DEFEROR IN VICVM WELSTED PO WARDS WORKS TIBFALD PLAYS AON FOOOMAYR COURT OF CARIMA ournal British Flying THE DUNCIA D. With NOTES VARIORUM, AND THE PROLEGOMΕΝΑ OF SCRIBLERUS. LONDON: Printed for LAWTON GILLIVER at PIECES contained in this BOOK. T HE PUBLISHER'S ADVERTISEMENT. A LETTER to the Publisher, occafioned by the present Edition of the DUNCIAD. The Prolegomena of MARTINUS SCRIB LERUS. TESTIMONIES OF AUTHORS Concerning our Poet and his Works. A DISSERTATION of the POEM. DUNCIADOS PERIQCHA: Or, Arguments to the Books. The DUNCIAD, in three Books. NOTES VARIORUM: Being the Scholia of the learned M. SCRIBLERUs and Others, with the Adverfaria of JoHN DENNIS, LEWIS THEOBALD, EDMUND CURL, the JOURNALISTS, ४८. INDEX OF PERSONS celebrated in this Poem. found in the Notes. APPENDIX. A ! |