Abbildungen der Seite

liate all interests, and by that means to pre serve all the powers which exist, and so inare the happiness of Europe and of this gemeration, at the head of which Providence has placed us. (Signed)


Letter from M. DE CHAMPAGNY to Mr. Secretary CANNING, dated Erfurth, October 12, 1808. Received October 21. Sta-I have the honour to transmit to your excellency a letter which the Emperor of the French and the Emperor of all the Russias wrote to his Britannic majesty. The grandeur and the sincerity of this step will, without doubt, be felt. That cannot be attributed to weakness, which is the result of the intimate connection between the two greatest sovereigns of the Continent, united for peace as well as for war.

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His majesty the Emperor has commanded me to make known to your excellency, that he has nominated plenipotentiaries, who will repair to that city on the Continent to which his majesty the King of Great Britain and his allies shall send their plenipotentiaries. With respect to the basis of the negotiation, their majesties are disposed to adopt those formerly proposed by England herself, name-. ly, the uti possidetis, and any other basis founded upon justice, and the reciprocity and equality which ought to prevail between all great nations.


Letter from Mr. Secretary CANNING, to the Russian Ambassador at Paris, dated Foreign Office, 28th October, 1808. Sin-Having laid before the king my master the two letters which his excellency the Count Nicolas de Romanzoff has transmitted to me from Erfurth, I have received his majesty's commands to reply to that which is addressed to him, by the official note which I have the honour to enclose to your excellency.

However desirous his majesty might be to reply directly to his majesty the Emperor of Russia, you cannot but feel, sir, that, from the unusual manner in which the letters figned by his imperial majefty were drawn up, and which has entirely deprived them of the character of a private and perfonal communisation, his majesty has found it impoffible to adopt that mark of refpect towards the -Emperor of Ruffia, without at the fame time acknowledging titles which his majesty never has acknowledged.

Lam commanded to add to the contents of the official note, that his majesty will haften to communicate to his majesty the King of Sapien, and to the exifting government of Spain, the proposals which have been made

Your excellency will perceive that it is abfolutely neceffary that his majesty thould re

ve an immediate affurance, that France

knowledges the government of Spain as party to any negociation.

That fuch is the intention of the Emperor of Ruffia, his majesty cannot doubt.

His majefty recollects with fatisfaction the lively intereft which his imperial majesty has always manifefted for the welfare and dignity of the Spanish monarchy, and he wants no other affurance that his imperial majefty cannot have been induced to fanction by his concurrence, or by his approbation, ufurpations, the principle of which is not lefs unjust chan their example is dangerous to all legitimate fovereigns.

A's foon as the answers on this point shall have been received, and as foon as his majefty fhall have learnt the fentiments of the King of Sweden, and thofe of the government of Spain, I fhall not fail to receive the commands of his majefty for such communications as it may be neceffary to make upon the ulterior objects of the letter of Count Romanzoff,


Letter from Mr. Secretary CANNING to M. de CHAMPAGNY, dated Foreign Office, 28th October, 1808.

SIR-Having laid before the king my mafter the two letters which your excellency transmitted to me from Erfurth, one of which was addreffed to his majesty, I have received his majesty's commands to return, in answer to that letter, the official note which I have the honour herewith to enclofe.

I am commanded to add, that his majesty will lofe no time in communicating to the king of Sweden and to the government of Spain the propofals which have been made to his majesty.

Your excellency will fee the neceffity of an affurance being immediately afforded to his majefty, that the admiffion of the government of Spain as a party to the negociation is understood and agreed to by France.

After the answer of your excellency upoa this point shall have been received, and fo foon as his majefty thail be in poffeffion of the fentiments of the King of Sweden and of the government of Spain, I shall receive his majefty's commands to communicate with your excellency on the remaining points of your letter.


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the king to reflect, that no part of the convulfions which have already been experienced, or of thofe which are threatened for the future, can be in any degree imputable to his majesty. The king is most willing to acknowledge that all fuch dreadful changes are indeed contrary to the policy of Great Britain.

If the caufe of fo much mifery is to be found in the stagnation of commercial intercourse, although his majefty cannot be expected to hear, with unqualified regret, that the system devised for the deftruction of the commerce of his subjects has recoiled upon its authors, or its inftruments, yet is it nei ther in the difpofition of his majefty, nor in the character of the people over whom he reigns, to rejoice in the privations and unhappiness even of the nations which are combined against him. His majesty anxiously defires the termination of the fufferings of the Contineat.

The war in which his majefly is engaged, was entered into by his majesty for the immediate object of national fafety. It has been prolonged only becaufe no fecure and honourable means of terminating it have hitherto been afforded by his enemies.

But in the progrefs of a war, begun for felf-defence, new obligations have been in pofed upon his majesty, in behalf of powers whom the aggreffions of a common enemy have compelled to make common caufe with his majefty, or who have folicited his majefty's affiftance and fupport in the vindication of their national independence.

The interests of the crown of Portugal and of his Sicilian majefty are confided to his majesty's friendship and protection.

With the King of Sweden his majefty is connected by ties of the clofeft alliance, and by ftipulations which unite their counfels for peace as well as for war.

To Spain his majesty is not yet bound by any formal inftrument; but his majesty has, in the face of the world, contracted with that nation engagements not leis facred, and not lefs binding, upon his majesty's mind, than the most folemn treaties.

His majefty, therefore, affumes that, in an overture made to his majefty for entering into negociations for a general peace, the relations fubfifting between his majesty and the Spanish monarchy have been diftinctly taken into confideration; and that the go vernment acting in the name of his catholic majelly Ferdinand the Seventh, is understood to be a party to any negociation in which his majesty is invited to engage.



The underfigned, minifter for foreign affairs of his majesty the Emperor of all the Rufas, has the honour to reply to the Note of the 28th O&tober, figned by Mr. Canming, fecretary of Aate for føreign affairs to

his majefty the King of Great Britain, and addreffed by his excellency to the Ruffian ambaffador at Paris.

That the admiffion of the fovereigns in alliance with England to a Congress cannot be a point of difficulty, and that Ruffia and France confent to it.

But this principle by no means extends to the neceflity of admitting the plenipotentiaries of the Spanish infurgents: the emperor of Ruffia cannot admit them. His empire, in fimilar circumftances-and England can recollect one particular inftance, has been true to the fame principle. Moreover, he has already acknowledged the King Jofeph Napoleon. He has announced to his Britannic Majefty, that he was united with the emperor of the French for peace as well as for war, and his Imperial Majesty here repeats that declaration. He is refolved not to feparate his interefts from those of that monarch; but they are both ready to conclude a peace, provided it be juft, honourable, and equal for all parties.

The undersigned fees with pleasure, that, in this difference of opinion refpecting the Spaniards, nothing presents itself which can either prevent or delay the opening of a Congrefs. He derives his perfuafion in this refpect, from that which his Britannic Majefty has himself confided to the two emperors, that he is bound by no pofitive engagement with those who have taken up arms in Spain.

After fifteen years of war, Europe has a right to demand peace. The interests of all the powers, including that of England, is to render it general: humanity commands it ; and fuch a defire, furely, cannot be foreign to the feelings of his Britannic Majefty. How can it be, that he alone can withdraw himself from fuch an object, and refuse to terminate the miferies of fuffering humanity.

The undersigned confequently renews, in the name of the emperor, his august master, the propofal already made, to fend plenipo tentiaries to any city on the continent which his Britannic Majefty may pleafe to point out; to admit to the Congrefs the plenipo tentiaries of the fovereigns in alliance with Great Britain; to treat upon the basis of the uti poffidetis, and upon that of the respective power of the belligerent parties: in fine, co accept any bafis which may have for its object the conclufion of a peice, in which all parties thall find honour, juftice, and equality.

The underfigned has the honour to renew to his excellency, Mr. Canning, the afforances of his high confideration. (Signed)


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If it were true that the evils of war were felt only on the Continent, certainly there would be little hope of attaining peace,

The two emperors had flattered themfelves that the object of their meafere would not have been misinterpreted in London. Could the English miniftry have ascribed weakness er neceffity, when every impartial ftatefman must recognize, in the fpirit of peace and moderation by which it is dictated, the characteristics of power and true greatnefs? France and Ruffia can carry on the war fo long as the court of London shall not recur to juft and equitable difpofitions; and they are refolved to do so.

How is it pofiible for the French government to entertain the propofal which has been made to it, of admitting to the negociation the Spanish infurgents? What would the English government have faid, had it been propofed to them to admit the Catholic infurgents of Ireland? France, without having any treaties with them, has been in communication with them, has made them promifes, and has frequently fent them fuccours. Could fuch a propofal have found place in a note, the object of which ought to have been not to irritate, but to endeavour to effect a mutual conciliation and good underLanding?

England will find herself under a strange mistake, if, contrary to the experience of the past, the still entertains the idea of contending fuccefsfully upon the Continent, again the armies of France. What hope can The now have, especially as France is irrevo. cably united with Ruffia.

The underigned is commanded to repeat the propofal, to admit to the negociation all the allies of the King of England; whether it be the king who reigns in the Brazils; whether it be the king who reigns in Sweden; or whether it be the king who reigns in Sicily: and to take for the bafis of the negociation the ati poffidetis. He is commanded to exprefs the hope that, not lofing fight of the inevitable refults of the force of States, it will be remembered, that between great powers there is no folid peace, but that which is at the fame time equal and honourable for all parties.



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The king learns with aftonishment and regret the expectation which appears to have been entertained that his majesty should confent to commence a negociation for a general peace by the previous abandonment of the cause of the Spanish nation, and of the legitimate monarchy of Spain, in deference to an ufurpation which has no parallel in the hiftory of the world.

His majefty had hoped that the participation of the Emperor of Ruflia in the overtures made to his majesty would have afforded a fecurity to his majesty against the propofal of a condition fo unjust in its effe&s, and fo fatal in its example.

Nor can his majefly conceive by what obligation of duty or of intereft, or by what principle of Ruffian policy, his imperial majefty can have found himfelf compelled to acknowledge the right, affumed by France, to depofe and imprifon friendly fovereigns, and forcibly to transfer to herself the allegiance of loyal and independent nations.

If these be indeed the principles to which the Emperor of Ruffia has inviolably attached himself; to which his imperial majesty has pledged the character and refources of his empire; which he has united himself with France to establish by war, and to maintain in peace, deeply does his majefty lament a determination by which the fufferings of Europe must be aggravated and prolonged; but not to his majefty is to be attributed the continuance of the calamities of war, by the dif appointment of ail hope of such a peace an would be compatible with justice and with bonour.

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The under@gned, his majesty's principal fecretary of ftate for foreign affairs, has laid before the king his mafter the note tranf mitted to him by his Excellency M. de Champagny, dated the 28th November.

He is especially commanded by his ma jefty to abstain from noticing any of these topics and expreffions infulting to his majesty, to his allies, and to the Spanish nation, with which the official note tranfmitted by M. de Champagny abounds.

His majefty was defirous to have treated for a peace which might have arranged the respective interests of all the powers engaged in the war on principles of equal justice: and his Majefty fincerely regrets that this de fire of his majesty is difappointed.

But his majefty is determined not to abandon the caufe of the Spanish nation, and of the legitimate monarchy. of Spain: and the pretenfions of France to exclude from the negociation the central and fupreme government, acting in the name of his catholic m jefty Ferdinand the Seventh, is one which his majesty could not admit without acquiefcing in an ufurpation which has no parallel in the hiftory of the world.

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ALPHABETICAL LIST of BANKRUPTCIES and DIVIDENDS, announced between the 20th of December and the 20th of January, extracted from the London Gazettes.


Sampon William, Liverpool, flour dealer. ¡Forret Liverpool and Sheppard, and Adlington, Bedford row,


The Solicitors' names are between Parentheses.) Bellars Barret, Little Hulton, Lancaster, innkeeper.

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Dawton Jame, Tottington, Lancafter. (Wigglesworth,
Gray's Inn and Parker, Bury.
Dewhurit Peter, Preston, Lancaster. flater. (Webster.
Laucafter and Bleafdale, Alexander and Holme, New
Inn, London.

Douglas James, Loughborough, Leicester, merchant. (Bleafdale, Alexander and Holme, New Inn, Lundun and Bond. Leicester

Button William, Liverpool, grocer. (Woods, Liverpool and Blackflock, St. Mildred's Court, Poultry Edwards William, Briftul, cordwainer. (Janies, Gray's Inn quare, and Mellis, Bristol Frafer Thomas, well treet, Mary-la-bonne, coach-fpriusmanufacturer. (rinero, Charles Street, Cavendi Square

French Martin, George Street, Portman Square, winemerchant. (Hackett, Chancery lane

Froft Thomas, Leadenhall street, ftationer.

Rixon, Haydon fquare, Minories

(Evitt and

Gath John, Parker's row, Bermondsey, victualler. Smith, Great St. Helens

German William, Brifol, tiler. (James, Gray's Inn fquare, London, and Cooke, Briffol

Glazier Edward, Lea Bridge, Middlefex, publicao. (Tebbutt and Shut leworth, Gray's inn fquare Green James, Hackney, builder. (Chapman, St. Mildred's court, Poultry

Harrifon James, Parke freet Bees, Cumberland, cotton manufacturer. (Haworth and Son, Bolton, Milne

and Party, Temple Harvey Richard, Woolwich, baker. (Allan, Frederic's

place, Old Jewry

Haydon Langdon, Edgware Road, merchant.

Coleman treet


Hayes William, Kilburn, Middlefex, brickmaker. (Hum❤ phries, Clement's inn

Hayes John, Oxford, grocer.

(Young, Weft Smithheld

Heaven William, Nailfworth. Glocefter, clothier, (rule

len, Fore-freet, Cripplegate

Howa d Jerrard Juhn, Lower Eaton freet, Pimlico, fur. geon. (Kich, Ratcliffe Crufs

Hunt Jofeph, Liverpool, haberdasher. (Blackftock, St.
Mildred's Court, Poultry, and Murrow, Liverpool
Jeffery Henry Melcomb Regis, Dorfet, linen-draper.
(Syddall, Alderfgate street. Lendon

Jogea George. Liverpool, bookfeller. (Blackstock, St.
Mildred's court, Poultry and Munou, Liverpool
Kinder samuel, Hunfield, Derby, clothier. (Jackfon and
Judd, Stanford

Laing George, London, merchant. (Caton and Brumell,

Alterigate Breet

Lockwood George, Huddersfield, York, woollen-draper. (Taylor, Manchester

Manfali James, George Burkinshaw and John Fielding,

Sh.field, faw manufacturers. (Rimington and
Wake, Sheffield, and Willon, Greville treet, Hatton


Marriott James, Burnley, Lancaster, cotton spinner,
Hurd, Temple, and shaw, Burnley
Marihall Thomas, Scarborough. vintner.

[Bousfeld, Bouverie treet, London; and Woodall, Scarborough Mills John, and Jofeph Rich, merchants, late of Lewes, (Pember, Great Charlotte ftreet, Blackfriar's

road Pearion Thomson, South Shields, burham, shipwright. (Bainbridge. Chapter row, South Shields, and Bell and Brodrick, Bow lane. Cheapfide Pickwood George, Cloak lane, wine merchant. mond, New Bridge Street, Black riars

Poore John, Mill lane, 7 ooley treet, lighterman,
Three Cruwn court, southwark

Raifrick Samuel, Iele, York, clothier.
Garcen, and Croffey, Bradford

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(Hurd. Temple, and Law, Manchester

Smith John Nottingham, mercer. (Bigsby and Wells. Nottingham, and Baxters' and Martin, Furnival's inu London

Smith Judinian and Cha les, Bath, plane manufacturers. (Sheppard and Adlington, Bedfora row, and Saeppard, Bath. (James,

Stone Thomas, Wilton, Hereford, cornfactor. Gray's inn, London; and Martin, Brio! Tanner Thomas, Barnaple, Devon. money for vener (Law, Barnfaple, and Eremridge, Common Pleas Office, Temple Tomlinfon William, Toxteth Park, near Liverpool, merchant. (Forrest, Liverpool, and Shephard aud Adlington, Bedford row Wells William, Liuney place, Queen freet, Bloomsbury. (Edwards and Lyon, Great Rufiell streety' Wilkes William, Birmingham, malther. (Lowe, Birmingham and Chilton, Exchequer Office, Lincoln's Willion Richard Hodfon, Wakefield, factor, (Lawton, Leice@ter and Taylor, Southampton buildings, Chan cery lane Woolf John, Liverpool, merchant. (Blackstock, St. Mildred's court Poultry and Pritt, Liverpool

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Adams Thomas, Lancafter, merchant, Feb. 7
Allen William, King's road, Holborn, coach-maker,
Jan. 17

Antie John, Devizes, Wilts. Clothier. Jan. 16
Banks Richard, Eltham, Kent, victualier, Feb. 7
Bardett Charles, Cannon #treet road, Middlefex, ftone-
mafon, Feb. 21
Beckwith Thomas,

Jan. 21

Commercial road, coach-maker,

Beetton Henry Groundy, Gray's inn fquare, money-fcrivener, Jan. 21

Betts Benjamin, and Am Smith, Bafinghall freet, factors, Feb. 14

Blany Thomas, Bouverie freet, Whitefriars, merchant, Feb. 16

Bloom Daniel, Norwich, merchant, Feb. 4

Bridges John, the younger, Mortlake, Surry, tallow-chandler, Feb. 4

Broadhurst Jofeph, Charing Crofs, jeweller, Jan. 28
Bulgin William, Bristol, printer, March 17

Bunn Benjamin, London wall, pawn broker, Feb. 4
Burger's George Warner, Bristol, linen-draper, Jan. 3t
Chambers Henry, Warwick, inn-keeper, jan. 16
Clark Thomas, Chatham, corn-dealer, Jan. 14
Clemence Mark, Craven Brect, strand, tailor, Feb. 7
lough Thomas, Bramley, York, clothier, Jan. 1
Coats Edward, Thomas Malley and Jofeph Hall, Horning-
low, Stafford. brewers, Feb. 4

Cohen Meyer. Devonshire Greet, Queen square, exchange, broker, Jan. 24

Core Robert, Bristol, hat inanufacturer, Jan, 18 Cowperthwaite William, and James Waring, Manchester. manufacturers, Jɔn. jo

Cowperthwaite William, Old Fish Atreet, grocer, Jan. 7

Feb. 18

Curteis John, and John Stephens, Penryn, Cornwall, hopkeepers, Feb. 2

Davies Charles, St. John freet, carpenter, Feb. 15

Davis William, Cane place, Kentish-town, carpenter,
Jan. 21
Dawion William, Nixon, Tabernacle fquare, Finsbury,
draper, March 4

Drake Robert, and Ebenezer Goddard, Newgate freet,
wine and brandy merchants, Jau. 18
Duffeld George, York Buildings, Bermondsey, wool-
caider, Jan. 17

Dutton John, Levenshulme, Mancheter, calico manufac turer, jan. 13

Endall John, Over Norton, Oxford, carrier, Jan. 16 Farbridge Robert. Paragon-place, Kent road, timber mer chant, Feb. 7

Filcode Thomas, Macclesfeld, Chefter, grocer, Feb. 16 Ford James Edward, Coleman freet buildings," London, factor, Jan. 14

Francis Thomar, Goodman Francis, and Thomas Francis
the younger, Cambridge, merebants, Jan. 26
Glover Charles, Albemarle areet, upholderer, Feb. ta
Grange Rochford, Yurk place, Portman fquare, miller
Feb. 4

Hartley John, Kendal, Wetmoreland. thoemaker, Feh le
Harvey Henry Hill, Tokenhoute yard and Terrace court
Ilington, broker, Feb. 14

Hope william, Manchester, grocer, Feb. 15

Hupe William, Brampton, Cumberland, manufacturer, Feb. 3

Horner John. Durham, turner. Tan, ja

Howell Edward. Liverpool, cotton merchant, Jan. 21
Hurry Nicholas, and Chriftopher Hird Jones, Liverpool,

Ives Chapman, Coltishall, Norfolk, brewer, Feb. 18
Juel Mutes, Mish feet, Bhoreditch, dealer in glass and
earthenware, Jan. 16

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Kind David, Berwick-upon-Tweed, linen draper, Feb. 1
Kierin Taumas, Gray's inn fiquare, money fcrivener,
Feb. 4

King Samuel, Halefworth, Suffolk, merchant, Jan. 19
Km Jofeph, and William Edward King, Covent Garden,
Blk mercers. Jan.

King Jofeph, Covent Gardeu, ilk mercer, Jan. 11
Lasks Thomas, Lancaster. grocer, Feb. 8

Leath Thomas, Graces Alley, Well-clufe fquare, haber-
dather, Jan. 7

Le Normand Peter, and Mary Henry Dornant, foap manu
facturers, Jan. 31

Leykauff William, Life Greet, Leicester fquare, engraver,
Feb. is

Long are Margaret, Penrith, Cumberland, milliner,
Jan. D

Lou Richard, Long sere, ironmonger. Feb. 15

Luckwood John, Beefton, York, dealer and chapman,
Feb. 16

Lucas William. Cheapfide, warehouseman, March 20
Makcham James, Upper Thames freet, cheesemonger,
Jan. 30

Markham John, the younger, Napton upon the Hill, War-
wick, hopkeeper, Jan. 21

Matthews William, Maidenhead, Berks, carpenter,
Middleton Thomas, Liverpool, cotton manufacturer,
March 9

Midgley Jafeph. Leeds, York. grocer, Feb. 4
Malls Janes, Wood within Saddleworth,

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York, dyer,

Morgan Edward, Noble Areet, London, Feb. 18
Mury Hutchsafia, Robert Mure and William Mure, Fen-
church Breet, merchants, March 15

Mr David Thompson, Stamford, Lincoln, draper,
Jan. 19

Mapper Peter, Bristol, haberdasher, Jan. 25
Newcomb George, Bath, leweller, Jan. 24

Qee juis Earith, Huntingdon, victualler, Jan. 18

Pate John, Bury, Suffolk, money fcrivener. Rab. 14 Parkiston Jeremiah, St. Saviour's Church-yard, Southwark. hop-factor, Feb. 7

Percy John, Liverpool, block maker. Feb. 13

Perkins Christopher, Swanfea, Glamorgan, shopketpet,
Jan. 28

Popplewell John, Hull, auctioneer. Feb. 2

Preston James, Barton-upun Humber, Lincoln, tanner,
Feb. 8

Reppen Jofeph, and John Reppen, Clapham, dealer in
coals, Feb. 4

Rowe John, Cattle Breet, Falcon fquare, merchant.
Jan. 17

Sayer Jofeph, Upper North Street, Gray's inn lane,
Jan. 17

Schorey Henry, Holdsworth, Halifax, merchant, Feb, 1
Scagne John. Duke ftreet, St. James's, tailor, Feb 16
Shague Gilbert, Topham. Devon, repe maker. Feb. 4
Sharp Robert, Upton-place, Stratford, Effex, builder
Feb. 7

Sharpe Jofiah, Market Deeping, Lincoln, Kinen-drap

March 4

Sintzenich Peter, Spring piace, Kentish-town, and New
Bond Street, printfeller Feb. 4

Smith amuel, Liverpool, merchant, Jan. 18
Smith Charles, Bath, corn-faftur, Nec. 31
Smith Joshua, Manchetter, cotton manufacturer, Jan. 31
Stacey John, Richard Dearman and Robert Dearman,
Bread freet, Cheapfide, warehouseman, Feb. 14

Topham Thomas, Manchester, merchant, Jan. 23
Wardell John, Lynn, Norfolk, grocer, Jan. 21

Wefton James, Pallomall, vinther. Feb. 4

White John, Craven Buildings, city road, merchant,
March 7

Whitehead Jofeph, Manchester, cordwainer, Jan. 25
Wilfon James, and John Sallows, Oxford freet, leather-
f-llers Feb. 7

Withers Themas. and Henry Browne Withers, Greenhill's
Rents, Smithfeld Bars, oil-renners, Jan. 21
Wright Benjamin, Birmingham, factor, Jan. 20

Wright, William, Afhby-de-la-Zouch, Leicefter, Jan. 31

With Biographical Memoirs of distinguished Characters recently deceased,

THE foundation stone of the New Theatre, was laid on the 31st of December, 1808, by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, as grand-master of the Free Masons; and the - spectacle was unusually interesting, as it is not recorded that so distinguished an honour was ever conferred by any Prince of Wales upon a similar edifice. The preparations and the arrangements were every way worthy of the event; detachments of horse and foot guards were stationed to prevent the influx of the populace, and clear the avenues to the ground. The disposition upon the scite of the building, both the ceremonial and the accommodation of the spectators, was extremely judicious. At the north-east cor nes of the intended stage of the theatre, the foundation stone, containing nearly 60 cubic feet, and weighing three tons, was suspended ever a basement stone. On the west side a covered and extensive awning, with a parapet in front, and inclosed behind, furnished with ranges of seats, was ppropriated for the reception of the spectators, who filled it before twelve o'clock. On the opposite side, and parallel to low street, another inclosed awn ing was constructed for the numerous deputation of treemasons. Near the stone was erected a spacious marquee for the illustrious grand master and his suite. On an elevated platform, parallel to Hart street, were placed the military bands of the two regiments of home-guards, the Coldstream, and 3d regiments of foot guards, and that of the city liglit-horse in full uniform. The grenadier

company of the 1st regiment of guards with their colours and band were stationed near the Bow-street entrance as a guard of honour. At the angles of the ground were hoisted naval and military flags, and near the stone, the royal standard of England. Upwards of 700 workmen employed in the building, were placed on surrounding scaffolds. At twelve o'clock the grand officers of the several freemasons lodges, with the principals of the craft, amounting to near 400, decorated with their paraphernalia, entered, Chevalier Ruspini bearing the sword before them, as grand tyler, and a band preceding them; these took their stations in their gallery. The se veral bands now played alternately till one, the hour fixed for the arrival of the Prince of Wales, at which time his royal Highness accompanied by the Duke of Sussex, attended by General Hulse and Colonels M'Mahon and Bloomfield, arrived under an escort of horse-guards. His Royal Highness was received, on his entrance at the Bow-street door, by Earl Moira as deputy-grand-master; the detachments of guards salating with grounded colours and beating the Grenadier's March. The arrival was announced by loud plaudits of the people, and the discharge of a royal salute of artillery. The Prince was dressed in blue with a scarlet collar, and was decorated with the insignia of his office as grand-master. As he proceeded uncovered, with his suite over a railed platiorm spread with -green cloth bordered with scarlet, the company all arose and gave him three cheers,


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