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Sketches of Society.-Female Gamblers.

The Menagerie at Exeter Change. And the matchless collections in the national repository of the British Museum,--open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, to all who sign their names.

[VOL. 4.

This fiftieth Exhibition of the Academy contains 1117 paintings, drawings, and sculptures; the majority of which are superior to any six of the best pieces in the first thirty exhibitions at this school. Indeed, the most enthusaistic admirer of the ancient schools must admit, that there are some new pictures in this exhibition capable of ranking with the best hundred pictures of those schools; while there are few that are below medioc

Other objects of attraction are found in the Bazaar, in Soho-square, and in the Western Exchange, Old Bond-street: also in the Auction-rooms of Phillips, Christie, Squibb, Robins, &c. &c.---in which the most splendid and rare works of art and manu- rity.---Mon. Mag, facture are daily on exhibition or sale.


From the Literary Gazette. Aug. 1818.


No. IV.




peat the same brief visit at two or three other parties in the course of the night. dancer may escape the card-tax; but


IT has always appeared to me that a man of serious habits, and of middle the stronger passions, such as avarice, ambition, and revenge, are ill suit- age, must pay the forfeit of money and ed to the softer sex. They disfigure of time.

the beauty of woman, and completely It is astonishing how many hours this change her nature. Gaming, which is occupation engrosses in high life. Lady a compound of idleness and cupidity, Lansquinette assured me, that she playbut which excites these passions, has ed three rubbers of whist regularly every precisely the same tendency, and hur- evening, unless she sat down to some ries the fairest works of nature into the game of chance. In the former case, she devoted her three hours per diem greatest excesses.

There is, however, a minor species to cards; in the latter the whole evenof play which is not so dangerous, and ing. In wet weather she played in which can be blamed only for the loss the morning; and at Castle Costly, she of time which it occasions. It is one always spent two or three hours before of the taxes on a man in society, to be dinner at cards, when the state of the compelled to sit down for such a space atmosphere or the roads prevented her of time at a card-table, at routs and going out. Averaging her play hours at other evening parties. I feel a je ne at four or five per day, they compose sais quoi of misery and disgust, the mo- one third of her time, since her Ladyment the fair lady of the house presents ship devotes twelve hours to rest. Now, me the pack of cards to draw one; and abstracting four more for her toilette, which is not less than it takes, there are I view myself destined to be fixed to chair for at least one rubber, or per- tional employment, out of which breakbut four more clear hours for any ramy haps more. Then, farewell conversation; farewell my greatest amusement, observation farewell mirth and all variety.

A young Exquisite may just make his appearance for a few minutes, make his bow to the lady of the house, cast a glance round in order to be able to count all the beauty and fashion in the room, and then withdraw, throw himself into his chariot or vis-a-vis, and re

fast and dinner time are to be deducted. I met with her the other night at Lady Racket's; and she immediately I had hooked me in for a rubber. scarcely got clear of this engagement, and of five guineas at the same time, having lost five points upon the rub, when I was entreated to sit down to cassino in company with Mrs. Marvellous, Sir Herbert Maxton, and Lady Longtick. I the more readily, howIt may be well to observe that our Hermit diever, complied with the request of my vides the Dandies of fashion into two principal classes, to one of which he gives the appellation of right honourable hostess, since at cas“Exquisites,” and to the other of" Ruffians."-Ed, sino the attention is not so entirely taken

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VOL. 4.]

Female Gamblers.


up; less importance it attached to the are always fortunate; 'tis my trick." game, and a little light and confused (Mrs. Marvellous) 'Have you heard conversation may be allowed; whilst that Lady Barbara Bankton has' (interat whist you see grave faces sitting in rupted by the Baronet) "Cut, Madam;" judgment over your play, and observe as Yes, Sir Herbert, she has cut, and left much interest and anxiety, as much si- her lovely children.' "Your Ladylence and attention, as a speech of De- ship's game." To the mercy of the mosthenes would have claimed from his world. How shocking for her three auditors. daughters!" A double game." (Mis. Marvellous) 'She certainly had the most indulgent husband in the world.' "The base wretch, I have no patience with


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"Come," said Lady Racket to me, "you must make one at cassino; (then lowering her voice) you will have the charms of Lady Longtick to contem- her." 'A hard rub.' "Yet I could plate, and Mrs. Marvellous will amuse always see through her conduct." Had you with some very astonishing stories you said thro' her drapery,' replied Sir in the intervals of dealing, etcetera." Herbert, I should have been satisfied Your Ladyship's commands are so that you were right, for she was a walkmany laws to me,' said I, as I resigned- ing transparency. But here comes her ly took my place at the table. The cousin,the General.'"The game is up." Hermit of London," exclaimed Mrs. Released from the cassino table, I Marvellous, in half a whisper to Sir walked round the room, and cast an eye Herbert. They both elevated their on the different tables. I stopped for a eyebrows, as much as to say, here's a moment behind my friend Lord Levity's fellow who will observe us closely. I chair, and contemplated the countemade my best bow, and took my seat. nances at an unlimited loo. "I pass," I drew cards, and fell to the lot of said Lady Lavish, in a tone of brokenMrs. Marvellous. “You must not scold heartedness which told me that she had me if I play ill," said she. "Not for lost. Every feature was changed, the the world,' answered I, I never scol1- warm smile which gives such attractions ed a lady in my life.' "I wish I coupl say as much of Sir Herbert," said she, "indeed it was nothing short of cruel, your crossness to Lady Maxton yesterday; you actually brought tears into her eyes." Nonsense,' exclaimed the Baronet, you know I wanted not to play at all; but the Nabob could not make up his party without us, and I hate above all things to play with my wife; married couples never ought to play together.'"Unless," interrupted Lady Longtick," they understand one another as well as our friends in Portland Place." And then,' replied the Baronet, it is not very pleasant to play against them' (a general smile.)

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to her countenance had disappeared ; dejection filled her eyes, and despair sat on every feature. Mrs. Beverly was also a great loser: not less than eighty guineas did she pay for her night's pastime. She put on a sort of placid look, a well-bred indifference, a forced and unnatural smile; but nature, true to its feelings, betrayed the secret of her mind, and gave the outlines of revenge, and of disappointment to her countenance. You are out of luck," observed I. A trifle or so,' answered she, with an assumption of tranquillity which imposed upon nobody.

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The other ladies (the eldest only eighteen) were all anxiety. The natural lustre of their complexion was marr ed by a flush of intemperate feeling and

"It is your deal, Mrs. Marvellous." Two and three are five.' "The heart is yours, Lady Longtick, and little cass over-desire to win. Their eyes were fails to me.' · Have you heard of the attentively riveted to the cards, and Royal marriages ?' "Three tricks, by from time to time they communed with Jupiter!"The naval Duke.' "Your each other by glances of satisfaction, kaave, my lady."- I am quite out of doubt, or discontent. Whilst these three luck; how many Queens?" (Sir Her- Graces were half metamorphosed by bert) One, and that's quite enough.' their attention to their bad or good for"Bravo, Mrs. Marvellous,"said I," you tune Colonel Crab sneered as he was


Anecdotes, &c. illustrative of Literature.

[VOL. 4 pocketing his gains; and Lady Mary in an assumed tone of pity and of kindMoody expressed the intoxication of ness. A sick head-ache which dissuccess. This she strove to stifle, but tracts me,' answered Lady L. and it flushed on her cheek, spoke on her flounced away unattended by a beau, half opened lip, and sparkled in her which circumstance was observed with eyes. How little do these fair crea- different remarks and comments from tures, thought I, know how their looks half a dozen different quarters at once. betray them! So much are they a How little charity one female has for prey to the passion of gaming, that not another, thought I! and at cards this even these magnificent Venetian mir- quality exists not. rors can bring a useful reflection to cure them of this vice.

I now perceived Sir Herbert, who had been looking over his wife's play, I now moved towards the door, and and must have been giving her some got into a crowd of beaux and of belles, unwelcome hints. "Did I play ill in and into a confusion of tongues. The trumping?" sweetly and softly uttered broken sentences which came to my she in a silvery tone. Not at all,' re

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ear from different quarters were ridicu- plied be, in a sharp tone: if you wishlous enough. Lady Racket was dis- ed to lose, you could not play better.' coursing about a new novel; Sir Weth- She gently raised up her shoulders, and erby Justle was holding forth on horse- heaving a sigh, said, “My dear, I am racing; a new Member was affecting sorry for it." It's always the same,' the ministerial tone, and laying down exclaimed he, and broke unkindly away the law to a deaf Dowager who had from her. What a pity that a few hearts the best of it, for she was paying at- and clubs, ill painted upon the surface tention to an antiquated Exquisite the of a card, should occasion such contendwhole time. Mrs. Marvellous told me ing passions, should sow such dissenthat Lady T- was ruined, and that sions, and embitter the hours of so she owed her butler only one thousand many rational beings that a card, guineas. Lady Longtick has made played out of place or without judga good thing of it to-night," whisperedent, should mar the domestic felicity Lady R-'s maiden aunt to a young of an otherwise happy couple! and Guardsman; her dress-maker will that Lady Maxton should persevere in now have a chance of being paid," con- playing without any abatement of ill tinued she. fortune abroad, or of dryness and blame at home.


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Lady Lovemore passed by at this moment convulsed with rage, but bri- I now perceived a number of the dling her temper as well as she could. beau monde going to their carriages, She had not only lost at cards, but per- and, upon striking my repeater, found ceived a happy rival in the affections of that it was four o'clock. Thus were the Colonel, to whom he was paying four hours consumed, when I retired to the warmest assiduities, and her rival rest; but the countenances at the loohad smiled contempt. Lady Racket table were before my eyes in my dream, even seemed to enjoy the defeat of La- and I longed to be able to give a little dy Lovemore: "I fear that your Lady- advice to the fair creatures in question. ship is not well," said Lady R. to her THE HERMIT IN LONDON.




From the London Monthly Magazines, &c. Aug 1818.

HIS celebrated man,soon after pub. lishing his Geography of the World, accepted an invitation to spend a few weeks with a Gentleman who lived on

the New Forest, Hampshire, with directions where his servant should meet him to conduct him thither. As soon as he was joined by the gentleman's servant, they struck off into the thick of the

VOL. 4.]

Observations, Anecdotes, &c.-Ancient Papers.


forest, and after riding some time, Mr. to a tree; pass him through the pikes, Heylin asked if that was the right road; instantly, or shoot them ail before my and to his astonishment received for an- face; cut me in pieces those fellows swer that the conductor did not know, who hold out that steeple against the but he had heard there was a very near king; burn this village, set fire to the cut to his master's house through the country for a quarter of a league round; thicket; and he certainly thought, as and all this, without any intermission of Mr. Heylin had written the "Geogra- his paters, til he had finished them, as phy of the World," that such a road he would have thought it a great sin to could not have been unknown to him. put them off for another hour, so tender was his conscience.'


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His eloquence was of every kind, This scrupulous devotion, and his tranquil, vebement, argumentative, or intolerant zeal against heresy, have, inoralizing, as best suited the occasion, however, given him the epithet of a In 1764, he maintained the illegality christian hero; and he prided himself in of general warrants with great energy tian Baron of Europe. nothing morethan being the first Chrisin the House of Commons. His great poBy the litical maxim was, British Constitution," said be, one faith, one law, 66 every man's house is his castle; not that it is one king; and he steadily supported the surrounded with walls and battlements, vicissitudes of faction. royal authority, amid all the storms and for it may be a straw-built shed. EveAs a general ry wind of heaven may blow around it, all the elements of nature may enter in but the King cannot, the King dares not,

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the character of a great commander, he had little success, yet he maintained which he deserved by a long series of

useful and active services.

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Decrees and Orders of the University

of Cumbridge. (Extracts.) breeches under the forfeiture of 10. Noe taylor in towne to make great

chancellor, that noe inhabitant in the It was decreed by Dr. Meye, vicetown of Cambridge, being either scholer or scholer's servant, can or may be privileged by that title from the com on dayes workes of mendinge the highwaye.

The Constable Montmorenci deservedly ranks among the illustrious men of his age, though his great qualities were balanced by many defects. In Item. It was ordered and decreed temper he was harsh, austere, and dic- (Dec. 2, 1579,) that only And. Smyth, tatorial, obstinate in his opinions, and and Tho. Medcalfe, for that they were impatient of contradiction. He was apprentices to the mistery of waxeaccounted exceedingly pious, but his chandelers, should sell torches and religion was much more that of a sol- lynks within the town of Cambridge, dier than of a christian. Brantome and noe other. gives the following lively picture of it. ⚫ He never failed every morning to say his paternosters, whether he staid at home, or mounted on horseback; but it was a saying in the army, Take care of the paternosters of monsieur the Con- Brewers shall pute noe ale to sell stable; for his way was, while reciting till they have sent for y taster to tast itt or muttering them, as any disorders or doing the contrary, for every time, to irregularities came in his view, to cry, forfeit vid. Take me up such a man; tie that other

Eodem. It was likewise ordered and decreed yt Tybbe, because he only was brought up in the mistery of brewing ale, should only brew ale in the towne, and noe other.

Severall women are com anded to

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From the New Monthly Magazine, August, 1818.

WE next went to Holyrood House, state.

It contains some monuments:

We were told of a singular privilege of this palace, in which debtors who cannot satisfy their creditors, find an asylum from prosecution by them.


From Holyrood House we taken to the Register Office, where the public and family archives of Scotland are preserved. This establishment prevents many lawsuits, by the careful preservation of all family writings. The most ancient of the documents here is of the year 1405, and of the reign of King David An aged woman, who understands how to render old faded manuscripts legible, is employed for that purpose in this office.

the ancient palace of the Kings a very old one of white marble, made of Scotland. It is situated on the East in Italy, is shewn in the tower, and side of the Old Town, and forms a large considered as a curiosity, from its square. At present it is inhabited by having escaped destruction in the nusome of the nobility, the Marquis of merous civil wars. Douglas, Lord Dunmore, &c. A great hall, adorned with the portraits of the Kings of Scotland,is used for the election of Peers to serve in Parliament. A particular interest is excited by the apartments formerly inhabited by Queen Mary Stuart, in which all the furniture has remained unchanged ever since. There are two rooms, each with a closet adjoining. The red damask curtains, bordered with green fringe, bave suffered by time, and are much damaged the Queen's arm-chair, harpsicord and toilet, on the other hand, are in good preservation. Next to her room is the cabinet in which she was at supper in the company of the Countess of Argyle, and of Rizzio, when Lord Darnley entered at the head of the conspirators, and dragged the unhappy favourite into the bed-chamber, where he was murder ed. In this room they shew a trap-door leading to the private staircase, by which the murderers entered. On the floor they pointed out some drops of blood, which, as we heard, are fresh painted every year. In one of the rooms there is a picture of Lord Darnley; and in a closet a glove is preserved, which is said to have belonged to him. They also shew a small oil painting of the Queen, Near the palace there is a chapel in the Gothic style, but in a very ruinous

+ Continued from pag. 79.

We viewed St. George's Church, which is built in the Greek style, and ascended into the lantern of the dome, from which there is an extensive prospect over the city and the surrounding country, as far as the sea.

On the 5th of December we visited the buildings where the Scotch pariiament met before the Union: it is used at present for the sittings of the Courts of Justice. The Courts happened to be sitting that day, and a place was given us near the Judges; though I did not understand what was said, I perceived that the mode of proceeding was like that in England, which has been imitated in France, In another Hall we found the Court of Exchequer as

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