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America, and to navigate all the lakes and rivers thereof; and alfo to carry on commerce therein, fubject to the regulation mentioned in the faid treaty But that fince the making of the treaty of 1794, the United States of America have concluded a treaty of peace and friendship with feveral tribes of Indians, in which it was ftipulated, that no perfon could be permitted to refide at any of the towns or hunting camps of the faid Indian tribes as a trader, who fhould not be furnished with a licence for that pur pose, under the authority of the United States: and as the laft-mentioned stipulation had excited doubts, whether in its execution it would not interfere with the due execution of the above recited article of the treaty of 1794; and it being the fincere defire of both parties to remove all doubts, and to promote mutual fatisfaction, they, by their agents, have agreed to the prefent explanatory article, in which it is declared, "That no ftipulations, in any treaty fubfequently concluded by either of the contracting parties, with any other ftate or nation, or with any Indian tribe, can be underftood to derogate in any manner from the rights and free intercourfe of commerce secured, by the above-recited article of the treaty of 1794, to the fubjects of Great Britain, and to the citizens of the United States, and Indians dwelling on either fide the boundary line aforefaid; but that all the faid perfons fhal remain at full liberty freely to pafs and repass, by land or inland navigation, into the refpective territories and countries of the contracting parties, on either fide of the faid boundary line, and freely to carry on trade and commerce with each other, according to the ftipuations of the faid treaty of 1794."

By intelligence from admiral fir John Jervis, commander-in-chief of his Majfty's fhips in the Mediterranean, it appars that, in confequence of the expulfion of the English from Leghorn, the viceroy of Corfica had ordered an expediion against Porto Ferrajo, belonging to the archduke of Tufcany; and that, accordingly, fome British troops were landed at ten o'clock at night, on the 9th of July, near that town, under the diretion of captain Stuart, of the Peterel; after which major Duncan, who commanded them on fhore, immediately marched close to the gate on the west fide; and at five o'clock the next morning, he fent in to the governor the viceroy's letter, containing the terms



which would be granted to the town, and gave him two hours for his answer. At half-past five, admiral Nelfon, who commanded the expedition by fea, arrived on fhore. The governor requested a longer time. In this interval the British officers took occafion to affure the Tufcan inhabitants that they should receive no injury whatever in their perfons or property. The place furrendered_about ten o'clock the fame morning. It was defended by one hundred pieces of cannon, and garrifoned by four hundred regulars, befides militia.

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In our laft, time permitted us only to mention incidentally the furrender of the French in the islands of St. Vincent's and Grenada.

The British troops destined to act in both thofe iflands, were embarked from St. Lucia, the 3d of June, in two divifions: on the 8th, the troops for St. Vincent difembarked in Kingston bay, and on the 9th began their march against the French pofts. On the next day, the French were attacked in their pofitions on the Vigie; and, after a very fharp conteft, were driven from their firft, fecond, and third redoubts, to their principal poft on the New Vigie. Their, communication with the Charib country having been cut off, and the Charibs themfelves having been forced to retire, the French Turrendered by capitulation, on the 11th of June, and all their pofts in the island were to be given up as foon as poffible.

The attack upon the French in Grenada was equally fuccefsful. On the 10th of June, the French commandant, Joffey, furrendered the French posts on the ifland, by capitulation; and on the 19th, the British were in full poffeffion of every established poft which the enemy had in Grenada. Fedon, and a few of his affociates, efcaped into the woods, after having (it is reported) barbarously murdered all the white people who were prifoners at Morne Quaquo.

The lofs of the British, in the attack on the French in St. Vincent's, was one captain, one enfign, four ferjeants, and 31 privates, killed; and one major, five captains, four lieutenants, one enign, 15 ferjeants, and 109 privates, wounded.

The lofs of the Britith in Grenada was not quite fo great as in St. Vincent's. The French inhabitants of Grenada, who, through fear, or compulfion, as fome of them alleged, or through inclination, as was generally believed by the English, had joined the infurgents, came,

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after the reduction of the island, to furrender themselves to major-general Nicolls, who fent them to the lieutenantgovernor to be tried by the civil power. After that, a court was formed for trying them; on the 20th of June fifty perfons were put to the bar, and in the courfe of the day the whole fifty were found to be the perfons named in the bill of attainder. The judge then pronounced the dreadful fentence of the law upon the traitors, to be executed the next morning at eight o'clock. Accordingly, on the first of July, fourteen of them were executed, upon the parade, in the town of St. George; the reft were refpited by lieutenant-governor Houf


We fincerely hope our countrymen may not have carried thefe executions beyond the line of juftice and prudence, left retaliation should be made on the part of the French at fome future pe


Captain Trollope, in pursuance of orders from admiral Macbride, failed in his Majefty's fhip Glatton, on the 15th of July, for Yarmouth Roads. On the 16th, at one P.M. he observed a squadron, about four or five leagues off Helveot, which, on drawing nearer, about feven o'clock, he found to consist of fix frigates, one of which, the commodore's ship, appeared to mount near fifty guns; two others appeared to be of thirty-fix guns, the other much fmaller. When he came up with the commodore's fhip, (finding them enemies) he ordered him to ftrike his colours, which was refufed with a broadfide, and the compliment was returned by one from the Glatton, within twenty yards: after this the action became general with the enemy's fquadron, the two head most of which had tacked, and one of the largest had placed herself alongfide, and another on the weather bow of the Glatton; the fternmoft veffels had placed themselves on the lee quarter and ftern; in this manner they engaged on both fides for a few minutes, with yard arms nearly touching one another; but in lefs than twenty -minutes the tremendous firing from the -Glarton beat the enemy off on all fides. When captain Troope attempted to follow them. he found his fhip fo much difabled in her rigging as to prevent the purfuit.


The enemy, who appeared the next morning in a clofe line, femed to have been injured very littie in their rigging, but they fuffered great damage in their

hulls, to which the fire of the Glatton was principally directed. The enemy, appearing unwilling to renew the engagement, drew near fhore, and captain Trollope and his crew returned with the Glatton to Yarmouth Roads, to refit: The lofs of men on board the Glatton was not confiderable.


In our last account of the military affairs of France, we left general Jourdan in poffeffion of Frankfort. The repub licans repulfed the Auftrians feveral times before their taking poffeffion of that city. On the 12th of July, the French recommenced their march; the right wing paffed the mountains, and advanced to the plains of the Mein. The left wing, after having paffed the Nidda, took a pofition before Frankfort. On the 13th, the magiftrates of the city were fummoned to open the gates. The Auftrians, who were then in garrison, opposed it, fo that the day was paffed in deputa tions from the magiftrates to the French and Auftrian generals: but as the inhabitants feemed difpofed to occupy the place, the French began to fire with their artillery at ten o'clock at night. In a fhort time one quarter of the town was on fire. The Auftriaus then thought proper to offer propofitions; and a capitulation was figned. General Jourdan, after he had arranged the affairs belorg ing to the capture of Frankfort, spread his forces along the banks of the river Mein, to prevent the Auftrians from turning the left wing of his army; and on the 23d of July, he took a pofition on the Werem, at Schweinfurt, whence he had driven the Auftrians the preceding day, with whom, at that time, he hac had no engagement fince the taking of Frankfort, because their light troops always fled at the approach of the French, after a few piftol fhots. Sine the paffage of the Lahn, from 1500 10 2000 deferters had arrived at his headquarters. On the 26th of July, he troops of the Republic entered the town and citadel of Wurtzburg, and alfo :he fortrefs of Konigstein. They took wo battalions of the P ince Bishop priforers, and a large quantity of artillery: oth places furrendered by capitulation, on terms verv advantageous to the conquerors. When the troops of the Repubic fpread themselves along the Nein, they took from the Auftr ans feventeen baggage waggons, upwards of forty five boats, laden with cats and hay, valud at



Political Affairs... France.

more than a million of livres, and 4000 facks of oats upon the Tauber, which the Auftrians were forced to abandon.

The French general, Moreau, was alfo fuccefsful on the Upper Rhine; and he reduced the duke of Wirtemberg to the neceffity of requesting a fufpenfion of arms, which was granted upon the conditions, that he fhould furnish the French with 400 horses, several thousand oxen, four millions of French money, and withdraw the troops whom he had furnifhed to the coalition for his contingent.

After the battle of Ettingen, the Auftrians retired behind Pfortzheim, while the French made every difpofition to attack them in that pofition. The attack was fixed for the 15th of July, but the Auftrians precipitately evacuated Pfortzheim on the preceding night, and retired behind the Necker. The French general, Moreau, gave orders immediately for his troops to march after them.

The first movement of the Austrians, under prince Charles, was made towards Waihingen. General St. Cyr, with the French troops. moved at the fame time behind the Wurm at Weil. The Auftrians, fuppofing the plan of the French was to gain the Necker before them, effected their retreat on the 18th of July, to Stutgard, by the way of Ludwigsburg. General Saint Cyr,, immediately marched to Stutgard, came up with the advanced guard of the Auftrians, before that town; and though he had with him only a few battalions, he attacked them, and drove them from the town. The fame day, the left of the French army marched to Waihingen, and the next day to the mouth of the Entz, towards Saxhenhaufen. On the 18th of July, general Saint Cyr, attacked the advanced guard of the Auftrians, and after a very brifk engagement, forced them to leave the French mafters of all the left bank of the Necker. On the fame day, general Laranche attacked the Auftrians at Ehlangen. The battle was very obftinately fought; the Auftrians were defeated, with the loss of 800 men, killed and wounded, and 300 made prifoners. The archduke, on the 19th of July, croffed the Necker, and encamped at Pelbach, for the purpose of covering more effectually his communication with Ulm. On the 22d of July, general Moreau made a movement, the object of which was to pass the Necker, and attack the archduke in his pofition. The archduke,


however, perceiving his defign, effected a precipitate retreat, by the great roads, of Gmund and Goeppingen. General Moreau immediately croffed the Necker in pursuit of him.

In a fhort time after these movements of the army of the Rhine and the Mofelle, general Kleber took the command, during the indifpofition of general Jourdan, of the army of the Sambre and Meufe. On the third of Auguft, the divifion of the army under general Lefebre proceeded from the camp at Belling haufen to Koenigsberg, by which he was to fupport his left, but he found no enemy to oppofe him. The divifion of general Coilaud fet out at the same hour from Hanelbauch, and directed its march towards Zeill; in their progrefs they


up with a party of 800 horse, which was charged by adjutant-general Ney, who had only 400 men of the 6th regiment of Chaffeurs, and 14th of dragoons, but by the skill of his manœu vres, and the valour of his troops, he foon roured the Auftrians, and made feveral prifoners. They fled in confufion to Ebelfbach; where, fupported by a body of infantry, they attempted to rally, but being attacked with impetuofity by the light infantry of general Ney, which came up at that moment, they were again completely routed, and driven across the Mein. The divifions under the ge nerals Grenier and Championet defeated the corps of Auftrians with whom they came up in their march, and general Bernadotte's divifion fell in with the corps of general Kray, which fome days before was encamped at Narfurt, on the other fide of the Mein, and was much fuperior in force to general Bernadotte, whofe flank was likewife much haraffed by fkirmishing parties of the Auftrians. He, however, attacked every thing which came before him, overcame every obftacle, and forced General Kray to abandon the ground which he had been or dered to occupy.

On the 4th of Auguft, the different divifions of the French army began to push forward towards Rednitz, the Upper Mein, and the river Itz. The Auftrians, at the fame time, marched fome troops towards Nuremberg, and a corps of 10,000 men towards Cobourg. The French divifion foon arrived under the walls of Bamberg, the magiftrates of which addreffed an act of fubmiffion to general Kleber. In a few hours the 7 French

French troops entered and found plenty of provifions and other ftores. About this time, the Austrians took a pofition between Ebermanftodt and Forcheim, and between Forcheim and Hochstedt. There general Kleber, on the 7th Auguft, attacked and drove them from their first pofitions into the town of Forcheim, and out again. The place, which is of confiderable ftrength, then furrendered; and the reward of the victors was 70 pieces of brass cannon, and a great quantity of arms and ammunition.

At the fame time, general Championet's column attacked general Kray, on the river Aich, where all the villages were full of cannon, and of the brave Hungarian infantry. While the Auftrian general was directing all his attention to this column, he was fuddenly difconcerted by a divifion of cavalry, which fell upon his flank. The republican generals took advantage of his confufion, and at laft threw him into the greatest diforder; but it does not appear that this procured them any material advantage, as they took only 100 prifoners.

After these movements, gen. Jourdan being recovered from his indifpofition, refumed the command. After the taking of Bamberg, the French proceeded to Nuremberg. They found in the town of Bamberg from fifteen to eighteen thoufand quintals of wheat, and a confiderable quantity of oats.

The head-quarters of general Kleber, on the 5th of Auguft, were at Bamberg; according to him, the captures made from the Auftrians, by the army of the Sambre and Meufe, in a march of two months, has been 57 field-pieces, 622 pieces of befieging artillery, more than four thousand mufkets, and provifions and clothes to the amount of two millions.

The Auftrians on the 29th of July, atempted a fortie from Mentz, to the amount of Sooo men, by favour of a fog, and forced the advanced pofts of the French; but as foon as they were perceived, they were driven back by the republican troops under general Mar


Since the publication of our laft num. ber, the career of general Buonaparte, in Italy, has been marked by the moft fignal fucceffes; though, in one inftance, he appears to have received a check from the immenfe reinforcements which had been fent to the Auftrian general.

On the 16th of July, at two in the morning, 4500 men, from the garrison of Mantua, made a fortie, and drove back all the advanced pofts of the French, and advanced within pistol-shot of their batteries, which they attempted to carry ; but the French generals, Fierella and d'Allemange, drew up their troops in order of battle, and, watching a favourable opportunity, attacked them, threw them into diforder, and, after an action of two hours, drove them to the palifades of the town.

A few days afterwards, the French attacked the right wing of the enemy's entrenched camp, and carried diforder and terror into their ranks. At the fame time, they fired red hot balls from their batteries, and, in a few minutes afterwards, feveral buildings in the town were in flames. At break of day, the next morning, the befieged attempted another fally, but were prevented by the intrepidity of the republicans.

On the 18th of July, the French ge. neral fummoned the Auftrian commander of the garrifon to furrender; but the Auftrian replied, "that the laws of honour and duty compelled him to defend, to the last extremity, the place entrufted to him."

Soon after the vigorous fortie made by the garrison of Mantua, the Auftrians were collected in great force under ge. neral Wurmfer, and the victorious Buonaparte experienced a temporary frown from fortune, whofe fmiles he had enjoyed in fuch profufion before. The Auftrians, on the 29th of July, attacked a divifion of his army at Salo, on the banks of the lake of Garda, which they forced, and advanced with great celerity to Brescia, where, after a vigorous refiftance, they obliged five companies of French foldiers to retreat to Caffano; another column of the Imperial troops took the French pofts at Corona, above the river Adige; in confequence of which, Buonaparte evacuated Verona, in order to concentrate his forces, which he foon effected, and attacked (the Auftrians at Lonado and Salo, defeated them, and took 600 men, and killed or wounded to the amount of 2000. A few days afterwards, he defeated the Auftrians a fecond time at Lonado, and alfo at Caf tiglione and Montechiaro. He made at these three places, 6000 prifoners, and killed or wounded 2000. He took thirty pieces of cannon, and two Auftrian ge nerals prifoners.



Public Affairs, France.

According to the account which the French have given, of the five memorable days in which thefe fuccefsful movements took place, the lofs of the Auftrians in all of them, was fifteen thousand men made prifoners, fix thousand killed or wounded, feventy pieces of cannon, and one hundred and twenty caravans, for the conveyance of ammunition and provifions for the troops. General Buonaparte himself, in his detailed account, ftates, that after the Auftrians had taken Salo and Lonado, he (on 13 Thermidor) ordered gene. ral Soret to deliver general Guteux at Salo; and he also ordered general d'Allemagne to attack and retake Lonado at any price. Soret fucceeded completely in extricating Guieux at Salo, after having beaten the Auftrians, taking two ftandards, two pieces of cannon, and about 200 prifoners. General Guieux, and the troops under his command, had remained forty-eight hours without bread, continually fighting against their ene


General d'Allemagne had not time to attack the Auftrians: he was attacked himfelf. An action commenced of the moft obftinate nature, and which was for å long time undecided, but he at length completely defeated his opponents. The Auftrians left 600 dead upon the field, and the French took 600 prifoners. The next day general Angereau entered Bref cia, and found all the magazines which the French had left, the Austrians not having had time to effect their removal.

On the 15th, the divifion of Angereau returned to Monte Chiaro. Maffena took polt at Lonado and Pont St. Marco. General Valette remained at Caftiglione, with 1800 men. He was to defend that important poft, and by that means to keep the diviñon of general Wurmfer at a diftance from the French commanderin-chief. But on the 15th (Thermd.) in the evening, general Valette abandoned the place, with half his troops only, and came to Monte Chiaro to bring the alarm, intimating that the reft of his divifion was taken by the Auftrians. Thefe brave troops, however, though abandoned by their general, made good their retreat to Pont St. Marco inftantly, and before his divifion; for this conduct, Valette was fufpended from his functions, and was alfo accufed of want of courage at the attack of Corona.

At break of day on the 16th, both armies met the Auftrians began the attack at Lonado. It was foon furrounded; general Pigeon was made- prifoner, and


the French loft alfo three pieces of artil lery. Buonaparte inftantly formed his forces into a clofe column, and while they advanced to pierce through the Austrians, the latter opened their files for the purpofe of furrounding them. This man œuvre afforded the French general an affurance of victory, which he foon obtained. Maffena contented himself with fending fome riflemen to retard the Auftrian wings on their march. The column arrived at Lonado, and forced the pofition. Janot, the aid-de-camp of the French general, was ordered to obferve the motions of the Auftrians. In exe cuting the command, he fell in with fome forces under colonel Bender, whom he attacked and wounded, and was about to take the colonel prifoner, when he himself was furrounded. He killed fix men with his own hands, but was at length overpowered, thrown into a ditch, and received fix fabre wounds. The Auftrians effected their retreat towards Salo; but finding that place in the poffeffion of the French, this divifion wandered through the mountains, and was, for the greater part, taken prifoners. During this time, general Angereau attacked Caftiglione, took that place, and in the courfe of the day he flood several obftinate actions with the Auftrians, who were double his number; every branch of the French troops did their duty, and the Auftrians on this memorable day were completely beaten on all fides.

They lost twenty pieces of cannon, from 2 to 3000 men killed or wounded, and 4000 prifoners, among whom were three generals.

On the 17th (Thermid.) Buonaparte ordered general d'Efpinay to penetrate into the Tyrolefe, by the road of Chiere. He had previously to defeat 5 or 6000 of the Auftrians, who were at Gavardo. Adjutant-general Herbin had great fuccefs, he overthrew two ct the enemy's batta lions, whom he found in bis way, and reached as far as St. Ozeto. General d'Allemagne marched to Gavardo, de feated the Auftrians, and made many. prifoners: but not being properly fup ported by, the whole of his divifion, he was furrounded, and could only effect his retreat by cutting his way through the Auftrians.

The Auftrians were defeated at Ga vardo, with confiderable lofs. General Wurmfer fpent the whole of the 17th in collecting the remains of his army, in bringing up his referve, and drawing what reinforcements he could from Man


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