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His beverage in Java was water; on board ship, it was as diversified as his food. He preferred coffee and tea, but would readily take wine, and exemplified his attachment to spirits by stealing the Captain's brandy-bottle: since his arrival in London, he has preferred beer and milk to any thing else, but drinks wine and other liquors.


This animal neither practises the grimace and antics of other monkeys, nor possesses their perpetual proneness to mischief. Gravity approaching to melancholy, and mildness, were sometimes strongly expressed in his countenance, and seem to be the characteristics of his disposition. When he first came amongst strangers, he would sit for In his attempts to obtain food, he af- hours with his hand upon his head, forded us many opportunities of judg- looking pensively at all around him; ing of his sagacity and disposition. He or when much incommoded by their was always very impatient to seize it examination, would hide himself bewhen held out to him, and became pas- neath any covering that was at hand. sionate when it was not soon given up; His mildness was evinced by his forand would chase a person all over the bearance under injuries, which were ship to obtain it. I seldom came on grievous before he was excited to redeck without sweetmeats or fruit in my venge; but he always avoided those pocket, and could never escape his vigi- who often teased him. He soon belant eye. Sometimes I endeavoured to came strongly attached to those who evade him by ascending to the mast- kindly used him. By their side he head, but was always overtaken or in- was fond of sitting; and, getting as tercepted in my progress. When he close as possible to their persons, came up with me on the shrouds, he would take their hands between his would secure himself by one foot to the lips, and fly to them for protection. rattling, and confine my legs with the From the boatswain of the Alceste, other, and one of his hands, whilst he who shared his meals with him, and


Next to the boatswain, I was perhaps his most intimate acquaintance. He would always follow me to the mast-head, whither I often went for the sake of reading apart from the noise of the ship; and having satisfied himself that my pockets contained no eatables, would lie down by my side, and pulling a topsail entirely over him, peep from it occasionally to watch my

rifled my pockets. If he found it im- was his chief favourite, although he possible to overtake me, he would climb sometimes purloined the grog and the to a considerable height on the loose biscuit of his benefactor, he learned to rigging, and then drop suddenly upon eat with a spoon; and might be often Or if, perceiving his intention, I seen sitting at his cabin-door enjoying attempted to descend, he would slide his coffee, quite unembarrassed by down a rope and meet me at the bottom those who observed him, and with a of the shrouds. Sometimes I fastened grotesque and sober air that seemed a an orange to the end of a rope, and low- burlesque on human nature. ered it to the deck from the mast-head; and as soon as he attempted to seize it, drew it rapidly up. After being several times foiled in endeavouring to obtain it by direct means, he altered his plan. Appearing to care little about it, he would remove to some distance, and ascend the rigging very leisurely for some time, and then by a sudden spring catch the rope which held it. If defeated again by my suddenly jerking the rope, movements. he would at first seem quite in despair, His favourite amusement in Java relinquish his effort, and rush about the was in swinging from the branches of rigging, screaming violently. But he trees, in passing from would always return, and again seizing another, and in climbing over the roofs the rope, disregard the jerk, and allow of houses; on board, in hanging by it to run through his hand till within his arms from the ropes, and in rompreach of the orange; but if again foiled, would come to my side, and taking me by the arm, confine it, whilst he hauled the orange up.

one tree to

ing with the boys of the ship. He would entice them into play by striking them with his hand as they passed, and bounding from them, but allowing


The Wild-Man of Borneo.

[VOL. 4 them to overtake him and engage in a which he expressed by opening his mock scuffle, in which he used his mouth, showing his teeth, seizing and hands, feet, and mouth. If any con- biting those who were near bim. jecture could be formed from these Sometimes indeed he seemed to be frolics of his mode of attacking an ad- almost driven to desperation; and on versary, it would appear to be his first two or three occasions committed an object to throw him down, then to se- act, which, to a rational being, would cure him with his hands and feet, and have been called the threatening of suithen wound him with his teeth. cide. If repeatedly refused an orange Of some small monkeys on board, when he attempted to take it, he would from Java, he took little notice, whilst shriek violently and swing furiously under the observation of the persons of about the ropes; then return and enthe ship. Once indeed he attempted deavour to obtain it; if again refused, to throw a small cage, containing three he would roll for some time like an of them, overboard; because, proba- angry child upon the deck, uttering bly, he had seen them receive food, of the most piercing screams; and then which he could obtain no part. But suddenly starting up, rush furiously although he held so little intercourse over the side of the ship, and disappear. with them when under our inspection, On first witnessing this act, we thought I had reason to suspect that he was that he had thrown himself into the less indifferent to their society when sea; but on a search being made, free from our observation; and was found him concealed under the chains. one day summoned to the top-gallant I have seen him exhibit violent yard of the mizen-mast, overlook alarm on two occasions only, when he him playing with a young male mon- appeared to seek for safety in gaining key. Lying on his back, partially as high an elevation as possible. On covered with the sail, he for some time seeing eight large turtle brought on contemplated, with great gravity, the board, whilst the Caesar was off the gambols of the monkey which bounded Island of Ascension, he climbed with over him; but at length caught him all possible speed to a higher part of by the tail, and tried to envelope him the ship than he had ever before reachin his covering. The monkey seemed ed; and looking down upon them, to dislike the confinement, and broke projected his long lips into the form of from him, but again renewed its gam- a hog's snout, uttering at the same time bols, and although frequently caught a sound which might be described as always escaped. The intercourse how between the croaking of a frog and the ever did not seem to be that of equals, grunting of a pig. After some time he for the Orang-Outang never conde- ventured to descend, but with great scended to romp with the monkey as caution, peeping continually at the he did with the boys of the ship. Yet turtle, but could not be induced to apthe monkeys had evidently a great pre- proach within marry yards of them. He dilection for his company; for when- ran to the same height and uttered the ever they broke loose, they took their way to his resting-place, and were often seen lurking about it, or creeping clandestinely towards him. There appeared to be no gradation in their intimacy; as they appeared as confidently familiar with him when first observed as at the close of their acquaintance.

But although so gentle when not exceedingly irritated, the Orang-Outang could be excited to violent rage,

same sounds on seeing some men bathing and splashing in the sea; and since his arrival in England, has shown nearly the same degree of fear at the sight of a live tortoise.

Such were the actions of this animal, as far as they fell under my notice during our voyage from Java; and they seem to include most of those which have been related of the OrangOutang by other observers."

VOL. 4.]

Recollections of John Philpot Curran.


From the Monthly Magazine, August, 1818.





was at home in all-he touched every thing, and seemed as if he had created HEN I was called to the bar, it--he mastered the human heart with Mr. Curran was on the bench. the same ease that he did his violin. Not only bagless but briefless, I was You wept, and you laughed, and you one day with many an associate taking wondered, and the wonderful creature the idle round of the hall of the Four who made you do all at will, never let Courts, when a common friend told it appear that he was more than your me he was commissioned by the Master equal, and was quite willing, if you of the Rolls to invite me to dinner that chose, to become your auditor. It is day at the Priory, a little country villa said of Swift, that his rule was to allow about four miles from Dublin. Those a minute's pause after he had concludwho recollect their first introduction to ed, and then, if no person took up the a really great man, may easily compre conversation, to recommence himself. hend my delight and my consternation. Curran had no conversational rule Hour after hour was counted as it whatever; he spoke from impulse, passed, and, like a timid bride, I feared and he had the art so to draw you into the one which was to make me happy. a participation, that, though you felt an It came at last, the important five inferiority, it was quite a contented one. o'clock, the ne plus ultra of the guest Indeed, nothing could exceed the urwho would not go dinnerless at Cur- banity of his demeanour. At the time ran's. Never shall I forget my sensa- I speak of, he was turned of sixty, yet tions when I caught the first glimpse of he was as playful as a child. The exthe little man through the vista of his tremes of youth and age were met in avenue. There he was, as a thousand him; he had the experience of the one times afterwards I saw him in a dress and the simplicity of the other. At which you would imagine he had bor- five o'clock we sat down to dinner; at rowed from his tipstaff-his hands in three in the morning we arose from bis sides his face almost parallel table, and certainly half the wish of with the horizon-his under lip pro- the enthusiastic lover was at least con- truded, and the impatient step and the ceded- Time," during that interval, eternal attitude only varied by the was "annihilated." From that day pause during which his eye glanced till the day of his death I was his intifrom his guest to his watch, and from mate and his associate. He had no his watch reproachfully to his dining- party to which I was not invited ; and room-it was an invincible peculiarity party or no party, I was always wel--one second after five o'clock, and he come. would not wait for the Viceroy. The moment he perceived me, he took me In the year 1775, with, as he said by the hand, and said he would not himself, no living possession but a have any one introduce me, and with a pregnant wife, he was called to the bar manner, which I often thought was of Ireland. To that enlightened body, charmed, at once banished every ap- as at that day constituted, the "future prehension, and completely familiarized men" of this country may be allowed me at the Priory. I had often seen to turn with an excuseable and, in Curran often heard of him-often some sort, a national satisfaction. read him-but no man ever knew any The first fee of any consequence thing about him who did not see him which he received was through Lord at his own table with the few whom he Kilwarden's recommendation; and his selected. He was a little convivial recital of the incident cannot be withdeity he soared in every region, and out its interest to the young profession



Recollections of John Philpot Curran.

[VOL. 4

There was

al aspirant, whom a temporary neglect he was quite inimitable. may have sunk into dejection. "I no plan which he did not detect—no then lived," said he, " upon Hog Hill; web which he did not disentangle-and my wife and children were the chief the unfortunate wretch who commenced furniture of my apartments; and as to with all the confidence of pre-concerted my rent, it stood pretty much the same perjury, never failed to retreat before chance of its liquidation with the na- him in all the confusion of exposure. tional debt. Mrs. Curran, however, Indeed, it was almost impossible for was a barrister's lady, and what she the guilty to offer a successful resistance. wanted in wealth, she was well deter- He argued-he cajoled--he ridiculed— mined should be supplied by dignity. he mimicked-he played off the various The landlady, on the other hand, had artillery of his talent upon the witness— no other idea of any gradation except he would affect earnestness upon trifles, that of pounds, shillings, and pence. I and levity upon subjects of the most walked out one morning to avoid the serious import, until at length he sucperpetual altercations on the subject; ceeded in creating a security that was with my mind, you may imagine, in no very enviable temperament. I fell into the gloom to which, from my infancy, I had been occasionally subject. I had a family for whom I had no dinner; and a landlady for whom I had no rent. I had gone abroad in despondence-I returned home almost in desperation. When I opened the no eccentricity of profession, at which door of my study, where Lavater alone he would not grasp,-trying to confound could have found a library, the first the self-possession of the witness in the, object which presented itself was an no matter how excited, ridicule of the immense folio of a brief, twenty golden audience. guineas wrapped up beside it, and the name of Old Bob Lyons marked upon the back of it. I paid my landladybought a good dinner-gave Bob Lyons a share of it-and that dinner was the date of my prosperity." Such was his own exact account of his professional advancement.


fatal, or a sullenness that preduced "al! the consequences of prevarication. No matter how unfair the topic, he never failed to avail himself of it; acting upon the principle, that in law, as well as in war, every stratagem was admissible. If he was hard pressed, there was no peculiarity of person-uo singularity of name


There are many who may remember his table dissertations upon Milton; and I choose to call them dissertations, although delivered in conversation, because they were literally committed to memory. It was very easy, in vulgar phrase, to draw on him for the criticism; and, to do him justice, he never refused From this period he began rapidly acceptance. That criticism was certo rise in professional estimation. tainly a finished specimen at once of his There was no cause in the metropolis want of taste and of his wonderful of any interest in which he was not con- talents. He hated Milton like one of cerned, nor was there a county in the the inhabitants ofhis own pandemonium. provinces which, at some time or other His choice of a subject, which had so he did not visit on a special retainer. It long perplexed the poet, he thought was an object almost with every one peculiarly injudicious. "If the theme to pre-occupy so successful or so dan- was true," he would say, "it ought not gerous an advocate; for, if he failed in to be the topic of profane poetry; and, inducing a jury to sympathize with his if it was not true, it would be very client, he at all events left a picture of easy to have invented one more interhis adversary behind him, which sur- esting." He would then run through vived and embittered the advantages of the management of the poem, in a strain victory. Nor was his eloquence his of alternate ridicule and sublimity that only weapon; at cross-examination, the most difficult and by far the most hazardous part of a barrister's profession,

was quite amazing. It was as impossible to hear his disbelief that the Almighty could wage war upon his angels, without

VOL. 4.]

The Mad-House,


an awful admiration; as it was his de- part, of a noble family myself, I felt no scription of primitive simplicity, without degradation in practising it; it has laughter. Adam and Eve he certainly added, not only to my wealth, but to treated with very little filial reverence. my dignity." Curran was silent; which the host observing, called for his opin


We met at the table of an illustrious ion. "Lord Erskine," said he, "has personage. The royal host, with much so eloquently described all the advancomplimentary delicacy, directed the tages to be derived from the profession, conversation to the profession of his that I hardly thought my poor opinion celebrated visitors. Lord Erskine very was worth adding; but perhaps it was eloquently took the lead. He descant--perhaps.I am a better practical ined, in terms which few other men could stance of its advantages even than his command, on the interesting duties of lordship: he was ennobled by birth the bar, and the high honours to which before he came to it; but it has," said its success conducted. "No man in the he, making an obeisance to his host land," said he, "need be ashamed to "it has in my person raised the son of belong to such a profession: for my a peasant to the table of his prince."

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From the Monthly Magazine, September, 1818.


From the French.

TRAVELLED the road from cruel expression could never be imiParis to Charenton, and, arriving at tated, except by the first of our trathe hospital, Monsieur C gratified gedians. "This wretch," said our my desire of inspecting an establishment guide," is a man of distinguished birth, which he governs with a zeal worthy of to whom Nature gave the heart of a the highest eulogium. tiger, and the genius of an ape; the days


Ilis ex

Madness," said he, as we traversed of his youth were marked by crimes, the first court, "is, when well con- which he dared publicly to apologize for sidered, only an excessive development in more advanced years. As a punishof the vices, the caprice, and the follies, ment, he was deprived of the power of which exist in society. The world pre- doing mischief; he became mad, and, sents an infinite number of species, for want of other victims, it is now on which may, however, be classed under himself that he vents his fury. three heads-phrenzy, maria, and im- istence accuses the justice of the laws; becility. To the first belong all the his madness has avenged the public violent passions, and the numerous morals." We speedily left this misfamily of vices, crimes, and excesses, creant, who took leave of us with this which they produce; in the second, may charitable warning-" Make yourselves be ranged the most prejudicial defects, easy! I will take upon myself the and most marked follies; the third com- trouble of having you flayed alive." prehends the innumerable varieties of this malady of the human mind, which reduces man to the state of a plant; from whence it arises, (said the doctor, laughing,) that society is sometimes compared to a platte-band.”

His neighbour did not appear less agitated, though more an object of commiseration. He articulated, in a low voice, phrases without connexion; the burthen of which, however, was, the words "wife," "rival," and "false We approached the quarters of the toupee." This last word figured so furious, whose howlings redoubled when singularly in his tragical plaints, that I they saw us through the bars of their requested an explanation of it from the cells. I stopped for a moment to look doctor. There is, in truth," said he, at a man of an attenuated form, whose "something very risible, if not in the looks were more wicked than fierce,and who menaced us with a smile; whose Z ATHENEUM. Vol. 4.

• Talma.

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+ The Marquis de Sade.

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