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Original Letter from a Suicide.

[VOL. 4 conviction of their guiltiness; and ere lacerated throat, from which so often the hand of death shall cast them down proceeded the accents of depravity, and into the lowest depths of perdition, I the oath of execration; but from which would pluck them back from the edge not a syllable even of prayer, can now See how the activity of that precipice which even now find utterance! moulders beneath their feet.

of my whole frame is dissolved in mortal lethargy, which must inevitably, and within the short space of a few lingering minutes, close my eyes in the leaden slumbers of premature dissolution. You cannot hear, you cannot feel, the last groan, the last embrace of a brokenhearted father, who even with his expiring sigh breathed forgiveness to an unnatural parricide.-You cannot image to your view the blasting sight of her who hushed your infant cries in her maternal bosom, now bereaved of intellect, maddened by the grievous disappointment of her fondest hopes, by the impious insensibility of an ungrateful child;-no! your dissipated sense of

Give ear,ye careless ones; your very next step may be into eternity!-that infinite duration of retribution in which you will no more hear the laugh of your companions in iniquity, and your shouts of mad applause, with which ye echoed their blasphemous outrages of the forbearance of Heaven will be converted into groans of torment increasing and undiminishing in its everlasting suffering. O fools and blind, if ye pay no heed but that of profane mockery to the work of your God; if ye ridicule, with contemptuous scorn, the certainty of a future state, hear one who soon must realize those fearful forebodings of it which your own hearts cannot filial obligation cannot picture to your avoid shrinking from, even now; now that ye are drinking down the poisons of your unhallowed delights, and steeping in the cup of intemperance your burthened souls, Ah! miserable beings that ye are ! know that not a single drop of water will ye find in the gulph of fiery wrath that is closing upon your steps, to cool your tongues which have been employed in the abominations of wanton converse and infidel profanation. O could you repair hither and behold me, whom once ye hailed as the joyous leader of your insensate crowds, as the inspiring spirit of your licentious boards. O could you contemplate me, bleeding by that very hand with which you have so often seen me lifting high the goblet of a sparkling delusion! that hand which has murdered my bosom friend in compliance with your ensanguined code of honour-that hand now addresses these words of contrite counsel to your startled ears.

Behold me sunk in character, lost to my own esteem, and that of all who knew me : contemplate my pallid and dejected countenance. Ye do not now perceive that dauntless brow on which sate the daring effrontery of the libertine, and the contemptuous sneer of the apostate from every religious, moral, and social tie; look on this wounded

perverted minds images so frightful yet
so true, and all instanced in the re-
morseful reminiscence of him who now
addresses you with the pen of a suicide!
Check, then, your sacrilegious steps at
the call of one who now reflects with
horror upon his former associations of
iniquity, and their terror-striking issues
of pain and misery. You have parents,
you have friends, you yet may be re-
conciled to them, you may retrace your
degraded character, and wash out, by
the tears of penitence, the polluting
spots of sin that stain it. You yet may
return to the peaceful paths of virtuous
life; the years that ye have squandered
in transgression may yet be redeemed
by amendment. Seek then the coun-
sels of prudence and experience in the
admonition of some compassionate
friend who laments your errors, and
would reclaim you from your dangerous
wanderings. Be your father that friend;
and in the tenderness of a mother be
blest with the healing balm of her for-
No longer press to
giving embrace.
your breast the roses of guilty pleasure,
for their fragrance is the odour of death,
their charms are the decay of life, and
their thorns will sooner or later pierce
your heart with wounds for which there
can be found no hope but in a late and
uncertain repentance. I go to the tri-

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Tour in England.


bunal of an omniscient Judge; my has worked its last deed, that it opens to soul vibrates upon the tremendous bal- seek the celestial ray, Ah! pray for ance of fears which it cannot suppress, me; that, culprit as I am, I may be and hopes which it dares not indulge. enabled to appear at the bar of Divine Yet I call to mind, and let the thought justice, not without the hope of some be fixed in yours, that my Judge is a mitigation of that sentence of rejection God of Mercy, and a Saviour of par- which awaits the wicked. One last redoning grace! quest I have to make. Let my sinful Farewell, deluded partners of my body be consigned to its native dust by crimes-receive the prayer of my dying the side of my dear, my ill-treated fathwords. May this God and Saviour er, if you think the mingling of our touch your hearts with relenting con- mortal clay will not add to the injuries viction of the eternal sorrows which you I heaped upon him while living. And are so rashly heaping up to yourselves. should the overwhelmed brain of my May deep contrition, unfeigned and poor distracted mother resume its seat, not to be repented of, lift up those take her in your benevolent hand, and hearts to your Almighty Father; and conduct her to the stone that will mark may the Mediator's merits plead for its the spot where my wretched remains acceptances at His mercy-seat. I can shall be laid, and point out to her the no more-the dark shades of death only inscription which I desire it may hang heavy upon my mortal vision: bear: decide instantly between Hell and Heaven, never-ending punishment and



everlasting blessedness-again farewell! Then accompanying her home, bid her My generous, my beloved friend! ponder on those gracious words of the thou that hast been the counsellor and Redeemer: In the world ye shall have the comforter of my desponding soul, tribulation; but be of good cheer, I accept the sincere acknowledgements of have overcome the world.' Blend your my gratitude. I have seen a light prayers with hers, that God of his infispring up in darkness.-O that I had in nite goodness, may turn her mourning early life walked in that light, against into joy; and that the blessed prospects the bright illumination of which I shut with which you have cheered my dying the eye of my soul! and now it is only moments may be realised unto in that perilous hour of night, when sin The Penitent,


T. G."


From the New Monthly Magazine, August, 1818.

EDINBURGH.On the 3d of De- rates the New Town from the Old

cember, being Saturday, we could Town. This latter rises upon a hill see nothing in the town, and, not quite twards the castle, which lies on the to lose the day, we determined on a vis- right. An earthen mound is made ait to the castle. There was a thick fog in the forenoon, but it afterwards dispersed, and permitted us to enjoy the prospect. The King's Hotel, in which we lived lies in the New Town, in Princes'-street, opposite the Old Town. The appearance of it is very singular, as is the situation of Edinburgh in general. In front of us was a broad street, and beyond it a ditch,* which sepa

So do their Imperial Highnesses denominate the bed of the Nor-loch!

cross the ditch, about the centre, to form a communication between the two towns; to the left is a bridge. The Catholic church in the New Town is large,and newly built in the gothic style. The New Town is handsome; its straight and regular streets, as well as many fine buildings, distinguish it advantageously; among the latter, the Registry office is built entirely in the Italian style, only it is rather disfigured by two little towers.


Journal of a Tour in England.


The Lord Provost and General W. reach the top they are taken off, and met us at half past twelve, and accom- the ropes let down again, panied us to the castle, where the Gov- The grain is ground in six or eight ernor, and several officers of the staff scuttles, and the malt then conveyed live; it is also used as barracks, arsen- with the necessary quantity of water al, &c. Here they shew the room in into four great coppers: here it is stirwhich the crown of Scotland was for- red round with a mash fork, the handle merly preserved. The Lord Provost of which passes through the lid of the and two other persons have the keys copper: from these first coppers the to the chamber; which has not been fluid is conveyed by pipes into two opened for many years, for fear of not others to be boiled, from which it is meeting with every thing which should conducted by a pipe into another copbe found there. It is believed that the per. In the last pipe there is a kind of crown has been taken to Eugland, lest sieve, which only admits through it the the sight of it should make the Scotch quite clear liquid, and the malt is afterrepent of their union.* It is supposed wards taken out with shovels. Several that their removal took place at the time pumps raise the liquid up to the roof of of one of the rebellions in the years another building, which is open on one 1715 or 1745; and this supposition side, where it is received in two large seems pretty well founded, as since that reservoirs, and stirred round with a time no more has been said of it. mash fork. For the purpose of fermentation, the fluid is conveyed into great vats, one of which is an iron one : these vats fill two very large rooms.

From a terrace which is equal to the height of the roof, we enjoyed the panoramic view of Edinburgh; and here the singular situation of the city is very The distillation is made in four very striking. You have a view over the large retorts, or rather kettles; they are double town united by a bridge. The not above three or four inches deep, landscape which the eye commands is and have lids which afford an easy isvery fruitful, and adorned with gardens sue to the smoke. The malt which has and country seats. You see to the already fermented is put into the two North the harbor and the town of largest; to prevent its burning it is Leith; to the East the hill, which bears kept in constant motion by means of the name of Arthur's Seat, has the form metal chains, which are stirred about at of a flatted cone, eight hundred feet the bottom of the kettle. high; on the South and SE. the prospect is bounded by the unfruitful chain of the Pentland Hills.

Each of these retorts contains from 9 to 10,000 gallons. The instrument to stir the malt is set in motion, like the On the 4th we began our visits, ac- mills, by the steam engine. The greatcompanied by the Lord Provost, at the est care must be taken that the retort whiskey distillery of Messrs. Younger does not remain dry a moment, it is and Co. a remarkable and very exten- therefore constantly filled up. A great sive manufactory. The motion re fire is kept up under it. A retort quired in it, is produced by a steam en- which contains 43 gallons, distils in two gine made in Edinburgh itself upon minutes and three quarters, without Watt's principles. We saw it at work; hurting the brandy, which flows in a it is of 50 or 60 horse power. It puts large and rapid steam. The coolers a malt mill in motion, which occupies a are of wood; and stand out of the building of four stories. The same house. The brandy, after being once engine raises the sacks to the roof, distilled, is raised by pumps, worked by through square openings which are men, into two other retorts, where it is closed by trap doors: two sacks are distilled a second time. The distillery raised together and open the trap doors, furnishes daily 3000 gallons of rectified which close after them; when they brandy. Barley and Spelt* are the species of corn used. The brandy is

It has since been found with the old Regalia of Scotland in the Castle: so that it is curious to ob

serve, that even Princes fall into the same vulgar er

rors with common travellers -Ed.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

VOL. 4.]

Journal of a Tour in England.


put into large casks, which are gauged the establishment till their fourteenth by an excise officer, for the levying of year. The children look cheerful and the duties. An idea may be formed of healthy; and their rooms are kept the extent of this distillery, when we clean and in good order. are told that the duties paid by the proOpposite to this establishment stands prietors amount to 600,000l. + sterling a smaller one, founded by George Watper annum. The produce of this distil- son, for the sons of merchants and lery is entirely consumed in England. tradesmen. The city contains also two The same distillery is not allowed to establishments of the ame kind for girls, work for two kingdoms, but must chuse besides many hospitable and benevobetween them: those which work for lent institutions. In one of these, England, pay here (in Scotland) but patients whose cases do not require small duties; but on the other hand them to be admitted into the hospital, they bear all the English duties. The can receive advice and medicines gratis Scotch distillers are distinguished for four times a week.

erecting a new one which will be very handsome and extensive, and for which Parliament has granted the annual sum of 12,000l. sterling for six years.

their skilfulness in the rapid boiling The New College, in which is the and evaporation of the fluid; and they University, lies in the Old Town. The effect this by the use of broad and old building being too small, they are shallow vessels. In proportion as the government raise the duty on the kettles, they are made of larger dimensions, so that more brandy is distilled without paying a higher duty. This distillery This University was founded in the is the property of two brothers, who reign of James the Sixth, in the year have employed a very large capital in it. 1581. At the beginning, the number From the manufactory of Messrs. of professors was sinall; but the city Younger and Co. we went to the build- magistrates took great pains to procure ing called Heriot's Hospital; which distinguished men, and the flourishing however in fact is not an hospital, but state of the University was the happy an establishment for the education of result of their exertions. In the year the sons of poor citizens, where the 1789, the number of the students achildren are maintained, clothed and mounted to 1100; it has since annually taught. This establishment was increased, and at the time of our visit it founded in the reign of James the was 1708. Doctors Black, Cullen, Sixth, by a goldsmith, who bequeathed Blair, and Robertson, have done honhis whole property, amounting to our to this University. At present it 23,6251. sterl. for the purpose. This has among its professors of the mathecapital, which then brought in 10 per matics Mr. Leslie, celebrated for his cent. increased in twenty years to fine experiment on the freezing of 70,585. and has greatly augmented water, by evaporation in a vacuum; Mr. Jamieson, professor of natural philosoThe building is of considerable ex- phy, is a pupil of our celebrated Wertent and resembles an old castle: a ner; Mr. Hope, professor of chemistry, hundred and seventy boys are educated has always between five and six hunin it; who are taught reading, writing, dred hearers. Mr. Dugald Stewart, arithmetic, and latin. Those who are the professor of philosophy, was in the to prosecute their studies at the Univer- country: we heard a great deal in praise sity receive 101. a year for four years, of him, and also of Mr. Coventry, the and those who learn a business receive professor of agriculture. 301, when they leave the house. They The medical lecture room is very are received from the age of seven to handsome, and is lighted from above, that of ten years, and they remain on In an adjoining cabinet there is an un

since that time.

contents of a retort or copper should be 1000;

The German editor of the Princes' notes, commonly fine stuffed hippopotamus ; thinks that the 10,000 gallons mentioned as the it is in perfect preservation, and about and in the sum that a similar addition of a cipher nine feet long: the animal is said to tioned as the duty paid instead of 30,000l. which he have been very young.

by the transcriber has caused 300,000l. to be men

thinks more likely.


The Fall of the Leaf-Dispersion of Seeds-&c.

OCTOBER, 1818.

From the London Time's Telescope, for Oct. 1818.

Farewel ye wild hills, scattered o'er with spring!
Sweet solitude, where Flora smiled unseen!
Farewel each breeze of balmy-burdened wing!
The violet's blue bank, and the tall wood green!

[VOL. 4

air, and are carried oftentimes, by the wind, to great distances from the plant which produced them. It is the swelling, also, of this downy tuft within the seed-vessel, that seems to overcome the resistance of its coats, and to open a passage for the seed to escape.'

THE HE groves now lose their leafy honours; but, before they are entirely tarnished, an adventitious beauty, arising from that gradual decay which Some seeds which are furnished with loosens the withering leaf, gilds the au- hooks or spines, attach themselves to tumnal landscape with a temporary the rough coats of animals, and thus splendour, superior to the verdure of promote their dispersion.* Others are spring, or the luxuriance of summer. contained in berries, and, being swal The infinitely various and ever-changing lowed by birds, are again committed, hues of the leaves at this season, melting without injury, to the earth, in various into every soft gradation of tint and places.

shades, will long continue to engage the It is a curious circumstance, and not imitation of the painter, and the con- generally known, that most of those templation of the poet and the philoso- oaks which are called spontaneous, are pher.

Arise, ye winds, 'tis now your time to blow,
And aid the work of Nature. On your wings
The pregnant seeds conveyed shall plant a race
Far from their native soil.

planted by the squirrel. This little animal has performed the most essential service to the British navy. A gentleman, walking one day in the woods beNature having perfected her seeds, Troy House, in the county of Monlonging to the Duke of Beaufort, near her next care is to disperse them; the mouth, his attention was diverted by a seed cannot answer its purpose while it remains confined in the capsule. After squirrel, which sat very composedly upthe seeds, therefore, are ripened, the his motions. In a few minutes, the on the ground. He stopped to observe pericarpium opens to let them out; and the opening is not like an accidental squirrel darted like lightning to the top of a tree, beneath which he had been bursting, but, for the most part, is according to a certain rule in each plant. with an acorn in his mouth, and began sitting. In an instant, he was down What I have always thought very ex- to burrow in the earth with his hands. traordinary nuts and shells, which we After digging a small hole, he stooped can hardly crack with our teeth, divide and make way for the little tender down, and deposited the acorn; then sprout, which proceeds from the kernel. Covering it, he darted up the tree again. Handling the nut, I could hardly conceive how the plantule was ever to get out. There are cases, it is said, in which the seed-vessel, by an elastic jerk, at the moment of its explosion, casts the seeds to a distance.* We all, however, know that many seeds (those of the most composite flowers, as of the thistle, dandelion, &c.) are endowed with, what are not improperly called, wings; that is, downy appendages, by which they are enabled to float in the

This is particularly instanced in the touch-menot (impatiens), and the cuckoo flower (cardamine).

In a moment he was down with another, which he buried in the same manner. This he continued to do as long as the observer thought proper to watch him. The industry of this little animal is directed to the purpose of securing himself against want in the winter; and, as it is probable that his memory is not sufficiently retentive to enable him to remember the spots in which he deposits every acorn, the industrious little fellow, no doubt, loses a few every year. These few spring up, and are destined to sup

The common bur belongs to this class.,

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