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Usury Lares. Mr Serjeant Onslow obtained leave to bring in a bill for the repeal of the usury laws.

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Convicts. On the 19th a motion was made by Mr BENNET for a committee to inquire into a material part of our criminal jurisprudence, namely, the transportation of convicts to Botany Bay. It was proposed by Mr Bennet to appoint a separate committee for the system of transportation, which was apposed by Lord Castlereagh, who proposed that one committee should comprehend in its inquiries the whole subject of our criminal jurisprudence, with all the details therewith connected. This latter motion, after a discussion of some length, was carried by a majority of 46, the numbers being 139 to 93.

HOUSE OF COMMONS.-Finance.-On Climbing Boys.-Leave was given to the 8th February, the House appointed a bring in a bill similar to the one lost in Committee of Finance, on the motion of last Parliament, for abolishing the use of Lord Castlereagh, who, among various climbing-boys in the sweeping of chi other topics of less importance, congratula neys. ted the House on the improvement of the revenue of the country, stating that there was now a surplus of income above expenditure to the amount of L. 3,500,000; and that there was every prospect of this surplus increasing. The income of the country in the year ending January 5, 1818, amounted to L.51,665,000; in the year end. ing January 5, 1819-L54,063,000. From the former sum L. 2,313,000, for arrears of the Property Tax and various War Duties, ought to be deducted, as forming no part of the revenue produced in the year. From the larger sum of 1.54,063,000 only L.565,000 is to be taken away for similar artcars. The actual increase in the produce of last year over that ending January 5, 1818, on a comparison of the totals above given, is L.2,398,000, but if to this be added L1,748,000, the sum by which the arrears of the year ending January 5, 1818, exceeded those of January 5, 1819, it will be seen there is, in point of fact, an increase of real income to the sum of L. 4,146,000. The total amount of the reductions, including those in the Colonies, is 35,268 officers and men. To this cheering statement, Mr TIERNEY replied, that the Sinking Fund of L. 14,000,000 was lost sight of, and that a sum of about L. 3,599,000, instead of L. 14,500,000, was all that the most sanguine views could present as the means for reducing our enormous debt, If the Sink ing Fund is to be retained in name, we must therefore borrow the difference, and we may therefore say that the revenue is still deficient to that amount. It is gratifying, however, that the amount of the exports for the last year. is. L. 35,325,000, being above L. 3,000,000 more than that of the preceding year, and about. L. 160,000 more than the year 1815, in which the exports exceeded those of any former year by L. 10,000,000.

Poor Laws. On the 9th, the committee, for taking into consideration the general question of the Poor Laws, was revived, on the motion of Mr S. BOURNE. This is a subject of vast importance, and deserving of the most earnest attention. The laws as they now stand-or at least as they are now administered—are undermining the morals of the people, destroying every good habit, and absorbing the property of the kingdom.

The Plague. On the 11th a committee was ordered to be appointed to inquire whether the plague and other epidemic diseases were contagious or not. The solution of this question would be of great benefit, as the present system of Quarantine, Laws materially affects commerce.

British Claims on France. On the same evening, Lord CASTLEREAGH brought forward a motion regarding the arrangements made with France, for the satisfaction of British claimants upon that government. His Lordship stated, with great perspicuity, the measures which had been pursued, in order to secure a speedy and certain rate of compensation, by transferring the business wholly into the hands of British.. commissioners. The claims themselves,.. he observed, were founded upon the commercial treaty of 1786, the stipulations of which had been renewed and recognised in the subsequent treaties of Amiens in 1802, and of Paris in 1814 and 1815. So complicated and extensive, however, were the claims, not only of British' subjects, but of those of other states, that it would have been difficult, according to the admission of the Noble Lord, to have brought them to so speedy a settlement, had not an. illustrious individual, the Duke of Wellington, undertaken the business, at the common request of all the parties interest


It was then agreed, that a fixed sum should be paid by France to the different governments, and that the latter should superintend its distribution among the respective claimants. The amount, consequently, received by Great Britain, was something more than six millions sterling. The object of the Noble Lord's motion was to receive from Parliament the necessary power to make the distribution of that.. sum. Mr TIERNEY highly complimented his Lordship upon the judicious exertions he had used in bringing the matter to so satisfactory a conclusion. The Noble Lord also received applause from the gentlemen opposite, for the zeal, sincerity, perseverance, and ability," with which he had conducted the negotiations at Aix-la-Chapelle, respecting the Slave Trade.


motion was of course unanimously agreed


Windsor Establishment. The report of the select committee, appointed to consider the subject of his Majesty's establishment at Windsor, was presented to the House on the 16th. It stated that the committee think that the proposed reduction of one. half may with propriety be made, and that an annual sum of L. 50,000 will be sufficient for this service. They recommend that at the head of the establishment an officer of the rank of the Groom of the Stole should be placed, as they deem it of importance to have a person of rank and high station connected with the King's service, generally residing near his Majesty's person. The report does not notice the proposed sum of L. 10,000 to the Duke of York. This report came before a committee of the whole House on Monday the 22d, when the first resolution proposed by Lord CASTLEREAGH was to reduce the establishment at Windsor from L. 100,000 to L. 50,000; and the proposal met with general approbation, as making a provision for expences neither more nor less than was necessary. The second resolution went to regulate the number of the late Queen's attendants, who should continue to receive their salaries; and this was only slightly animadverted upon as rather profuse, by Mr TIERNEY. The third resolution proposed the Duke of York to succeed her late Majesty as the custos of the King's person; and the fourth assigned to him L. 10,000 per annum, as a remuneration for the duties of the office, to be paid out of the Civil List. Against this last resolution a very formidable opposition was raised, and an amendment proposed by Mr TIERNEY, that the L. 10,000 should be charged on the King's Privy Purse, and not, through the Civil List, upon the public. Lord CASTLEREAGH, and those who supported his arguments, contended that the Privy Purse of his Majesty was indisputably private property, and could not be charged with the payment of any pub. lic officer, as the Duke of York would, he affirmed, in his capacity of custos be After an animated debate, the House divided, when Lord CASTLEREAGH's resolution was carried by a majority of 95, the numbers being 281 to 186. In bringing up

the report of the committee of the whole House on the Thursday following, the two great parties, which divide the House, had another trial of strength on this question, and their leaders, Lord CASTLEREAGH and Mr TIERNEY exhibited their peculiar talents to great advantage. In the end, however, it again went in favour of the minister, by a division of 247 to 137,majority 110.

Bank Issues. On the 2d instant, Mr Manning, the Bank Director, in reply to a question put to him by Mr Gladstone, distinctly declared, that the Bank had not diminished its issues, which on that day amounted to L. 25,000,000; at least L.200,000 more than at the time of the last return in December. The Hon. Director also contradicted the report that the Bank had contracted their commercial accommodations considerably during the last fortnight; on the contrary, they had increased them; and entertained no intention to depart from that principle of accommodation which they had long gone upon.

Catholic Claims.The Catholic question was again brought before the House, and apparently upon strong grounds. Sir J. Newport presented a petition, numerously signed, from Limerick, agreed to at a Protestant Meeting, and strongly recommending that the disabilities of the Catholics should be removed.

Criminal Code. The attention of the House was afterwards called by Sir JAMES MINTOSH to the state of our penal laws, in a speech, which has been admired by all who heard or have read it, as comprehending an eloquent, argumentative, temperate, and judicious exposition of the subject. Sir JAMES concluded, by moving for a select committee to consider so much of our criminal law as relates to capital punishments. Lord CASTLEREAGH moved the previous question, wishing that one committee should be appointed to comprehend in their inquiries our whole criminal law. An animated debate ensued, in the course of which it was stated, that 200 descriptions of felonies are, by the laws as they now stand, capital offences; and, that 156 of these had been declared such under the family of Brunswick. In the end ministers were left in a minority, the House dividing 147 to 128,-majority 19.



British Army-An official return of the strength of the British army on the 25th of January 1819, laid before the House of Commons, states the general total at 109,810 non-commissioned officers and

privates, and 5,852 officers; of which amount there are serving in Great Britain 15,248, exclusive of 5,516 foot guards; Ireland 18,923; East Indies 18,281; troop horses 11,276.

13. Regalia of Scotland. We understand

that preparations are making in the Castle for exhibiting these ancient emblems of Scottish independence to the public; and that it is intended to issue tickets of admission, at the rate of 2s. 6d. each, limiting the number to be isused in any one day to one hundred.

Supply of Water for Edinburgh.-Yesterday a numerous and respectable meeting of the inhabitants of Edinburgh was held in Merchants' Hall, at which it was resolved to establish a joint stock company, for the purpose of providing the city with an adequate supply of water. The Lord Provost was called to the chair, and the business of the meeting was conducted with the greatest decorum, and had the warmest approbation of all present. The Company is to be constituted by act of Parliament; its capital is to amount to L. 135,000, in shares of L. 25 each, with power to charge from the inhabitants receiving water-pipes into their houses five per cent. upon their rents, as ascertained under the police act.

24.—— National Monument of Scotland. At a meeting of the noblemen and gentlemen of Scotland, held at Edinburgh this day, it was unanimously resolved, that a monumental edifice, comprehendinga building, destined for the purposes of Divine worship, and ornamented in such a manner as may perpetuate the memory of the great naval and military achievements of the late war, will afford a lasting proof, not only of national gratitude to the Almighty for his protection, but of the affectionate remembrance of Scotland of those gallant officers and men, who fought and bled in the service of their country. And that, for the purpose of accomplishing this desirable object, a general subscription shall immediately be opened, and the most effectual measures adopted to raise a fund, not only for completing an edifice worthy of Scotland, but for the endowment of two clergymen to officiate as ministers of this intended church. Between two and three thousand pounds were immediately subscribed. 25.—Remission of Sentence.-Yesterday there was presented to the High Court of Justiciary à remission under the Great Seal, by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in favour of Frances M'Cay, who was tried on the 1st inst. here, for forgery, and, having pleaded guilty to the minor charge of having forged notes of the Bank of England in her possession, was sentenced to 14 years' transportation.

Commemoration of Burns. On the 22d, the admirers of the celebrated national poet of Scotland, to the number of between three and four hundred, held their triennial meeting in George Street Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh. This assembly was composed of individuals distinguished

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by their love of literature and the arts, including several eminent characters belonging to the learned professions, the army, and the navy. The chair was ably filled by J. A. Murray, Esq. of Henderland, who was supported by Mr Henry Cockburn and Mr Francis Jeffrey. Captain Adam, of the navy, son of Chief Commissioner Adam, was the Croupier; the list of the Stewards contained the names of Sir George Mackenzie, Mr Walter Scott, Mr John Wilson, Mr Tennant, Mr Hogg, Captain Basil Hall, Mr George Thomson, (whose name is so honourably and indissolubly connected with that of Burns,) besides other gentlemen of the highest respectability. In the course of the evening many appropriate toasts were given, in honour both of living and departed worth, and on these occa sions a degree of eloquence was displayed which has not been often equalled. The widow and children, the brother, and the still surviving venerable mother of the bard, were hailed with peculiar sympathy. The most illustrious absent persons who adorn Scottish literature were also remembered, including the respected names of Mackenzie, Stewart, Playfair, Byron, Campbell, Boswell, and Dr John Jamieson, the Johnson of Scottish lexicography. The principal speakers, besides the animated and eloquent Chairman, were Mr Jeffrey and Mr Cockburn. Mr George Thomson, in proposing the health of the Honourable william Maule, informed the meeting, that that gentleman had settled an annuity of L. 50 upon the widow of the bard, imme diately after the last triennial celebration; which liberal provision was gratefully resigned by the high-spirited matron, when the success of one of her sons in India enabled him to render his mother independent, by settling upon her an yearly sum. The audience hailed with delight these characteristic traits of the family of Burns. An excellent band of glee-singers were present, under the superintendence of Mr Mather; and Mr Gow, who made it a condition that his services should be accepted gratuitously, added his inspiring talents to the social pleasures of the evening.


High Court of Justiciary.Raising Dead Bodies.-On the 15th ultimo, Archibald Wilson, shoemaker in Edinburgh, was brought to trial, accused of having stolen two bodies from the church-yard of Abbotshall, near Kirkaldy, in November last. Wilson pleaded Guilty, art and part; and the Court, taking into consideration several circumstances favourable to him in the share he had in the crime, and also certificates of his former good character, pronounced upon him the lenient sentence of nine months' imprisonment in the jail of Edinburgh, and tha he should find secu

rity for his good behaviour for five years thereafter. Their Lordships, at the same time, intimated, that, should a similar case again come before them, it should be visit ed with the most exemplary punishment the law could inflict.

Poaching. On the 22d came on the trial of Robert and William Stephenson, farmers in East Lothian, accused of shooting pheasants on the domains of the Marquis of Tweeddale in the night time; when the Jury returned a verdict of Guilty. This being the first case under the statute, they were sentenced to four months' imprisonment, and to find security for their good behaviour for five years, to the extent of L. 50.

On Monday the 1st instant, the Court proceeded to the trial of Alexander Robert son, Alex. Archibald, alias Arch. Alexander, alias Alex. Watson, James Dickson, and James Macmillan, accused of breaking into the shop of Messrs Lee and Myers, jewellers in Glasgow, and stealing therefrom thirty silver and metal watches; 150 gold seals; 300 gold rings; 200 silver pencil cases; and a variety of other gold and silver articles, amounting in value to about L.250. The Jury, by a plura lity of voices, found Alexander Robertson Guilty of the charges of housebreaking and theft; and unanimously found the other three prisoners guilty of reset of theft. The Court sentenced Robertson to be executed at Glasgow, on Wednesday the 7th of April next, and Archibald, Dickson, and Macmillan, to transportation for fourteen years. The whole three were notorious offenders; one of them had been three times previously tried before the Circuit Court at Glasgow, but escaped from defect of evidence.

3. Union Canal.-At the annual meeting of the Union Canal Company yesterday, a most satisfactory report on the state of the works by the committee was read to the proprietors, and plans were exhibited, shewing the extent of the canal which has been cut since the commencement, on the 3d of March 1848. Nearly 14 miles out of the whole 30 are already almost excavated at an expence even less than the estimate.

5. Destructive Fire. It is some years since Edinburgh has been visited with a fire so alarming or extensive as that which broke out early yesterday morning in the row of shops on the North Bridge, occupied by Mr Robert Gillespie, druggist, Mr Raeburn, perfumer, Mr Cotton, tobacconist, and others: At three o'clock the alarm was given, in an hour, the engines belonging to the Sun, Friendly, and Caledonian Offices were on the spot; but, in spite of every exertion, the buildings were levelled with the ground by five o'clock. The buildings being very old, and principally of wood, the flames spread most rapidly, and were greatly aided by the very combustible na

ture of their contents. Part of these premises existed prior to the contruction of the North Bridge; they had a very mean appearance, and the conflagration, were it not for the loss sustained by the parties concerned, which we understand is considerable, will not be regretted.

Westminster Election. The election of a member to serve in Parliament for Westminster, in the room of the late lamented Sir Samuel Romilly, terminated on the 3d instant, in favour of the Honourable George Lamb, son of Lord Melburne. This election presented the singular anomaly of a Whig being returned to Parliament, mainly through the influence of the Tory electors. It appears that many of the Whig electors had determined to support the rival candidate, Mr Hobhouse, well known in the literary world as the friend of Lord Byron, and in the political world, as an adherent of the principles of the Burdett party. A good understanding subsisted between the Whig and the Ultra-Whig electors, and it seemed as if the favourite of the latter was to be returned without opposition; when a few days previous to the commencement of the poll, Mr Hobhouse put forth a sort of public declaration of his principles, in which he avowed an open and inextinguishable war against the Whigs, against their principles and intentions, as well as their persons and characters, not sparing even Mr Fox himself. This conduct exasperated the Whig electors, and they accordingly started Mr Lamb against him, at the hustings, and the Tory electors, chusing what they conceived the lesser evil, gave their suffrages to Mr Lamb, who, at the close of the poll, had a majority of 604 over his opponent, 4465 voting for the former, and 3861 for the latter. This election was conducted with the usual violence and personalities, in the speeches of the different candidates and their supporters, and riot, tumult, and outrage on the part of the mob surrounding the hustings. At its close, the partizans of the defeated candidate became exasperated, and in the riot which ensued some blood was shed, but fortunately no lives were lost. · Major Cartwright was put upon the poll as a candidate, by some of his indiscreet friends, and had 38 votes at its close..

Imitative Teu.-Several more convictions have taken place in the Court of Exchequer, London, of sellers of imitative tea and coffee, viz. D. Morritt, grocer, Houndsditch, penalty L.1710; J. Hewitson, (a Quaker,) and -Tait, of Manchester, L. 450 each; T. Greathead, Whitechapel, L. 350: R. Bradley, Crutchedfriars, L. 100. To the various noxious ingredients commonly used in making the tea, was added a new one, namely, tea leaves which had been used, collected from the taverns of the metropolis, and re-coloured with logwood and nutgall boiled together.


[From the Appendix to the Report from the Committee on Royal Establishments, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed. 17th February 1819.] Explanatory Statement of the proposed Estimate for the Expences of his Majesty's


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8,421 22,680 15 650 0 2,813

Total L. 50,000 0

Proposed Establishment of Officers and Servants for his Majesty's future Household at Windsor ; exclusive of the Medical Attendants.

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