Abbildungen der Seite

Report on the Temperatures during the Winter of 1878-79.


Report on the Judicial Administration (Criminal) of the Central Provinces for the year 1879. Fep., Nagpur, 1880.

Report on the Police Administration of the Central Provinces for the year 1879. Fep., Nagpur, 1880.

Report on the Jails of the Central Provinces for the year 1879. Fep., Nagpur, 1880.

Report on the Nagpur School of Medicine, Central Provinces, for the year 1879-80. Fep., Nagpur, 1880.

CH. COMMISSIONER, CENTRAL PROVINCES. BALL, V. Jungle Life in India; or the Journeys and Journals of an Indian Geologist. 8vo., London, 1880. MUELLER, BARON FERD. VON. Select Extra-Tropical Plants readily eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation. 8vo., Calcutta, 1880.

The Indian Antiquary,-Vol. IX, Part 106, May 1880.


A Magyar helyesirás elvei és szabályai. 8vo., Buda-Pest, 1879.
BUDENZ, J. Magyar-Ugor Összehasonlító Szótár, Part IV. Svo., Buda-
Pest, 1879.

SZABÓ, K. Régi Magyar Könyvtár. Az 1531-1711. Megjelent magyar nyomtatványok Konyvészeti Kézikönyve. Rl. 8vo., Buda-Pest, 1879. HUNGARIAN ACADEMY. MACLEAN, C. D. Standing Information regarding the official Administration of the Madras Presidency in each Department. 8vo., Madras, 1879.



Berlin. Journal für reine und angewandte Mathematik,-Vol. LXXXIX,

No. 2.

Bombay. The Vedârthayatna, Vol. III, No. 15.

Bordeaux. Société de Géographie Commerciale de Bordeaux,-Bulletin,
Nos. 7, 8, and 9.

Calcutta. The Indian Medical Gazette,-Vol. XV, No. 6, June 1880.
Stray Feathers, Vol. VIII, No. 6, 1879.

Gurney, J. H.-Notes on Falco Atriceps and Falco peregrinator. Seebohm, H.-
Notes on Turdus dissimilis, Blyth. Sharpe, R. B.-Accipiter virgatus. Gur-
ney, J. H.-On Baza Sumatrensis and Baza Ceylonensis. Marshall, Capt. G.
F. L.-The Koklass Pheasants of the Himalayas. Gammie, J. A.-Occasion-
al notes from Sikkim, No. 2. Hume, A. 0.-Erismatura Leucocephala. Bing-
ham, C. T.-Notes on the Nidification of some Hornbills. Brooks, W. E.-

Ornithological Observations in Sikhim, the Panjab and Sind. Hume, A. 0.-
The Game birds of India. Addenda and Corrigenda. On the occurrence of
Querquedula formosa, near Delhi. Sterna leucoptera, in India, Ceylon, and the
Andamans. Microhiera latifrons, in the Nicobars. Nicholson's name Zoste-
rops buxtoni, is synonymous with and must give place to Z. auriventer, Hume.
The Malaccan Miglyptes, is probably distinct from the Javan tristis, and if so
should stand as Grammithorax. Sylvia minuscula, the true name of the Indian
Miniature White Throat.

Geneva. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles,-Tome III,
Nos. 1-4.

No. 1. Demole, E.—Sur la constitution de l' Ethylène dibromé.

No. 3. Delafontaine, M.-Nouvelles observations sur le philippium. Sur le décipium et ses principaux composés. Crafts, J. M.-Sur la densité du chlore à de hautes températures.

Göttingen. Gelehrte Anzeigen,-Nos. 12-15, 1880.

Nachrichten,-Nos. 6 and 7, 1880.

No. 6. Wöhler.-Ueber die Bedingungen der Geyser, von Heinr. Otto Lang. Leipzig. Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Vol. IX, Nos. 3 and 4.

No. 3. Clausius, R.-Ueber das Verhalten der Kohlensäure in Bezug auf
Druck, Volumen und Temperatur.

Winkelmann, A.-Ueber eine Beziehung zwischen Druck, Temperatur und
Dichte der gesättigten Dämpfe von Wasser und einigen andern Flüssigkeiten.
Beiblätter, Vol. IV, Nos. 4 and 5.

London. Journal of Botany,-Vol. IX, No. 208, April 1880.

Chemical News, Vol. XLI, Nos. 1064-1068.

No. 1066. Morton, Dr. H., Mayer, Dr. A. M. and Thomas, B. F.-Some electrical measurements of one of Mr. Edison's Horse-Shoe Lamps.

No. 1067. Smith, Dr. R. A.-Measurement of Actinism of the Sun's Rays and of Daylight. Mallet, J. W.-Revision of the Atomic Weight and Valence of Aluminium.


Entomologist, Vol. XIII, No. 203, April 1880.

Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, Vol. XVI, No. 191, April

Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. XX, No. 78,

April 1880.

Dyer, W. T. T.-The Coffee-leaf Disease of Ceylon. Siddall, J. D.-On Shepheardella, an undescribed Type of marine Rhizopoda; with Few Observations on Lieberkühnia. Sedgwick, A.-Development of the Kidney in its relation to the Wolffian Body in the Chick. Balfour, F. M.-Notes on the Development of the Araneina. Waldstein, Dr. L.-A contribution to the Biology of Bacteria. Schäfer, E.-Some teachings of Development. Parker, T. J.—On the Histology of Hydra fusca. Giard, A.-The Orthonectida, a new class of the Phylum of the Worms. Hartog, M. M.—On the Anal Respiration of the Copepoda. Moseley, H. N.-Dr. G. von Koch's method of Preparing Sections of Corals.

London. Mind,-No. 18, April 1880.

Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Vol. V, No. 28, April 1880.

Smith, S. I.-On some points on the Structure of a species of the "Willemoesia
Group of Crustacea." Miers, E. J.-On a collection of Crustacea from the
Malaysian Region. Part II, Telphusidea, Catometopa, and Oxystomata.

Nineteenth Century, Vol. VII, No. 38, April 1880.

London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, Vol. IX, No. 56, April 1880.

Wright, C. R. A.-On the determination of Chemical Affinity in terms of Elec-
tromotive Force. Part I. Koch, R. H. and Klocke, Fr.-On the motion of

The Publishers' Circular,-Vol. XLIII, Nos. 1022 and 1023.
The Journal of Science, Vol. II, No. 76, April 1880.
Society of Arts,-Journal, Vol. XXVIII, Nos. 1430-1434.

No. 1430. Friswell, R. J.-The newer artificial colouring matters derived from

No. 1431. Vambery, Prof. A.-Russia's Influence over the inhabitants of Cen-
tral Asia during the last Ten years. Hunt, W. H.-The present system of
obtaining materials in use by Artist Painters as compared with that of the
Old Masters.

No. 1433. Morton, J. C.-Agricultural Experience. The Lesson of Forty years.
No. 1434. Protection of Ships from Loss by Fire and from Loss by Sinking.
Richardson, Dr. B. W.—Fleuss' Diving Apparatus. Robertson, W. R.—Agri-
culture in the Madras Presidency. Wood, C.-Utilisation and Properties of
Blast Furnace Slag.

New Haven. American Journal of Science,Vol. XIX, No. 111, March 1880.

Paris. Revue de Linguistique,--Vol. XIII, No. 2.

Rosny, L. de.-La littérature des Japonais. Parisot, J.-Note sur la langue des Taensas (ancienne Louisiane). Vinson, J.-La Langue française et les idiomes locaux. Ducéré, E.-Essai d' un glossaire des mots basques dérivés de l'arabe. Rudy, Ch.-The Chinese language.

Comptes Rendus,-Vol. XC, Nos. 14-18, and Index to Vol.


No. 18. Tisserand, F.-Sur des transcendantes qui jouent un rôle fondamental dans la théorie des perturbations planétaires. Dumas.-Sur les gaz retenus par occlusion dans l'aluminium, et le magnésium. Pasteur, L.-Sur le choléra des poules; étude des conditions de la non-récidive de la maladie et de quelques autres de ses caractères. Pasteur, L.-De l'extension de la théorie des germes à l'étiologie de quelques maladies communes. Trécul, A.-Formation des feuilles et apparition de leurs premiers vaisseaux chez les Iris, Allium, Funkia, Hemero-Callis, &c. Sylvester.-Sur la loi de réciprocité dans la théorie des nombres. Vieille, and Sarrau.-Recherches expérimentales sur la décomposition de quelques explosifs en vase clos; composition des gaz formés.

Chase, P. E.-Paraboloïdes cométaires. Picard, E.-Sur les équations linéaires simultanées et sur une classe de courbes gauches. Callandreau, O.—Sur la formule de quadrature de Gauss. Desboves.-Théorème sur les équations cubique et biquadratique. Pictet, R.-E'quation générale donnant la relation qui existe pour tous les liquides entre leur température et la tension maximum de leurs vapeurs à cette température. Boutigny, P. H.-Résumé des lois qui régissent la matière à l'état sphéroïdal. Lemoine, G.-Variations de la température avec l'altitude pour les grands froids de decembre 1879, dans le bassin de la Seine.

Revue Scientifique, Vol. XVIII, Nos. 42-46.

No. 46. Violle, J.-Actinométrie. Frédéricq, L.-La régulation de la température chez les animaux. Ferrari, H.-Erasme Darwin. Fontaine, H.Les moteurs domestiques.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Revue des Deux Mondes,-Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 4; Vol. LXXXIX, No. 1.

No. 4. Hérat et l'Angleterre.

No. 1. Cucheval-Clarigny.-Les elections Anglaises.

Revue et Magasin de Zoologie,―Vol. V, Nos. 6—12; Vol. VI, Nos. 1-3, and 5-12.

Vol. V. Mégnin.-Monographie de la tribu des sarcoptides psoriques.
Vol. VI. Cotteau.-E'chinides nouveaux ou peu connus.

Girard, M.-Les Bryozoaires exposé des travaux les plus récents. Recherches sur la production artificielle des monstruosités ou essais de tératologie expérimentale par M. C Dareste. Embryologie des Némertes. Marchand, A. Notes sur les Poussins des Oiseaux d'Europe. Trouessart, Dr. E. L.-Catalogue des Mammifères vivants et fossiles.

Stuttgart. Ergänzungs-Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, Part 4.


OLDENBERG, HERMANN. The Vinaya Pitakam. Vol. II, The Cullavagga. 8vo., London, 1880.

BRIGGS, H. G. The Nizam; his History and Relations with the British Government. 2 Vols. 8vo., London, 1861.




FOR JULY, 1880.

The Monthly General Meeting of the Asiatic Society of Bengal was held on Wednesday, the 7th of July, at 9.15 P. M.

H. B. MEDLICOTT, Esq., F. R. S., President, in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The following presentations were announced—

1. From the Superintendent Marine Survey Department,-A Chart of (1) Dabhol and entrance to Washishti river, (2) Kundari Island to Chaul, and (3) Saláya or Seraia.

From the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia,-Some Monetary Questions viewed by the Light of Antiquity, by R. N. Toppan.

3. From the Editor,-Sanskrit Dictionary, by Hem Chandra, edited by Dr. Ram Das Sen.

4. From the President of the Anjuman-i-Panjab,-(1) Proceedings of the Anjuman-i-Panjab in connexion with the proposed bill for the appointment of persons to the office of Kázi, and (2) Report of the Oriental College, Lahore, for 1879.

From the Madras Government,-(1) Three Maps and twentythree Photographs, and (2) Lists of Sanskrit MSS. in private Libraries of Southern India, Vol. I, by Dr. G. Oppert.

6. From the Department of the Interior, U. S. America,-(1) Tenth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories for the year 1876, by F. V. Hayden, and (2) Catalogue of the Publications of the U. S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Third edition.

7. From the Comptroller of the Currency, U. S. America,—Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency to the Second Session of the 46th Congress of the United States, December 1st, 1879.

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