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Felix Alvarez.

[VOL. 4 poor little village has, it is to be won- nity to gratify hate, you know, Senor. dered that all the world does not rise, However, God knows whether the and fall upon the demons that invented dragoons were told by any mortal and executed them. We have a poor devil, or whether the devil of hell put townsman who will be as long as he it into their heads but so it was. lives, which will not be long it is to be hoped for his sake, a monument of the wickedness of those bloody minded wretches.'

"What did they do to him?' said Felix.


captain had these two poor fellows seized and brought into the plaza, just before our door; and he asked them why they had deserted, and whether they would return to their duty; but the unfortunate Chicos had their heads "Why it is almost too horrid to more full of rage than of reason; for allow oneself to remember,' replied the the soldiers that had brought them had Alcalde. I would give the world to been beating them with their swords, forget that I had seen it. We used and reviling them, and their bands were frequently to be cursed by the arrival tied behind them; and so instead of of foraging parties, who came as far as trying to come over the Frenchmen this from their head-quarters at Toledo: cunningly, and get off as easy as they these parties were sometimes smaller, could, they said they never would fight and sometimes larger; sometimes only against their country, and that King twenty or thirty, and sometimes a hun- Joseph was a usurper, and that all his dred dragoons:-and when they came, followers were monsters, and, in short they took every thing they could lay they told them more truths than St. their bands upon without mercy; hay, Michael told the Devil. You may corn, cattle, and money, if they could depend upon it they were punished find it, and insult us and our wives for this; but you will never guess how, and daughters, and sometimes deliberately murder those who at all opposed them. But it so happened, Senor, that two of our townsmen had gone to Madrid, with a crop of potatoes, and had found employment there to gain their livelihood, and so they stayed there. When the French King Pepe wanted to raise his Spanish guards or juramentados, as they call them, these two poor fellows were pressed, and forced into the service. But they were Spaniards in their hearts, and they scorned to betray their country; and so they took the first opportunity to de- ""Tis but too true, Senor,' resert, and they came to hide themselves sumed the Alcalde; I saw it with in their native place; and a long time my own eyes. The unhappy wretches passed away, and nothing ever hap- were kept there until the flesh of their pened in consequence, and they heard legs was fried to the bone, and then the no more about it, and so they thought demons left them there. One was happy they were safe. But one day, Senor, in not surviving the horrid torture which there came a large party of dragoons he had suffered; but the other, who in the usual way, with a captain at their was put into the fire the last, and who head, who urged them on to take all was less materially injured than the first, they could; and the devil, who always had both legs cut off about half way helps on his own, somehow or other be- above his knee by a surgeon from Arantrayed these poor fellows' secret to them. juez, and is still living, Senor, but an I don't accuse any body in particular, object of pity and compassion to all but they had enemies among their who behold him. His name is Jaan neighbours, and it was a good opportu- Carmena.'"

Senor; nobody but a Frenchman could have imagined it, and nobody but a devil could have executed it. It so happened, that at the door of the baker's house there was a large brasero, which a woman was filling with charcoal, to bake a quantity of bread that these wretches had required; the Captain had that and another filled with burning charcoal, and made them sit down in the braseros until the fire covered their thighs!'

"Alvarez made an exclamation of great horror.

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This horrible story was related to become public. The door in the inside Mr. Dallas precisely in the manner was well guarded; but as the aperture, above stated. In a note he informs which had formerly been a window, the us, that he intended to have seen this bars of which were now destroyed, was unhappy victim of Gallic barbarity, but sufficiently large to admit a man, and was prevented by being suddenly obli- was at no great height from the ground, ged to quit the village of Anover in the a sentinel was placed in the court-yard middle of the night when he arrived. to prevent the escape of the prisoner by Among the various ways which the that means. But the weather was inFrench invented to endeavour to legal- clement, and the court-yard afforded no ise their gross impositions and robbing shelter for the sentinel except an ancient taxes, one of the most singular was corridor which was built along the wall, a duty upon deaths, which was actually immediately opposite the window, established in Seville a short time only though at some distance from it; here, before they were driven from the place. therefore, the sentinel took his station. The plan was arranged in this manner; Alvarez observed minutely all these the old established parochial fees upon circumstances, and determined to at funerals were taken off, and offices were tempt the deliverance of this officer. appointed, where the relations of the It was enough for him that he was a deceased were obliged to apply for per- fellow-creature, and in the hands of mission to have his body buried; for his enemies; but to these claims the this permission they paid extravagantly, prisoner added that of being an Englishand without it no priest dare perform man, and of having lost his liberty the sacred office. The priest afterwards, fighting in the cause of Spain. He was upon producing the permission, re- prepossessed in favour of the English ceived a small sum, and the rest became from a feeling of gratitude, individual the perquisite, or rather the plunder, of as well as national; and he had formed the French." many acquaintances in the British army One more extract, and we have done. during the expedition in which he had It is most interesting anecdote of the served with it, a circumstance that he deliverance of an English officer, who considered as calling for his utmost exhad been taken prisoner by the French, by a guerilla.

ertions in behalf of any of its officers whom he found wanting them. After "An English officer had been taken much consideration, he judged that it by the French on a sortie from Tarifa, was only by lulling the vigilance of the This officer had determined to suffer all sentinel stationed in the corridor that he the rigour of his fate, rather than lose could succeed in his bold attempt, and the hope of an early escape, which he he immediately fixed on a plan to effect thought probable; he therefore refused this, It has already been stated that

to give his parole, and was brought to it was the rainy season: but though in Vejer a close prisoner. Felix had seen that country the rain falls in torrents bim brought into the town; and, fol- when it once sets in, there are not unlowing with the crowd, had ascertained frequently cessations of some hours, the place of his confinement. It was during which the sun appears with all an old ruined church, part of which had his splendour. Alvarez and his combeen converted by the French into a panions took advantage of one of these stable, and part into a prison. This moments towards the evening, to repair officer was shut up in the sacristy, to the outside of the ruined church; which was a small room built out of and one of them played on the guitar, the body of the church, having a door whilst the three joined in singing to his leading into the church, and a window accompaniment, in the manner of the looking out into a corrall or court- Andalusian peasants, with which their yard originally walled in, but the walls dress perfectly accorded. Their music of which were nearly demolished by attracted a number of the unemployed time, and consequently the court had soldiers of the guard over the prison, ATHENEUM. Vol. 4.



Felix Alvarez.

{VOL. 4. who came to listen to the peasants who occurred, except that fewer soldiers were thus amusing themselves. It was were tempted out of the guard-room not long before the return of the rain than there had been on the preceding would have dispersed both listeners and evenings. When it began to grow singers, had they not thought of the dusk, Alvarez made up a complete expedient of seeking shelter under the suit of peasant's clothes into as small á corridor of the court-yard, where they bundle as possible, and taking it up might continue their amusement. The under his cloak he proceeded to the evening closed in, and the Spanish pea- ruined church. With a glance he resants had made themselves so agreeable connoitered the situation of his comto their French auditors, that they rades, and finding nothing to excite hs asked them to return on the following alarm, he entered the corrall, and dexevening, which Alvarez and his friends terously flung his bundle into the winpromised to do. dow as he passed it; he then approach"So far every thing had succeeded ed the singing group, lest his remaining beyond his hopes; and with the natural alone should appear suspicious, if by enthusiasm of his disposition, he doubt- chance he were observed. Having ed not of ultimate complete success. joined the party in the corridor, bis On the following evening, the two com- anxiety prevented him from attending panions of Felix went to their appoint- to any thing that was passing immediment alone, taking with them their ately around him; he placed himself guitar; the absence of Alvarez was in a situation from which he could look hardly noticed, and they amused and at the window of the sacristy, and he attracted the attention of their auditors strained his eyes to be able to distinas they had done the evening before. guish it clearly, which he was nearly As the twilight decreased Felix joined prevented from doing by the increasing the group as a listener only, and watch- night and the intervening rain. A coning his opportunity when the soldiers siderable time passed, and there was no were all engaged, he separated himself appearance of any person at the winfrom the crowd, and flung into the dow: at length his anxiety became window of the sacristy a paper on which insupportable; what could prevent the he had written the following words in prisoner from immediately availing himSpanish, and afterwards in the best self of the opportunity to escape? Eglish he was master of, lest the pris- Perhaps he was not confined there !--oner should be ignorant of the Spanish perhaps he had no means of ascending language: If you are willing to risk to the window. your life to gain your liberty, be pre- "Whatever was the cause of the pared to dress yourself speedily in the delay, the suspense was not to be borne, clothes which will be given to you to- and the night was now so much closed morrow at this hour, and lose no time that he could only distinguish the square in getting through your window; you of the ruined window. He separated will be received by friends. Having himself from the group as if going, done this without being perceived, he and went to the other side of the corretired, and was soon followed by his rall. He listened attentively, and could friends, who had made a promise to hear nothing but the falling of the rain return again on the morrow. mingled with the tones of the guitar

"It was an anxious moment for and the voices which accompanied it. Felix when the guerillas repaired to The ascent to the window from the outtheir usual place of rendezvous, and side was rendered easy hy the fallen resumed their noisy occupation. The stones and fragments which surrounded night was particularly cloudy and wet; it. While he was contemplating the and had not the French been acquainted window, undecided how to act, he heard with the fondness of the Spaniards for the approach of the guard coming to their national music, their appearance relieve the sentinel under the corridor. there might have excited suspicion; It was at this relief that the station of but it did not, and nothing unusual the sentinel was changed from the cor

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Curious Observations on Female Dress.


ridor to the immediate outside of the trod should discover them. To have window, a precaution which the dark run away would have excited pursuit, ness rendered necessary. Felix had and they would probably have been observed this, and was aware that there taken; but Felix led his companion was no time to lose. Unwilling to re- round the angle of the building into main in doubt as to the cause of the the corner formed by the projection of disregard of his plan, he rapidly mounted the sacristy from the church. Here

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the stones and looked into the window; they remained crouching down and in Englishman!' said Alvarez, in a low anxious silence until the guard aptone of voice. For God's sake assist proached and the sentry was posted: they me,' said the prisoner, I am unable to heard the serjeant give his countersign ascend.' The unhappy man had found to the soldier, and they heard the others no means by which he could reach the march away. It was still necessary to window, which, though not high, was ascertain the proximity of the sentinel, just above the extent of his arm. By lest their sudden departure should atrepeated endeavours he had succeeded tract his notice. The man began his in placing his hand upon the ruined promenade, and unfortunately he came frame-work of the opening; and ex- first towards the side where they were hausted by his exertions he had remain- concealed; but he passed the corner ed hanging by that hand, unwilling still without observing them, and no sooner to lose the hope of liberty, though una- had he turned than, with cautious step, ble to advance. In an instant Alvarez and hardly daring to breathe, they made perceived his situation, and seizing the their way out of the court-yard." supporting hand, inspired by his feel- This affecting incident, we learn in a ings and the critical situation of the note, resenibles in all its principal moment, with a strength which nothing points, an anecdote which is credibly could withstand, he dragged the des- related in the British army, as having pairing prisoner through the window, occurred to one of its officers. The and placed him on his feet on the stone Spanish guerilla who rescued him, is which supported himself. But the guard said to have refused to inform him of had reached the corridor, and was ap- his name, or to receive any recompense proaching to place the sentinel upon for this service. the spot on which they stood. The The work is enlivened by several even tread of their march was heard pieces of poetry which are partly origi through the rain, and nothing else, for nal, and in part derived or translated the music had ceased upon the arrival from the Spanish.

of the guard. It required all the pre- The length to which our account of sence of mind which Felix so eminently Mr. Dallas's publication has extended, possessed, and which he had occasion will sufficiently indicate the opinion we so frequently to exert, to devise an ex- entertain of its value as a book of aupedient in such pressing danger. With thentic historical information. Though a caution incompatible with the rapidity the author has chosen to veil it in the with which they would have moved, garb of fiction, it seems rather to be the they descended from their high situa- private journal of an individual who tion, trembling lest the falling of any was personally engaged in the memoraof the uneven stones on which they ble peninsula war.


From La Belle Assemblee,

T is not long since the following question was proposed in France by a certain society, and a prize offered to the author who should answer it in the most satisfactory and incontrovertible manner.

Question-Has the art of the toilet attained, under the meridian of Paris, its highest degree of perfection,and is it now at the eve of experiencing the fate of all human inventions, which degenerate as soon as their developement is completed?


Curious Observations on Female Dress.

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Fifteen authors agreed in maintain- the blending of, and covering over ing that the art of the toilet in France each other, four colours at most; which had exhausted the resources of genius, does not excel the abilities of a houseand in discovering, which some censur- painter; but the diapered skin of a saved and others praised, an eminent char- age combines, in the eye of an amaacteristic of voluptuousness, inquiry, teur, historical, landscape, arabesk, and and caprice, together with a tolerably portrait painting.

good loss of time, taste, and money, and a proportionate relaxation of morals.

Is courage brought into question?— The American female endures the torture of the stiletto, of fire, and of caustics; whereas papering hair, crisping it, or using pincers to pull off such as

Good taste.-No one as yet has presumed to deny but the costumes of the new world offered drapery better suited to the taste of our artists, and revealed nudity with more sublime truth.

The society, however, unmoved by those declamations, reserved its whole interested attention for the Memorial No. 8, bearing this motto:-And I too are superfluous, &c. are scarcely parohave drank of the waters of the Mecha- dies of the other executions suggested cebe river. This last work discovers by vanity. an original and independent mind."I smile with contempt," says the author, "when I see a society of pensive men resolve thoughtlessly; I feel indignant when I hear Europeans speaking of their toilet, as if in Paris, the same as in London, the art so called was not in its infancy, which no one cares about, a coarse daub entirely neglected!"-These assertions undoubtedly are strange enough; but what will appear still more so is, that the author proves them to be founded on truth. He establishes a parallel between our most refined toilet and that which is in common use in the forests of America; he pursues it with perseverance through an immensity of details; and with equal erudition and logic exposes our inferiority.

Richness.-There are dresses in the Floridas, masterpieces of skill and patience, the making of which speak thirty years of assiduous working; moreover, the feathers, metals, and colours, are incomparable.

Habit. The undress, so common among us, is a gross liberty quite unknown in the woods of America, neither would the most brutal huntsman start from his hut without carrying the implements of his toilet wrapped up in duck-skin round his waist.

Eagerness and passion-It is known

that for a frivolous ornament the savInstruments and preparations.-He age is always ready to give up his hut; has only been able to find out seven and his wife to forfeit her honour; it hundred and twenty-nine on the most is even probable that exchanges of the fashionable dressing tables of the kind are effected among them with Chaussée d'Antin; whereas he pro- greater expedition still, if possible, than duces a catalogue of two thousand and in our country. thirty-five which are indispensably requisite amongst the Iroquois.

"Silence" exclaims the author, "ye national flatterers who are enrapExtent on which the operations are tured at French eloquence! hold your performed. It is only the fourth part, tongues, ye covetous husbands and says he, of the person of a Parisian la- scolding fathers, who bewail the exdy that receives cosmetic ointments, cesses of dress! Alas! every article in whilst over the whole bodies of the fe- Paris is still plain, innocent, and homemales of the Missouris he has never ly; far from undergoing a decay, the found the space of one inch square but art of dressing is in its cradle, or rather on which the ingenious attention of co- at its first dawn. The thought, I conquetry had deposited insignia of its im- fess, is disgraceful; but we may still pression. entertain great hopes, for we are in a fair way towards improvement. Nature would have it that the progress of the toilet should be in an inverted ra

Is the progress of the art considered?-The preparations for the body of an European fair lady are limited to

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