conference report on bill to amend sec. 8 of pure food law.

1582. Disposition of useless papers in Executive Departments.

1583. Bridge across Mississippi River in Beltrami County, Minn.

1584. To restrict issuance of interlocutory injunctions.

1585. Conference report on diplomatic and consular appropriation bill.

1590. Conference report on bill for loan of tents to Mystic Shrine.

1591. Bridge across Okanogan River at Okanogan, Wash.

1592. Bridge across St. John River at Van Buren, Me.

1594. To stop traffic, etc., for suffrage procession in D. C., Mar. 3, 1913.

1602. Conference report on army appropriation bill.

1603. Conference report on pension appropriation bill.

1604. Conference report on Post Office Department appropriation bill.

1605. Conference report on Indian appropriation bill.

1606. Conference report on bill to amend sec. 8 of pure food act.

1607. Conference report on rivers and harbors appropriation bill.

1608. Conference report on bill to limit hours of labor on public work.

1617. Conference report on Military Academy appropriation bill.

1618. Conference report on naval appropriation bill.

1619. Conference report on deficiency appropriation bill.

1620. Conference report on public buildings appropriation bill.

1621. Conference report on District of Columbia appropriation bill.

1622. Conference report on sundry civil appropriation bill.

1623. Conference report on legislative, etc., appropriation bill.

1624. Conference report on naval appropriation bill.

1625. Conference report on public buildings appropriation bill.

1626. Conference report on legislative, etc., appropriation bill.

1627. Conference report on sundry civil appropriation bill.

1628. Conference report on Agriculture Department appropriation bill.


DECEMBER 4, 1912.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed.

Mr. JOHNSON of South Carolina, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following


[To accompany H. R. 26680.]

In presenting the bill making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1914, the Committee on Appropriations submit the following in explanation thereof:

The estimates on which the bill is based will be found on pages 9 to 110, inclusive, of the Book of Estimates for the fiscal year 1914, and amount to $36,514,955.50.

The total appropriations made for the current fiscal year 1913 for the objects provided for in the accompanying bill amount_to $35,216,133.38, which sum includes $999,670, carried in the sundry civil, pension, and other appropriation acts for 1913, for various branches of the public service, that are taken up in the accompanying bill for 1914.

The bill reported herewith appropriates $34,898,505.50 and makes provision for 15,699 salaries.

Compared with the appropriations for the current year, 1913, and with the estimates submitted to Congress for the ensuing fiscal year, 1914, the following differences are shown:

It appropriates $317,627.88 less than was appropriated for the same service for the fiscal year 1913.

It appropriates $1,616,450 less than was submitted to Congress in the estimates of the executive departments.

It provides for 310 fewer salaries than were appropriated for this year, and 355 less than are specifically called for in the estimates.

As a part of this report there is submitted a comparative statement showing in parallel columns as to each item in the bill the current appropriation, the amount estimated for 1914, and the sum

recommended in the bill for that year, together with the number of salaries in each office or bureau and in the aggregate in each department under the three conditions mentioned.


Limitations with respect to expenditures or legislative provisions within clause 2 of Rule XXI of the House, not heretofore enacted, are recommended as follows:

On page 44:

Under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, piece-rate employees in the office of the Auditor for the Post Office Department shall be entitled, from and after the approval of this act, to the same leave of absence with pay as is provided for clerks and employees in the executive departments by section 5 of the act approved March 3, 1893; section 7 of the act approved March 15, 1898; section 1 of the act approved July 7, 1898; and section 4 of the act approved February 24, 1899. The pay of any piece-rate employee during such leave shall be determined by the average quantity of work done by such employee and the pay therefor.

On page 72:

Section 10 of the river and harbor appropriation act approved July 25, 1912, is repealed.

On page 97, in connection with the appropriation for clerks in the Pension Office authorized for the work of payment of pensioners: and the persons employed hereunder when not necessarily otherwise engaged may be employed on the general work of the Pension Office. On page 97:

Hereafter, the right of review of the Secretary of the Interior of the action of the Commissioner of Pensions in relation to claims for Army and Navy pensions, or in relation to the payment of Army and Navy pensions, shall be limited and confined to questions of law. On page 97:

During the fiscal year 1914 not more than 25 per cent of the vacancies occurring in the classified service of the Bureau of Pensions herein provided for shall be filled except by promotion or demotion from among those in the classified service in said bureau. And the salaries or compensation of all places which may not be filled as herein provided for shall not be available for expenditure but shall lapse and shall be covered into the Treasury.

On page 140:

Sec. 4. That section 7 of the general deficiency appropriation act approved August 26, 1912, is amended to read as follows:

Sec. 7. That no part of any money contained herein or hereafter appropriated in lump sum shall be available for the payment of personal services at a rate of compensation in excess of that paid for the same or similar services during the preceding fiscal year; nor shall any person employed at a specific salary be hereafter transferred and hereafter paid from a lump-sum appropriation a rate of compensation greater than such specific salary, and the heads of departments shall cause this provision to be enforced: Provided, That this section

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