Abbildungen der Seite

VOL. 4.]

Highland Agricultural Society-John Paul Jones.


sembled. It decides on causes between &c. The object of this society, whose the crown and private individuals. The labours are eminently successful, is the case then before it was that of a brewer, improvement of agriculture, and the who affirmed that by means of a new breeding of cattle, the cultivation of invention, he could make use of the waste lands, the encouragement of usespirituous parts, which during the cool- ful inventions, by the distribution of ing of the beer evaporate in the air and premiums and other rewards. Another are lost. His idea was to collect these Society to promote instruction in Chrisparts in a pipe, where they should be tianity, was founded in 1701. It recondensed like common brandy. The ceives 1000l. per annum from the King, royal officers, on their side, made ob- and many schools are supported by it. jections to this, affirming that some fraud upon the revenue might be intended.

We were shewn the library of the counsellors, which is in a handsome room, and had not been long established. Another library, belonging to the lawyers, consists of 40,000 volumes. It contains the best ancient and modern works, a collection of manuscripts, and a complete collection of documents relative to the history of the country; the oldest of these last is of the year 1350: the earlier ones are said to have been lost in the passage to England by sea. We saw among them a letter written by Mary Queen of Scots, while she was in France, to her mother; the handwriting and the style were good for that time.

The Bettering house, or House of Correction, is on a hill of trap, called Calton Hill, and is one of the best ordered establishments of the kind we On the same hill there is a monument in honour of Nelson.

have seen.

We made a little excursion to the town of Leith, distant about two English miles from Edinburgh. The way to it is along an uncommonly fine, broad, paved road, which has an almost uninterrupted row of houses on both sides of it, so that you hardly think that you are in another town when you arrive at Leith. There is the old harbour, and they are busy in forming a new one. The first is at the mouth of the little river Leith; but it is too confined, and is dry at low water: the new one will consist of a row of docks, several of which are completed.

We saw large three-masted vessels, which go to Greenland on the whale fishery. They are distinguished by the strength with which they are built, and by the covering of iron on the bows, to resist the masses of ice. They sail every year, in March, to Greenland or Newfoundland. The fishery is not always successful, and these enterprizes are often attended with loss.

On the 6th of December we began Leith is defended by some batteries, our daily rounds with visiting the High but they are not very formidable. DuSchool, in which 800 young people of ring the American war, Paul Jones all ranks receive preparatory instruction, sailed into the river with three armed The school has five classes. The boys vessels, and spread terror as far as Edingo through the lower classes in four burgh. Leith possesses several manuyears, under four teachers or professors. factories; the principal branch of its inIn the fifth they receive the preparatory dustry is linen. The town is in the instruction immediately previous to be- period of its increase, and bad already ing sent to College. The branches of attained a high degree of prosperity, learning taught there are reading, wri- when several of its merchants made great ting, Latin and Greek, geography, his- speculations in colonial goods to the tory and mathematics: The methods Continent: the turs of political affairs of instruction seem to be good. disappointed their hopes, so that several One of the most useful institutions of of these houses became bankrupt; and the city of Edinburgh is the Highland Society of Scotland, which has a president, four vice-presidents, and members of all ranks of society, nobles, merchants,

• The Advocates' Library.--Ed.

while we were there, one of them, the only one who had commercial relations with the East Indies, declared itself insolvent in the sum of 250,000l. sterling,

We returned to Edinburgh by the


Superstitious Ceremonies of Allhallow Eve.

[VOL. 4 same road, and visited on the way, a Town did not begin till the year 1768; great manufactory for spinning cotton before which time there was not a trace and hemp, which is put in motion by a of it. Ten handsome streets, parallel steam-engine. The Botanic Garden, to each other, now traverse the city on which we saw after our return, is neither its whole length from East to West. large, nor, as it appeared to us, well Queen Street is a hundred feet broad, kept. There are in Edinburgh several and has only one row of houses, the inale breweries, many manufactories of habitants of which enjoy the most beausal volatile, sal ammoniac, &c. The tiful prospect towards the North, over city is supposed to have received its the county of Fife, and the whole course name from a castle which a Saxon of the Firth of Forth. This advantage prince, named Edwin, had built here in renders the street a very agreeable prothe year 626, and which was called menade in summer. St. George's Edwinburgh. Street is a hundred and ten feet broad, This city will at a future period cer- and terminates at each end in a fine tainly become one of the most beautiful square. Princess Street, along the cities in Great Britain. Its situation is Fosse, serves as a winter promenade. uncommonly favourable, on an emi- Its broad foot pavement is frequently nence near the sea, and combines ad- crowded with walkers. The fine street vantages of every kind. The New leading to Leith is a third very agreeaTown, which was built after a regular plan, is every thing that can be wished The architecture of the houses in the in respect to the architecture both of the New Town agrees with that usual in public and private buildings. The con- London: the kitchens are below trast between the Old and New Town ground, and receive their light from a is striking; the former are black, grated window looking towards the crowded together, and the streets be- street; but they are more spacious and tween them, in part, no more than from comfortable. The streets of the New six to ten feet broad. The two towns Town have raised pavements on both are joined by a handsome bridge, which sides for the foot passengers, and are was begun in 1765, and finished in paved with basaltic stones, which are -1769. The building of the New found in abundance near Arthur's Seat.

ble promenade.

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From the London Time's Telescope, for Nov. 1813.




ALL SAINTS, NOVEMBER 1. Some strange customs are obsc. ved N the early ages of Christianity the by rustics on Allhallow Eve. Young word saint was applied to all belier- people in the north (according to Mr. ers, as is evident in the use of it by St. Brand) dive for apples, catching at them Paul and St. Luke; but the term was when stuck at one end of a hanging afterwards restricted to such as excelled beam, at the other extremity of which in Christian virtues. In the Romish is fixed a lighted candle, and that with church, holy persons canonized by the their mouths only, having their hands Pope, are called saints; and are invok- tied behind their backs; with many. ed and supplicated by the professors of other fooleries. Nuts and apples chiefly that religion. The church of England compose the entertainment; and from instituted this festival in memory of all the custom of flinging the former into good men defunct, proposing them as patterns for Christian imitation, but not allowing any prayers to be addressed to them.

the fire, it has, doubtless, had its vulgar name, of nut-crack night. In Scotland (says Mr. Pennant) young women determine the figure and size of their

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VOL. 4.] Remarkable Days, &c.-Allhallow-Eve Customs-All Souls.

husbands, by drawing CABBAGES, blindfold, on Allhallow Ev.; and, like the English, they fling nuts into the fire. This last custom is beautifully described by Gay, in his Spell:'

Two hazel nuts I threw into the flame,

And to each nut I gave a sweetheart's name ;
This, with the loudest bounce, me sore amazed,
That, in a flame of brightest colour blazed:
As blazed the nut so may thy passion grow,
For 'twas thy nut that did so brightly glow.

The burning of nuts is also alluded to in the following pretty lines :

These glowing nuts are emblems true
Of what in human life we view ;
The ill-matched couple fret and fume,
And thus in strife themselves consume;
Or from each other wildly start,
And with a noise for ever part.
But see the happy happy pair,
Of genuine love and truth sincere ;

With mutual fonduess, while they burn,
Still to each other kindly turn:

And as the vital sparks decay,

Together gently sink away;
Till life's fierce ordeal being past,
Their mingled ashes rest at last.



KING WILLIAM LANDED, NOV. 5. The glorious revolution of 1668 is commemorated on this day; when the throne of England became vested in the illustrious house of Orange. The fleet which brought over King William : from Holland left that country on the first of November. 'On the third we passed between Dover and Calais, and before night, saw the Isle of Wight. The next day, the fourth, being the day on which the Prince was born and married, he fancied, if he could land that day, it would look auspicious to the army, and animate the soldiers. But others, who considered the day following was Gunpowder Treason Day, thought our landing that day might have a good effect on the minds of the English nation. And Divine Providence so ordered it, that, after all hopes of our landing at Torbay were given up, and Russel bid me go to my prayers, for all was lost, the wind suddenly shifted, and carried us into the desired haven. Here the Prince, Marshal Schomberg, and the foot soldiers, landed on November the fifth. I never found a disposition to superstition in my temper; yet I must confess this strange ordering of the winds and seasons, just to change as our affairs required it, could not but make deep impressions on me,'


This festival is still observed by the church of Rome. The following is the alleged origin of it:-A monk, having visited Jerusalem, and passing through Sicily,as he returned home, had the curiosity to visit Mount Etna, which, from its constantly giving out fire and smoke, was imagined by some to be the mouth of the infernal regions. This religious monk, hearing the demons within complaining that many departed souls were taken out of their hands by the prayers of the Cluniac monks; on his return, related the idle story to Odilo his abbot, who immediately appointed this day to be annually observed in the monastery, and incessant prayers prejudices.

" We are now to relate an event, one of the most memorable that history has conveyed to posterity, and containing at once a singular proof both of the strength and weakness of the human mind; its widest departure from morals and most steady attachment to religious "Tis the GUNPOWDER

certain as it appears incredible.'

to be made for departed souls. The TREASON of which I speak; a fact as day was soon afterwards solemnized as a general holiday, by the pope; but it was deservedly abolished at the Reforhe


The Catholics, disappointed.. their expectations of favour from James I. In Catholic countries, on the were enraged beyond all measure. eve and day of All Souls, the churches Catesby, a person of that persuasion, are hung with black; the tombs are first thought of an extraordinary method opened; a coffin covered with black, of revenge, which was no other than to and surrounded with wax lights, is blow up the parliament house, when placed in the nave of the church; and the members should be assembled, and in one corner, figures in wood, repre- diabolical scheme he communicated to the king opening the session. This senting the souls of the deceased, are halfway plunged into the flames. Percy, a descendant of the illustrious P ATHENEUM. Vol. 4. house of Northumberland, who, being

114 Illustration of remarkable Days, &c.-The Pope and the Devil. [voL.4

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charmed with the measure, they cau- breasts every other motive; and it was tiously inlisted some other conspirators, an indiscretion at last, proceeding chiefly and sent over to Flanders in quest of from these very bigoted prejudices and one Guy Fawkes, an officer in the partialities, that saved the nation. Spanish service, of whose zeal and Ten days before the meeting of resolution they entertained no doubt. parliament, lord Monteagle, a catholic, Every thing being concerted, the con- son to lord Morley, received the followspirators took the following oath of ing letter, which had been delivered secrecy, which they confirmed by re- to his servant by an unknown hand. ceiving the sacrament together: You My lord, Out of the love I bear to some shall swear by the Blessed Trinity, and of your friends, I have a care of your by the sacrament you now purpose to preservation. Therefore I would adreceive, never to disclose, directly or vise you, as you tender your life, to indirectly, by word or circumstance, the devise some excuse to shift off your matter that shall be proposed to you to attendance at this parliament. For keep secret, nor desist from the execu- God and man have concurred to punish tion thereof until the rest shall give you the wickedness of this time. And think leave! They next (1605) hired a not slightly of this advertisement; but house in the name of Percy, adjoining retire yourself into your country, where that in which the parliament assembled; you may expect the event in safety. For and finding that a cellar was to be let though there be no appearance of any under the house of lords, they seized stir, yet, I say, they will receive a territhe opportunity of renting it, and, ble blow this parliament, and yet they forming a communication between shall not see who hurts them. This Percy's house and it, deposited there counsel is not to be condemned, because thirty-six barrels of gunpowder, which it may do you good, and can do you no they covered with faggots and billet harm: For the danger is past, as soon wood. The doors of the vault were as you have burned the letter. And I then boldly thrown open, to prevent hope God will give you the grace to any appearance of danger: and nothing make good use of it, unto whose holy remained, but to watch the opportunity protection I commend you. of rendering their horrible malice coin- Monteagle knew not what to make plete. of this letter; and though inclined to The king, the queen, and prince think it a foolish attempt to frighten Henry, were all expected to be present and ridicule him, he judged it safest to at the opening of parliament; but prince carry it to lord Salisbury, secretary of Charles, on account of his tender age, state. Though Salisbury too was inwould necessarily be absent, and him clined to pay little attention to it, he it was intended to assassinate. The thought proper to lay it before the king, princess Elizabeth alone remained of who came to town a few days after. To the royal family whom papistical ven- the king it appeared not so light a geance had not devoted; and it was matter; and from the serious earnest resolved to seize her, and proclaim her style of the letter, he conjectured that it queen immediately after the catastrophe. implied something dangerous and im"The day, so long wished for, now portant. A terrible blow, and yet the approached, on which the parliament authors concealed; a danger so sudden was appointed to assemble. The and yet so great; these circumstances dreadful secret, though communicated seemed all to denote some cont to above twenty persons, had been re- by gunpowder; and it was thought ligiously kept, during the space of near advisable to inspect all the vaults below a year and a half. No remorse, no the houses of parliament. pity, no fear of punishment, no hope of belonged to the earl of Suffolk, lord reward, had, as yet, induced any one chamberlain, who purposely delayed conspirator either to abandon the en- the search till the day before the meetterprise, or make a discovery of it. ing of parliament. He remarked those The holy fury had extinguished in their great piles of wood and faggots which

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This care

YOL. 4.]

Gunpowder-Plot-Origin of the word Mayor.


lay in the vault under the upper house, federates, was already in arms, in order and he cast his eye upon Fawkes, who to seize the princess Elizabeth. She stood in a dark corner, and passed him- had escaped into Coventry; and they self for Percy's servant. That daring were obliged to put themselves on their and determined courage, which so much defence against the country, who were distinguished this conspirator, even raised from all quarters, and armed, by among those heroes in villany, was the sheriff. The conspirators, with all fully painted in his countenance, and their attendants, never exceeded the was not passed unnoticed by the cham- number of eighty persons; and being berlain. Such a quantity also of fuel, surrounded on every side, could no for the use of one who lived so little in longer entertain hopes either of prevailtown as Percy, appeared a little extra- ing or escaping. Having therefore ordinary; and, upon comparing all confessed themselves, and received abcircumstances, it was resolved that a solution, they boldly prepared for death, more thorough inspection should be and resolved to sell their lives as dear made. About midnight, sir Thomas as possible to the assailants. But even Knevet, a justice of peace, was sent this miserable consolation was denied with proper attendants; and before the them. Some of their powder took fire, door of the vault finding Fawkes, who and disabled them for defence. The had just finished all his preparations, he people rushed in upon them. Percy immediately seized him, and, turning and Catesby were killed by one shot. over the faggots, discovered the powder. Digby, Rookwood, Winter, and others, The matches and every thing proper being taken prisoners, were tried, confor setting fire to the train were taken in fessed their guilt, and died, as well as Fawkes' pocket; who finding his guilt Garnet, by the hands of the executioner. now apparent, and seeing no refuge but Notwithstanding this horrid crime, the in boldness and despair, expressed the bigoted catholics were so devoted to utmost regret that he had lost the oppor- Garnet, that they fancied miracles to be tunity of firing the powder at once, and wrought by his blood; and in Spain of sweetening his own death by that of he was regarded as a martyr. his enemies. Before the council he dis- "The lords Mordaunt and Stourton, played the same intrepid firmness, two catholics, were fined, the former mixed even with scorn and disdain; ten thousand pounds, the latter four refusing to discover his accomplices, and thousand, by the star-chamber; because showing no concern but for the failure their absence from parliament had beof the enterprise. This obstinacy lasted gotten a suspicion of their being actwo or three days: but being confined quainted with the conspiracy. The to the Tower, left to reflect on his guilt earl of Northumberland was fined and danger, and the rack being just thirty thousand pounds, and detained shown him, his courage, fatigued with several years prisoner in the Tower; so long an effort, and unsupported by because, not to mention other grounds hope or society, at last failed him; and of suspicion, he had admitted Percy inhe made a full discovery of all the con- to the number of gentlemen pensioners, spirators. without his taking the requisite oaths.'


Catesby, Percy, and the other crim- LORD MAYOR'S DAY, NOVEMBER 9. inals, who were in London, though The word mayor, if we adopt the they had heard of the alarm taken at a etymology of Verstegan, comes from letter sent to Monteagle; though they the ancient English maier, able or pohad heard of the chamberlain's search; tent, of the verb may or can. yet were resolved to persist to the ut- Richard I. A.D. 1189, first changed most, and never abandon their hopes the bailiffs of London into Mayors; by of success. But at last, hearing that whose example, others were afterwards Fawkes was arrested, they hurried appointed. Upon the authority of an down to Warwickshire; where sir old resident in the city of York, we are Everard Digby, thinking himself assur- informed that the title of Lady was, till ed that success had attended his con- within these few years, retained by the

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