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VOL. 4.]

The Minstrel of Bruges.


road he had taken, but they thought country, for they treat Moors very it was that toward Madrid. Poor scurvily; I that am speaking to you Amurat hastened to Madrid, describing have narrowly escaped broiling by the all the way the persons he was in holy Inquisition. Therefore, instead search of; but he gained only vague of returning to Grenada, let us disguise and unsatisfactory answers. On his ourselves, which we can easily do, for arrival at Castille, he heard that his I have in the havresack that you see on Countrymen had lost a great battle. my shoulders, a dress that I intended Too full of his own misfortunes to for a present to the Minstrel, to render think of his country, he pursued his him propitious to my love, and another road. On his way he overtook a sort that I had bought for his adorable of Moorish Esquire, near a ravine, cry- daughter. You shall put on the first, ing most bitterly, while two fine Anda- and I will dress myself in the second, lusian mares were feeding quietly beside him. It was Sabaoth himself, who had witnessed the death of the Zegris, commander of the Moors, and his good master.


when, mounting these two mares, we may traverse all Spain in security; the holy brotherhood will not touch you, and I may perhaps overtake Ernestine." "I agree to your proposal," answered Sabaoth," for, after all, it is better to be a wanderer and vagabond than burnt.”

Amurat approached him, and asked him the same questions he had done to all he met: "Sir," said he, "have We are concerned to leave our two you seen an old thin man playing on Moors in the plains of Castille, but the the bagpipe, accompanied by an old monastery of Vaucelles recalls us. We woman, two young boys, and girl had left Ernestine with her mother, more beautiful than all the infantas of and said, that this unfortunate girl the world?" Aye, that I have," could not eradicate from her heart the replied Sabaoth sobbing, "at a dis- shaft which love had fixed there. She tance, the eve of the battle we have was ignorant of that formidable power just lost. I am well acquainted with that triumphs over reason in spite of that old bagpiper you speak of, and he ourselves, which we wish, and wish ought to remember me, for I have of not to conquer, which effaces all other ten given him many a hearty thrash- sentiments of the soul, which exists and ing in the stables of my last worthy renews itself by its own force, and will defunct master at Grenada. I have not allow us to have another thought, also some claim on his gratitude, for I and which subjects us to a torment at made him a physician, and so able a once pleasing and painful, whereof cold one, that he attended my master. It hearts can have no idea. was, however, fortunate for him, that during his attendance I was occupied in the stables, and was ignorant of his audacity in pretending to be doctor to a Zegris. I would have taught him what a stable boy was to a groom. What could the wife of the Minstrel But, be assured, that I have seen him do in such a case? She had had inpass by, and he had in fact with him trigues, and a variety of adventures, two women and two children, but in but they are only the simulation of so miserable a condition, that both love. Her daughter seemed to her Moors and Christians allowed him to mad, which is the usual name indiffercontinue his road unmolested, on ac- ence give to that passion, and she concount of his misery. I am not so for- sidered as a weakness, what is the tunate, which is the cause of my weep- strongest power in nature. She reaing, for my road is intercepted, and I soned and argued, during which, Ercannot return again to Grenada with nestine sighed and wept. There was out risk of being taken; you also will no other remedy for her disorder than run the same chance." Amurat re- the disorder itself. Besides, to bring plied, "Sir Squire, you are right in back an impassioned heart from its fearing being made a prisoner in this wanderings, the person who attempts

Such was the volcano that inflamed the soul of Ernestine; such the deity, who, in the midst of pains, procured her delights; such the demon that was tearing her heart to pieces.

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it should be pure, without which, no spect ladies in my songs. I was thus one has a right to talk of virtue, and very unjustly punished; for, a few the mother of Ernestine had lost that minutes afterwards, my brother piper right over her daughter. Too happy arrived, ignorant of what had befallen Minstrel! during this time thou wast me, and seating himself near to the forgetful in the hall of guests, of all same bush, wherein the couple had past troubles, and one pleasant half again hid themselves as if nothing had hour effaced the remembrance of sixty happened, began to chant forth the years of misery. Why should we seek happiness of a gallant rose that on the happiness in the upper ranks of life, breast of beauty doth repose, &c. &c. in opulent fortunes, or in a multipli- At these sounds, which, in good truth, city of pleasures? It is not even to be were not a whit more harmonious than found in mutual love, and consists mine, the loving couple quitted the solely in indifference. bush, praised most highly the Ardennois, and gave him twenty pieces of gold, saying, 'Ah! this is what may be called a gallant Minstrel, not like to that other low bred fellow with his indecent songs.'

The Minstrel was very communicative of every adventure he had had. He related one which certainly proves that the good and evil things of this world are distributed somewhat like a lottery. He had met at Poictiers an- "Now, Sir Steward, I appeal to other bagpiper from the Ardennes, you," continued the Minstrel, "if I where a troubadour had taught each had had any wicked intention in thus the same tune, but adapted to differ- pronouncing the word, which assuredent words. Alas! the recompence ly I had not; did I sing any thing each received was very different. Underneath are the words that fell to the lot of our unfortunate Minstrel :

First Couplet.
"Gai Pastoureaux,
Gai Pastourelles ;
A vos agneaux,
A vos Agnelles
Laissez Loisir
D'aller bondir:
Gai, Pastourelles,
Gai, Pastoureaux.
Second Couplet.

Tems de jeunesse
Est tems d'amours;
Tems de vieillesse

Est tems de plours:
Sur la Condrette

Viens Bergerette,

Gai Troubadours."

very different from what the Ardennois had done? see how different our rewards were, and then let any one talk to me of justice on this earth. The lady indeed was of noble birth, and brilliant as mine own country rose, and the knight a prince of France, whose fleur-de-lis adorned his superb shield. Without knowing it, the Ardennois had flattered two noble lovers, whilst I, as ignorantly, had of fended them. He received gold, and I blows. May I not therefore assert, that there is only good and evil luck

There were also other verses in the in the world?" This indeed was most song ending with

"De la fougere,

Du Dieu lutin
De la Bergere
Et du Butin."

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"And you will please to remi
said the Minstrel, "that I pronounced,
after my country fashion, the B like to
P; but from what has since happened
to me, I have taken good care to im-
prove my pronunciation. You must
know then, that as I was singing this
air one day under the shade of a tree,
and pronouncing the word Butin very
indecently, a lady started out from be-
hind some bushes, inflamed with rage,
attended by a handsome knight, who
ordered their varlets to beat me sound-
ly, to teach me, as they said, to re

evident in the family of the Minstrel ; for, in spite of the various evils he had met with in his career, his philosophy had caused him to be recompensed by gavety; he still laughed, and laughed although on the brink of the grave, whilst his unfortunate daughter was pining away with love in the spring of life. Let us imitate this economy of pleasures and pains which is scattered through our passage here below,— every thing invites us.

The whole monastery was delighted with the Minstrel. The Cambresian could no longer quit him; the steward had taken a liking to him; and the Lord Abbot, desirous of retaining him at Vaucelles, said to him, “are you

VOL. 4.]

The Minstrel of Bruges.-Guy of Warwick.


one went to the belfry and rang the bells for more than two hours, while the other broke three rakes that same evening on the garden walks.

so anxious to carry your bones to Bruges, that we cannot keep you here?" "No, truly," replied the piper, "I am no way desirous to return to Bruges, where I have neither friend nor Here then was our vagabond family relation, nor house nor home; and I fixed, and tolerably well established; was only returning thither, because I they were all contented excepting Erknew not where else to lay my head." nestine alone, whose melancholy inThe abbot continued, "You play creased with the noisy pleasures that wonderfully well on the pipes, do you surrounded her. All foreign joy anthink you could blow the Serpent of noys the wretched, for joy is not the the monastery? ours is just dead, and lot of an impassioned heart, and it is I offer you his place." "He who in the season of roses, that chagrin pretends to know most, knows least," makes the deepest wounds. It was in answered the Minstrel; "in truth I vain that the Minstrel exerted himself I am capable of being a most excellent to rouse his daughter from that state serpent to the abbey chapel, and you of languor which was consuming her; shall see to-morrow how I will make in vain did this good-natured fellow, its roofs resound. But what will be- now sufficiently master of the serpent, come of my wife, my daughter, and resume his pipes every Sunday and my two brats ?" "We will take feast-day, to make the girls of the environs dance; in vain he intreated his daughter to join them ;-dancing tired her, and the Morisco airs, which her father played so wondrous well, brought back bitter recollections, and increased her melancholy.

charge of you all here," said the abbot; "your wife shall be cook to the visitors, your daughter, femme de chambre to the ladies that may come to partake of our hospitality, and your two boys shall ring the bells, and rake the walks of our garden." "You talk like Saint She performed her office of femme Bernard, your glorious patron," replied de chambre so much to the satisfaction the Minstrel, transported with joy. of those ladies and damsels that came The old woman was made acquainted to Vaucelles, that all of them felt a with this arrangement, and consented to friendship, and thought her manners it, although she did not pique herself on much superior to her situation. being an excellent cook. The situation Her sweetness of temper was unalof femme de chambre was rather hu- terable, and, contrary to the common miliating to Ernestine, but as it was no course of things, her misery did not great fatigue, she accepted of it. The affect her good humour. Shall she be little boys were so enchanted with then for ever the only one to whom their employment, that they wished life is become a burden in this happy to enter on their business instantly; monastery?

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484 Guy of Warwick and the Dun Cow-Dragon-Burning Dragon. [VOL. 4

For daring to profane a thing
So sacred as vile bungling-

He many a boar and huge dun cow,
Did, like another Guy, o'erthrow;
But Guy, with him in fight compar'd,
Had like the boar or dun cow far'd.

The original of Butler's Tolgol is said to have been a butcher in Newgate market, who was afterwards made a captain for his bravery at Naseby.

The Tatler, in a humorous passage upon diet, No. 148. says, "I need not go up so high as the history of Guy Earl of Warwick, who is well known to have eaten up a dun cow of his own killing."

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Whose shoulder-blade remains at Coventry till now;

And at our humble sute,did quell that monstrous com,

The passengers that us'd from Dunsmore to affright
Of all our English, yet, O most renowned knight,
That Colebrand overcams't; at whose amazing


The Danes remov'd their camp from Winchester's
sieg'd wall.
Thy statue Guy's cliff keeps, the gazer's eye to


Warwick, thy mighty arms, thou English Her

cules !""

It is most probable that the sign of the Dun cow became generally fashionable in the reign of Henry VII. as it was an armorial bearing of the Richmond family.

This renowned hero flourished in the reign of Athelstan, before whom, in single combat at Winchester in 934, he slew Colbrand the Goliath of the Danes. He is said afterwards to have retired to the cell, called Guy's cliff, near Warwick, adjoining the present seat of Bertie Greathead, Esq. where he passed the remainder of his life as a hermit, and was there buried. There is still remaining a gigantic statue of him erected by Richard Beauchamp Earl of Warwick in the chantry at Guy's cliff, which Beauchamp built, and in which John Rous, the Warwickshire historian, The dragon was the ensign of the was a priest. Several peices of rusty ar- famous British Prince Cadwallader, mour, and a large iron boiler, are shewn and borne by his descendants the Printo the credulous multitude, at the por- ces of Wales. The name of the father ter's lodge of Warwick castle, as hav- of the renowned Arthur was Uther ing been part of the accoutrements and Pendragon, which signifies "wonderthe porridge pot of this famous cham- ful supreme leader." pion. His exploits are thus facetiously related by Huddesford in his tale of "Old Wyschard," in the "Wiccamical Chaplet."

By gallant Guy of Warwick slain
Was Colbrand, that gigantic Dane;
Nor could this desperate champion daunt
A dun cow bigger than elephant;
But he, to prove his courage sterling,
His whyniard in her blood imbrued,
He cut from her enormous side a sirloin,
And in his porridge-pot her brisket stew'd,

Then butcher'd a wild boar, and ate him barbecued.

Drayton, in the 13th Song of his "Polyolbion," thus enumerates the principal victories ascribed to him in


“To thee,renowned Knight,continual praise we owe,

And at thy hallow'd tomb thy yearly obits shew;
Who, thy dear Phillis' name and country to advance,
Left'st Warwick's wealthy seat, and sailing iuto


A dragon was emblazoned on the standard of Richard King of the Romans (who perhaps assumed it, as Earl of Cornwall, in compliment to the Cornish Britons), and was captured, together with himself and his brother Henry III. by Simon de Montfort Earl of Leicester, general of the associated Barons, at the battle of Lewes, May 14, 1264. Barnes tells us that at the battle of CresSy, August 26, 1346, Philip de Valois, King of France, displayed the great and holy standard of that nation, called the Oriflambe, which indicated his intention to refuse quarter to his enemies and Edward III. unfolded his banner of the burning Dragon, which portended a like intention. Consequently not a prisoner was taken though there were slain nearly 40,000 men.

VOL. 4.] Green Dragon-Duke's Head-Arctic Islander in London,


Moser notices the present Green of the last war pulled down his old sign Dragon Inn in Bishopsgate-street, Lon- and put up that of the Queen of Hundon, as retaining many vestiges of anti- gary. Under the influence of her red quity. and golden sceptre, he continued to sell THE DUKE'S HEAD. THE OLD DUKE. ale, till she was no longer the favourite I observe in Cary's Itinerary three of his customers; he changed her, thereposting houses (viz. at Lynn Regis, fore, some time ago for the King of Wacton, and Walton) distinguished Prussia, who may probably be changed by the former sign; and I have myself in turn for the next great man that shall seen public houses denominated by the be set up for vulgar admiration." latter. The Craftsman, No. 623, says, William Augustus, second son of "Whoever passes through the towns George II. was born at Leicester-house in England, and will give himself the 1721; created Duke of Cumberland, trouble to take notice of the signs, will 1726; appointed Colonel of the first find bravery the darling inclination of regiment of Foot-guards, 1742; promothe whole people. He that contrives ted to the rank of Major-general; the most heroic sign is sure of the most wounded at the victory of Dettingen custom. Some hang out the heads of under the Earl of Stair; and further great commanders, such as Monk, Marl- advanced to the rank of Lieutenantborough, or Ormond, according to their general, 1743; appointed Captain Gedifferent principles." Of the dukes of Albemarle and Ormond, I suppose that now not a single sign remains; and I know not of any public house that yet retains a representation even of the Duke of Marlborough, though of later date and more distinguished merit (but there are many which exhibit the arms of the present noble family); for the inns called "the Old Duke," that I have seen, are decorated with the portrait of William of Cumberland. This sign, to which I shall now confine myself is becoming rare, whilst almost every town proudly exhibits the likenesses of our brave Dukes of York and Welling- For this, his only victory, he had ton, of whom I intend giving a short £25,000 per ann, added to his income, account under their respective titles. 1746: Lost the battle of Lafelot, 1747; Thus Goldsmith begins his 8th Essay: defeated at Hastenbach, and signed the "An ale-house keeper near Islington, ignominious Convention of Closterwho had long lived at the sign of the seven, 1757; died and was buried in French King, upon the commencement Westminster abbey, 1765.



neral, of the army in Flanders, and
lost the battle of Fontenoy, 1745; de-
feated Prince Charles Stuart at Cullo-

"Yet when the rage of battle ceas'd
The victor's soul was not appeas'd :
The naked and forlorn must feel
Devouring flames and murdering steel
The pious mother, doom'd to death,
Forsaken wanders on the heath;
The bleak wind whistles round her head,
Her helpless orphans cry for bread;
Bereft of shelter, food, and friend,
She views the shades of night descend;
And stretch'd beneath the inclement skies,
Weeps o'er her tender babes, and dies.


[BY THE AUTHor of legends OF LAMPIDOSA.]

To the Editor of the European Magazine.


Y correspondent on board the communication, he had persuaded one Isabella, whose Journal afforded of the natives to accompany him on some extracts for your Magazine, sent board, and congratulated himself very only a short letter by his majesty's ship cordially on his safe return to his ship, the Majestic, which arrived last month when he found the ice which had been with des patches from the Arctic navi- mistaken for a part of the continent, was gators. It informed me, that on leav- only one of those bergs, or islands, ing the colony mentioned in his former which change their places continually,


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