Abbildungen der Seite

1. Vice-admiral Caldwell, with the French national colours,


Vice-admiral Sir T. Pasley; bart.
Rear-ad. Buzeley, Vxe-ad. Gardner, Bart.
Rear-ad. H. Seymour, Rear-ad Sir R. Curtis,
Capt. W, Domett, Rear-ad. Gambier,
Capt. J.Elphinstone. Capt. J. W Payne.
II. Vice-ad, Goodall, with the flags taken from
the French in the Mediterraneau Mar 15,1795,
Rear-ad. W. Young, and Capt. J. Holloway,
III. Rear-ad. Hamilton, bearing the flags taken
from the French off L'Orient, June 23, 1795.
Captain Larcom, Captain Grindall,

Capt. Monckton, Captain Browne.
IV. Vice-ad. Sir Charles Thompson, bearing
the flags taken from the Spaniards off Cape
St. Vincent, Feb. 14, 1797,
Rear-ad. Sir H.Nelson, Vice-ad, Waldegrave,
Capt. Whitshed, Sir Charles Knowles,
Capt. Sutton,
Capt. Dacres,
Capt. Irwin,
Capt. Towry.
V. Capt. Douglas, bearing the flags taken from
the Dutch off the Cape of Good Hope,
August 16, 1796.

[ocr errors]

VI. Ad. Lord Duncan, bearing the flags taken from the Dutch off Caperdown, on the coast of Holland, October 14, 1797,

Capt. Sir H, Trollupe,
Capt. O. B. Drury,

Capt. J. Wells,

Capt. W. Mitchell,
Capt. W. Bligh,
Capt. Waller,

Vier-ad. Onslow,
Sir G. W. Fairfax,
Capt. W. Elphinston,
Capt. E. O'Brien,
Capt. Geo. Gregory,
Capt. W. Hotham.

corporation and inhabitants of which were of course well acquainted with his merits. On the 13th of June, 1796, he was nominated, in conjunction with Mr. Fox, one of the members for Westminster. It may be doubted, however, whether a naval officer, liable at all times to be sent aboard on public service, is well calculated to represent a city which is the residence of the government, may be considered as the second in the em pire, and ought to send two independent le gislators to St. Stephen's chapel. Many se 'vere contests have accordingly taken place and in that with Mr. Tooke, his lordship had to contend with a man of the first-rate talents. He was, indeed, well supported, and attended by a numerous and respectable body of freeholders; but he who had never flinched from a contest with the public enemy, must be allowed to have been overmatched by the wit, satire, and eloquence, of so formidable an antagonist. On this occasion it was well known to all his friends that the gallant ve teran would have rather encountered a shower of cannon-balls, than been exposed to the continual hisses of the mob, and pelted by the arguments of a popular adversary. At the general election, in 1802, when he was again returned for Westminster, Mr. Fox paid a very high compliment to his virtues and inte grity. "A noble admiral (said he) has been proposed to you. I certainly cannot boast of agreeing with him in political opinions; but Early in 1798, Sr Alan again served in the whom could the electors pitch upon more Channel fleet, having his flag hoisted on worthy of their choice than the noble lord, in board the Royal George, under Lord Bridport; his private character universally respected, as also in the beginning of 1799 in the Royal and a man who has served his country with a Sovereign; but he soon after returned into zeal, a gallantry, a spirit, and a splendour port with a squadron from a cruize off the that will reflect upon him immurtal honour coast of France. Having sailed again, it was The family of Lord Gardner is still more nu discovered that the French fleet, after esca merous than that of his father, consisting of ping from Brest during a fog, had steered no less than fourteen children, all of whom, towards the Mediterranean; on which lie was three only excepted, are still alive. Two of sent by the commander in chief with a de- the sons are officers in the army, and two in tachment of sixteen sul of the line to rein. the navy; and it is not a little remarkforce the squadron off Cadiz, and in the Me able, that his wife was actually deliver diterranean under earl St. Vincent. Per-ed of one of her children (Samuel-Marceiving, however, that there was but little tin) on board the Europa at sea: danger in either of those quarters, he returned is succeeded in his titles by his oldest son in July with the convoy from Lisbon, accomthe honourable A. H Gardner, born in 1772. panied by nine sail of the line. Early in the His remains were deposited in the Abbeyyear 1800 we once more find Sir Alan, who church, Bath. The funeral was conducted was soon after created a peer of Ireland, by with appropriate grandeur and solemnity; the the title of Lord Gardner, serving at one pe- hearse, six mourning coaches, and a long retiriod under his old admira! Lord Bridport in nue of gentlemen's carriages, formed the the Channel feet, and at another command procession. Four sons of his lordship paid ing a squadron of observation off Brest; but their last offering of Alial affection, as chief on the 22d of August he left the Royal Somourners; the pall bearers were Admirals Sit vereign, and succeedd Admiral Kingsmill in C. Knowles, M'Donnell, Sir J. Saumarez, the naval command in Ireland, which he Wolseley, Stirling, and Pickmore. There held for several years. In 1807, he succeed has been selfom seen on any similar occasion ed the Earl of St. Vincent in the command of in that city so great à concourse of spectators. the Channel fleet, which ill-health obliged as attended this funeral, all appearing des him some time since to relinquish. Lord yourty anxious to pay the last tribute of re Gardner sat in three successive parliaments. #pect to one of the firmest supporters of aur in Jaquary 1780, he was clected one of the paval renown. tepretentatives for the town of Plymouth, the



At Gorhambury, near St. Alban's, the Right Honourable James Bucknell Grimston, Viscount Grimston, Baron of Dunboyne, in the kingdom of Ireland, Baron Verulam, of Gorhambury, in the county of Hertford, Great Britain, and a baronet, D. C. L. and F.R.S. His lordship was born in 17-17, and was educated at Cbrist Church, Oxford He succeeded his father in the family titles and estates in 1773, and the following year married Harriet Walter, grand-daughter of Lord Forrester, whom he survived but a few weeks. In 1784 he was returned knight of the shire for the county of Hertford, and on the dissoJution of that parliament was created an Eng lish peer by the title of Baron Verulam. He is succeeded by his only son James Walter, born in 1775, who, in right of his mother, lately inherited the baroay of Forrester in Scotland, and in August, 1807, married Lady Charlotte Jenkinson, daughter of the late Earl of Liverpool. The family seat of Gorbambury Abbey was once the mansion of the venerable Bacon, Lard Verulam, whose gahery inscriptions and several curious portraits are still extant. At this place the deceased nooleman kept a considerable farm in his own hands, and proved himself a skilful and spirited encourager of agricultural improvements.

was, and no doubt still is, in similar institu.. tions, wholly neglected; and to many a man of real talents, both natural, and acquired, the consequence has been, consignment to obscurity, and comparative insignificance for life. Mr. Edwards, however, shewed his good sense by devating a considerable portion of his time, during his academical course, to the improvement of the capital advantage which nature had given him, in a powerful and melodious voice, for the acquisition of a delivery, that might fix his attention, and give the best effect to his pulpit instructions. This circumstance, as well as the excellence of the first discourses, be delivered, excited considerable expectations of him as a preacher, which were not afterwards disappointed. At first, the art of the speaker was by much too visible; but when practice and experience had ripened and mellowed his talents for elocation, every degree of stiffness and formality was nearly worn off, and his delivery was at once easy, and in the highest degree forcible and impressive In his best days, he was always heard, with great, attention," and the younger part of his audienc., who are usually most inclined to impatience under public instruction, were accustomed to say, though he was in the hahit of delivering long discourses, and though familiar with The Rev. J. Ewards, a dissenting minis- his manner, they were never wearied. Duter of the unitarian denomination. He was ring the time he spent in preparation for the drowned early in the month of September, ministry, he was also remarkable for the 1708, whilst bathing in an arm of the sea, regularity of his Lehaviour, for strict integ near Wareham. This truly good man, and rity, tor a consciencious though postentahighly use:ul teacher, of religion, was born bious regard for religion; and for ardour, January 1. 1768, at Ipswich, where his ta- firmness, independence of mind, and zeal ther, the Rev. David Edwards, was pastor for truth, by which he was distinguished a dissenting congregation of the calvinistic through the rest of his days, and thus ren persuasion. It is reported, that in early life,dered an ornament to his sacred, and truly he was designed for naval employment, and with that view was some time at sea. Short however this might be, it is certain he afterwar de nitoraly discovered that intrepidity, surrosity, and nobleness of spirit, for which the British navy has been so long and so Juntly celebrated. Being as well prepared as young men, usually are for entering on a Course of academical education, he'tuminenced his studies for the ministry at a seminary, then supported at Hoxton, by the trustees of the late Mr. Coward's will, under the direction of Dr. Savage, Dr. Kippis, una Dr. Rend In, the year 1785, removed to a similar matitution at Daventry upon the same foundation, wire he completed his education. It may be proper to remark here that at these Seminaries every advantage except one was enjoged, that euuld be requisite to prepare young men for the successful discharge of ministerial outing and it is surely singular, that, upon that one, their popularity, and consequently, the extent of their usefulness, chiefly depaded. On the theory and practice of tlocus tim, no lettures were given; "no examples afforded; ng exercises required. This study, so cuential to the success of public speaking MONTHLY MAG., No. 182.

honourable profession. His first settlement as pastor of a congregation, was at Gateacre, near Liverpool. In the year 1791, a year made memorable for ever in English history, by the bitter and unrelenting persecution of one of the greatest and best men this country could boast of; he received a unanimous invitation from a large, and respectable congregation at Birmingham, to officiate as colleague with this. deservedly eminent philosopher and divine. A fever, however, to the attacks of which he was afterwards liable, pievented his immediate removal; and, during that interval, the nots alluded to took place, which finally ended in the voluntary banishment of Dr. Priestley, into the wilds of America, and thus was removed one of the principal inducements of Mr. Edwards, as he himself observed, to settle at Birming ham, namely, that be, might enjoy the be heat of the converse, advice, and example of this intrepid friend of truth, science, and religion. His colleague in this situation for a few years, was the Rev. David Jones; 2 that time well known, and highly respected for his spirited, and able, publications in the cause of freedom, political and religious, and




i defence of the pure doctrines of christianity. Upon the resignation of this gentleman, who has since devoted his superior talents to the assi luous study, and to the practice of the law, the whole pastoral care of the congre gation, by their request, devolved upon Mr. Edwards This circumstance alone was a sufficient testimony of the high estimation in which he was held, for till that period, two ministers had always been thought necessary to fill that station. During his connection with this society, the attendance upon his ministry was often very numerous, and al ways respectable. In discharging the duties of his office, his zeal for truth, his uncor rupted integrity, his firmness and consistency, but above all his generosity of spirit, and his earnest concern for the practical and religious improvement of his hearers, were very conspicuous, and on some occasions were displayed in a manner that does not often cccur. His exertions to be useful were by no means confined to the pulpit. Considering the smallness of his income, his liberality was almost unexampled. Little more than one-third of what he received as the reward of his labours, was sufficient to supply bis own necessities; the rest was entirely devoted to the relief of those who stood most in need of assistance; and to pecuniary aid, were commonly added by him, the still more valuable benefits of Christian advice and consolation. Nor can there be the least doubt, had his income from the ministry been double, or treble what it was, he would have employed the whole the same way. In 1802, his connections with Birmingham was dissolved, but not without the deepest regret amongst his numerous and affectionate friends. Every exertion was made by the young people of the society especially, to induce him to remain with them. Their address to him on his departure, and the substantial proofs they afterwards afforded him of their attachment, are testimonies to his worth, which cannot be effaced. The estimation in which his memory is still held by them; the fidelity and strength of their at tachment; the affection with which they cherish the recollection of the known good ness of his heart; and his faithful exertions for their benefit, are as honourable to themrelves, as to him. Upon this separation, Mr. Edwards removed to the neighbourhood of London. He had been there but a few months, when he was afflicted with a severe illness, which so much affected his nervons Bystem, as to render him incapable of great exertion, during his residence in this vicinity. After no long confinement, however, he was enabled to renew his ministerial services, which were carried on partly at Edmonton, and partly in the metropolis, where he conducted during the winter season, evening lec


Of the spirit and ability with which se services were conducted, the very excellent te mon on the death of Dr Priestley, iran admirable specimen; but the state of

his health however, at this period,' rendered relaxation and the air of the country necessary. On this account he deciined some very promising offers that were made to him, and retired for some time to the neighbourhood of the sea; officiating during one sunimer," to a small but respectable congregation in the Isle of Wight. Soon after he was invited to become the minister of a congregation of protestant dissenters at Crediton, in Devonshire. He complied with their request, and divided his services during the first year, between that society, and another of the same description at Moreton Hampstead. At these places, he usually preached threetimes on the Lord's day, besides which he had a weekly lecture. At Crediton, he' also established Sunday schools, which in that neighbourhood are not common, chiefly upon the plan of the very large and wellconducted institution of this kind at Birmingham. Severe afflictions, however, that had befallen some of his nearest relatives, as well as others of a personal nature, had induced him to form the resolution of leaving Devonshire, and suspend for a season his ministerial labours. From the first it does not ap pear to have been his design to continue long in that situation, for he had engaged to offi- " ciate as minister at Crediton, only from year to year. It was the will of Providence, however, that his valuable life should now be suddenly cut short, when many years of activity and increasing usefulness might have been expected; and to that will, mysterious as it often is, it becomes creatures whose faculties are limited as ours are, to bear in every instance with perfect acquiescence. That his death was accidental and wholly undesigned, there is every evidence which the nature of the case will admit. His clothes were all found laid in the usual manner by the water side; letters were in his pocket, in which he expressed his intention of returning for a short time to his late abode. A few days before, on his way through Exeter, he had purchased some books, and a few days previous to that he had writren a letter to a young person of his former congregation at Birmingham, abounding with proofs of good sense, and the best advice, which the cir cumstances of that young person required: These surely are evidences that can leave no doubt in the mind of any impartial person. His publications consist of Letters to the Rev. Mr. Madeley, and a Vindication of* them. Letters to the British Nation, (on the Riots at Birmingham,) and Five single Sermons. For an able and just estimate of his character, and talents (which the serinuns he delivered, as well as those he published. próte to be far above mediocrity), the reader i requested to refer to an excellent discourse, occasioned by his death, delivered and pub lished by his successor at Birmingham, the Rev. John Kentish, sold by Belcher, Birming ham; and Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard. PROVINCIAL


Arranged geographically, or in the Order of the Counties, from North to South.

Communications for this Department of the Monthly Magazine, properly authenticated, and sent free of Postage, are always thankfully received. Those are more particularly acceptable which describe the Progress of Local Improvements of any Kind, or which contain Biographical Anecdotes or Facts relative to eminent or remarkable Characters recently deceased.


THE number of baptisms in Newcastle, and Gateshead, for the year 1808, was 1235, of which 656 were males, and 539 females. Burials, including those at the Ballist Hills) 1144, viz. 569 males, and 575 females. Marriages 454. The baptisms of the Dissenters, which are considerable, are not included in the above number.

Married.] At Wittingham, George Laing, etq. of Long Haughton, to Miss Law, daughter of the Rev. Mr. L. vicar of the former place.

At Ryton, P. B. Minster esq. to Miss Ann Elizabeth Stowe, of Ryton Grove, daughter of the late John S. esq. of Newton, Lincolnshire.

At Newcastle, Capt. John Ismay, of the Royal Navy to Miss Punshon.

At Monkwearmouth, Mr. William Moody, of Durham to Miss Jane Jefferson, seventh daughter of Mr. William J. of Pancake Hall,

near Durham.

At Houghton-le-Spring, Mr. Stephen Owens, of Chester-le-street, to Miss Bowden, daughter of Mr. B. of Dean House.

At Durham, Mr. James Smurth-
waite, 76.-Mrs. Hunter, 68.-Mr. John
Taylor, 36-Mr. Thomas Dixon, 75.-
Mr. Eleanor Wetherhead, 71-Miss Mary
Fairest, 23-Mr. Martin Smith,
John Impetr, esq 49-Mrs. Pearson, 74.
At Gateshead, Capt. A. Rutherford,
Hillgate, 80.



At Coatham Hall, Garth, near Darling ton, Mr. Thomas Porthouse, inventor of the useful machines for heckiing and spinning flax and hemp, 47.

At Wingate Grange, near Castle Edin, Mr. Thomas Watson, 106.-He retained his faculties till his death.

At Escomb, near Bishop Auckland, Mr. Thomas Spark, 80.

At Walsingham, Mrs. Bates, wife of Mr. B. surgeon, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Hardinge, rector of Stanhope, and sister of the late Captain H. of the St. Fiorenzo frigate.

At Hexam, the Rev. Mr. Fleming, curate of Hexam, and master of the Free Grammar School at Haydon Bridge.

At Newcastle, Miss Ann Mounsey, daughater of the late Rev. Robert M. of Ravenstonedale, Westmoreland.-Miss Mary Allen, 15-Mr Hunter Benney, 32.- Mr. T. Hubbucke, 78.-M. Ranney, SMr.

Robert Rawes, proprietor of several slatequarries at Shap, near Appleby, Westmoreland, 68.-Mrs. Creighton, wife of Mr. David C. 22.-Mrs. Mather, 40-Mrs. Barry, 78-Mr. William Mewburn, 69.— Mr. John Cram.

At Bishop Auckland, Mr. John Burnell.
At the Steel, near Bellingham, William
Dodd, esq.

At Billingham Grange, Mrs. Burrell, 38.
At Lumney, Mr. Thomas Chapman, 78.
At Elsdon, Mr. Anthony Hall, 75.
At Berwick, Mrs. Charters.-Mr. James

At Sunderland, Mr. William Shepherd, 78.
At Stannington, Mr. John Hart, 92.
At Tantoby, Mrs. Richardson, 79.
At Wark, Mrs. Loraine, 84.

At Bishopwearmouth, Mr. Anthony Ellis, 30 years parish-clerk of that place, 66.

At Barnardcastle, Mrs. C. Richardson.
At Edmondsley, near Chester-le-street,
Hannah, second daughter of George Wardle,
esq. 14.


At Kendal Dispensary, 1087, patients were admitted during the last year. The expences amounted to 1571. 5s.-One hundred and two poor women received relief, during the last year, from the Lying-in charity, in the same town, at the expence of 651, 14s. 3d.-At the Schools of Industry, Kendal, at Midsummer last, there were 138 boys and girls employed, viz 30 boys in card-setting, and 108 girls in knitting, sewing, platting straw, &c. The yearly expences (including for repairs 361. 13. 3d. and for rewards to 49 children 121. s 6d.) amounted to 2981. and sixpence.

Married] At Appleby, the Rev. John Waller, rector of Southamstead, and master of Appleby School, to Miss Wade.

At Sowerly Row, Mr. Denton, surgeon and apothecary in Penrith, to Miss Ann Wells. At Whitehaven, Tbomas Parker, esq. of Hull, to Miss Spedding, youngest daughter of the late James S. esq.

Died.] At Penrith, Mrs. Hindson, 86.

Mr. John Stagg, 22.-Mrs. Salkeld, wife of Joseph S. esq. Mrs. Margaret Sandwich, 91Mrs. Jane Ralph, 81.-Mrs. Margaret Noble, 75.

At Wyersdale, Mrs. Jackson, 98.

Gasson, 79, and a few days afterwards at
At Broughton in Ferness, Mrs. Elizabeth

Fallen Cross, in Cleator, her brother, Mr.
William Atkinson, 78.

At Whitehaven, Mrs. Jackson, wife of Mr. John J.-Mrs. Montgomory.-Mr. Wil liam Barnes.

1 At Rickerbey, Mr. Irvine, 75.

At Scotby, Mr. Thomas Colthard, 85.
At Corby, Miss Jane Gaddes, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. Richard G. 22.

At Workington, Mr. William Adair, 24.
Mrs. Hudson, 79.-Mr. John Bradle, assis-
tant to the master of the Grammar School,
At Breckabank, Mr. John Fleming, 83.
At Kirkland, Kendal, Miss Burrow.
At Whitebank, Mrs. Ann Mandle, 89.
At Dissington, Mrs. Jane Walker, 89.
At Close, in Embleton, Mr. Wilfred Ro-
binson, 82.

At Wath, Mr. Jacob Tyson, 71.
At Lowther, Mrs. Lumb, 39.
At Ambleside, Lieut. Steward, of the
88th Foot, son of the late Lieut. General S.
At Carlisle, Jane, wife of Mr. John Bow-
man, 62-Mrs. Hannah Wright, 70-
Mr. Thomas Wilkin, 56-Mrs. Ann Hall,
5.-Jane, wife of Mr. Walter Armstrong,
27-Mr. Joseph Robinson, of the Grey
Goat Inn, 42-Mary, wife of Mr. George
Wood, 58.-Mr. John Blacklock, 21-Eli-
zabeth, wife of Mr. R. Jerrard, 80.

At Kendal, Mr. James Creighton, 25.Mrs. Nelson, relict of the Rev. Mr. N. of Garsdale, near Sedburgh.-Moses, son of the late Mr. M. Wilkinson, 16.-Mr. Thomas Huyton, son of Mr. H. of the White Lion Inn, 21 Mr. John Atkinson, 79.-Mrs. Dodgson. Mrs. A. Patterson, 76.

At Maryport, Mrs. Sarah Saul, 67.-Capt. William Thompson. senior.-Mrs. Thompson, of the King's Arms Inn.


Married.] At Hull, Lieut. Thomas Robinson, of the East York Militia, to Miss Sherwood.

At Halifax, William Voase, esq. of Hull, to Miss Rawden, daughter of Christopher R. esq. of Underbank.

At Baildon, Edward Ferrand, esq. of St. Ives, to Fanny, youngest daughter of William Holden, esq.

At Kirk Hammerton, Mr. Edward Spink, jun. of Wilstrup, to Miss Howell, eldest daughter of the Rev. William H. of Knaresborough,

At Malham, Samuel Broomhead Ward, esq. of Mourt Pleasant, near Sheffield, to Aliss Martingale, of the former place.

At Brad ord, Laurence Halstead, esq. of Burnley, Lancashire, to Anna, daughter of the late John Preston, esq of Braatord.

Died.] At Doncaster, Mr. Charles Spencer, formerly at the Sheffield theatre, 60.Mr. Pugh.

A: Dowthaipe, Charles E. Broadley, esq. of Hol

At Hull, at the vicarage house, Mr.

Bromby, mather of the Rev. Mr. B. vicar of
Holy Trinity.

Mr. Samuel Thornton, 31.-Mr. John
Walker, 32.-Mr. S. Mann, 60.—Mr. John
Railey, 78.

At Ackworth, Miss Heaton, sister of Jolin H. esq.

At Selby, John Audus, esq. who, during the last twenty years, has, by his energies, abilities, and public spirit, made great improvements in the new roads, buildings, &c. at that town.

At Rawcliffe, Patrick Berthwick, esq.
At Havingham, near Malton, Robert

Prowde, esq. 59.

At Morley, Mr. Thomas Cash, many years an approved minister among the Quakers, 69.

At North Cow on, near Richmond, Mr. Robert Raisbeck. He died on the day which completed his 78th year; and was celebrated in that, neighbourhood for his skill in the management of cattle.

At Knaresborough, Mr. William Deerlove. Mr. J. Green, 78.

At the West Fields, Bramley, Mr. John Beecroft, one of the partners of the iron. works, Kirkstall Forge, near Leeds, 59.

At York, aged 70, Richard Metcalfe, esq. one of the Alderman of that Co poration. He served the office of Sheriff in the year 1787, and that of Lord Mayor in. 1795.Mrs. Dinsdale, wife of George D.sq. of Middleham, 23.-Mr. George Champlay, 76.-Henry Raper, esq. one of the Aldermen of the Corporation, and father of the city, 82.-He served the office of Lord Mayor in the years 1765 and 1782, and discharged the important duties of a magistrate with honour to himself, with credit and utility to the city. Joseph Collins, esq. of Welton, near Hull, 66.

At Langtoft, the Rev. Thomas Atkinson, vicar of Reighton, and minister of the perpetual curacies of Sledmere and Filey, in this county.

At Askham, Edward Willey, esq. late Lieutenant Colonel of the fourth Dragoon Guards.

At Leeds, Richard Ramsden Bramley, esq. one of the alderman of that borough.-Mr. John Cockson, one of the common council — Mrs. Furbink, senr. and Mrs. F. jun.—Mr. John Stocks—Mr. John Bradford, 36 years clerk of Trinity Church, 67.-Mr. Philip Coultinan, formerly an attorney.-Mrs. Drake.

Aged 69.-Ralph Ferry, esq. of Thorpe. On his return from Sunderland, through the darkness of the night he lost his road, got among a quantity or drifted snow, where be perished, and was not found until the next morni g

At Lascelles Hall, Samuel Walker, esq.

At Stackhouse, near Settle, William Clap-
ham, eoq.

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