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satisfied themselves that, in the event of ance. In none of these qualities was he their being exposed to short commons during a siege, they might rely, as a last resource, upon their boots if dressed with lemon.

Even during the voyage, we find Colonel Hill diligently studying the theory of field fortification, and improving himself in his profession. He also kept a pocket-journal, in which he regularly noted down what seemed most worthy of attention. Traits like these well deserve to be noted, in connexion with that which has been just commented on, as both explaining and ennobling the success and advancement of Colonel Hill. It was neither to mere talent nor yet to mere fortune, that he was indebted, but to talent, diligently improved by sedulous culture. It is of such talent only that Fortune will generally be found the handmaid.

The notice given of this part of Colonel Hill's history is brief. But we learn from his diary, that he landed in Egypt on the 8th of March, and that

"On the morning of the 13th, at six, the British army began to move, the 90th regiment as its advanced guard. At this moment a considerable body of cavalry made a spirited and impetuous charge on the 90th, who, as Walsh says, with the coolness and intrepidity of veterans, received them, unbroken, upon the points of their bayonets. The French were obliged to retreat. I was wounded by a musket-ball, which struck the peak of the helmet now at Hawkstone. After being wounded, I was taken on board Lord Keith's ship, where I remained about three weeks, and then returned to the regiment."-pp. 39, 40.

While confined by his wound, Colonel Hill was on board the Foudroyant, commanded by Lord Keith. And after the great victory of the 21st of March, in which Abercromby received his mortal wound, he was brought from the field of his fame to the same cabin where Hill was recovering, and where Abercromby lingered for a week and died.

found wanting; and he appears to have uniformly discharged the responsible trust which devolved on him in such a manner as to deserve the gratitude of the country.

Among the numerous alarms of invasion which were then propagated from time to time, one is mentioned which may almost vie with the celebrated bonfire "on the hill above Glenwithershins," to which the Antiquary has given a deathless renown. It would appear that Killala Bay, in the north of Connaught, was one of the spots which excited apprehension, as being likely to afford a landing-place for the French. And sure enough, in October 1803, the scouts in that quarter did observe two frigates enter the bay, and speedily lower from their decks what seemed to be boat after boat, which made directly and rapidly for the beach. A report was immediately transmitted that the French troops had arrived, and were disembarking; and farther, that "they were landing very fast." It appeared on inquiry, however, that the two vessels were English frigates, which had entered the bay together for the purpose of watering. For facilitating their operations, they had each heaved their empty water-casks overboard, and the wind carried them quickly to the shore. But still more quickly had the rumor of the landing preceded them, and much alarm was excited, and various movements were made for the purpose of repelling the supposed invaders, before the true state of the fact was communicated throughout the country.

It was in 1805, and while preparing for the abortive expedition to the Weser, that Hill first met with Wellington, then Sir Arthur Wellesley, who was also appointed to a command in the same expedition. Sir Arthur dined with him, " at his lodgings at Mrs. Chitty's," at Deal; and that acquaintance commenced, which was destined to have so powerful an influence on Hill's subsequent career.

After spending the year 1806 in EngIn 1803, Colonel Hill, at the age of land, during part of which he was encampthirty-one, was promoted to the rank of ed with a portion of the troops who were brigadier-general, and, until 1805, was em- kept in readiness to repel threatened invaployed in Ireland, then menaced with invasion-and spending the year 1807 again sion, at the same time that it was the scene in Ireland-he was ordered, in 1808, to of much internal excitement. The various join the troops then destined for the contiduties devolving on General Hill required nent, under Sir Arthur Wellesley. On not merely courage and energy, but often learning that General Hill was to serve in a still higher degree called for the exer- under him, Sir Arthur wrote him on 23d cise of discretion, temperance, and forbear- June 1808,

"My dear Hill-I rejoice extremely at the prospect I have before me of serving again with you, and I hope we shall have more to do

than we had on the last occasion on which we were together."―p. 75.

The "last occasion" here alluded to was the abortive trip to the Weser; and assuredly the hope of Wellington was gratified before the close of the Peninsular war, which was now about to commence.

student of his life. By his care to avoid exposing the lives of his men unnecessarily, and by his attention to their comforts and wants, he gained so completely their affection and confidence, that when occasion required, he could rely implicitly on the zeal and devotion with which they were ready to follow wherever he led the way.

Before his return from this expedition, his uncle, Sir Richard Hill, had died, and been succeeded by his father, now Sir John Hill. His uncle bequeathed to him the property at Hardwick Grange, which he continued afterwards to occupy as his favorite residence, when at home.

It is not without surprise that we learn that British troops were only relieved of so cumbrous an appendage as their queues or pigtails in this year 1808, after the arrival of Sir John Moore from Stockholm. The order to cut off the queues 66 was dated After a very brief period spent in Eng24th July, and gave universal delight. land, General Hill was again despatched to The signal was made for all hair-cutters to the Peninsula, where he had not been proceed to head-quarters; and Cadell tells many weeks when Wellington achieved us, As soon as they had finished on board the brilliant exploit of crossing the Douro the head-quarter ship, the adjutant, Lieu- in the face of the French army under tenant Russell, proceeded with them and a Soult, and driving them, with great loss, pattern-man to the other troop-ships. The from Oporto, and beyond the limits of Portails were kept till all were docked, when, tugal. In the action at Oporto, General by a signal, the whole were thrown over- Hill had a very conspicuous share. board with three cheers.'"-p. 36.

Soon after the landing of the British forces at Mondego, the battles of Rolica and Vimeiro followed, in which the British army had a foretaste of the laurels which they were to earn under Wellington. Major-General Hill was present at both of these battles, and in the former had an active and important share. He was afterwards mentioned by name among the officers to whom, along with Wellington, the thanks of both Houses of Parliament were voted for their services.

The French had broken down the bridge over the Douro, a deep and rapid river, on the right bank of which the town of Oporto stands; and it had become important, as Wellington's despatches bear, that the British troops, who had reached the left bank, should cross the river to expel the French without delay.

On ascending the height of the Sarea on the left bank, where there was a convent, opposite to Oporto, Sir Arthur Wellesley descried a large unfinished building, called the Seminary, which stood near the river The superseding of Wellington, the on the Oporto side. It was surrounded by Convention of Cintra, the expedition of a high stone wall which came down to the Moore, and the victory of Corunna, won at water, on either hand, and which had only the expense of that hero's life, belong more one entrance by an iron gate, opening on to general history than to the biography of the Vallonga road. There was sufficient Hill. But it may be observed, that it was space included within the wall for containon General Hill's brigade that the impor- ing two battalions of men in order of battle. tant duty devolved of protecting the army, The breadth of the river was about 300 at its embarkation for England, after the yards, and on the height of the Sarea the battle of Corunna. On their arriving at British guns could be planted so as to comPlymouth-where the troops, who had mand the whole enclosure round the Semisuffered so many privations in the retreat, nary. To all appearance no watch was experienced the utmost kindness from the kept by the French in that quarter, as they inhabitants-General Hill was conspicuous apparently relied on the impossibility of an for the consideration and solicitude which attempt being made to cross the river there. he showed for the welfare of his men. At that spot, however, Sir Arthur conceivHis name was long remembered with ad- ed it practicable to effect a passage; at the miration, on that account, by the inhabit- same time that a detachment of troops unants of Plymouth; and this is a trait in der General Murray was sent a few miles the character of Hill which is well worthy of attention, especially from the military

*Gurwood, iv., p. 298.

up the river to Avintas, to seek a passage had an important share. The French were there, where it was soon ascertained that commanded by Marshals Victor and Joursome boats could be found. Sir Arthur dan, and King Joseph. The Spaniards also caused eighteen or twenty guns to be planted on the height of Sarea, commanding the Seminary.

A skiff, manned by a few brave men, crossed to the Oporto side, and brought back three or four large barges without attracting the notice of the French. This operation was favored by the circumstance that the river makes a rapid bend round the point on which the convent is placed, and the town lies below this point, while the crossing was effected above it. And Soult's personal position, as it happened, was below the town.

were commanded by Cuesta, campaigning in his coach and six. And it is well known that on the two days' fighting, of the 27th and 28th July, 1809, the last of which was so bloody, the Spaniards were scarcely so much as noticed by the French, whose whole efforts were directed against the British alone; and the Spaniards, on their part, did as little to attract the notice of the French as was possible.

It is not a little remarkable that both Wellington and Hill made the narrowest escape from being taken prisoners on the 27th. Sir Arthur was then at Casa de Salinas, to reach which place the French had to ford the river Alberche, and to march some distance through woods. But out of these woods, Mr. Sidney states, "they emerged so suddenly that they had nearly made him prisoner at the instant of surprise. Providentially this disaster was not permitted to fall on our army and upon Europe."

The still more dangerous adventure of Hill was stated by himself as follows, in compliance with a request made by a friend some years after the war was over :

"I recollect on the 27th of July I got some dinner in my quarters in the town of Talavera about four o'clock. Immediately after I rode

The first of the barges, containing an officer and twenty-five of the Buffs, then crossed to the Seminary, where the men disembarked, and where instantly, so to say, in the midst of the French army, but still without any alarm being taken. A second and a third barge followed, filled with troops, the last conveying General Paget. But no sooner had they gained their position than Soult commenced a furious attack upon them with an overwhelming force of cavalry and infantry, supported by artillery. To sustain them, General Hill crossed over with the 48th and 66th regiments, and other troops, and as General Paget was soon disabled by a wound, the command of this most important and trying post devolv-out, accompanied by Major Fordyce, towards ed, at the most critical moment, upon Gen- the Alberche, in which direction we heard eral Hill. So violent was the struggle, that some firing. I returned to the bivouac of my Sir Arthur was with difficulty prevented it had moved to take up a position. I instantdivision, I suppose about sunset, when I found from throwing himself across the river into ly followed it, and found it deploying in line, the midst of it. But his confidence in and was shown by somebody where the right General Hill was such that he restrained was to rest. I pointed out the hill on the line himself from taking this step; and well did of direction we were to take up. I found, howHill justify the confidence of his leader. ever, I had not sufficient troops to occupy the The French made repeated and desper- ground without leaving considerable intervals ate attacks, which, however, were confined, tion I recollect perfectly well that I was with between the regiments. During this operaby the sweep of the British guns on the the 48th Regiment, in conversation with Colheight of Sarea, to the side of the iron gate. onel Donellan, when, it being nearly dark, I They were successfully resisted by Hill, observed some men on the hill-top fire a few until some of the citizens of Oporto, having shots amongst us. Not having an idea that pushed across with large boats, brought the enemy was so near, I said at the moment, over the troops under General Sherbrooke's I was sure it was the Old Buffs, as usual, making command in large bodies, a little below the line, and I would ride up the hill and stop their some blunder. I desired Donellan to get into point of conflict; and Murray's troops also firing. On reaching the hill-top, I found the were seen descending the river on the Opor-mistake I had made. I immediately turned to side. Then the rout of the French forces became general and complete, and they suffered severely, both on that day and in their subsequent retreat from Portugal. In less than three months afterwards, the battle of Talavera followed, in which Hill

round to ride off, when they fired and killed poor Fordyce, and shot my mare through the body. She did not fall, but carried me to the stantly charged the French, and drove them 29th Regiment, which corps, by my orders, infrom the hill. I do not know what numbers the enemy had, but I think they were not

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strong-perhaps some of their light troops." Pp. 111, 112.

It was an eventful day for Europe which so nearly compromised the safety of both Wellington and Hill.

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Talavera, July 30, 1809.

was near us. My post was on the left, General Sherbrooke in the centre, and Gen. Campbell to his right, and all the Spaniards to Gen. Campbell's right. In the morning, when day broke, we observed the whole French army drawn up in order of battle; the greater part of their force immediately opposite my post, which was evidently the point of attack, and which, if them the day. Sir Arthur Wellesley came to they could have gained, would have given it, and in about half an hour after the sun was up, an immense column, since known to consist of two divisions of 7000 each, under Marshal Vietor in person, moved on and attacked us.

The fire was tremendous on both

For the battle of Talavera itself, the histories of the war may best be consulted. But with respect to General Hill's very important share in the honors and dangers of he contest, his own simple and affectionate letters to his family are highly interesting. They naturally relate chiefly to the subjects which were of engrossing interest to his family; but nothing could be more sides, but the French could not force us. My modest and unassuming than the manner in another from an officer. Shortly before the horse was wounded early in the action. I got which he refers to himself on an occasion enemy gave up the conflict, I was struck by a on which, by the confession of all, he dis-musket ball near my left ear and the back of played the greatest military qualities. my head. The blow was so violent that I was On 30th July he wrote from Tala-obliged to leave the field. I continued unwell the whole of the next day, and the next; I am, however, thank God, much better to-day. My hat saved my life; it has suffered as much as My dear Sister, "God has protected Clement (his brother) is safe; his horse was killed, and he had three my helmet did on the 13th of March. Clement and myself in two of the severest battles musket-balls in him on the 28th. Currie is ever witnessed, which took place on the 27th also safe, but had his horse killed under him. and 28th. For the particulars 1 must refer you During the attack on me the enemy did not to the public despatches, but cannot help men- allow the remainder of the line to be quiet, tioning a few circumstances which will show for, with their numerous artillery, they kept up you the providential escapes we have had.--a constant and destructive fire on it, not reAbout a week ago I told you that the French garding the Spaniards at all. In about four had retired from Talavera, on our approach or five hours the enemy's fire slackened for a towards them. It now appears they did this. short time; they, however, afterwards began not with the intention of going off altogether, as serious an attack upon General Campbell but for the purpose of meeting their reinforcements, which being done by the junction of same reception from him and the whole as as they did upon me, and, meeting with the Sebastiani's force of about 12.000, and King they did in the morning, were fairly beat, and Joseph, from Madrid, with 6000, they turned in the evening after dark went off. The loss back with near 50,000, with a determination on both sides is very great. Indeed, ours proto bring the whole of it against the British bably 4000, the enemy's 7000. King Joseph army, not half that number in the field. Early on the 27th we heard of the returning of the it is considered that the French force was was in the field, though not in the fire. When French, and as the day advanced they ap- double ours, and solely employed against the proached nearer. By four in the evening their British, we may count the battle of Talavera whole force was in sight, and continued mov-amongst the most glorious that ever took place. ing forward, driving in our out-posts, till they You must excuse this hasty account-indeed came within reach of shot from our lines, when I must again refer you to the official details.— they halted; and as night was coming on, we did not expect any serious attack till the next morning. It was, however, scarcely dusk when there was a heavy fire of musketry on my post, and a severe struggle on the part of the enemy to carry it, in which they did not succeed, and in about half an hour gave up the contest. On this occasion poor Fordyce The letters of General Hill to the memwas killed, my horse was shot, and I myself bers of his own family, which are publishhad a fortunate escape from the hands of a ed in this work, give us a very pleasing French soldier who had got hold of my right view of his personal character. And it is arm, and would have secured me if my horse not a little refreshing, amid the scenes of had not at the moment sprung forward. The so sanguinary a contest, to see one of those Frenchman fired at me, but did not touch me. who had done the greatest service to his Clement and Captain Currie were in the midst

The French are said to be still retreating. Kind remembrance to all our dear friends at Hawkstone, who, I am sure, will be sensible of and thankful for the providential escapes we have had."-Pp. 108-110.

of the whole, but fortunately escaped. Noth-country, and been in the very thickest of the ing very particular occurred during the night: fray, cherishing through it all the same conwe continued in our position, and the enemy Istant attachment to his family and his home,

retaining the same simple modesty of mind as ever, and never forgetful of the gratitude due to Him who had shielded his head in the day of battle.

| mountain, scenes of indescribable grandeur. The whole country beneath them glowed with countless fires, showing thousands of shadowy forms of men and horses, mingled with piles of arms glittering amidst the flames. These The British head-quarters were soon af gradually subsided into glowing patches of terwards at Badajoz, but Hill, now promo-red embers gemming the black bosom of the

ted to the rank of lieutenant-general, was earth, and all seemed to threaten another stationed about twenty miles off, with his mighty conflict at the dawn of day. The men troops, at Montijo. Here he, and one of under Hill were kept in their full accoutrehis brothers who was with him, enjoyed the ments, and each with his musket by his side, pleasures of the chase-hunting the fox, the front and rear ranks, head to head, lay upon the mountain, awaiting the morn, and expectdeer, the wolf, and the wild boar-and pre-ing that an assailable gorge near at hand ferring country scenes and exercise to all would be the point of attack."-Pp. 143, 144. the attractions of "the great display of Next day, however, the French moved off, beauty and fashion in Badajoz." And Hill, without renewing the fight. having observed that almost all the wool from the district was sent to England, made a purchase of a few of the sheep, to be kept till an opportunity should occur of sending them home, to improve the breed in Shropshire.

When making preparations for the celebrated defence of Lisbon at the lines of Torres Vedras, Sir Arthur Wellesly, now Viscount Wellington, divided his army into two principal corps, the first of which he had under his own immediate command, and the second he offered to General Hill. In a letter to Hill, dated December 18, 1809, Lord Wellington stated as to this second corps-"I will not make any arrangement, either as to the troops that are to comprise it, or as to the officer who is to command it, without offering the command of it to you." A higher proof than this of the talents and services of General Hill it was impossible to give; and having accepted the important trust thus tendered to him, most amply did he justify the confidence reposed in him by his great leader. It is not a little interesting to observe, in the correspondence which ensued between these two able soldiers, how often General Hill, in the exercise of such discretionary powers as were intrusted to him, was found to have anticipated the instructions of Wellington, by making just those dispositions which Wellington's instructions, on their subsequent arrival, were found to point out. General Hill had an honorable share in

the battle of Busaco, where the French, commanded by Massena and Ney, were worsted in September 1810. The scene at nightfall after the battle, as beheld by the British from the mountain of Busaco, at the foot of which the French encamped, is well described by Mr. Sidney:

"The night which succeeded this memorable day, afforded to the victorious occupants of the

Then followed the occupation of the fortified lines at Torres Vedras, extending from the right bank of the Tagus, near Alhandra, to the sea, over a space of about twenty-five miles, and covering Lisbon from

the advance of the French under Massena. This is not the place to dwell on the details of these celebrated lines, and the baffling of the French Marshal, who was at last compelled to retreat with that large force which Napoleon had given to "the spoiled child of fortune," with a peremptory mandate to seize on Lisbon, and drive the British into the sea. But there is a letter of General Hill, written to his sister in November 1810, from his post at Alhandra, which mentions some curious particulars respecting the extra-professional intercourse of the two great armies, which had been for some time so near each other. Something like personal acquaintance took place between the soldiers in the hostile ranks, and even a species of friendship sprung up, upon a soil where, most of all, it would have seemed to be exotic. It is impossible to read the account of this, without having the mind most powerfully impelled to the reflection, how strangely human beings have been forced from the relations which their Maker designed them to hold towards each other, when they are mustered and armed on the battle-field, as enemy and enemy, bent on mutual destruction.

"My dear Sister," he writes, "on this day which time nothing of consequence has ocweek I wrote to Sir John, (his father,) since curred. The two armies remain as they were, the British in the position I mentioned in my last, with the right on the Tagus, and the left on the sea near Torres Vedras, a distance, probably, of about 25 miles. The French advanced regi

ments are close to us; that is, some of them not more than a mile and a half from the place where I am now writing, with the sentries within musket-shot of each other. In this situa

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