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majority; and a joint address of both houfes to the king, declared that a rebellion actually exifted in the province of Maffachusetts. The houfes therefore befought his Majefty to take the most effectual measures to enforce due obedience to the laws and authority of the fupreme legiílature; and affured him that they were determined to fupport him in maintaining the juft rights of the crown. From this moment, an appeal to arms became unavoidable, and both parties prepared for the conflict.

35. Condition of the Parties at the beginning of the War. When the Americans determined to oppofe their military ftrength to that of Great Britain, the difparity was fuch as might well appall the braveft heart. Great Britain poffeffed immenfe wealth and refources, her navy and merchantmen covered the ocean, her armies were confiderable for numbers and difciplin, her military and naval officers were of renowned fkill and experience-great was her power, and still greater the pride of her fovereignty. The colonies, on the other hand, were deftitute of all thefe advantages--they had no general governments vefted with powers to control the contending interefts of thirteen diftinct jurifdictions-the colonial government were moftly duTolved--No skilful officers, no difciplined troops, no muskets proper for an army, no cannon nor ammunition, no camp equipage, no armed fhips--nothing but confciousness of upright views, perfuafion of the juftice of their caufe, dauntless courage, and confidence in the God of hofts, encouraged the Americans to hazard the unequal conteft.

36. Meafures of Parliament preparatory to Hoftilities. In the winter and fpring of 1775, the ministry, headed by lord North, procured an act of parliament to prohibit the New-England colonies from carrying on the fifheries, and from trading with the British poffeffions in Europe and the Weft-Indies. Thefe reftraints were, by a fubfequent bill, extended to the other colonies. Thefe acts were accompanied with bills for an augmentation of the fea and land forces. The army in Boston was increased to ten thousand men, which number was deemed fufficient

to reduce the rebellious colonies to fubmiffion. At the fame time lord North introduced a motion for adopting what he called a conciliatory plan, but which in fact held out a lure to tempt the colonies to divide from each other, by exempting from parliamentary duties and taxation, fuch of them as would contribute to the common, defenfe, by raifing their proportion of money in their own way.

Colonial Preparations for War. A British proclamation forbidding the exportation of arms and ammunition to the colonies, was no fooner received, than the most vigorous efforts were made in America to procure fupplies. A high bounty on the materials and manufacture of powder, caufed mills for making it to fpring up in all parts of the country, as by enchantment. Ships and money were dispatched fecretly to Europe to purchase and import arms and ammunition. In fome places, the cannon belonging to the crown, were feized.

The militia was put under difciplin; affociations and committees. where every where formed to carry into effect the recommendations of congrefs; and in the popular enthusiasm, their refolves and advisory propofals had the effect of laws.

38. Skirmish at Lexington. An attempt of a party of British troops to take some ca mon which were lodged at Salem, threatened to open the awful scene of hoftilities, but the persuasion of a worthy clergyman induced the provincial troops to withdraw their oppofition, at the drawbridge in the town; the British troops marched over, and not finding the cannon which had been previously removed, they marched back unmolested. But in April, a body of troops was ordered to march to Concord to destroy the military ftores, which the Americans had collected at that place. The march, tho' in the night was difcovered, and early in the morning of the 19th of the month, about feventy of the Lexington militia affembled on the green. Major Pitcairn, who commanded the British troops, rode up to the militia, and addrefsing them by the name of rebels, ciered them to difperfe. Not being obeyed, he discharged his pistol, and ordered the troops to fire.Eight men were killed, and fome others wounded. Thus

began the fanguinary conteft which difmembered the British empire, and ended in the establishment of the independence of the colonies.

39. Return of the Troops to Bofton. Having difperfed the militia at Lexington, the British troops proceeded to Concord, destroyed fome flour and other stores, and returned to Boston. But the exafperated patriots in the vicinity collected, and with fuch arms as they had, annoyed the troops on their march, by firing from behind fences and walls; and it is doubtful whether the detachment would not have been all killed or taken, had not a reinforcement arrived and joined that body at Lexington on its retreat. Or the part of the Americans, fifty men were killed, and a number wounded. Of the British forces fixtyfive were killed, and one hundred and eighty-fix wounded.

40. Meafures taken by the Colonies after the beginning of Hoftilities. The provincial congrefs of Maffachusetts, which was in feffion, at the time of the affair at Lexing ton, published a manifefto, addreffed to the people of Great Britain, exculpating the Americans, complaining of the ravages of the British troops, declaring their loyalty to the crown, but protesting that they would not submit to the tyranny of the ministry. They declared General Gage to be difqualified for governor of the province, and that he ought to be treated as an enemy. They alfo paffed votes for supplying the army with pay and clothing. The general congrefs met in May, and refolved to raise an army and iffue bills of credit to defray the expenfes of the war. They now took the appellation of the UNITED COLONIES, and recommended a day of humiliation to implore the bleffings of heaven on their fovereign, the king of Great-Britain, and the interpofition of divine aid to remove their grievances, and restore harmony between the parent ftate and the colonies, on constitutional terms.


Entrenchment on Breed's Hill. After the fkirmish on the 19th of April, General Gage iffued a proclamation declaring the Americans in rebellion, and denounc ing against them the fevereft vengeance; offering how

ever to pardon all who fhould return to their allegiance, except fome of the principal fomenters of oppofition; as if he expected the Americans would abandon their leaders to the gallows. In the mean time, a confiderable army was collected in the towns near Bolton, and it was determined to annoy, and if poffible, diflodge the British forces in Boston. For this purpose a detachment was ordered on the night of the 16th of June, 1775, to throw up a breaft work on Bunker's hill, near Charlestown. By fome miftake, the troops entrenched on Breed's hill, nearer to Boston, and fo filent and active were they, that by the return of light, they had nearly completed a strong redout, without being difcovered by the enemy.

42. Battle on Breed's Hill. No fooner had the dawn of the morning enabled the enemy to difcover the advance of the Americans, than a fevere cannonade from the fhips in the river, announced the determination of the British commander, to oppofe the progrefs of the works. But this not interrupting the Americans, a body of about three thousand men under General Howe, landed under protection of the fhipping, and advanced to attack the works. The Americans permitted the enemy to approach within ten or twelve rods, and then difcharged fuch a shower of mufket fhot as to throw the troops into disorder, and oblige them to fall back. Being rallied and advancing a fecond time, a fecond fire did fuch execution as to compel the British troops to retreat. Terrible was the carnage, and fo difheartened were the enemy, that the officers found it difficult to rally the troops. At length they were brought to charge the entrenchments with fixed bayonets, and the Americans who had no bayonets, - were forced to abandon the works.

* 43.

Burning of Charlestown and event of the action. When the British troops first landed, orders had been given to fet fire to Charlestown, with a view to cover their approach; and almoft the whole town, confifting of four hundred houses, was laid in afhes. This barbarous deed proved of no use to the enemy, but ferved to exasperate the Americans. After a heroic defenfe of the hill, the

American troops, deftitute of bayonets and of ammunition, and overpowered by numbers, retreated over Charleftown Neck, opposed to a raking fire from the Glafgow fhip of war, and two floating batteries, from which however they fuffered no great annoyance. Severe was the lofs of British officers and foldiers in this action, amounting to more than a thousand men. The lofs on the part of the Americans was lefs confiderable; not amounting to a hundred killed, and three hundred wounded and miffing. Among the killed however was general Warren, a brave officer and firm patriot.

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44. Surprize of Ticonderoga, and Crown-Point. The importance of fecuring the paffes into Canada had occurred to fome perfons foon after the action at Lexington. To effect this, different parties of men were dispatched to gain poffeffion of the principal forts on the lakes. So fecret was the expedition under cononel Allen and colonel Arnold, that they furprized and took the commander of Ticonderoga in his bed. Colonel Warner, with a company took Crownpoint, and in these two forts the Americans found cannon and military stores, which were greatly wanted. In the mean time, the British ministry employed means to inlift a body of Canadians into their fervice, and fent twenty thousand stands of arms, to governor Carleton at Quebec, for the ufe of the troops. But the inhabitants declined taking any part in the conteft. An inhuman attempt of the miniftry to engage the favages to fall on the frontiers, and annoy the colonies, proved equally unsuccessful.

45. Proceedings of the Congrefs in 1775. In May 1775, the congrefs met at Philadelphia, agreeable to adjourn ment, and delegates from Georgia completed the reprefentation of the colonies. One of their acts was a manifefto, juftifying the neceffity of taking arms in defense of the colonial rights, which was written in a masterly stile, and calculated to make a deep impreffion on the minds of their conftituents. They fent another petition to the king, but it was treated with contempt. They directed an emiffion of bills of credit, not to exceed too millions

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