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Memorabilia in 1818.

[VOL 4

An Amateur Clergyman patronizes No Talents, in leaving the realm, would complain,

a boxing match, by betting 100 guineas on Cabbage of Bristol, who won for his friend by "hitting his adversary sense. less."-Michaelmas Day.

A fruit show regularly advertised to take place on Sunday, in the vicinity

of London.

If his own are the standard of who should remain.

A Reformer somewhere about Reading thus defines his object: "The term revolution I spurn, because I have no such intention. I urge and support reform in order to prevent revolution.— Our business is not to insist on personal By sending to a Grocer's shop for likings, but to hang together for the black tea, you obtain alder leaves-for great object of removing the WHOLE green, sloe leaves dried with copperas. SYSTEM, of which the very basis is This encourages home manufactories, corruption." Simpletons have thought instead of dealing with the arrogant that "removing a whole system," was ko-tou-forcing Chinese!

For heating foreign ground coffee you get nutritive vegetable powder of

native horse beans.

Flour of mustard is altered into flour and mustard; being much less pungent, and therefore more agreeable, as it never brings tears into your eyes, nor bites your children's tongues.

Yellow ochre modifies the intolerable heat of ginger; and rapeseed (divested of its oil) does the same good office for pepper. Wine is made of every thing, except grapes. And, in short, in this enlightened era, there is not one article of commerce sold in its genuine coarse state, unimproved by the arts and sciences of modern ingenuity.


The British Museum has recently made many invaluable acquisitions in the arts and literature, and yet continues the irregular practice of throwing its This is highly reprehensible, as all our doors open to the public gratuitously. other national institutions, palaces, churches, tombs, &c. take full prices for admission, like theatres, exhibitions and shows, which evidently prevents many improper persons from visiting them.

—, after

Poor Miss Angelina M****! Deserted by that deceiver L he had gained her affections; she resolved on self-destruction, and, contriv ing to purchase a phial of laudanum at the chemist's, the wretched girl swalA Judge upon the bench says that lowed the whole draught. Soon were children ought to be hanged for thefts! its fatal effects visible on this victim of and it is now customary for the Catch- love, who thus precipitated herself, at poles, after the verdicts are pronounced, the age of nineteen, and full of beauty, to instruct the court whether the pris- towards the grave. To her distracted oners deserve rigour or mercy. Smol- family she now disclosed the dreadful lett's ladder to promotion is therefore secret, and medical aid was called in; no caricature as the Turnkey is a but, alas! in vain, for the quantity of friend or foe, he influences the Police- the oblivious poison, and the length of officer, who influences the Judge, who time it had been taken, forbade the influences the Home Secretary, who hope of counteracting its effects. influences the Prince, and men are hapless Angelina suffered excruciating pardoned or executed as willeth the pangs, but a deep sleep soon closed her awoke next Gaoler!!!-The familiarity and sort agonies. When she of slang with which convicts are often morning, however, though with a vioaddressed from the seat of judgment is lent headach, she was not sorry to find very injurious to its solemnity and herself in the land of the living, owing dignity. It is well reproved in the to the pseudo opium having been entirely following original


On reading the close of an Old Baily Report,
stating "The R******* then said, Prisoner
you are much too clever a man to be suffered
to remain in this country.”

The R-resolved, after grave consultation,
That Nott was too clever to stay in the nation;

adulterated, as usual, and the extract of poppy, to supply its narcotic power, forgotten. By this curious coincidence, the adulterer saved the victim of the seducer.

A Prince of the blood-royal, and several distinguished Noblemen and Gentlemen, suffer a Quack to delude the

VOL. 4.]

The Minstrel of Bruges.


unwary, by daily advertising his nos- not exist. How humane it is that they trums as sanctioned by them, at the lend only their names. head of a public institution which does

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From Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, October, 1818.


One fine morning his wife entered OVE, thou powerful governor that his chamber, and made him acquaintinfluenceth every condition of life, ed with her discovery. We have rethou couldst not gain any sway over peatedly shewn that the Minstrel was our Minstrel, who steadily braved thy good-nature personified, but like a good power, but thy fatal shafts did not Christian, he would not bear any jokspare his daughter, or rather the daugh- ing on the subject of religion. At the ter of his wife. We have seen, at the mention of this insolent Moor, this beginning of this story, that while her unworthy child of Mahommed, who brothers were gathering nuts at the had dared to fall in love with the source of the Scheldt, she was sighing, daughter of an old Christian, be, for and not without cause, for she had left the first time in his life, flew into a all her happiness behind in Murcia.

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violent rage. His wife, astonished at this extraordinary emotion, but incapable of changing her opinion, said, Why, you are like the blackguards, who no sooner become rich than they are become insolent; how can the love of the handsome Amurat put you into such a passion ?? "He is a Mahommedan."


Ernestine, for that was the name of this unfortunate girl, had looked too long, and listened too much, to a young and handsome Moor of Murcia for her repose. He had gained admittance into the house of the Minstrel, now turned doctor, under pretext of pounding his drugs, and of learning the art Well, will he be the first of physic under so able a master; but Moor who has turned Christian? and the real cause of attraction were the then, would his marriage with our bright eyes of the fair Ernestine. He daughter be so disproportionate? You very soon persuaded the simple maid, own yourself, that Amurat understands as lovers easily do, that no passion was physic almost as well as you do; he ever so strong as his, and that Heaven will continue to improve himself unwas not purer than his heart, and that der your instructions, and when Heavhe adored her, and should never adore en shall dispose of you, he will be any one but her; in short, he used all then our support.' I don't mean to those common-place expressions that die," retorted the Minstrel, “nor do I are employed on such occasions; but mean to have any Moor in my family." we must do the young Moor the justice to say, that he really felt every thing he said, as we shall show in the course of the history. Ernestine believed too much this flattering lan- "Sir, I have said that chagrin and guage; her heart was already lost, but opulence entered my house hand in her innocence no way affected, and she hand. I told my wife, in a resolute suffered the more. It was impossible tone, that I would never have a Moor for her to command her eyes; invol- for a son-in-law; she had the impuuntary sighs broke from her bosom, so dence 10 reply, it was not quite clear that every one guessed at the cause of that I was the father of her daughter. her pain. Her mother had long dis- That does not signify, madam,' recovered the secret of her heart, bit the. phed 1, with dignity, so long as I father alone had not the least suspicion bear the honour of being so in public.' of it. Very well,' replied she, we shall

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Such was the introduction to the details the self-dubbed physician was about to give the Cambresian; he thus continued:


The Minstrel of Bruges.

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see.' On hearing this menace, I broke, the protectress of these two children, through rage, a phial that was in my and determined to marry them prihand, and called my daughter, to whom vately. I perceived that some plot I spoke as follows: Ernestine, how was carrying on, but as I am not cudare you fall in love without my rious, I did not pay much attention leave?' She blushed, wept, and threw to it. On awakening one morning, I herself at my feet; I raised her up found that I was the only inhabitant and wiped her eyes, and said it is no of my house. It was in vain I searchpurpose crying, but give me an an- ed for my wife; she, Ernestine, the swer. Father, I could not help it.' two brats, all the family, had dislodgI proved to her that it was very possi- ed during the night. I ran to my ble for her to have helped it, since I strong box; the lock had been forced, had never been in love in my life. I and my treasure, the fruit of so much talked to her of the infidel she had labour, had disappeared with my fugimade choice of; had he been a Chris- tives. I was so thunderstruck, that tian, said I, that might have been when I attempted to move, my legs something, but an enemy to God! I failed me. I remained fixed to the then described to her my situation, spot, and passed the most melancholy and hinted to her the possibility of my day of my life. But Heaven had promarrying her one day to a bachelor of vided me an avenger. At this period Salamanca. the holy office was most attentive in

"Father,' replied she, I am very watching and preventing the Moors sorry to give you any chagrin, it is my from carrying off poor Christian woill fortune that forces me; if I could, men. A detachment of these honest I would no longer love Amurat; I even defenders of our religion, noticing an wish I had strength to hate him, and old woman, a young girl, and the I would do it to please you, but I feel handsome Amurat, who had thoughtit quite impossible. You talk to me lessly kept on his turban, arrested all of marriage with a bachelor of Sala- three. Heavens ! what must have manca, I would not accept of the hand been the surprise of my wife, when of the King of Grenada were he to of- she found the commander of the troop fer it. Father, I am very unhappy in was no other than the officer, her forloving Amurat, I will not, if you in- mer friend. When recovering from her sist upon it, see him any more; I shall astonishment, she had recourse to her die, but I will obey your orders, and ancient blandishments; but perhaps that is the whole I can do.' the season of love was passed, or that "Her discourse affected me much; the commander in such a holy service but seeing Amurat, my rage returned, had repented his former amours, for and I stooped down to pick up the he said to her, in a tone to convince broken glass of the phial to throw in her that her siniles were vain, "Mahis face; but he looked so afflicted and dam, I am very sorry for you: but I humble, that I, who am natnrally am forced to execute my office; it kind, instead of throwing the glass in pains me, I assure you, to deliver you his face, broke it in my hand., It was up to the holy inquisition; and in then that I witnessed the sweet dispo- spite of my pity, you must permit me sitions of those children whom I was to put on handcuffs.' My dear Don persecuting; Amurat picked all the Pedro,' replied my wife, is there no broken glass out of my hand, which method to soften you?' None, maErnestine washed, wiped, and kissed. dam,' answered the officer. What, "I believe I should then have par- not even with this gold,' continued my doned them, but madam entered with wife. The sight of gold has a charm, her usual noise, which brought back the effect of which is more rapid than all my indignation,-I punished the light or thought. The hardened feainnocent for the guilty, and swore this tures of the stern countenance of the marriage should never take place. officer were instantly softened into "My wife had made a joke of me smiles. He pocketted the gold, and throughout life, she declared herself sent my wife, daughter, and the two

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The Minstrel of Bruges.


brats, back to me again in Murcia. given to physic was prejudicial to my But he was inflexible in detaining the first profession, which requires con handsome Amurat, in spite of the cries stant and perpetual cultivation. Add and lamentations of Ernestine, when to this, that I was become somewhat he tore him from her." At the reci- asthmatical, and could no longer draw tal of this scene by the Minstrel, the out those fine and lengthened tones amiable girl began to sob as loudly as which, in my younger days, went to at the moment of separation. the heart. The pipe, they say, resemEvening prayers being ended, the bles love, and youth is required in steward hastily returned to the hall both. I hastened therefore to quit for strangers; but was not a little as- Spain, and on cur arrival at the Pytonished to find all in tears, whom so renees, we clambered over those black very lately he had left full of gayety, and formidable rocks, and crossed when he had gone to attend his duty those immense heaps of snow, that at chapel. "Ah, what sudden mis- have lain there since the creation of fortune can have happened unto you, the world, as well as we could, and then, during the recital of three psalms, saw France once again. We prostrated and the performance of a single obitu- ourselves before the first flower-deary?" 'Reverend father," replied luce we saw. Were I to say that my the Minstrel, you have lost nothing talents received greater honour in by your absence; it was only the re- France than in Spain, I should lie; lation of innocent amours of this simple but this I am bound to say, that in girl, and some trifling chagrins which I France they were more ready to assist experienced myself, that I have been us with their charity. telling during the time you were psalm- "On approaching Berry, I recolsinging." "Oh, if it is only that," said lected that my wife had told me that the steward, "I have indeed lost her relations held a very respectable nothing, and I am not sorry to have situation at Châteauroux." At these missed hearing of your grievances, for words this discreet woman, wearied I like much better your gayeties." for some time by all the indiscretions "As for gayety," answered the Min- of her husband quitted the apartment, strel, "thank Heaven, I am well enough under the pretext to amuse her daughter, provided with that, and with patience and to make the boys play on the too, as you shall hear. pipes. When she was gone, the Min

"When I saw my wife and child- strel thus continued," Sirs, my wife ren return so melancholy in the even- is a liar-no one had ever heard of her, ing, I was much surprised, and calm- nor of her relations, nor of the great ly asked them whence they came? state they kept at Châteauroux. It My wife, gentlemen, does not want would seem that she had never before, effrontery, and nothing embarrasses any more than myself, set foot in her; she plainly told me the whole of Berry. Believe woman who please on her plot, the carrying away my treas their word. My reverend father, you ure, the meeting of the holy brother- have acted wisely not to marry." hood, and added what had been the The Cambresian nodded his head price of her fetters being struck off. by way of civility, thinking on the exVastly well, madam,' said I, and it traordinary adventures he had heard. is I then who pay for your folly; we But let us for a while leave the Hall have not now a maravidi, and your of Guests at Vaucelles, and speak of prank has made so much noise, we other works connected with the subject. cannot longer remain here,-What's to be done?" Resume your bagpipe,' replied she, you know that that is our faithful nurse.'


Is it not true, my young lady readers. of eighteen, and even you of forty "I resumed "my pipes, and went years, that you are anxious about the playing away on all high roads of fate of Amurat? You are in the right Spain; but, sirs, one cannot hunt two charming as Medoro, he was more hares at once; the time which I had tender; and Ernestine, with whom


The Minstrel of Bruges.

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burn me, burn me, for I cannot live without her!"

you are scarcely acquainted, was of ten times the value of that coquet Angelica. She had followed her mother to the The Dominican, who had never begarden of the convent in tears-we fore seen any infidel so eager for death are sorry to see her weep-he must in the prison of the holy Inquisition, be an absolute barbarian that could be ruminated, while counting his rosary, untouched with her sorrows. But let on the answer of Amurat; and as at us resume our story. The holy bro- bottom he was a good-natured man, therhood and the Inquisition are ter- he suspected some mystery, and to rible things. The handsome Amurat, clear it up, he returned to the handalthough led away through Murcia some Moor to inquire into the details with his hands fettered, had in this of his arrest and imprisonment. The state interested the whole of that king- simple boy told him every thing with dom. There was not a girl, on seeing the utmost sincerity; how the bright him pass, who did not cry out, "Hea- eyes, the enchanting smile, and the vens, what a pity! is it possible for harmonious voice of the modest Erany one to be a Mahommedan, and so nestine, had seduced him in Murcia; handsome ?" how, after some time, he gained courThe poor boy was going to be broil age to tell her of all the pains he was ed without hope of pardon. He was suffering for her how his virtuous confined in a dungeon, with only bread but kind-hearted girl blushed at his and water for his food; and for his declaration without saying a word; sole comfort, a Dominican visited him how, one day surprising her sighing, twice a day, but without speaking a he asked her the cause; but she only word. It was for the adsome Amu- looked at him, and sighed again; and rat himself to confess his crime, but this made him comprehend that she the poor innocent felt himself no way returned his flame: how he cast himculpable. self at the feet of the Minstrel's wife, One day the Dominican said to him, and interested her in his passion; how "You will not then confess any thing the Minstrel, on hearing it, became to me?" "Pardon me," replied Amu- furious, to find that a Moor had the rat, "I will confess to you that I shall audacity to make love to his daughter; die, if separated from Ernestine." how they had all run away from the "Wretched infidel," exclaimed the house of the Minstrel; and how the Monk, "how dare you name a Chris- office. of the holy brotherhood, after tian?" "Why not," said the sorrowful having robbed the wife of the MinAmurat? "She was the life of my strel, who had previously been his misexistence, the sun of my days, the ob- tress, of all that she had, had sent her ject of every thought, and the only home again with Ernestine, and had thing my heart pants after." "Con- loaded him with chains. sider your end," replied the Domini- This last circumstance opened the can, "within two days the pile will eyes of the Dominican; he thanked be lighted for you-you must not look Heaven for having prevented him from for pardon, as you are under the most committing an unjust act, and sumobstinate impenitence." "For what moned the officer before him, who cause?" asked Amurat." In having avowed the whole. The handsome run away with Ernestine from her fa- Amurat appeared very excusable, and ther and mother." "Oh, father!" was set at liberty, upon condition of seid Amurat, "I ask your pardon, being instructed in the Christian reliyou seem to labour under an error, for gion; but he would make no promise, it was Ernestine's mother who gave except of doing whatever should please her to me; however, if you are deter- Ernestine. mined to burn me, do so, but it will He fled back to Murcia, where he never be in such a bright flame as now learnt that the Minstrel had quitted Alas, the town with all his family. They more could not inform him exactly what

consumes me for Ernestine. alas! I shall then never see her

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