Abbildungen der Seite

THE AGE OF CHIVALRY.*-How completely the Age of Chivalry has passed away, is evident from the profound and wide-spread ignorance in the community with regard to all those legends which make up the Mythical History of England, and which were the delight of our ancestors a thousand years ago. Many a scholar who appreciates the slightest allusion to the Mythology of the classics, is totally at fault when an illustration is drawn from the Mythology of England. The author of the book, whose title we give, has done a good work by placing within the reach of the public, in a convenient form, the old legends of the ages in which our race had its birth, and which are referred to so frequently by the elder English writers. He has given here the story of "King Arthur and his Knights;" of "Merlin;" of "Sir Gawain;" of "Sir Tristram's Battle with Sir Launcelot," the story of the "Round Table;" and, above all, of the "Sangreal, or Holy Graal." He has added also a selection from the Mabinogeon, or the old Welsh popular tales. These, till within a comparatively late period, have slept for centuries in the Bodleian library at Oxford, and elsewhere. Southey and Scott endeavored to incite the Welsh literati to reproduce these tales, but without much success. Quite lately, Lady Charlotte Guest, an English lady, the wife of a Welsh gentleman, "who has acquired the language of the principality, and become enthusiastically fond of its literary treasures, has given them to the English reader, in a dress which the printer's and the engraver's arts have done their best to adorn. In four royal octavo volumes, containing the Welsh originals, the translation, and ample illustration, from French, German, and other contemporary and affiliated literature, the Mabinogeon are spread before us." This work has been the source from which the author has drawn his materials. The book is illustrated by prints in oil colors.

THE MUSTEE. -A thrilling story, illustrative of society at the South, the workings of Southern institutions, and especially of the condition and prospects of the children of Quadroons.


BARNARD'S EDUCATIONAL BIOGRAPHY.-Hon. Henry Barnard has republished, in a handsome volume of five hundred and twenty-four

* The Age of Chivalry. Part I. geon; or Welsh Popular Tales. Nichols & Co. 1859. 12mo. pp. 414.

King Arthur and his Knights. The Mabino
By THOMAS BULLFINCH. Boston: Crosby,
Price $1.25. For sale by T. H. Pease.
By B. F. PRESBURY. Boston: Shepard,
Price $1.25. For sale by T. H. Pease.

The Mustee or Love and Liberty. Clark & Brown. 1859. 12mo. pp. 487.

pages, a selection from the various Memoirs of teachers, and educators, which have appeared in the American Journal of Education during the last five years. The Memoirs given, are of Ezekiel Cheever, Samuel Johnson, Caleb Bingham, Timothy Dwight, Thomas H. Gallaudet, Denison Olmsted, Mrs. Emma Willard, Samuel Read Hall, James G. Carter, Warren Colburn, Gideon F. Thayer, William Russell, Harvey P. Peet, William A. Alcott, William C. Woodbridge, Walter R. Johnson, Wilbur Fisk, John Kingsbury, Lowell Mason, George B. Emerson, Calvin E. Stow, Samuel Lewis, Horace Mann, Cyrus Pierce, Nicholas Tillinghast, Francis Dwight, David Perkins Page, William F. Phelps, John S. Hart, Frederick A. P. Barnard. The volume is embellished with fine engraved likenesses of nearly all in this list. It is intended to have a second volume follow this; in which shall appear Memoirs of benefactors and promoters of education, literature, and science. They will together furnish such a mass of valuable information with regard to the history of instruction in this country, as cannot be found elsewhere within the same compass.

MENDIP ANNALS.*-The agency of Miss Hannah More, and her sister Miss "Patty," in establishing in England the "Mendip schools," not far from Bristol, in 1789, is well known to all who are acquainted with the story of the lives of those ladies. Mr. Wilberforce, while spending a few days with them at their little cottage at "Cowslip Green," visited the "Cliffs of Cheddar," the great natural curiosity of the neighborhood. The interest of this celebrated philanthropist was awakened by the poverty and distress he saw, and, above all, by the heathenish condition of the population of the mining villages scattered over the "Mendip Hills." On his return, after discussing the possi bility of assisting these miserable people, he said to his friends, "If you will be at the trouble, I will be at the expense." With the encouragement of Wilberforce, and Thornton, and Newton, was then commenced that system of visitation and teaching which soon changed the whole character of that wild and barbarous people. The most hard and rugged natures were subdued. The rough workers in the coal-pits became decent and respectable men. The story of this marvelous change is given in the book before us-" Mendip Annals"-which consists of the journal of Miss Martha More, commencing in 1789, and

* Mendip Annals: or a narrative of the charitable labors of Hannah and Martha More, in their neighborhood. Being the Journal of MARTHA MORE. New York: R. Carter & Brother. 1859. 18mo. pp. 253.

continuing for several years. The journal has only recently been published. It will be read with great satisfaction by all who revere the memory of those celebrated sisters of Cowslip Green, and will encourage all who, like them, are willing to labor for the good of the ignorant and degraded.

WILD SPORTS IN THE FAR-WEST.*-This book was originally published in Germany, and is, for the most part, an account of the hunting adventures of a young German in the far-west. He came to this country as a steerage passenger in an emigrant ship, and soon found his way to the west of the Mississippi. There he had abundant opportunity to gratify his love of adventure. He shared with right good will in all the wild sports of Indians and backwoodsmen. He joined in beehunts-fought bears, wolves, and wild cats-shot alligators-brought down deer and wild turkeys, and chased buffaloes to his heart's content. His account of his adventures and hair-breadth escapes is written in a very graphic and sprightly style, and the more exciting scenes are handsomely illustrated by prints in oil colors.

STREET THOUGHTS.-This book has been for some time before the public. It consists of a collection of short contributions which were made some time ago to the "Congregationalist," by its well known editor, Rev. H. M. Dexter. It shows how a man may use his eyes while passing along the crowded thoroughfares of a great city so as to gain not only amusement but instruction. Nine-tenths of the people who pass us in the streets are not using their eyes, except just enough to keep themselves from coming into wide contact with their neighbors. They are full of the business of the store, the factory, the counting room, or the "study;" their minds are evidently hard at work. Now he who will learn the secret of "using his eyes," will find the streets to be full of pictures, from morning to night, as beautiful as any he will find in galleries of paintings. He may learn lessons as instructive as any he will find in books. He will get rest, too, for his racked brain-rest that our nervous and ever active countrymen so much need.

Wild Sports in the Far-West. By FREDERICK GERSTAECKER. Translated from the German. With eight crayon drawings, executed in oil colors, from designs by Harrison Weir. Boston Crosby, Nichols & Co. 1859. 12mo.

pp. 396. Price $1.25. For sale by T. H. Pease, New Haven.

+ Street Thoughts. By Rev. H. M. DEXTER, Crosby, Nichols & Co. Boston: 1859. 12mo. pp. 216.

THE WOLF-BOY OF CHINA.*-This is a story for young people, of an entirely novel character. Lyu-Payo, the hero, is a Christian boy, the son of an English officer and the daughter of a chief of the Wolf-men, said to be an independent tribe living in one of the remote provinces of the Chinese empire. He is stolen from his friends by an old Bonze priest, who makes a servant of him, and forces him to accompany him in his long travels through the empire. The scenery and characters are wholly Chinese. The plot of the story is very simple, but the interest is kept up throughout by the strange customs and exciting adventures which are so unlike anything in this western world.

THE EVENING OF LIFE. -This is an unpretending book of extracts for those who are past the meridian of life. The extracts are well selected from the most celebrated writers of all Christian denominations, and are especially adapted for the comfort and instruction of those for whom the book is intended.

READINGS FOR YOUNG MEN, MERCHANTS, AND MEN OF BUSINESS.This is also a book of extracts containing counsels, warnings, maxims, and aphorisms, for young business-men. They are all pervaded by a lofty tone of morality and a nice sense of personal and mercantile honor. As a whole, they form a collection of hints and maxims for guidance through life, deserving of the careful consideration of every one who would succeed in mercantile life.

STRUGGLES OF THE EARLY CHRISTIANS.-A brief, simple, and concise history of the Christian Church, "from the days of our Saviour to the reign of Constantine," prepared for young persons. It has an introduction by F. D. Huntington, D. D., who says that it is "free from any errors of consequence, and that its statements are sustained by standard historians." It has some beautiful illustrations.

*The Wolf-boy of China: or the incidents and adventures in the life of LyuPayo. By WILLIAM DALTON. Boston: James Munroe. 1859. 18mo. pp. 339. Price 75 cents. For sale by T. H. Pease, New Haven.

The Evening of Life: or Light and Comfort amid the Shadows of declining years. By JEREMIAH CHAPIN, D. D. Boston: Gould & Lincoln. 12mo. pp. 281. Readings for Young Men, Merchants, and Men of Business. Boston: 1859. James Munroe & Co. 16mo. pp. 172.

Struggles of the Early Christians. From the days of our Saviour to the reign of Constantine. With an Introduction by Rev. F. D. HUNTINGTON, D. D. Boston: John P. Jewett & Co. 1859. pp. 147.

LECTURES ON BUNYAN'S "HOLY WAR."*-We have always deemed Bunyan's allegory, "The Holy War," or, "The Losing and Taking again of the Town of Mansoul," to be not a whit inferior to his "Pilgrim's Progress," which has proved so much more popular. The story is told of the recovery of the town of Mansoul by the victorious arm of Immanuel, the King's Son, after it had been reduced to revolt from its rightful Governor by Diabolus, his enemy. The fall and recovery of man are of course symbolized in all the details of the history of the conquest of the town. Bunyan was well qualified for a work of this kind. He had himself been a soldier, and he had been at the siege of Leicester when it was taken by Prince Rupert. The "Holy War" deserves to be far better known than it is, and we trust that these "Lectures" will do much to attract to it the attention of the Christian community.

NEW EDITION OF WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY.-We have received, too late for an extended notice, a single sheet containing specimens of the "pictorial illustrations" which will appear in the new edition of "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary." Such pictorial illustrations of the objects or things to be defined will often aid in giving a clearer conception of the object or thing to be defined than could be conveyed by any mere statement in words. Terms in Architecture, Botany, Geometry, Heraldry, Mechanics, Music, Coats of Arms, objects of Natural History, &c., are evidently of this description. These illustrations are all executed in the best style. We call special attention to the advertisement of Messrs. G. & C. Merriam, on the eighth page of the Advertiser.

THE EDWARDEAN THEORY OF THE ATONEMENT.-We are requested to announce a work on "The Edwardean Theory of the Atonement;" consisting of essays and discourses by Edwards, Smalley, Maxcy, Emmons, Griffin, Burge, and Weeks. Of these writers, Maxcy, Burge, and Weeks, are little known to the present generation. The treatise of Burge is one of singular clearness and ability. To this collection is prefixed an Introductory Essay, by Prof. Edwards A. Park, whose theological research and critical acumen are special qualifications for such a work. The volume will soon be issued from the press of the Congregational Board of Publication.

*The Losing and Taking of Mansoul; or, Lectures on the Holy War. By A. S. PATTON, A. M. New York: 1859. 12mo. pp. 286. For sale by F. T. Jarman.

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