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Christian Wolf.

[VOL. 4

and hell to the combat. I found what his fierce eyes stood fearfully promiI had expected, and a dollar or two nent. Instead of a girdle, he had a besides, in a green silk purse. At first piece of sail-cloth twisted over his I took all, but a sudden thought seized green woollen coat, and in it I saw a me. It was neither that I feared, nor broad bare butcher's knife, and a pisthat I was ashamed to add another tol. The summons was repeated, and crime to murder. Nevertheless, 30 it a strong arm held me fast. The sound was, I threw back the watch and half of a human voice had terrified me,—but the silver. I wished to consider my- the sight of an evil-doer gave me heart self as the personal enemy, not as the again. In my condition, I had reason robber of the slain. to fear a good man, but none at all to tremble before a ruffian.

"Whom have we here?' said the apparition.

belie you.'

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There is no passage this way, Whom seek ye here?'


By what right do you ask?' returned I boldly. The man consider

"Again I rushed towards the depths of the forest. I knew that the wood extended for four German miles* northwards, and there bordered upon "Such another as yourself,' was the frontier. Till the sun was high my answer- that is, if your looks don't in heaven I ran on breathless. The swiftness of my flight had weakened the force of my conscience, but the moment I laid myself down upon the grass, it awoke in all its vigour. A thousand dismal forms floated before ed me leisurely twice, from the feet up my eyes; a thousand knives of despair to the head. It seemed as if he were and agony were in my breast. Be- comparing my figure with his own, tween a life of restless fear, and a vio- and my answer with my figure—— lent death, the alternative was fearful, You speak as stoutly as a beggar,' but choose I must. I had not the said he at last. heart to leave the world by self-murder, yet scarcely could I bear the idea of remaining in it. Hesitating be-. tween the certain miseries of life, and the untried terrors of eternity, alike unwilling to live and to die, the sixth hour of my flight passed over my head -an hour full of wretchedness, such as no man can utter, such as God himself in mercy will spare to me-even to me, upon the scaffold

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That may be—I was one yes


"The man smiled- 'One would swear,' cried he, you were not much better than one to-day.'

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"Something worse, friend. I must on." Softly, friend. What hurries you? Is your time so very precious?" "I considered with myself for a moment. I know not how the words came to the tip of my tongue. Life is short,' said I at last, and hell is eternal.'

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"Again I started on my feet. I drew my hat over my eyes, as if not being able to look lifeless nature in He looked steadily upon me. May the face, and was rushing instinctive- I be d- -d,' said he, if you have ly along the line of a small foot-path, not rubbed shoulders with the gallows which drew me into the very heart of ere now.'


Farewell, till we

the wilderness, when a rough stern "It may be So. voice immediately in front of me cried, meet again, comrade.' Halt!' The voice was close to me, Stop, comrade,' shouted the man: for I had forgotten myself, and had He pulled a tin flask from his pouch, never looked a yard before me during took a hearty pull of it, and handed it the whole race. I lifted my eyes, and to me. My flight and my anguish saw a tall savage-looking man advanc- had exhausted my strength, and all ing towards me, with a ponderous club this day nothing had passed my lips. in his hand. His figure was of gigan- Already I was afraid I might faint in tic size, so at least I thought, on my the wilderness, for there was no place first alarm; his skin was of a dark of refreshment within many miles of mulatto yellow, in which the white of me. Judge how gladly I accepted his offer. New strength rushed with the

Nearly twenty, English measure.

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said I.

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ter than the beasts of the field, brother?
and can Wolf endure it? I can't.'
"Who can alter these things?'
"Ha! that we shall presently see—
but tell me, whence come you, and
what are you about ?'

"I told him my whole story. He
would not hear me to an end, but
leaped up, and dragged me along with
bin. 'Come, mine host of the Sun,'
said he, now you are ripe, now I
have you. I shall look for honour
from you, Wolf!-follow me.'
"Whither will you lead me?"
"Ask no questions. Follow.' And
he pulled me like a giant.


We had advanced some quarter of

"He looked sternly at me,- What a mile. The road was becoming every would you say, friend?' Has that often been bloody,' said I, pointing to the knife in his girdle.

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"Who art thou?' cried he fiercely, and threw down his pipe. A murderer, friend, like yourselfly a beginner.' He took up his pipe again.

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step more thick, wild, and impassable. Neither of us spake a word. I was roused from my reverie by the whistle of my guide. I looked up, and perceived that we were standing on the but on- edge of a rock, which hung over a deep dark ravine. A second whistle answered from the root of the precipice, and a ladder rose, as if of its own motion, from below. My guide stepped upon it, and desired me to await his return. 'I must first tie up the hounds,' said he; you are a stranger here, and the beasts would tear you in pieces.'

Your home is not hereabouts?'said he after a pause.

"Some three miles off,' said I; 'did you ever hear of the landlord of the Sun at Bielsdorf?'

"The man sprung up like one possessed-What the poacher Wolf?' cried he hastily.

"The same.'

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"Then I was alone upon the rock, and I well knew that I was alone. The carelessness of my guide did not escape my attention. With a single touch of my hand I could pull up the ladder, and my flight was secured. I confess that I saw this-I began to shudder at the precipice below me, and to think of that depth from which there is no redemption. I resolved upon flightI put my hand to the ladder, but then came there to my ear, as if with the laughter of devils, What can a murderer do ?' and my arm dropt powerless by my side. My reckoning was complete. Murder lay like a rock behind me, and barred all retreat for ever. At this moment my guide re-appeared and bade me come down. I had no longger any choice- I obeyed him.

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The man waxed warm-What! because you shot a pair of boars or stags it may be, that the prince feeds here on our acorns; was that a reason for chasing you from house and hold, confining you three years in the castle, "A few yards from the foot of the and making a beggar of you. Is it precipice the ground widened a little, come to this, that a man is of less and some huts became visible. In the worth than a hare? Are we nothing bet- midst of these there was a little piece



Christian Wolf.

[VOL. 4

"My brain was on fire, wine and


of smooth turf, and there about eigh
teen or twenty figures lay scattered passion had inflamed my blood.
around a coal-fire. Here, comrades,'
cried my guide, leading me into the
centre of the group; here, get up and
bid the landlord welcome.'

world had thrown me out like a leper

here were brotherly welcome, good cheer, and honour! Whatever choice I might make, I knew death was before me; but here at least I might sell my life dearly. Women had till now spurned me,-the smiles of Mary were nectar to my soul. I remain with

firmly, stepping into the midst of the band- Tremain with you, my good friends,provided you give me my pretty neighbour.-They all consented to gratify my wish, and I sat down contented, lord of a strumpet, and captain of a banditti."

"Welcome, good landlord,' cried all at once, and crowded around me, men and women. Shall I confess it? Their joy appeared hearty and honest: confidence and respect was in every you, comrades,' cried I, loudly and countenance; one took me by the hand, another by the cloak;-my reception was such as might have been expected by some old and valued friend. Our arrival had interrupted their repast we joined it, and I was compelled to pledge my new friends in a bumper. The meal consisted of game of all kinds; and the bottle, filled with good Rhenish, was not allowed to rest for an instant. The company seemed to be full of affection towards each other, and of good-will towards me.

The following part of the history I shall entirely omit, for there is no instruction in that which is purely disgusting. The unhappy Wolf, sunk to this hopeless depth, was obliged to partake in all the routine of wickedness; but he was never guilty of a second murder; so at least he swore solemnly upon the scaffold,

"They had made me sit down between two women, and this seemed to be considered as a place of honour. I expected to find these the refuse of The fame of this man spread, in a their sex, but how great was my as- short time, through the whole protonishment, when I perceived, under vince. The highways were unsafetheir coarse garments, two of the most nocturnal robberies alarmed the citibeautiful females I had ever seen. zens-the name of Christian Wolf beMargaret, the elder and handsomer of came the terror of old and young-jus the two, was addressed by the name tice set every device at work to ensnare of Miss, and might be five-and-twenty. him and a premium was set upon his Her language was free, and her looks head. Yet he was fortunate enough were still more eloquent. Mary, the to escape every attempt against his peryounger, was married, but her husband son, and crafty enough to convert the had treated her cruelly and deserted superstition of the peasantry into an her. Her features were perhaps prettier, engine of defence. It was universally but she was pal and thin, and less striking, on the whole, than her fiery neighbour. They both endeavoured to please me. Margaret was the beauty, but my heart was more taken with the womanly gentle Mary.

"Brother Wolf,' cried my guide, you see how we live here-with us every day is alike Is it not so, comrades?' "Every day like the present,' cried they all.


given out that Wolf was in league with the devil-that his whole band were wizards. The province is a remote and ignorant one, and no man was very willing to come to close quarters with the ally of the apostate.

For a full year did Wolf persist in this terrible trade, but at last it began to be intolerable to him. The men

at whose head he had placed himself, were not what he had supposed. They had received him at first with an exterior of profusion, but he soon discovered that they had deceived him. Hunger and want appeared in the room of -A abundance; he was often obliged to venture his life for a booty, which,

"If you like our way of life,' continued the man, strike in, be one of us-be our captain. I bear the dignity for the present, but I will yield it to Wolf. Say I right, comrades?'hearty Yes, yes,' was the answer.

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VOL. 4.]

Christian Wolf.


time, a strange petition to the throne. I hate my life, I fear not death, but I cannot bear to die with

out having lived. I would live, my prince, in order to atone, by my services, for my offences. My ex- "

ecution might be an example to the world, but not an equivalent for my deeds. I hate the wretched

ness of guilt, I thirst after virtue. I have shewn my power to do evil-permit me to shew my power to do good.

"I know that I make an unheard of request. My life is forfeit; it may seem absurd for me to state any pretensions to favour. But I appear not in chains and bonds before you-I am still free-and fear is the least among all the motives of my petition.

"It is to mercy that I have fled. I have no claim

upon justice-if I had, I should disdain to bring it
forward. Yet
of one circumstance I might remind

when won, was scarcely sufficient to support his existence for a single day. The veil of brotherly affection also passed away, and beneath it he found the lurking paltrinesses of thieves and harpies. A large reward had been proclaimed for him that should deliver Wolf alive into the hands of justice— if the discoverer should be one of his own gang, a free pardon was promi-ed in addition--a mighty search for the outcast of the earth!-Wolf was sensible of his danger. The honour of those who were at war with God and man seemed but an insufficient security for his life. From this time his sleep was agony; wherever he was, the ghost of suspicion haunted him"If you give me life, it shall be dedicated to your service. A single word in the gazette shall bring pursued his steps-watched his pillow me immediately to your feet. If otherwise you have -disturbed his dreams. Long silenced determined-let justice do her part-I must do conscience again raised her voice, and slumbering remorse began to awake This petition remained without an and mingle her terrors in the universal answer; so did a second and a third, in storm of his bosoin. His whole ha- which Wolf begged to be permitted to tred was turned from mankind, and serve as a hussar in the army of the concentrated upon his own head. He prince. At last, losing all hope of a forgave all nature, and was inexorable pardon, he resolved to fly from the only to himself. country, and die a brave soldier in the service of king Frederick.

my judges-the period of my outrages commenced with that of my degradation. Had their sentence been less severe, perhaps I should have had no oceasion to be a supplicant to-day.


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He gave his companions the slip, and took to bis journey. The first day brought him to a small country towa, where he resolved to spend the night.

This misery of guilt completed his education, and delivered at last his naturally excellent understanding from its shackles. He now felt how low he had fallen; sadness took the place of phrenzy in his bosom. Cold tears and The circumstances of the times, the solitary sighs obliterated the past; for commencing war, the recruiting, made bim it no more existed. He began the officers at every post doubly vigito hope that he might yet dare to be lant in observing travellers. The gatea good man, for he felt within himself keeper of the town had received a parthe awakening power of being such, ticular command to be attentive. The It may be that Wolt, at this the no- appearance of Wolf had something inment of his greatest degradation, was posing about it, but, at the same time, nearer the right path than he had ever swarthy, terrible, and savage. been since he first quitted it. meagre boney horse he rode, and the About this time the seven years' war grotesque and scanty arrangement of broke out, and the German Princes his apparel, formed a strange contrast were every where making great levies with a countenance whereon a thot.of troops. The unhappy Wolf shaped sand fierce passions seemed to lie exsome slight hope to himself from these hausted and congealed, like the dying circumstances, and at last took courage and dead upon a field of battle. The to pen the following letter to his sove- gate-keeper started at the strange ap reign. parition. Forty years of experience had made the man, grown gray in his


“If it he not too much for princely compasssion office, as sharp-sighted as an eagle in to descend to such as Christian Wolf, give him a detecting offenders. He immediately hearing, I am a thief and a murderer-the laws condemn me to death-justice has set all her myr- bolted his gate and demanded the pass midons in search of me--I beg that I may be permit- port of Wolf. The fugitive was howted to deliver up myself. But I bring, at the same ever prepared for this accident; and


Christian Wolf.

[VOL 4

he drew out, without hesitation, a pass The alarm of this incident had, in which he had taken a few days before the mean time, set the whole town infrom a plundered merchant. Still this to an uproar; every road was blockadsolitary evidence was not able entirely ed, and a whole host of enemies came to satisfy the scruples of the practised forth to receive him. He draws out officer. The gate-keeper trusted his a pistol; the crowd yields; he begins own eyes rather than the paper, and to make a way for himself through Wolf was compelled to follow him to their ranks. the town-house.

"The first that lays a finger on me dies," shouted Wolf, holding out Fear produced an univerBut a firm old soldier from behind, and mastered

The chief magistrate of the place examined the pass, and declared it to his pistol. be in every respect what it should be. sal pause. It happened that this man was a great seized him politician, his chief pleasure in life the hand which held the weapon. He consisted in conning over a newspaper, knocks the pistol from his grasp; the with a bottle of wine before him. disarmed Wolf is instantly dragged The passport shewed forth that its bear- from his horse, and borne in triumph er had come from the very centre of the back to the town-house. seat of war. He hoped to draw some private intelligence from the stranger; and the clerk, who brought back the pass, requested Wolf to step in, and take a bottle of Mark-brunner with his master.

Meantime the traveller had remained on horseback at the door of the townhouse, and his singular appearance bad collected about him half the rabble of the place. They looked at the horse and his rider by turns,-they laughed, -they whispered, at last it had become a perfect tumult. Unfortunately the animal Wolf rode on was a stolen one, and he immediately began to fancy that it had been described in some of the prints. The unexpected invitation of the magistrate completed his confusion. He took it for granted that the falsity of his pass had been detected, and that the invitation was only a trick for getting hold of him alive. A bad conscience stupified his faculties-he clapped spurs to his horse, and gallopped off without making any answer to the clerk.

"Who are you?" said the magistrate, in a stern and brutal tone.

"One who is resolved to answer no questions, unless they be more civilly put."


Who are you sir?"

"What I said I was. I have travelled through all Germany, and never found oppression till now."

"Your sudden flight excites suspicion against you. Why fled you?" "Because I was weary of being mocked by your rabble."


"You threatened to fire"My pistol was not loaded." They examined it and found no ball.

"Why do you carry such weapons?" "Because I have property with me, and I have heard a great deal of one Wolf that haunts in the woods here." Your answers prove your courage, but not your honesty, friend. I allow you till morning. Perhaps you will then speak the truth."

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"I have already said all."
"Take him to the tower."

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The sudden flight convinced all consider, sir. There is justice in the that had before suspected him. A country, and I will demand satisfac

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thief, a robber!" was the cry, and the tion at your hands."

your side."

as you find justice on

whole mob were at his heels. Wolf * "I shall give you satisfaction, rode for life and death, and he soon friend, so soon left his pursuers breathless behind.His deliverance is near; but a heavy Next morning the magistrate bega hand was upon him-the hour was to suspect that, after all, the stranger come unrelenting destiny was there. might be an honest man, and that high The road he had taken led to no words might have no effect in making outlet, and Wolf was obliged to turn him alter his tone. He was balf inround upon his pursuers. clined to think that the best way might

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