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SINCE the historical account of the new system of Education, contained in this Number, was printed, several circumstances have occurred which deserve to be noticed. In particular, the extraordinary and praiseworthy activity displayed by some of the most distinguished members of the Establishment, merits the attention of every friend to the country, and its poorer inhabitants. Into the origin of these exertions, and the probable motives of their chief patrons, we shall not be very scrupulous to inquire. If they really lead to the great object which they profess to have in view, we are satisfied. In places where there are as many children of Church-of-England parents, and also as many of Dissenting parents, as may suffice to support a school on either of the plans, great and unmingled good will result from each description of persons establishing a school. In all other places, we have shown, in the article alluded to, the competition will do harm.


But it is fit that, in bestowing our humble tribute of applause on the sincere and honest promoters of what is called the National Institution, we should guard our readers against the intrigues of another class of persons who would most willingly turn the enlightened zeal of the former excellent characters to a very different use. We pass over the unaccountable circumstance, of the members of the Establishment (as those monopolists of religious reputation style themselves) never having discovered, till late in the year 1811, the necessity of educating the poor at all,of their never having dreamt of such a thing, until the friends of Mr Lancaster's method. many of them, nay most of them, members of the Establishment also-but chiefly Mr Lancaster himself, had succeeded, by great exertions and activity, in spreading his system widely over the country. This difficulty we pass by; and content ourselves with entering a protest against the attempt manifestly now making to deter persons from supporting Mr Lancaster, under the penalties of being reputed enemies to the Church. If such a foul design should succeed, and the cause of Mr Lancaster be deserted, it requires no great discernment to foresee a speedy abatement of the sudden and not very explicable zeal for education which the persons in question have just at this moment happened to be stricken withal. Having put down the one system by clamour and intrigue, we vehemently suspect, they would suffer the other to languish and die away. That such is the design of not a few professing themselves friends of the Establishment, we are entitled to conclude, from the efforts which they are making, not merely to encourage Dr Bell's plan, but at the same time to obstruct Mr Lancaster's ;-efforts hitherto, no doubt, very harmless-but not the less to be reprobated on that account, nor the less to be guarded against by such as know the powers of calumny and trick, under the patronage of men who disgrace their clerical character by perverting it to political purposes.

One of the laft attempts of this kind which have been made, deferves to be particularized, in juftice to the Illuftrious Perfonage whose name has been made fubfervient to it. The Prince Regent being applied to, as the head of the Church, to lend the high fanction of his patronage to the National Institution,' acceded to a request fo fair and reafonable, that we dare to fay the moft zealous friends of the other fyftem could find nothing to blame in it. His Royal Highnefs had already evinced his warm anxiety for the plan of Mr Lancaster,-had munificently contributed to the funds of his Inftitution, and had condefcended to place himself at the head of its promoters. When

a fcheme, of a more limited nature indeed, but in its general and profeffed intention equally laudable,-a fcheme for inftructing the poor belonging to the Establishment, was fubmitted by the dignitaries of the Church to the confideration of the Prince, it was impoffible for him to avoid wifhing it well, as a friend of education, or to hefitate, as head of the Establishment, in extending to it a portion of the patronage which he had fo liberally beftowed upon the other inftitution. And yet, this favour, not only quite confiftent with his Royal Highnefs's good wishes towards Mr Lancaster, but in truth flowing from the

fame fource, his anxiety for the education of all the poor of his realm, has been reprefented-falfely and daringly reprefented as a pledge of the Prince having given up Mr Lancaster." To refute this bafe ca-. lumny, is, we truft, unneceffary. A due refpect for the Royal perfon thus traduced, forbids any fuch vindication. But, if any of his fubjects fhould be fo ignorant of his character as to lend an ear to fuch infidious tales, and fuffer their affections to be weaned from him,-we might inform them, that, since the period alluded to, his Royal Highnefs has paid the fum of three hundred guineas towards the funds of the Lancaster Inftitution.

We cannot conclude this Notice, without apologifing to our readers for an omiffion in the prefent Number, rendered unavoidable by the fpace which the important and preffing questions of Education and Weft Indian policy have occupied. We mean, our having left to the next Number, the fubject of Sir S. Romilly's bills for the amendment of the Criminal Law. To that eminent perfon himself no excufe is required. His known zeal in behalf of the queftions, now from temporary confiderations neceffarily preferred-(for, to which of the great interefts of mankind has this excellent man ever proved a lukewarm friend?)—will fufficiently excufe us, in his eyes, for this neglect of a subject which we have most reluctantly poftponed. We purpofe, in the next Number, to call the attention of our readers to it; and, if poffible, we shall at the fame time take into confideration, the admirable work of Mr Bentham, sur les Peines et les Recompenses,' lately given to the world by Mr Dumont with his ufual felicity of execution.

No. XXXVIII. will be published in February 1812.

D. Willison, printer.]

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