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Stadholdership should be hereditary in his family, and even pass in the female lue.

William the Fifth, the grandson of William the Third, enjoyed the dignity till 1795; the epoch of the occupation of Holland by the French armies.

Placed between a power which, for a long time had been its irreconcileable enemy, and France, which was its natural ally, Holland could not hesitate to make her choice. By calling a French prince to take the reins of their government, the Dutch consulted their real interests, and from that moment we may venture to predict, that this nation, which has more than once established the independence of the ocean, and given peace to Europe, will, under a monarch, whose views are solely directed towards the prosperity of the empire which is confided to him, resume that rank which she occupied at the most brilliant periods of her history.

In 1806, a treaty was concluded between France and Holland, by which a new constitution was formed, and Louis Napoleon, brother to the emperor of the French, was placed on the throne of Holland.*

Batavia is traversed by two considerable rivers, the Rhine and the Meuse, which give rise to almost all the running waters in the country, except the Ems, which has its source in the department of Utrecht In the construction of their canals, the Dutch have shewn of what human industry is capable, and what is its recompense; but their dykes are still a more extraordinary monument in the eyes of strangers. These artificial banks are generally raised about thirty feet above the level of the adjoining land,

which seems in a manner enclosed by
these species of ramparts.
The ex-
pences of keeping the dykes in order, is
paid by the whole nation, and every dis-
trict is taxed according to the utility it
derives from them, and the proportion of
the extent of country it shelters from the
waters. Under the denomination of
Dam, the Dutch comprehend every sort
of dyke raised to confine the waters of a
river, or a lake; for which reason it is,
that most of the names they have given to
their cities and towns, end in Dam.
Rotterdam owes its name to the dyke
raised upon the Rotte, a river near
the town.

Amsterdam receives her's from the dyke on the Amstel. It is the same with Saaidam, Schiedam, Monnikendam, and many others.

Cold and humidity, in general characterize the climate of Holland. Many naturalists have asserted, that the extreme moisture of Holland contributes materially to shorten human life. The celebrated Baron Haller advances boldly, that "Holland is an unhealthy country, and life is short." This assertion is refuted however by facts; in Holland, as in other countries we have seen individuals who have lived to a very advanced age; and a judicions writer of our day, M. Walcknaer, observes, that the sobriety and regular uniform life of the inhabitants give them a longer duration of years, than in many other countries where the air is more salubrious.

The agriculture of Holland consists almost exclusively in the cultivation of meadows and gardens; its low, damp, spongy soil, joined to an atmosphere loaded with vapours, often rainy, and for a long time cold; leaves scarcely any

By the treaty concluded at the Hague in 1806, the kingdom of Holland was divided

[blocks in formation]

Chief Towns


The Hague.
Bois Le Duc.

It is also divided into four military divisions,—The first comprises the departments of Hol

land, Brabant, and Utrecht.

Head Quarters at the Hague.

The second, the Province of Zealand.

Head Quarters at Middleburg.

The third, the Departments of Friesland and Groninguen.

Head Quarters at Groningen.

The fourth, the Departments of Guelderland and Over-Issel.

Head Quarters at Deventer.


other resource; it is carried to a very high perfection, and gives considerable profits. Gardening is in great esteem in Holland, for the Dutch are fond of both fruit and flowers. Their gardeners excel in the art of producing a great deal from a little ground. Without the help of artificial heat, they would be deprived of many things which give the soil of France so great a superiority over that of other Countries. By this help, Holland supplies what she otherwise could not; and in the midst of winter affords every thing which can contribute to the sensuality of the rich. In the month of January, grapes are sold as high as forty forms the pound. In a country so little favoured by nature, it is easy to judge how necessary industry must be to the support of the inhabitants. Notwithstanding its sterility, Holland is, perhaps, with respect to its extent, (only ineteen hundred and twenty-eight square leagues, of which three hundred and three are overflown, or covered with water,) the country most thickly peopled. Its population is estimated at two milions; the province of Holland alone contains nearly one half of that number. Mons. Walcknaer, from whom we take our calculation, makes thirteen hundred and eighty in habitants to every square acre. A third of this population subsists by commerce and navigation. The two other thirds are composed of people employed in cultivation, and in rearing cattle, and in trades and manufactures.

When you enter the babitation of a Dutch peasant, you are as much surprised at the cleanliness, as at the comfort which reigns in it; it is chiefly in Holland, properly so called, in that part of the north of Holland known by the name of the Beemster, and in WestFriesland, that you are the more struck with this spectacle, which forms such a contrast with the state of poverty and humulation, to which this interesting class of society is even now reduced in most countries of Europe. In order that the reader may judge of the truth of this observation, it will not be extraneous to give an idea of a peasant, in easy circumstances, of Rhynland, or Delflaud, mhus holiday dress.

The men in general, with scarce any exception, wear a small cocked hat; they usually have a silk handkerchief, or mus lin cravat, round their neck, which they put on in such a manner as to give a view of two gold buttons which fasten their alirt collar; they mostly wear two waist

coats, with several rows of very small silver buttons, thickly put on; a blue cloth coat, and the waistband of their breeches is ornamented with four very large silver buttons.

The manufacture of linens in the provinces of Groninguen, Over-Issel, and Friesland, occupies the first rank in this principal branch of industry. Those linens, which receive the name of Holland, are distinguished by their fineness, whiteness, and evenness. It is not how. ever the case, that all the linens which the Dutch export, are inade amongst themselves. A very principal part is manufactured in the Duchy of Berg, Westphalia, Osnabruck, and that neighbourtrood, particularly Munster; but as all these linens go to the bleach-fields at Harlem, where they receive their finishing dressings, the Dutch profit by this circumstance, to sell them as their own. These bleach-belds extend from Harlem to Alkmaar, and the extreme whiteness which they give their linens, is attributed to the quality of the waters of the downs, and of the earth on which they are exposed.

Paper was a very considerable article of trade in Holland; the Dutch were in the habit of supplying France, Spain, and Portugal, with considerable quantities; but at present, owing to several causes, they scarcely use any other than French paper, for books of a small size, and frequently for those of a larger. The services rendered to printing by the Dutch are well known. The editions of Virgil and Terence, from the press of the Elzevier's, are a chef d'oeuvre in this art; but since that, printing has been on the decline. Amsterdam, however, and some few other towns, still have some distinguished presses. Bookselling was, for more than a century, a very chief branch of trade in Holland. It was enriched by the productions of France, in granting an asylam to men of letters, persecuted by intolerance; but this adVantage which she derived from circum. stances, has disappeared with the liberty of the press, which has occasioned the French booksellers to engross this branch of conunerce,

Holland derived considerable revenues from several branches of commerce, which now, owing to the state of Europe, are almost, if not wholly, on the decline. Her fisheries were carried on to a great extent. That of the whale affords but the poor remains of what it formerly was: in 1771, from the different ports in Hol


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Jaud, one hundred and ten vessels were fitted out for Greenland, and forty for Davis's Streights: in 1785 there were no more than sixty-eight: and the fishery continued on the decline till 1799, when the English intercepted the convoy on its return from Greenland, and completed its destruction. Amsterdam and Rotterdam enjoyed the greatest share of the whale-fisheries. The wealth of this commerce is now chiefly enjoyed by the English and Americans: some few other powers have a small part; of this number are the Danes, and the Portuguese and Spaniards in their colonies in the New World.

The produce of the fisheries was important to Holland; it is ascertained, that it supported at least twenty thousand families; the number of vessels which sailed annually from the several ports employed in the fisheries, was estimated at five or six hundred.

The East and West India trade, was also a mine of wealth to Holland; they had a considerable share of it. The East and West India Companies still exist; but deprived of her colonies by the English, Holland derives no benefit from the New World.

The principal interior trade of HolJand, is certainly that with Germany. The navigation of the Rhine, luckily, gives the Dutch an opportunity of engrossing the trade with the different countries that river passes, and also of the other rivers in Germany, which empty their waters into the Rhine. It opens to them an easy communication with the departments of the Saarre, the Rhine and Moselle, Mount Tonnerre, and Francfort, which, before the war, they supplied with the productions of the north and south. At that period, Cologne engrossed the principal traffic of the Rhine from that river, the Dutch received their timber for building; which come down in immense floats every year from Andernach, to Dort. The consumption of this article in Holland, may easily be guessed at, by giving a glance at its shipping, at the buildings which stand upon piles, at the dykes, and the multitude of mills which serve for so many different purposes.

Tobacco is an article of some consequence, even now; that of Amersfort, and is vicinity, in the department of Utrecht, is of a superior quality, and holds the first place in trade after that of Virginia. The leaf is large, soft, unc

tuous, and of a good colour. It has the rare advantage of communicating its flavour to tobaccos of an inferior quality; there is a great deal of this latter sort in Holland, but that which grows in the department of Guelderland passes for the worst.

The Dutch are not, however, confined to the tobacco which their own soil produces; they consume a great quantity beside, which they get from North America, principally from Maryland; and some from the Carraccas. The tobacco, both in leaf and manufactured, is exported in considerable quantities to Germany, and the north of Europe. The manufactory of it was for a long time an object of great importance to Holland; the city of Amsterdam alone, at one period, employed no less than three thousand hands; but this branch of trade has also much decayed from what it originally was.

Pipes, pens, tiles, bricks, and earthenware, are the chief articles now manufactured in Holland; the pottery of Bergen op Zoom, is in great estimation; and that of Delft likewise, which gives its name to the yellow ware.

If we attentively examine what were the sources from which Holland derived her riches, it is easy to observe, that, besides the principal causes which have contributed to paralyse the commerce of the country, there are others which are independant even of these circumstances. The great increase of money, augmenting the price of labour, could not fail to affect those manufactories which were already lessened by the erection of similar ones in the neighbouring states, during the last century. It is well known, that in Denmark, Sweden, and Russia, certain branches of industry were unknown, evch at the conclusion of the 17th century. The East India Company chiefly felt the effects of this decrease. The progress which the English made in India, and that of the French, Danish, and Swedish Companies, lessened its traffic, and consequently the returns and profits.

That which supported the trade of Holland, down to the period of the French revolution, was the immense capital to be found in that country. Am sterdam became the general bank, and prescribed the course of exchange th Europe; the facility with which the merchants could draw upon their correspondents that city, for the amount of the goods they sold, has preserved in


Holland certain branches of commerce, which otherwise would not have flourished.

Religion. By the new constitution, every religious sect is equal in the eye of the law; and their respective ministers are all equally excluded from any of the functions dependant on the government. The provincial synods are nine in number, forming a total of fifty-three classes, to which are attached fifteen hundred and seventy preachers. The Roman Catholics have three hundred churches, which are attended by four hundred priests, without including the Conquered countries. The Arminians are spread through the provinces of Guelderland, Holland, Utrecht, and Friesland; this society consists of thirty-four communities, at the head of which are forty-three preachers. The other sects chiefly tolerated in Holland, are the Lutherans, the Anabaptists, the Moravian brethren, distinguished by the name of the Evangelical Fraternity; the Greeks, Armenian Christians, Quakers, and the Jews.

Of all the states of Europe, Holland is the one where the Jews have, for a long time back, been admitted to a civil existence; they are divided as clsewhere, into German and Portuguese Jews. The latter are the richest; their manners are more polished, and they are farther removed than the Germans, from the vices and customs with which this nation is reproached in certain parts of Europe. By a decree passed in 1796, the Jews, like the Catholics, have acquired certain political rights. Amsterdam owes a great part of its flourishing situation to the Portuguese Jews; they are looked upon as the most enlightened among the Israelites, and at this day we could enumerate many men of science and learning among them. We shall conclude this article with a reflection, which Sir William Temple made on Holland. "There may be countries where religion does more good; but I am pretty certain there are none, where it does so little hari."

Language. The Dutch language is a dialect of the German. Though it may appear faulty to strangers; yet it is inf. nitely more rich in substantives than any other language, ancient or modern; the Greek alone excepted. The whole of the sciences can be expressed in Dutch, without borrowing a single word from the Greek or Latin. The French is, how ever, so much in use, that all negociations between Holland and other states are

carried on in that language, which daily becomes more in use. The French will, most probably, be the principal language of communication with all polished nations, as for a long time was the Latin. The spirit of philosophy which distin guished the eighteenth century, tributed not a little to this. Strangers learned French to read Racine; they will study it to read the Encyclopédie.


While our unhappy emigrants spread our language every where, the French armies penetrated into Italy, Holland, and Germany. They continued there for a long time; they mixed with the people they had conquered; and as the French are not fond of learning strange languages, strangers are obliged to learn theirs. Many neighbouring states, owing to the success of our arms, have become French, and our language has therefore become to them a national one. French, English, and German, are most commonly spoken over Holland.

Justice.-Justice is administered in Holland as to the civil law, like most other countries; but the crimmal jurisprudence does honour to human nature, without encouraging disorders. The Dutch judges never forget that the criminal is a man: as incorruptible as the law, they pronounce with severity, but always with regret. There is no country in Europe where fewer crimes are committed; and justice has rarely occasion to make use of extreme rigour. Continual employment, no doubt, contributes to this preservation of good order, as well as the vigilance of the magistrates. The management of their prisons leaves nothing to wish for: in this instance, Holland offers a most perfect model. There are houses of continement for every sort of crime. That known by the name of the Werkhuis, at Amsterdam, is a pattern in its way; it is a large building divided into two parts, one of which is called the Rasphuis, for the prisoners are employed in rasping dying woods; it serves to employ those who have been guilty of petty crimes; the other, known by the name of the Spinhuis, is appropriated to females of a dissolute and vicious life.

The town of Bergen-op-Zoom contains a prison exclusively reserved for the military, who have been guilty of crimes; they are employed on public works.

Charities-The establishments of this nature are very numerous throughout Batavia. There is not a town which has not its Werkhuis, or its orphan-house;


and many villages have them likewise. Several dispensaries have been established,where medicines are distributed gratis to the poor; and there is a central hospital for the vaccine inoculation. Speedy assistance is given to persons found drowned, which in a country so intersected by water, too frequently happens. In fact, every day gives rise to some institution of public utility. An establishment, destined to the support of disabled seamen, was much wauung in Holland. His Majesty, King Louis Napoleon, bas Jately commanded that a large building, at Delfshaven, on the banks of the Meuse, which formerly belonged to the East India Company, should be appropriated to this most essential purpose.

Character of the Dutch-Fidelity and good faith form the distinguishing chaJacteristic of a Hollander. He is naturally phlegmatic,laborious,and persevering in his resolutions. It is sufficient to look over the annals of the revolution of the United Provinces, in order to form a judgment of what a nation is capable of undertaking, which wishes to shake off the yoke of tyranny; and in our own time we have seen the Dutch, united with the French, vying in courage with the latter, to drive from their territory the enemy, who sought to be masters of it. We have beheld the Dutch worthy the descendants of those Batavians, who for a long series of years were the admiration of all Europe. We do not now describe them as a people, in whom avarice has stifled every noble and generous sentiment. We must not, however, confound that economy on which public as well as private fortune depends, with that sordid avarice which destroys every liberal idea.

It is true, however, that the manners of the Dutch are much changed within a century. We do not see them toiling incessantly, with the loss of ease and comfort, to heap up wealth, in order to leave it to their heirs; but it is no less true, that Holland is still the country where luxury has made the least progress. It is but very rare, that their expences can equal their revenue; and when that is the case, the Dutch think the year very badly employed: this mode of living takes away from a man's credit and reputation, as much as a wanton and profuse extravagance does in other parts of Europe. A Dutchman, therefore, is fost in the opinion of the public, when it is known that he has dissipated his fortune, either through unforeseen circumstances, or his own misconduct.

It is to this economy, the Dutch must attribute the beauty and utility of their public works; the multiplicity of bridges, of high roads. This econoiny enables the community at large to pay the taxes, which by this means are less sensibly felt, than elsewhere. In no country are com mercial engagements more religiously observed, and no where are domestic virtues held in higher estimation. Far from blaming in the Dutch those qualities which they have maintained, even to the very day we write, we should on the contrary applaud them for having preserved that spirit of order, which is inseparable from real economy, and render them the justice which is their due.

The French abandon the smiling banks of the Loire and of the Seine, to inhabit those of the Spree and of the Neva; that is not the case with the Dutchman. He is only happy amidst his shipping and canals; and if, tough interested motives, he is induced to leave his native soil, he delights to find in his new country, a similar local situation, and its accustomed habits; it is for this reason that Batavia, from its low, fat, marshy position, makes him forget the immensity of space which divides bin from the Texel. Dutch, (says Monsieur Garrat, in his Memoir relative to Holland,) have, I may say, built Holland; they almost appear to say to themselves, What we have done is weli."


Bread is not, as in Frauce, the principal food of the people; it constitutes but a small part of their daily wants; a whole Dutch family will not consume in a day, as much as a native of the former province of Limousin would scarcely think enough for his subsistence.

Besides the grain of which bread is usually made, the people make use of buck-wheat and barley, whether ground, or whole; of this there is a very great consumption. Potatoes are much cultivated also.

The English custom of eating meat half raw, is not adopted in Holland; and they follow the general custom of inost nations of Europe, to give it that degree of cookery, necessary to facilitate both mastication and digestion. The Dutch consume a vast quantity of salted meat, which is held in higher estimation, than perhaps any where; their mode of curing it being so excellent. The hams of this country, but particularly those of Guelderland, are in high repute among foreigners, They cousume large quantities of geese and wild-ducks. Whatever


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