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The Minstrel of Bruges.


gan to bring in a tolerable revenue, as officer of the sacred troop, her favourite, there were at that time at Madrid some and my substitute, who had dressed very pretty romances, which I played himself up in the clothes of some majormoderately well, and not a night passed domo. It was these two honest creawithout my being called upon to give tures who were playing me this trick ; a serenade. In the evening I went to however, they paid me as generously as the Prado, where I was eagerly sought those would have done whose clothes after, sometimes by a duenna, some- they wore, and this was some consolatimes by a lord of the court, knights of tion to me." the order of Calatrava, members of the council of Castile; at other times by ladies of easy virtue, who are as common at Madrid as in other countries.

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The Minstrel was thus far advanced in his history, when the bell rang for prayers, to the great disappointment of the steward, who, for the last quarter of an hour, had crammed his napkin into his mouth to prevent himself from laughing out loud. He had reason to be sorry to leave it thus half untold, for the history increased in interest.

"Sir, I witnessed daily all the tender and most irritable passions in action, during my walks up and down the Prado;-gallants puffing themselves out like frogs, or like my bagpipe, to give themselves the appearance of the "My wife," continued the ingenuous most desperate lovers. I joined in sen- musician, “grew tired of her friend, or timent with all that employed me, or he grew tired of her, I know not which rather I acted my part after the exam- in this respect had the advantage; but ple of others, and my pockets were con- one fine morning, madam paid me a sequently well filled. But I must tell visit when I least expected it, and said you, sir, an adventure that happened to that she was returned to live with me. me on the Prado. I had formed an Madam,' said I, you do me a great arrangement with a little poet from An- deal of honour. From that time my dalusia, whom I ordered to write ver- house had all the character belonging ses, as I would order a coat from a tai- to a musician; for whilst I was atlor. One evening as we were on the tempting to play some new romances Prado, a man, whom I took at least for with my Andalusian, she was making a grandee of Spain, although the ob- a variety of noises; distributing, with scurity prevented me from observing an ease that I never saw equalled by his features, called out to me, with a any, a box on the ear to her daughter, deep and commanding voice, Minstrel, kicks on the breech to her sons, breakcompose and play me instantly a ro- ing and throwing down furniture, and a mance. Very willingly, my lord,' variety of other elegant deeds that I replied; on what subject do you suppress. Our neighbours thought our wish it?' On a blockhead of a hus- household somewhat too noisy, and band, who is forced to sing the praises made such complaints as forced us to of another, who plays his part in re- dislodge. None would admit us into gard to his wife.' I pressed my little their houses from our bad reputation, Andalusian to make haste with the so that we were forced to sleep under words, and as he repeated them to me, gateways, or on benches before the I adapted a proper tune to them. I doors, and the wicked children of the wish I could now remember them, sir, town called us the Beuchers of Madrid. for they were very fine, and I would Ah, sir! I was undeserving of this sing them to you with my own accom- contempt; for I had in truth collected paniment. When I executed them to a handsome purse during my widowmy noble patron, and the handsome la- hood; but my wife, on her return, took dy that was with him in an unfrequent- possession of it as the seal of our reconed part of the walks, they were so great- ciliation, and in less than six weeks it ly delighted, they were almost suffoca- was all dissipated. To add to my misted with laughter. Shall you be able fortune, we were the public laughingto guess who this brilliant couple were? stock at Madrid. Convinced that no Ask the lady here, for it was herself, artist ought to remain long in any town well wrapped up in her veil, with the where the public take such licence in

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I had for my subaltern-master a groom, called Ismael Sabaoth, who was assuredly the most discourteous and most disagreeable Saracen of all Grenada. Imagine, sir, a pigmy in shape, a giant in head, a mole in the smallness of his eyes, a goat in beard, an Ethiopian in colour,-a very hobgoblin, who would have frightened a Cæsar in the night-time. Add to this, a fox in cunning, wicked as a monkey, and brutal as a hound. This animal, however, was the lover of the wife of the Zegris; you may judge, therefore, of the good taste of the lady, and of the comforts that awaited me.

regard to him, I picked up my alls, and most impatient of all the Zegris. What set out for Grenada. I had been told was to be done? It is said that man that the Abencerragoes were as great accustoms himself to any thing; I had, admirers of music as of the fair sex and nevertheless, the utmost difficulty to tournaments. A desire to be the Or- become a jockey. pheus of some of these gallant Moors had determined me to undertake the journey. But, sir, I was in no imposing equipage when I made my entry into Grenada; and my fate was like that of Homer, who was forced to ask alms by holding out the same hands that have transmitted to us his immortal poems. Poverty only excites pity which borders on contempt; and altho' alms be given to a poor person, the giver scarcely ever supposes him to have any merit; for to gain even the appearance of abilities, a man must be as well dressed at Grenada as any where else. I was almost naked; my wife had no longer those charms that won the affections of the officer of the holy office; our two brats were in a state of nature; and my Andalusian poet, who was in such vogue at Madrid, seemed a blockhead at Grenada. In a word, this great theatre was too brilliant for us.


"This wretch would fancy, that, without ever having served an apprenticeship, I was as well acquainted as himself in the business of the stable. He was incessantly scolding; but not content with that, he beat me. It was necessary that I should always have the Despised by the Abencerragoes, currycomb in my hand, and be mounted guess how low I was sunk in my own on base villainous beasts, which were mind, sir, and what steps I took? You constantly prancing, and seemed to take have heard of the Zegris, the second fac- delight in throwing me sometimes on tion at Grenada, and know that these the dunghill, at others in the cess-pool, proud Zegris, despise all knowledge in although I hung on as long as I could literature, the fine arts, or in music. It by their manes. On my return to the was to one of these, however, that I stable, without ever giving me a minute was forced to attach myself; but, just to wipe and clean myself, I was forced Heavens in what a situation! Alas! to measure out oats, cut down hay, one day, almost sinking through hunger and thirst, I was leaning against a wall, when a Zegris passing by, noticed me, and said, Thou sufferest: I have compassion on thee; follow me.' I did so, and he conducted me to his stable, when, pointing to two Arabian horses, and six Andalusian mares, he said: • Lay aside thy pipes, which will make thee starve, and dress my horses, which will afford thee a sustenance,'

spread straw, which brought on quarrels with the purveyor. I was then sent to collect herbs, and to select the most proper to purge my animals, who eajoyed far better health than I did.

"It was with the utmost difficulty that, in the course of a week, I could steal a single quarter of an hour to myseif for repose. This I constantly employed in keeping up my knowledge in my original profession, and with incon"Judge, sir, of my surprise and bu- ceivable pleasure swelled my pipes with miliation at these words. Fallen from the most harmonious tones. I cannot, all my flattering hopes, and turned into however, flatter myself that I produced a groom! Another more afflicting the same effect in taming my animals thought crossed my mind, that I could as my predecessor, Orpheus, experiennot even fulfil this vile employment; ced with tigers and lions. On the confor I had never bridled an ass, and trary, my barbarous beasts accompamoreover, my master seemed to be the nied me with their heels, and made

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The Minstrel of Bruges.


several desperate attempts to kick where, by dint of killing, I learned how to cure, and was in great vogue. I was


house began to fill, my wife to smile, and my lot was more fortunate than that of many of the most celebrated doctors of Salamanca. You shall judge by the following fact how great my reputation must have been:

"One day while thus playing, and consulted by all ten leagues round; my my horses capering like mad things, Sabaoth entered the stable, and having gone too near one of the Arabians, he received a severe kick on the belly. Sabaoth roared loud enough to wake the dead, and his cries brought all the stable boys around him. He accused me "One day, this same Zegris, my late of having played him this trick in re- master at Grenada, passed thro' Murcia venge for the many thrashings he had as commander-in-chief of the army that given me. I can assure you, sir, that was marching against the Castillians. such a wicked thought never entered He was suddenly taken ill, and on his my mind; but, notwithstanding my inquiring for a physician, every voice innocence and my protestations, the united in recommending me as the most whole Mahometan race fell upon my able doctor in Christendom. In the Christianity, and overpowered me with honour of attending him, I cured him blows. I was driven from the stables in eight days, at the end of which, I without their giving me a real, and it called on him to take my leave. was with difficulty I was permitted to carry away my pipes.


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ring his convalescence he had fixed his eyes on me with attention and embarI searched through the whole town rassment, and when I was going away, of Grenada for my wife and children, he said, on giving me more money than and for my Andalusian, and collected my pipes had ever brought me since I them as well as I could, all except the had first played upon them, Doctor, I latter, whom I never saw more. They think I have seen you somewhere behad suffered as many miseries as my- fore, but cannot recollect where.' self, and having compared them togeth- these words I gave myself up for an er, we set off with sorrow for the king- undone man, and threw myself at his dom of Murcia. I addressed myself feet. You have been in my service,' to the company of whom I was again continued he, but I cannot remember become the head: A truce to sighing, in what capacity.' As your groom, children; let us assist each other, and my lord,' replied I, striking my sides to gayly too; for cheerfulness is, above gain more assurance; excuse me, and all, most necessary when in misery. It condescend to hear me. Honest Sais useless to the opulent, and that is the baoth, your renowned head groom, reason why they possess so little of it. while he leathered me with a thong, Here is my faithful bagpipe, my dear patrimony, and our constant resource against all the calamities of this life.'

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had, at the same time, the charity to teach me somewhat of horse botany: from a horse to a man, my lord, there is My wife answered me rather un- no great stride, and I thought that what civilly Assuredly that must be a was good for one could not do much grand resource, which has raised you to harm to the other. I applied, therefore, the eminent rank of a stable boy, and to your lordship's self. what I used to reduced us to beggary. Find some administer in your stables to your Araother profession, for this is worn out.' bians, stallions, and Andalusian horses, Providence, sir, has formed me of very and you see yourself that I have been gentle clay. To soften my wife's tem- perfectly right.' Wonderfully so," per I replied, If you think that my said the Zegris, laughing; and I am pipes cannot gain enough for our sub- now no longer surprised at the infernal sistence, you have only to speak,madam, strength of your medicines. Your and I will turn physician.' My pro- lordship judges right; they were to posal pleased her music leads to beg- kill or cure you, for it is the same as gary, and physic to wealth. to physic and as to morality; we should be firm in both, this is my manner.' "He left the town, and I pocketed


"I became then a doctor of physic, and established myself in Murcia,


Sketches of English Manners.

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the money. I soon became rich and am gay at present, and I shall become unfortunate, as is too frequently the case melancholy."

in this vale of misery." The Minstrel

The Cambresian insisted on his gohere made a pause, and said to the ing on, and the old man thought himCambresian, "I know not well wheth- self bound to obey him. er I shall continue my story or not; I

Continued in our next.

From the Literary Gazette.


No. X.


Painter. It is a pretty mocking of the life. Here is a touch; Is't good?

Poet. I'll say of it,

It tutors nature: artificial strife

Lives in these touches, livelier than life.

Shakspeare.-Timon of Athens.
Each heavenly piece unwearied we compare,
Match Raphael's grace with much loved Guido's air,
Caracci's strength, Corregio's softer line,
Paulo's free stroke, and Titian's warmth divine.

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Yet still her charms in breathing paint engage,
Her modest cheek shall warm a future age.
Beauty, frail flower, that every season fears,

Blooms in these colours for a thousand years.-Pope.
Painting, dejected, views a vulgar band,
From every haunt of dulness in the land,
In heathen homage to her shrine repair,
And immolate all living merit there.

Shee's Rhymes on Art.

was weak enough to be pleased with a remark so much in my favour, and to comply. We arrived at the Painter's, and were shewn into a room where the easel and half finished portrait stood. Lady Jane looked it through, examined, looked again, shook her head, and appeared dissatisfied. "That," said she to me, "is not me: it wants something; what is it?" It wants life,' replied I, it wants the variety of expression of your countenance, which changes frequently, and thus cheats the artist of the likeness which he, for a moment, had in his power; another expression, agreeable and engaging, presents itself to his view; and he is compelled to quit the last play of features, which, if continued, would have "D O now be a good creature and been perfect. Thus, for instance, you accompany me to my Painter's," smiled; he caught that smile; but it were Lady Jane Mandeville's words died upon your lips and in your eyes on perceiving me at the Cocoa-tree just as he was impressing it on the door, and on stopping her carriage. canvass. He looks up; he finds you "There is nothing so stupid as sitting pensive and grave-another countenfor one's picture," continued she," and I know that you are a good soul, and will amuse me with your society during the trying hour of being studied by the Painter. Upon my word, I wonder how many a handsome timid girl can stand the trial: it is quite awful: besides, one is so apt to get into low spirits from the effect of ennui, and it is so excessively tiresome. So step into the carriage, and I shall be for ever obliged to you. I have given two sittings; yet I perceive something wanting to the likeness, which I am at a loss to describe, and which your superior judgment will point out."

ance; "Pray,my Lady, smile again :" you cannot the next attempt is nanatural; it is not a smile; the artist is puzzled; he looks at you again and again; the charm of the last smile is broken; you make a dozen unsuccessful attempts in order to satisfy the painter; you grow impatient; the placidity of your brow is ruffled; the artist lays down his brush; he too is out of temper, but he cannot shew it; he pauses, he reflects; he begs you to sit unconcerned; "Sorry to give you so much trouble;" what can he do?—He paints upon recollection, and fails. Now had an approved and approving, The last compliment acted on me as a loved and loving swain been before a bribe; yet I saw that it was her you, and had said, "Lovely Lady Ladyship's intention to make a con- Jane, smile as you did this moment, for venience of me. My age, however, it was the most wily, winning smile I and my habits, favoured the thing: I ever beheld," you would have imme

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Sketches of Modern Manners.


diately similed all heart, and the painter one shed over her forehead-a favourite would have seized the happy moment.' ringlet straying o'er her ivory neck”

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"You are a wicked man, a practised You paint so beautifully yourself, Blatterer, a gay deceiver," exclaimed Madam,' observed the artist, that I her Ladyship, hitting me amicably shall execute nothing half so well; but with her parasol; "but do tefl me the young Lady will make a most intewhat the picture wants. It is stiff; resting picture, and I will do my best it is grave; it looks like a woman of to please you; your idea is excellent, thirty in short, it is not me; and I and I shall follow it with the utmost have half a mind not to take it."-I care.' 'Yes,' resumed Mrs. Blossom, * I saw immediately its defects in her eyes: am allowed to have a very fine taste for it was not handsome enough-not ten painting," (for painting herself she had.) years younger than herself—in a word, "But stop, not so quick," exclaimed not sufficiently flattering; but I could Mrs. Blossom, another thought has not tell her so. 'It wants,' resumed I, come into my mind-I will have her as I said before, your play of features; painted at full length-a light drapery it cannot, like you, say the most amiable hanging over one shoulder-the other things in the world, nor do the most quite bare-her hair a la victime behind, friendly ones; it has not your wit, your and fastened up on the top of the head conversation, your knowledge of the one lock over the left shoulder, long, world, and your obliging disposition-full, and natural, and finely contrasted such things exist not in canvass; and with the whiteness of her bosom-her it is not the Painter's fault. Perhaps,' head-half turned (this was enough to continued I, it has a little too much turn it altogether)-her eyes drooping colour.' "Not a bit," (for she was a Luck in one hand-the other arm pleased with its improved complexion;) reclining on an elegantly executed "but," concluded she, "it is too old." pillar." Very good, indeed!' cried 'Perhaps it may be.' She was deeply the Painter, the young Lady's fine dissatisfied. silken eye-lashes and full eyes have a We now heard very loud talking in fine effect in this pensive attitude.' the next room. She recognised Mrs. "Not at all," interrupted the partial Blossom's voice. "Let us listen," said and fanciful mother; now I have a she. "It is that vain creature, Mrs. better thought: she shall be painted as Blossom! I'm sure if Mr. Varnish takes Diana-a beautiful greyhound of ours at a faithful likeness of her, it will be a her feet, which will be a double advanfright, and it will be the first faithful tage, as it will bring in a favourite--thing about her." 'How severe !' said then we will have her drapery looped I; "Oh! I hate her," answered her up in front, and her well proportioned, Ladyship; "but hush." Upon listening finely turned instep, etcetera, thus disattentively, we discovered that she was played to advantage her bow suspendcome to get her daughter Laura's por- ed from her shoulders-the head-dress trait taken. The poor artist was to be exactly like that of the goddess in quespitied. Nothing could satisfy her. It tion." 'Admirable exclaimed Mr. had been far more candid to have said, Varnish. "Or if she were drawn as I must have a Venus instead of my Hebe, or-" daughter; you must make this woman Here we had no longer patience, and an angel in picture; the colours must we left our listening station. "Fool!" breathe there must be the spirante cried Lady Jane, and, ringing the bell, colore of the Italian artist: yet it must ordered the footman to remind his be my daughterin spite of nature and of master, that Lady Jane Mandeville was art. "I will have Laura painted at her waiting, and that she was pressed for barp," said Mrs. Blossom. "She must time. The Artist entered, all confusion be clad in white-light drapery of ex- and excuses, and told us that he had quisite design-her bosom and her arms been detained for an hour by a Lady, bare-a lily of the valley in the former who at last went away undetermined -her raven locks fancifully arranged as to how her daughter was to be drawn. 9U ATHENEUM. Vol. 4..


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