Abbildungen der Seite

instruction of children his Majesty perceives with pleasure the establishment of small schools; he desires their increase. Besides the houses of St. Denis and, six houses have been established for the education of girls whose fathers have been devoted to the service of the State.

Sciences and Arts.

The discovery of the magnetised-needle produced a revolution in commerce; the use of honey gave way to that of sugar, the use of woad to that of indigo. The progress of chemistry is operating at this moment a revolution in an inverse direction: it has arrived at the extraction of sugar from the grape, the maple, and the beet-root: woad, which had enriched Languedoc, and part of Italy, but which was unable, in the infancy of art, to support the competition with indigo, resumes the superiority in its turn: chemistry at this day extracts from it a residuum which gives it over indigo the advantage of price and of quality. All the branches of science and of art are advancing in improve


Public Works.

Great works have been undertaken within the last ten years, and are advancing every year with new zeal, and a new increase of means. In 1810, 138 millions were appropriated for these works: 155 millions are appropriated in 1811. (Here there is a table shewing the different sums appropriated to each branch, such as roads, bridges, &c.)-In the midst of wars, of expences required by immense armies, by the creation and organization of numerous fleets, the sacrifices which the imperial Treasury has made for the public works are such, that they surpass in a single year all that was employed on them under the old government for one generation.


Great part of these expences has for its object the creation of new strong places: these are labours engaged in for the benefit of future times, in order to consolidate and fortify the empire. (Here several works in the Texel, at Antwerp, Cadsand, &c. are enumerated.)-In 1810 and 1811 more than eight millions were expended on the forts of the Scheldt: it was natural to bestow great labour upon a point which will ever be the object of the jealousy and the fears of our natural enemies. [The Report proceeds to enumerate other works constructed at Ostend, Boulogne, Cherbourg and Hayre. Of the latter place,

it says, " Havre had been constructed by Vauban some years before the Revolution, it was thought proper, under foolish pretences, to destroy the fortifications. That city was left dismantled and exposed, which is the key of the Seine, and which may properly be called the port of Paris. It is now fortified and in a state to support a siege."]-At Corfu, a place already very strong, great works have been constructing for the last four years. New plans have been adopted, and this key of the Adriatic is guarded by 12,000 troops, having provisions for two years, and a numerous artillery provided for a siege of the longest duration.-The Report then mentions new additions to the fortresses of the Rhine, and thus proceeds: --On seeing the activity which has reigned for these eight years in the works on all our frontiers, one would say that France was menaced by an approaching invasion. I shall have no occasion to place before your eyes, by way of contrast to this idea, the situation of all our neighbours who are our allies, and who are united to our system, and the preponderance which the late campaigns have given us; but I shall only say, that since, under such circumstances, more than 100 millions have been devoted within a few years to an expenditure which interests only the future, we ought to render thanks to the Government which, not content with securing the happiness of the present generation, wishes also to guarantee the tranquility of posterity, and thus provides against even the most remote chances of fortune.


At our ports the labours go on with the same activity. At Antwerp, since the end of the last year, they have removed the dam from the bason. Eighteen ships of the line, even three deckers, can enter, and go out fully equipped. In the beginning of this year, two eighty gun ships haye been coppered and refitted there. The works are going on with great activi ty. Before the end of next September, the bason will be able to hold thirty ships.

Ships of the line can only enter the ba son of Flushing without their guns. The sluice is now dried and insulated, and they are busied in lowering it, so that 20 ships will be able to enter it with their guns. The quays which the English damaged are now restored. They are labouring now at reconstructing the magazine, and in making it bomb-proof.-The ground has already been chosen for the bason of

Terneuse; its foundations are now laying. Twenty ships of the line, fully equipped, will be able to leave this bason in one tide. It will be able to hold forty.The sluice of the race of Ostend is finished; it has been of the greatest service to the fort: that of Dunkirk will be finished by the end of the year. Great advantages are expected from deepening the channel. The sluice of Havre is finished, and has been of great advantage.-At Cherbourg, the expences of the road are of two sorts. The first operation is to raise the dyke above the low water mark, and this will be accomplished in the course of the present year; the second is to construct the forts at the extremities of this dyke to defend the road: the fort of the centre is just finished. The road being in this manner secured, it remained to dig the port of is great work; nine tenths are executed. Thirdly, ships of the line will be able to lie in the port and bason; already a vessel which had received damage at sea has entered the bason, and been refitted there. The avant-port and bason will be finished in 1812. The building docks and frames already exist. The works of Cherbourg alone require more than three millions yearly-Works are carrying on at all the ports of the 2nd or 3rd order; and all are improving with great rapidity. Canals.


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In the improvement of the roads the distances are lessened. It has been computed that Turin has already been brought 36 hours nearer Paris, 24 hours by the passage of Mont Cenis, and 12 hours more by the new road of Maurienne. His Majesty has decreed the establishment of a new road from Paris to Chamberry by Tournees. This road, by avoiding the mountains, will be shorter by eight hours. In this manner Turin will be brought nearer to Paris by 44 hours, which is almost half the distance.-Milan is by the road of Simplon brought nearer Paris by more than a march of 50 hours, if the present, road is compared with that which existed ten years ago. Bayonne and Spain have been brought nearer to Paris by 18 hours, by the road which has been made through the sandy plains between Bordeaux and Bayonne.-Mayence and Germany have been brought 12 hours nearer, by the road which has been made in the sands from Mayence to Metz. Hamburgh will be nearer by more than sixty hours in the course of the next year, by the road made across the sands of Maestricht to Wesel, and from that to Hamburgh: and this will be the first example in history of eighty leagues of roads made in the course of two years. Ten sets of workmen are employed: and before the end of the year 1811, much more than half of it will be finished. Amsterdam will be brought twelve hours nearer Paris by the road through the sands of Antwerp to Amsterdam, at which they are labouring at many points. New roads are opened from Spezia to Parma, from Florence to Rimini, and from Nice to Genoa.

The Canal of St. Quintin is finished. From the beginning of this year navigation has been in great activity upon it; its effect has already been felt in the prices of wood and coal in the metropolis. -The Canal of the North, to unite the Rhine and the Scheldt, was one third part finished, but the union of Holland having made it useless, these works have been sus--All the Councils-General of the departpended. The Canal Napoleon, which joins the Rhine and the Saone, will be finished in four years. Three millions a year are applied to it. The Canal of Burgundy, which joins the Saone and the Seine, is continued with spirit. In the course of this year a million and a half will be expended upon it. The canal of Arles, which brings the Rhone to the Pont-du-Bou, is one-third part executed, That which cuts the peninsula of Bretany, in joining the Ronce to La Vilaine, is now going on. The canal of Bleuet, which joins Napoleonville to L'Orent, and which will one day lead from Napoleonville to Brest, is almost finished. Many other canals of less importance, are either finished or going on with the greatest activity.

ments rival one another in zeal to second the intentions of the Sovereign; and every where roads are opening to establish communications between the different points in the departments.-The construction of a great number of bridges is begun. Those of Bordeaux, Rouen, Avignon upon the Rhone, of Turin on the Po, are the most remarkable. Those of Bordeaux, and Rouen, as well as that over the Durance, which was finished last year, were considered as impossible. A great number of other bridges are also finished.

Works at Paris.

The canal of l'Ourque, and the distribution of its waters in the different parts of Paris, are attended with an expence of two millions and a half of francs a year.

In a few years these works will be completely finished.Already sixty fountains spread the waters of the Ourcque in the different quarters of Paris. The water arrives there constantly. The Seine, the Marne, the Yonne, and the Oise, have considerable works constructing on them to improve the navigation.-The cut of St. Marne, which will be finished in the next year, will shorten the navigation of the Marne by five leagues, and will spread its waters by numerous channels. The sluices constructed at Port d'Arche, at Vernon, and at, will facilitate the navigation of the Seine; and other sluices will continue it to Troyes and l'Aube.The bridges of Choisy, Besen, and Jena, facilitate the communications, or concur in the embellishment of the capital.-The Louvre is finishing; they are pulling down that quantity of houses which was between the Louvre and the Thuilleries. A second gallery re-unites the two palaces.


quent sorties of our squadrons, the cruising on the coast, the evolutions of our fleets and flotillas in the Zuyder Zee, the Scheldt, and in our roads, have enabled our young conscripts to make a progress which justifies our entertaining the best hopes.


In one year the greater part of the strong places in Spain have been taken, after sieges which do honour to the genius of the artillery of the French army. More than 200 colours, 80,000 prisoners, and hundreds of pieces of cannon, have been taken from the Spaniards, in a number of pitched battles. This war was verging to its close, when England departing from her usual policy, came to present herself in the front line. It is easy to foresee the result of this struggle, and to comprehend all its effects upon the destiny of the world.-The population of England not being able to suffice for the occupation of the two Indies, of America, and of a variety of establishments in the Mediterranean; for the defence of Ireland, and of her own coasts; for garrisons, and the manning of her immense fleets; for the consumption of men in an obstinate war, supported against France on the Spanish Peninsula; the chances are greatly on our side, and England has placed herself between the ruin of her population, if she persists in supporting this war, or disgrace if she abandon it, after hav

We have lost Gaudaloupe and the Isle of France. The wish to relieve these colonies would be no sufficient reason for trying to send out our squadrons in the state of relative inferiority in which they are. -Since the annexation of Holland, that country has furnished us with 10,000 seamen, and 13 ships of the line. We have considerable fleets in the Scheldt and at Toulon. Squadrons of ships of the line, more or less strong, are in the different ports, and 15 ships on the stocks at Ant-ing put herself forward so strongly.— werp. Every thing there is so arranged France has 800,000 men under arms; and as to add every year a great number of while new forces, new armies, march into ships of war to our squadron in the Spain to combat there our eternal enemies, Scheldt. Two ships of the line are build- 400,000 men, 50,000 horses, remain in ing at Cherbourg; and the magazines of our interior, or on our coasts, ready to timber, and other materials of every kind, march in defence of our rights wherever are there so considerable, that we may put they shall be menaced.-The Continental five on the stocks before the close of 1811. system, which is followed up with the L'Orient, Rochefort, and Toulon, have all greatest constancy, saps the basis of the their frames occupied. Numerous ships finances of England. Already her exare constructing at Venice.-Naples ought, change loses 33 per cent.; her colonies in pursuance of treaties, to have this are destitute of outlets for their produce; year six ships of the line, and six frigates. the greatest part of her manufactories are That kingdom has them not; but its go- shut; and the Continental system has only vernment will be convinced of the neces- just arisen! Followed up for 10 years, it sity of repairing this negligence. Our alone will be sufficient to destroy the reresources, our interior navigation, are suf- sources of England. Her revenues are not ficient to advance the material part of our founded on the produce of her soil, but on marine to the same point as that of our the produce of the commerce of the world; enemies. The experiments made of a even already her counting-houses are half maritime conscription have succeeded: closed. The English hope in vain, that young men of 18, 19, and 20, sent on from the advantages of time and of events board our ships, display the best inclina- which their passions light up, some martion, and are rapidly forming. The fre-kets will be opened to their commerce.--

With regard to France, the continental the capitalists.-We are now in the fourth system has produced no change in her po-year of the war in Spain; but still, after sition: we have been for ten years past some campaigns, Spain shall be subdued, without maritime commerce, and we shall and the English shall be driven out of it. still be without maritime commerce. The What are a few years in order to consoliprohibition of English merchandize upon date the great empire, and secure the the Continent has opened an outlet for our tranquillity of our children? It is not that manufactures; but should that be wanting, the Government does not wish for peace; the consumption of the empire presents a but it cannot take place while the affairs reasonable market; it is for our manufac- of England are directed by men, who all tures to be regulated by the wants of more their lives have professed perpetual war; than 60 millions of consumers.-The pros- and without a guarantee, what would that perity of the Imperial Treasury is not peace be to France? At the close of two founded on the commerce of the universe. years English fleets would seize our ships, More than 900 millions, which are neces- and would ruin our ports of Bourdeaux, sary to meet the expences of the empire, Nantes, Amsterdam, Marseilles, Genoa, are the result of home taxes, direct or in- Leghorn, Venice, Naples, Trieste, and direct. England must have two milliards, Hamburgh, as they have done heretofore. in order to pay her expences; and her Such a peace would be only a trap laid for proper revenue could not furnish more our commerce; it would be useful to Engthan a third of it. We shall believe that land alone, who would regain an opening England will be able to support this strug- for her commerce, and would change the gle as long as we can, when she shall have Continental system. The pledge of peace passed several years without loans, with- is in the existence of our fleet and of our out the funding of Exchequer-bills, and maritime power. We shall be able to when her payments shall be in money, or make peace with safety when we shall at least in paper convertible at pleasure. have 150 ships of the line; and in spite Every reasonable man must be convinced of the obstacles of war, such is the state of that France may remain ten years in her the Empire that we shall have that numpresent state without experiencing other ber of vessels! Thus, the guarantee of our embarrassments than those she has felt for fleet, and that of an English Administrathe last ten years, without augmenting her tion founded on principles different from debt, and, in short, meeting all her ex- those of the existing Cabinet, can alone pences. England must every year of war give peace to the universe. It would be borrow 800 millions, which, in ten years, useful to us, no doubt, but it would also will amount to 8 milliards. How is it to be desirable in every point of view: we be conceived, that she can contrive to sup- shall say more, the Continent-the whole port an increase of taxes to the amount of world demands it: but we have one con400 millions, in order to meet the interest solation, which is, that it is still more deof her debt-she who cannot meet her sirable for our enemies than for ourselves; current expences without borrowing 800 and whatever efforts the English Ministry millions a year? The present financial sys- may make to stupify the nation, by a tem of England is baseless without a peace. multitude of pamphlets, and by every All the systems of finance, founded upon thing that can keep in action a population loans, are in reality pacific in their nature, greedy of news, they cannot conceal from because borrowing is calling in aid the re- the world how much peace becomes every sources of the future for the relief of pre- day more indispensable to England.sent wants. Notwithstanding this, the Thus, Gentlemen, every thing at present existing Administration of England has guarantees to us a futurity as happy as proclaimed the principle of perpetual full of glory; and that futurity has rewar; this is, as if the Chancellor of the ceived an additional pledge in that infant Exchequer announced that he should pro- so much desired, who, at last granted to pose, in a few years, a Bankruptcy Bill. our vows, will perpetuate the most illus It is, in fact, mathematically demonstra-trious dynasty; of that infant, who amidst ble, that to provide for expenditure by an annual loan of 800 millions, is to declare, that in some years there will be no other resource but bankruptcy. This observation every day strikes intelligent men; every campaign it will be still more striking to

the fêtes of which your meeting seems to form a part, receives already, with the Great Napoleon, and the august Princess whom he has associated to his high desti nies, the homage of love and of respect from all the nations of the Empire.


-Intelligence from the Armies in

Fourth Corps of the Army.

hundred English remained on the spot. A second assault had the same result; so that the English lost more than 1,200 men Raising of the Siege of Badajoz. in these fruitless attacks. Wellington was The Duke of Ragusa, Commander-in about to make a desperate effort, when on Chief of the army of Portugal, put him the 16th the Duke of Ragusa arrived at self in motion in the beginning of June, Merida, and effected his junction with the with the intention of driving beyond the Duke of Dalmatia. The two armies Coa that corps of the English army which marched on Badajoz, the siege of which Wellington (on departing for the siege of place Wellington precipitately raised, reBadajoz) had left on the frontiers before entering Portugal with all his troops. Part Ciudad Rodrigo.-On the 5th of June, of his battering artillery and many of his the Duke of Ragusa arrived at Ciudad sick have been taken.-On the 21st, the Rodrigo with his advanced guard, and a Duke of Ragusa had his head quarters at corps of 2,000 horse: the enemy did not | Badajoz.-The details of the siege are think proper to wait the arrival of the every instant expected to be brought by army, and retreated during the night. At General Philippon, who, as well as the day-break, the Duke of Ragusa sent his garrison, has covered himself with glory; cavalry in pursuit: only some parties of for the breach was every where practiGeneral Craufurd's division were met cable. with, who were driven into the Coa under the ruins of Almeida. Some prisoners were taken. The English divisions forced The insurgents of Murcia thought they their retreat into the mountains of Sabugal should be able to profit by the absence of and Alfayates, in order to gain the Tagus. the Duke of Dalmatia to attack General -The Duke of Ragusa having, without a Sebastiani, and by threatening his comblow, succeeded in his plan of expelling munications with the Sierra Morena, force the enemy from this part of the frontier, him to leave Grenada open. Their chief immediately directed the march of his corps took up a position at Gor, between army towards the Tagus.-General Reg. Basa and Guadix, whilst their right wing nier took the command of the advanced proceeded upon Ubeda, which the weak guard, and arrived on the 9th at Placentia. garrison was forced to evacuate, to take -On the 12th two divisions passed the up a better position towards Baesa.-On Tagus at Almaras, the bridge of which the 12th of May General Sebastiani rewas securely established, and covered by connoitred the enemy upon Gor, with some strong batteries. Quantities of provisions squadrons. Some blows of the sabre were and stores had for some time arrived at sufficient to check the march of the enemy, this important point. The Duke of Ra- who fell back upon Venta del Babul, gusa also received there a grand bridge where he began to entrench himself: this equipage, which he sent forward with the skirmish was sufficient to check at Ubeda rest of the army, in the direction of Me- the enemy's column which had proceeded rida. Meanwhile the Army of the South, thither. From that moment the enemy, under the Duke of Dalmatia's orders, had instead of attacking the fine position of received numerous reinforcements. Twelve Guadix, where General Sebastiani waited thousand men, under the Count D'Erlon, for them to make them repent their teme. had arrived on the 8th at Cordova, and rity, employed themselves only in enfollowed the Duke of Dalmatia's move. trenching themselves at Ubeda and Bahul. ments, who again advanced to Santa Mar- General Sebastiani, wishing to force them tha, and occupied Almendralejo with his to abandon Ubeda, directed a strong coright, thus being in readiness to commu-lumn on that point by Cabra Santo Christo, nicate with the Duke of Ragusa.-Wellington, whose army was greatly fatigued through want of provisions, and sickness, successively collected his troops round Badajoz; but feeling himself so much pressed, resolved to make a great effort to carry the place before the junction of the two armies. After a dreadful firing of artillery, a first assault was made; but the breach was defended by Frenchmen. Six

whilst he proceeded himself, on the 24th of May, with a strong reconnoitring party upon Venta del Babul. The enemy's advanced posts were attacked at Gor, and overthrown in a moment: they were pur sued at the point of the sword to Venta→→ 50 men were killed and three officers at the foot of their intrenchments, which they dared not quit. However, this ma neuvre, joined to the march of the columa

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