Abbildungen der Seite

was yet hostile to his political influence
in another, as it introduced Sir William
Grant, master of the rolls, to the county
of Bamff, and it was found impossible
ever after to remove him, although many
successive but ineffectual efforts
made for that purpose.


At length, towards the conclusion of the late war, the Earl of Fife openly declared his enmity to Mr. Pitt, and the ministers of that day; and as he was known to be an old courtier, well acquainted with the springs that actuate the conduct of public men, many were led to suppose that he began to anticipate their downfall. Accordingly, on the 2d of February, 1801, he rose in his place, in the house of Peers, and spoke as follows:

"It is but seldom I trouble your lordships, but I could not feel myself at ease, were I not to fulfil my duty, in laying my sentiments before you. I rather incline to wish, that the threatened motion for an enquiry into the conduct of ministers, were not now made; but if it should be brought forward, I will most decidedly

vote for it.

"I have no desire either to give offence to his Majesty's ministers, or to pay court to those who oppose them. Nothing can be more improper at present, than to debate whether the war is just, or unjust; necessary, or unnecessary: but I most positively declare one thing, and that is, that no war was ever worse conducted.

"My lords, I have read the history of this country with attention; I have seen, and been intimate with all the different parties, from the death of Mr. Pelham, to the present hour.

"In this horrid contest, our blood and treasure have been spent in the extravagant folly of secret expeditions; grievous and heavy taxes bave been laid on the people, and wasted in expensive embassies, and subsidizing proud, treacherous, and useless foreign princes, who would have acted much better for themselves, had you saved your money, and taken no concern with them. I do not condole with you on your present unfortunate situa ion, in having no friends.

"I only wish you had been in that situation at the beginning of the contest. The noble lord who presides at the head of the Admiralty, (Earl Spencer,) in his speech, has with much ability doue justice to the navy: I most sincerely wish that our ill-spent money had been laid out of our fleets.

"All those, my lords, who ever heard me speak, or ever read a letter from me say, that my sentiments have all along on the subject, will do me the justice to been the same; and that this has hung upon my mind from the day, the first parade, for Holland. battalion of the guards marched from the

great as our demerits are, it comes not I lament the present scarcity; but from the Almighty, but from the effects ready to prove, whenever this question is of this ill-conducted war; which I am brought forward. What have we gained by our boasted conquests? If a proper regulation for commerce was made, I wish they were all sold, and the money arising, laid out to pay the national debt, pressive taxes which bear hard on rich and to relieve the nation of those opand poor; on their income, their indus try, and what is worse, their liberty; and until some of those are repealed, this nation cannot be called free!"

gularly sided with the minority, until a From this moment, his lordship rechange of ministers took place. When Mr. Addington, now Lord Sidmouth, came in, he supported him, and also nistration. By this time, however, his voted with the Fox and Grenville admieye-sight began to be affected, and being account of this, or other infirmities, with unable to attend the house of Peers, on his usual assiduity, he gave his proxy to Lord Grenville. Although not fond of that nobleman and his friends, having great dinners, on the retreat of tertained them in a magnificent manner, he enin his noble suite of apartments at Whitehall.

the 80th year of his age. The Earl of Fife, died in Londen, in In point of been handsome in the earlier part of his person, he was tall, genteel, and had life. Although a great economist, he was yet fond of magnificence, which he indulged in respect to houses,servants,carriages, and horses. But it is as a planter, that this nobleman bids fair to obtain the respect of the present age, and the gratitude of posterity. By a recurrence to the annual volumes of the "Society, for and Commerce," from which he received the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, two, if not three gold medals, it will be seen, that his lahours in this point of view have far surpassed those of any of his conteinporaries. He was a frequent contributor to the work in question, and in vol. xxi. will be found au account of 100 acres, and 85,500 trees, planted by


him in Duff ILouse Park, which comprehends part of two counties, and five parishes. Notwithstanding the accidental destruction of a large plantation, by a neighbour's burning furze, yet be continued his improvements, and soon encreased his woods to 673 acres, in his own neighbourhood, containing 4,000,000 of trees.

A long life, chiefly directed to this great object, enabled him a little before his death, to have completed the planting of about 14,000 acres in all, and so profit able, did this become, even during his own time, that the thinnings alone, sold in one year, for 1000. sterling. In respect to the modern improvement of pruning, he was always very sparing of it, and although the scene of his labours was in a northern portion of the island, get the oak itself, which has hitherto been accounted a delicate plant, Bourishes there, even in the immediate vicinity of the sea.

Of late years, his lordship has only planted at the rate of oue hundred acres per dunum, but he has always made it an invariable rule, to cut down firs, Jarchies, and all other trees which interfered with the more valuable species of close-grained timber. In December, 1807, a silver fir, which had been set by his lordship in 1756, was blown down; the following were the dimensions:

Length of the trunk, from the surface of the ground until divided into five limbs :

Girth at surface of the ground Girth immediately below where the limbs set off.

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Feet Inch

9 7

national objects, while the profits accru ing to his heirs, will at the same time be incalculable.

As an agriculturist on a great scale, the earl of Fife, stands also in a respectable point of view He erected no less than five bridges, and planned and formed several roads. He dug a canal, from 60 to 68 feet wide, between a lake and the sea, the extent of which was 2,200 yards, while the bank amounted to 3000 By laying out the sum of 11507. he also im proved a tract of land, worth only 257. per annum, 50 as to produce 2057. yearly.

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Nor ought it to be omitted, that at a great expence, and seemingly in direct opposition to nature, the subject of this memoir has, in some measure, created a harbour on the borders of the Moray frith. This port, christened by bin "Macduff's town," was originally an insignificaut little village, containing a few miserable huts; but in consequence of his patronage, a pier was elected for the protection of shipping, and by granting certain privileges to the inhabitants, the place has increased greatly in point of extent and importance. It was from it he shipped the earth and stone, that formed the beautiful terrace to Fife house on the side of the Thames, as if determined always to reside on Scotch ground.

After living to a patriarchal age, the Earl was carried off by a second attack of the stone, and subsequently to his death a very large lump, was extracted. Ile had no faith in medical men, or medicine, would never submit to any opera 8 6 tion, and seemed determined from the first to resist physic and physicians of all kinds.

The five limbs were all of the same
height, except one which divided
into two branches, before it
reached the top. These were only
a few inches shorter than the
others, which were 42 feet, 6 in-
hes from where they left the
trunk, whose length was 7 feet:
therefore, when added together,
to the height of the tree we have 49 6
There are many pineasters larger than
this, but the oaks are by far the most va-
Jumble in every point of view; and should
the present unhappy dispute with the
northern powers, continue, or be here
ufter renewed, there can be but little
doubt that in twenty-five years more,
they will be invaluable, so far as respects

Ilis will has not given great satisfac tion to his heirs, as it was calculated for the benefit not of the present, but some future generation. Mr. Thellusson appears to have been his model on this occasion, and he steered as near that great landmark, as the late act of Parliament would permit. Indeed, in this point of view, he was enabled to do more in Scotland than he could effect in England, as the laws here, abhor every thing that savours of perpetuity. His body was carried down to Banffshire, and intombed in a mausoleum, which he himself had erected.



Extracts from the Port-folio of a Man of Letters. [Communications to this Article are always thankfully received.]


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delivered by the Cæsarean operation, and the consequent death of his mother. Saunders the Jesuit broached the story. The queen lived twelve days alter his birth. Nicholls, in his Progresses, has given some more lies by him, concerning the death of Elizabeth. This man made a profession of publishing lies upon every public event of moment; and a collection of them would be very curious.


The following Epitaph was written upon him,

Hie jazet Erasmus, qui quondam bonus erat


Rodere qui solitus; roditur a vermibus. When the author was asked, why he had made ver in vermibus short: he replied, because he had made bo in bonus long.


Ammianus gives the following fine rule of judging of it. Brevity is not come mendable, except when, throwing off unseasonable retardations, it detracts nothing from information. brecitas is the fine expression of a sophist. Dion Halicarnuss.



Ant. Neldus. Quest: Practic, No. 20, Notes that it was about 1551, much in vogue in the Ecclesiastical State, for individuals to seize the children of the Jews, and christen them vi et ármis.

ROYAL APOSTLES, &C. Orosius, I. 7. c. 14. says that the Goths, Huns, &c. invaded Italy, by an impulse of Providence, that they might be converted. Boscus de Sign, Eccles, says, that Tiridates having vanquished the Armenians, compelled them to be come Christians. Ele adds, that the Burgundians and Franks became so, through a vow made, if they were successful in a Battle. Charlemagne forced the Saxons into Christianity. Bioin, No. 785: Dubrüorus, l. 5 and 6. Rhegin. Eginh. and Helmodius, l. 65 c. 16, 19, 24, say, that kho the Great thus converted the Bo. hemians. So also Boieslaus, King of the Poles, (see Arnold, l. 7. c. 9.) converted the Prussians; so Waldemar, King of the Danes, the Bugiani, (Helmod. 1. 1. 6.43. L. 2. c. 12, 13.) So Isid. Hist. Guther, Era, 650, notes that the Em peror Heraclius, Sisebert, King of Spain; and Dagobert, King of Erauce, com

Medisia de Restit. 9. 27. and Joh. Azorius, Instit. Monal. l. 8. c. 24. and others say, that baptism was the usual condition of granting quarter to infidels,

DEFENDER OF THE FAITHATHANASIUS. anus. d. l. 5. c. 12. n. 28. say that AlexanThe Hist. Eccles. l. 10, and Tiber Decider Bishop of Alexandria, when walking in the street, saw a Jew boy, named Atlanasius, playing at bishop, and christening pelled them all to persevere in the chrisother children: through which he cont tian faith and thus it happened that Athanasius became a very great "Fidei Propugnator," Defender of the Faith.


12th cent. but Lucian in Deâ Syria, notes This, as a degree, commences with the the Assyrians, called Doctores, because that there were publici hospites among they narrated and explained all things.. Accordingly, Peneda de Reb. Sulom. 1, 3. of Abraham shows that he was a Doctor. c. 27. num. 8. says, “the very hospitality See Joseph. Antiq. 1. c. 16. Euseb. Præp. Evang. 1.9. c. ult.


Sulpitius, in the Life of Martin, relates an instance of a church erected to the been ranged for a robbery.—A clergyman, memory, as a martyr, of a man who bad, in his sermon, after mentioning the name of a martyr, upon the authority of Fox, proceeded to inveigh, by name, against his persecutor, of whom he related the wished by a miraculous and disgraceful most shocking stories, which were pupersecutor in the church at the time. death. The martyr was alive, and the He menaced the preacher with an action of defamation, who upon his quoting the authority of Fox, escaped.


iambics, but nobody understands them. Scaliger says, every body values Greck


when the sense is fine, full, and the mat
These, says Menage, are excellent,
ter described with naizels: where the
latter makes an admirable conclusion,
and the truth serves instead of point.


Properly that which results from per

fect simplicity.

Pliny, who calls then "gens æterna în
These have existed from the time of
que nemo nascitur."



In his Dictionary, defines Thunder by a "noise, well-known to persons not deaf;" and Gregorian as a Wig, so called. NILE PERERIUS.

Pererius in Gen. lib. 3. de Paradiso mentions the discovery of the fountain of the Nile.


The original of this terrific Pantomime, is a Spanish Play, whose title is, El Combibado de Piedra; the author, Firso de Molina. The Festin de Pierre, of Moliere, is the same thing.

SPANISH COMEDY. Remarkable for multiplicity of incidents, which follow in succession, withput any necessary connection.


This curious ceremony was not peculiar to Dunmow. A similar custom was observed at the Manor of Whickenor, in Staffordshire, where corn, as well as bacon, was given to the happy pair. It was left off in 1751, probably from an idea that it occasioned much perjury.


He wrote a work of Criticism: in which he makes the following serious comparisons. Will you have Plato's veine, read Sir Thomas Smith; the Ionick,Sir Thomas Moore; Cicero's, Ascham, Varro's, Chaucer; Demosthenes, Sir John Cheeke. He then assimilates Virgil and the Earl of Surrey; Catullus and Shakespeare, Ovid and Daniel, Lucan and Spenser, Martial and Sir John Davies; and ends with, "Will you have all in all for prose and verse? take the miracle of our age, Sir Phil. Sidney. Little did he think that Lord Orford would say, a girl in love could not get through the


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called Le Doyen de Killcrane, T. 6.

p. 230.

"You cannot conceive how great the force of habit is between two people, who for a length of time have used the same house, the same table, the same occupa tions, the same pleasures; and who, in short, passing day and night without scarcely a moment's separation, have learnt inutually to discover their faults, to take no notice of them, to consider themselves as removed from all kinds of bienséances and constraints; to have a right to speak or be silent, when they please; never to disguise their thoughts; and have their pleasures and pains in common. It is not interest which thus connects them, for they could lead an easy life separate: it is not precisely a taste for the same pleasures, for they do not expect any very lively, and one half of their time is passed in finding out the fallacy of every thing which bears that name. It is not inclination for good living; for if they had every thing upon the table, they have not a grain more appetite: and very often they leave it, without having touched the finest dishes: it is still less love, for they see one another without desire, and part without pain; it scarcely happens that they even use one kind expression, or the simple attentions which they pay to the greatest stranger; and though they occupy the same bed, they commonly lie down, and get up with perfect indifference. Nevertheless try, if you think it possible, to make them live apart: they will laugh at your efforts."


Joseph Scott, esq. of Birmingham, who lived in 1751, is said to have read Bailey's Dictionary, and the Common Prayer Book, methodically through twice a year.


During Cromwell's government, ona Slater, a broken apothecary of Birmingham, got possession of the rectory of St. Martin's, in opposition to one Jennings, an iron master, possessor of Aston Furs nace; one Smallbroke, a wealthy inhabitant; and Sir Thomas Holt, who wished for it.

In his first Sermon he told his people, "The Lord had carried him through many troubles, for he had passed like Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego, through the fiery furnace: and as the Lord had enabled the children of Israel to pass over the Red Sea, so he had n sisted him in passing over the small brooks, and to overcome the strong halta of six and satan,”




By ANN OF KIDWELLY. She was a charmer, and bid Make it a darling, like my precious eye; To lose't or give't away, were such perdition As nothing else could match."--OTHELLO. RESTORE me the Amulet stol'n from my


By a charmer bestow'd t'other day;



By the Rev. JAMES RUDGE. "Manet in animis hominum, in æternitate temporum, fama rerum !"-TACITUS. PORSON is dead! in him has learning lost

Its chiefest ornament and proudest boast: In Grecian learning he was deeply vers'd;

Who told me my moments would all be The best of Grecians, he was own'd the first:


"If I lost it, or gave it away."

She said in the wild forest's deep-tangled glade,

When the night's hollow winds smote the


The magical compound was gather'd and made
By the tremulous fingers of Fear.
She said, 'twas composed of materials most rare,
Of jetty stars drop from the sky;
Of gums that had black'd under Lapland's
chill air,

When in heav'n the Borealis flam'd high. Of those seeds that no mortal has ever yet seen, Shed by Peiris in th' still noon of night; When Midsummer gliding the notch'd leaves between,

Wreath'd her forehead with dew-drops all bright.

She said 'twas perfum'd by the balm of a rose, That wither'd beneath Falsehood's eye; By a breath that from Love's fickle bosom

[blocks in formation]

Which, with mystical cyphers imprest, Would certainly guard the possessor from harm,

While 'twas suffer'd to hang on the breast. But if from its recess a wile should allure, Or passion should wantonly snatch; To her su bereav'd its loss would ensure "Perdition that nothing could match." Restore me the Amulet, stol'n from the breast, That already feels tort'ring pain! give me the charm, that downy plum'd rest May return to its mansion again.

Ptiris Aqueline, or female Fern; of which superstition relates, that it sheds its minate seeds, exactly at 12 o'clock, on Midsummer night.


So deeply vers'd-so skill'd-in Grecian lore,
A loss so deep must Science e'er deplore I
That mind, which oft illum'd the classic page,
And smooth'd the labours of a distant age,
1s fled to mansions of eternal rest,
And there exists among the wise and blest!
October 8, 1808.

ON LEAVING BEECH COTTAGE, BUCKS, "Mes jours s'en voloient près de toi ; Ils se traînent dans ton absence."

ADIEU to the village ; adieu to the cot! And shall I then never revisit the spot That clings to remembrance with fondest delay,

Through the dreams of the night, and the cares of the day?

O yes, I could hope to be hold it again, Though my prospects were sad, and hopes were in vain.

For the rose's sweet colour remains when 'tin dead,

When its blushes are gone, and its splendour is fled.

Yes, yes, I will hope that again I shall hear The voices of friends to remembrance so dear; And still do I hope, that again I shall see The smiles that once gave a sweet welcome

[blocks in formation]

With snows on his grey beard and storms in his fear;

Around him wild-howling the blast's chilling motion;

Around his ice-dwelling loud roars the

white bear. Na


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