Those mild and serene features, and disturb Now, dear Xantippe, don't be angry with him; Cannot make prettier speeches,—they should win XANTIPPE. By your leave, Lady Aspasia, I will be angry When I think proper. Have I not a right ASPASIA. Nay, my dear Xantippe, I really think a husband of more use Than what you mention: I find Pericles Convenient for a thousand little purposes, Besides being scolded. ALCIBIADES. What, in the name of Cupid, Could have bribed Socrates to give his hand ΧΑΝΤΙΡΡΕ. Alcibiades, You are a wild, impertinent jackanapes; SOCRATES. Don't fatigue yourself, Meekest and mildest of all wives; and I Was a frank question, truly,—and as frankly ALCIBIADES. When were her nails cut last? Pray keep them short, dear Socrates, and take Particular care of your ears-she looks as if She'd pinch them soundly. SOCRATES. Faith, and so she does; And that I may be safe from her assault, During the progress of my history, I do beseech Aspasia and the ladies To take my Tippet into special charge ; That's right-place her between you-hold her hands Tight, or she'll scratch.-Now you shall hear my wooing. Now don't be too sarcastic. ASPASIA. SOCRATES. No, dear ladies,— I won't be too sarcastic-I will tell The merry tale right merrily. When I Was a bachelor-heaven bless the mark !—I was To marry a downright shrew-ay, and to tame her :- mothers warned their daughters Nurses knew how to hush them in a moment, By whispering in their ears, "Xantippe 's coming:" I made my offer-was accepted,-and You know the rest. ALCIBIADES. Say, have you not repented? SOCRATES. Not a jot. I find delight in managing You, Alcibiades, prefer to ride That restive steed of yours;-the more he shows As you designed? ALCIBIADES. Have you tamed your SOCRATES. shrew, Not quite, but she's improving Most rapidly;-I'm not so often treated To the housepail as I was, and curtain lectures Are much less acid. ALCIBIADES. How did you conquer SOCRATES. By dint of laughing at her nonsenses; her? That man who knows the when and how to laugh her; Never forget yourself, nor lose your temper While she is one, and she will soon respect you; And thus become respectable. ALCIBIADES. I think Manly good nature, mixed with manly firmness, Wins in the end; but if you get in a pet with them, They call you petty-have the laugh on their side,Despise you,-ridicule you, just because You are indeed ridiculous. SOCRATES. Sweet friends, Bear this in mind, and marry who you will Each day her better nature, which is love, In her large eyes;-You love me, don't you, Tippet? XANTIPPE (throwing her arms round his neck). His kindness always conquers my resentment. ACT III. SCENE I.-Garden of Academus. Enter CHEREPHON, ALCIBIADES, PHADON, PLATO and XENOPHON. ALCIBIADES. Where hast thou been, dear Cherephon? we've missed Where played you truant? CHÆREPHON. Where you seldom go, You philosophical geniuses :-I've been ALCIBIADES. And what, In the name of the miraculous, has made Should split their croaking sides, and die of envy XENOPHON. Don't laugh, You elegant wag of the world; if you've a fault, 'Tis want of due solemnity; believe me, Oracles are no joking matters: nine Times out of ten, they answer marvellous truly. ALCIBIADES. If they are well paid for it. PLATO. Fy, fy, you scorner! Our cousin Xenophon speaks most happily Of the good old Oracles, and they deserve it; The Delphian rarely blunders. Well, my Chærephon, CHEREPHON. Oh, the inquisitiveness Of these same sages !-that's a leading question, ALCIBIADES. What the response? Socrates. CHÆREPHON. ALCIBIADES. By Jove, 'twas a good hit? I never heard Of heaven my eye: my very heart re-echoes PHÆDON. Bravissimo! Alcibiades, Of Athens. And the rich grandees will now Like planets from the sun, borrowing the glories Eternally. Merit and modesty are mottoed livingly To love aught but myself. I think our Socrates |