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Now, if Mr. Hallam had been nothing more than a mere critic, we should not have wondered at such a decision. It would have been as natural in that case to misinterpret the genius of Luther as for Mallet to write the life of Bacon and forget that he was a philosopher.' But when we reflect that Mr. Hallam is not a mere literary critic, and that whatsoever honors he may have achieved in that capacity, are yet inferior to those which he has attained as a philosophical historian, we confess our astonishment at the low estimate he seems to have formed of Luther's intellect.

tions of his own age, and on the opinions of some qualities which neither bard nor phimankind, seems,' says he, to have produc-losopher ever possessed, and the whole is ed, as is not unnatural, an exaggerated no subjected to the action of an energetic tion of his intellectual greatness.' And will and powerful passions. Such are the he then proceeds to reduce it to assuredly minds which are destined to change the very moderate dimensions-founding his face of the world, to originate or control judgment principally on Luther's wri- great revolutions, to govern the actions of tings. men by a sagacious calculation of motives, or to govern their very thoughts by the magical power of their elcquence. They are the stuff out of which great statesmen, great conquerors, great orators, are made; by the last, however, not meaning the mere mob orator,' who attains and preserves a powerful influence by just following the multitude he appears to lead, and who, if popular, is popular in virtue of Swift's receipt for becoming a wise man— that is, by agreeing with whatever any one may tell you; we mean the man who, if need be, can stem the torrent as well as drift upon it; who, upon occasion, can This seems to have arisen from contem- tell unpalatable truths and yet rivet attenplating Luther's character too exclusively tion. To be such an orator requires many in the point of view suggested by the literary of the qualities of the philosophical statesnature of the work on which the critic was man-the same deep knowledge of the meat the time engaged. It is true that the chanism of human nature in general, the Reformer's mind did not belong exclusive- same keen perception of the motives and ly, or even prevailingly, to either of the feelings of the so-conditioned humanity with two principal types with which we which it has to deal, the same ready appreusually associate genius, and which almost ciation of the topics and arguments likely divide the page of literary history between to prevail, the same sagacity in calculating them. The one is the prevailingly philoso-moral causes and effects; and we need not phical temperament, with numberless spe- wonder, therefore, that the great statesman cific differences; the other the prevailingly poetical, with differences equally numerous the passion of the one class of minds Now, to achieve any of the great tasks is speculative and scientific truth-that of to which this class of minds seem born; to the other, ideal beauty. Yet there is an- manage vast and difficult affairs with adother, and not less imposing form of human dress, and bring them to an unexpectedly genius, though it does not figure much on prosperous issue; to know how to seize the the page of literary history, which has critical moment of action with proper demade men as illustrious as man was ever cision, or to exercise patience and self-conmade, either by depth or subtlety of specu- trol in waiting for it; to penetrate the lation,-by opulence or brilliancy of fancy. springs of human conduct, whether in the This class of minds unites some of the rar- genus or the individual; to sway the est endowments of the philosophical and minds of whole communities, as whole forpoetical temperaments; and though the ests bow at once before the voice of the temreason in such men is not such as would pest; to comprehend and calculate the inhave made an Aristotle, nor the imagina-teraction of numberless causes and effects; tion such as would have made a Homer, to originate and execute daring enterprises these elements are mingled in such propor- in the face of many obstacles, physical and tions and combinations as render the pro-moral, and not only in the midst of opposite duct-the tertium quid—not less wonder-wills and conflicting interests, but often by ful than the greatest expansion of either el- means of them-all this seems to us to imement alone. To these are superadded


* Introduction to the Literature of Europe, vol. i. p. 513.

and the persuasive orator have so often been found united in the same individual.

ply as wonderful a combination of intellectual qualities as that which enables the mathematical Analyst to disentangle the intricacies of a transcendental equation, or

the Metaphysician to speculate profoundly and Demosthenes would probably have on the freedom of the human will, or the been but an obscure expounder of the prinorigin of evil. Nor do those who have ciples of his own art. After making all albeen both authors and actors in the real lowances for the influence of education, drama of history, appear to us less worthy and conceding that it is difficult to calculate of our admiration than those who have but the condition of any mind under a different imagined what the former have achieved. training, we are compelled to admit that There are, unquestionably, men who have there are cases, and those usually of minds been as famous for what they have done, pre-eminently great in a single department, as others have been or can be for what they where the native bias is so strong, that it is have written. beyond the art of all the school-mastering in the world to alter it.

Earnestly contending that Luther's intellect is to be principally regarded in the light we have indicated, we must yet profess our belief, that even in a purely literary point of view Mr. Hallam has done him less than justice. When we consider the popular design of his writings, and that they fulfilled it, many of their apparent defects

their voluminousness-the rapidity with which they were thrown off-and the overwhelming engagements under the pressure of which they were produced, many defects may well be pardoned. A word or two on each of these topics.

It is precisely to such an order of genius -whatever his merits or defects as a writer-that the intellect of Luther is, in our judgment, to be referred; and, considered in this point of view, we doubt whether it is very possible to exaggerate its greatness. In a sagacious and comprehensive survey of the peculiarities of his position in all the rapid changes of his most eventful history; in penetrating the characters and detecting will disappear; and when we consider the motives of those with whom he had to deal; in fertility of expedients; in promptitude of judgment and of action; in nicely calculating the effect of bold measures, especially in great emergencies-as when he burnt the Papal Bull, and appeared at the Diet of Worms; in selecting the arguments As to their character, they were chiefly likely to prevail with the mass of men, and designed ad populumaddressed to human in that contagious enthusiasm of character nature so-and-so conditioned; and whether which imbues and inspires them with a we look at what history has told us of the spirit like its own, and fills them with state of that public mind to which they apboundless confidence in its leadership ;-pealed, or to their notorious effects, we in all these respects, Luther does not appear to us far behind any of those who have played illustrious parts in this world's affairs, or obtained an empire over the minds of their species.

And surely this is sufficient for one man. No one ever thinks the intellect of Pericles or Alexander, Cromwell or Napoleon, inferior to the highest order, merely because neither of them has left ingenious treatises of philosophy, or beautiful strains of poetry, or exhibited any of the traces either of a calm or beautiful intellect. And in like manner it is enough for Luther to be known as the author of the Reformation.

Such are the original limitations of the human faculties, and so distinct the forms of intellectual excellence, that it is at best but one comparatively little sphere that even the greatest of men is qualified to fill. Take him out of that, and the giant becomes a dwarf-the genius a helpless changeling. Aristotle, though he wrote admirably on rhetoric, would have made, we fear, but an indifferent Demosthenes;

think it must be admitted that they were admirably calculated to accomplish their purpose. We have already said that we must look in the mind of Luther for the species of greatness which may fairly be expected there; and not for one to which an intellect so constituted could make no pretensions. No man will challenge for him the praise of metaphysical subtlety, or calmness of judgment in dealing with evidence. To neither the one nor the other surely can he lay claim, who flatters himself that he has found an escape from the absurdities of transubstantiation in the equal absurdities of consubstantiation; or who thinks himself warranted in setting aside the evidence for the authenticity of the Epistle of James, because he supposes he has found a sentence in it which contradicts his interpretation of an Epistle of Paul-the authenticity of which has no higher evidence. The class of intellects to which we have ventured to refer that of Luther, are robust and sagacious rather than subtle or profound; little fitted for the investigation of abstract truth, and impatient

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exquisitely adapted to its object and well worthy of the highest admiration. They are the complements of each other, and neither can be perfect alone. The wise in heart,' says Solomon, shall be called prudent, but the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.' Truth at the bottom of her well is of about as much use as water there, and is of very little use without some appliances to bring it to the lips of the thirsty.

of whatever is not practical; better adapted for a skilful advocacy of principles than for calm investigation of them, and little solicitous, in their exhibition, of philosophic precision, or theoretic completeness. Seizing with instinctive sagacity those points which are best calculated to influence the common mind, they are not very ambitious (even if they could attain it) of the praise of a severely logical method. But they well know how to do that for which in his turn the mere philosopher would find him- We must bear such considerations in self strangely incapacitated. They estimate mind if we would do such a man as Luther precisely the measure of knowledge or of justice in the perusal of his controversial ignorance, the prejudices and the passions of writings. We must recollect that they were those with whom they have to deal, and most of them composed pro re nata,-for pitch the whole tone of argument in unison the purpose of impressing the popular mind with it. They judge of arguments, not so in given circumstances in an age of great much by their abstract value, or even by ignorance, barbarism and coarseness. the degree of force they may have on their are at best not altogether qualified to judge own minds, as by the relation in which they how far they were wisely adapted to their are likely to be viewed by others if neces- end; but we are convinced that the more sary, they prefer even a comparatively carefully the whole relations of Luther and feeble argument, if it can be made readily his age are studied, the more they will be intelligible, and be forcibly exhibited, to a found to justify his general sagacity, and stronger one, if that stronger one be so re- the less reason will they leave us to wonder fined as to escape the appreciation of the at their astonishing success. common mind.

And such topics they treat with a vivacity and vehemence of which a philosopher would be as incapable as he would be disgusted with the method. He is but too apt, when he assumes the uncongenial of fice of a popular instructor, to generalize particular statements into their most abstract expression; he resembles the mathematician, who is not satisfied till he has clothed the determinate quantities of arithmetic in the universal symbols of algebra; he must assign each argument its place, not according to its relative weight, but according to his own notions of its abstract conclusiveness; he must adopt the only method which philosophical precision demands, and to violate it would be more than his fastidious taste can prevail upon itself to concede to that vulgar thing-the practical.

It is not necessary to institute any comparison as to the comparative value or dignity of the functions of those whose calm intellect best qualifies them to investigate truth, and of those whose prerogative it is to make it triumph, not only over the understandings of men, but over their imaginations and affections; to give it a vivid presence in the heart. It suffices that neither class can be fully equipped for their high tasks without a mental organization


Even his positive faults-as, for example, his violence of invective and his excessive diffuseness-which we do not deny flowed in a great measure, the one from the vehemence of his nature, and the other from the haste with which he wrote-were often deliberately committed by him as most likely to answer his purpose. We should hesitate to state this, were it not for Luther's repeated and explicit declarations on this very point, in his Letters. We should hesitate, because we are jealous of that biographical prejudice which will still find out that the object of its blind eulogy had some deep design even in the veriest blunders; and that foibles and failings not only leaned to virtue's side,' but were themselves virtues.

In both the above points, Luther unquestionably has sins enough to answer for, and is, we freely acknowledge, as often tedious and inelegant as offensively coarse. Still, though it may be thought that we are defending his sagacity at the expense of things quite as valuable-his taste and good feeling-nothing is clearer, from his own admissions, than that he often committed these faults of set purpose, and with his eyes wide open. Thus for the diffuseness of certain compositions, he apologizes in his Letters (No. 32 and No. 134,) because they were designed for the 'rudest ears and un

derstandings. To the common mind of It is not uninstructive to hear Luther in his day, truths which are to us truisms-some of his Letters defending on plan the which will hardly bear the briefest expres-vehemence of his invective. I am detersion-which, in fact, are so familiar that mined,' he says in his reply to King Henry, they are forgotten-were startling novelties. to assume, day by day, a loftier and loftier The populace required, in his judgment, tone against these senseless little tyrants, 'line upon line, and precept upon precept;' and to meet their madness with a madness not only here a little, and there a little,' like their own.' 'I suppress many things,' but here, and there, and every where a he writes to Spalatin as early as 1519, 'for great deal. The same apology is required the sake of the Elector and the University, for the diffuseness of other theologians of which I would otherwise pour out against that day, of far severer intellect and much Rome-that destroyer alike of Scripture more elegance-Calvin and Melancthon, and the Church. It cannot be that the for example. As to his arrogant tone and truth respecting either can be treated withrude invective, though both were natural out giving offence to that wild beast. Do expressions of the enthusiasm and vehe- not hope that I shall keep quiet and safe, mence of his character, they were also sys- unless you wish to see me abandon theolotematically adopted, and were both no gy altogether. Let your friends think me doubt upon the whole most subservient to mad if they will.'* What is it to me,' his purpose. Timidity and irresolution he says to Spalatin in his account of the would have been his ruin. On the other Leipsic disputation- what is it to me if I hand, his self-reliance and fearlessness-speak rashly and offensively, if I but speak the grandeur and dilation of his carriage-truth, and that Catholic truth? his very contempt of his adversaries-all tended to give courage and confidence to those who possessed them not, and to inspire his party with his own spirit. His voice never failed to act like a trumpet-call upon the hearts of his followers-to reassure them when depressed, and to reanimate them when defeated. No other tone, no other language could have had the same effect. Considering his position, there is a sort of sublimity in his audacity. I know and am certain,' says he to Spalatin, (1521,) that Jesus Christ our Lord lives and reigns, and, buoyant in this knowledge and confidence, I will not fear a hundred thousand Popes.'' My doctrines will stand,' says he the following year in his reply to King Henry, and the Pope will fall in spite of all the powers of air, earth, hell. They have provoked me to war; they shall have it. They scorned the peace I offered them-peace they shall have no longer. It will not be supposed for a moment God shall look to it; which of the two shall that we are the apologists of his too habitufirst retire from the struggle-the Pope or al virulence and ferocity of invective. Not Luther?' Five hundred such expressions even the spirit of the age can form an apolmight be cited. On the whole, we are dis-ogy for them; though in all fairness it posed to acquiesce in the judgment of Dr. Waddington as expressed on another occasion. 'I have no question,' says he, that the cause of Luther was, upon the whole, advanced and recommended even by the temerity of his unsparing invective; and that, had he given less offence to his enemies, he would have found less zeal, less 'courage, and far less devotion in his friends.*

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* History of the Reformation, vol. ii. p. 32.


Why, it was always so; truth has ever been
rash, bitter, seditious, offensive.
What is it to me that the Thomists are of-
fended with truth? It is sufficient for me
that it is neither heretical nor erroneous.'†
I know,' he says to Spalatin in 1522,
that whatever I might write against the
King of England would offend many, but I
chose to do it-sed ita placuit mihi-and
many causes rendered it necessary.'
to another friend (unknown) in August of
the same year, he says, My gracious
prince and many other friends have often
admonished me on this subject but my
answer is that I will not comply, nor
ought I. My cause is not a cause of middle
measures, (ein mittel-handel,) in which one
may concede or give way, even as I, like a
fool, have hitherto done.'S Few readers
of Luther, however, will think there was
much reason for this self-accusation.

ought to be remembered, that so completely
were these offensive qualities of controver-
sy characteristic of it, that then, and long
after, they were exhibited by men who had
neither Luther's vehement passions, nor his
provocations to plead in extenuation; often
so unconsciously, indeed, that the refined
* De Wette, vol. i. P. 260.
Ibid vol i p 500 301

Ibid. vol ii p. 244. § Ibid. p. 244.

and equable Thomas More imitates and transcends the Reformer's coarseness even while he reproves it.

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effective in real eloquence; and in intensity and vehemence of passion, even Demosthenes was not his superior. His native lanBut whatever the defects and inequalities guage he wrote with the utmost force; and of Luther's writings, there is one quality when he pleased, none could express himnot unsparingly displayed, which ought to self with a more pregnant brevity. To the have protected him from so mean an esti- continuous excellence, the consummate mate as Mr. Hallam seems to have formed-taste, the exquisite finish, the minute graces we mean his eloquence-for which he was of him who fulmined over Greece,' Lufamed by all his contemporaries-which ther, it is true, had no pretensions-as inhe was not grudgingly admitted to possess deed might be expected, considering the even by his enemies-and which still lives circumstances and the age in which his inin numberless passages of his writings to tellect was developed; but in every part of justify their eulogiums. Yet Mr. Hallam his controversial works, most frequently says, that in his judgment, Luther's Latin in his briefer writings, as in his Appeal to works, at least, are not marked by any a future Council,' his' Babylonish Captivistriking ability, and still less by any im- ty,' and his appeal to the German Nobility,' pressive eloquence! Surely he must have and not least in his Letters, occur frequent been thinking only of the moderate Latini- bursts of the most vivid and impassioned elty when he used the last expression; for oquence. He abounds in passages, which, unquestionably the soul of eloquence is of even at this distance of time, make our ten there, however rugged the form. Far hearts throb within us as we read them. more justly speaks Frederick Schlegel Such is the expression with which he defied 'Luther,' says he, displays a most original the sentence of excommunication. 'As eloquence, surpassed by few names that they have excommunicated me in defence of occur in the whole history of literature. their sacrilegious heresy, so do I excommuHe had, indeed, all those properties which nicate them on behalf of the holy truth of render a man fit to be a revolutionary ora- God; and let Christ, our judge, decide tor.' If this be so, the intellect of Luther whether of the two excommunications has must be regarded as one of the rarest phe- the greater weight with him.' Such is that nomena which appear in the world of memorable sentence with which he dropped mind. Such, at least, has been hitherto the Papal Bull into the flames, and which, the uniform judgment of criticism. To even from his lips, would, a few years bepossess a genius for consummate eloquence fore, have thrilled the assembled multitudes is always considered to imply intellectual with horror. As thou hast troubled and excellence of the highest order; and if we put to shame the Holy One of the Lord, so judge either by the rarity with which it is be thou troubled and consumed in the eterbestowed, or consider how various, how ex-nal fires of hell.' Such, above all, is that quisitely balanced and adjusted are the powers which must equip the truly great the first-rate orator, we shall see no reason to quarrel with this judgment. So peculiar are the required modifications and combinations of intellect, imagination, and passion, that it may be pretty safely averred we shall as soon see the reproduction of an Aristotle as a Demosthenes.

noble declaration with which he concluded his defence at Worms. Since your majesty requires of me a simple and direct answer, I will give one, and it is this; I cannot submit my faith either to popes or councils, since it is clear as noon-day that they have often erred, and even opposed one another. If, then, I am not confuted by Scripture or by cogent reasons. . . I neither can nor All the prime elements of this species of will retract any thing; for it cannot be mental power, Luther seems to have pos- right for a Christian to do any thing sessed in perfection. We have admitted against his conscience. Here I stand; I that he had not a mind well fitted for the cannot do otherwise; God help me.' This investigation of abstract truth; but he had eloquence, indeed, is transient; it flashes what was to him of more importance, great out, like the lightning, for an instant, and practical sagacity, and vast promptitude again withdraws into the cloud. But it is and vigor of argument. His imagination, the lightning that blasts and scathes wherthough as little solicitous about the abstract-ever it strikes.

ly beautiful, as his reason about the abstract- The influence which Luther's eloquence ly speculative, was fertile of those brief, exerted over his contemporaries is testified, homely, energetic images which are most not only by the deference with which he

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