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" Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures ', Whilst the landskip round it measures ; *• Russet lawns, and fallows gray, Where the nibbling flocks do stray ; Mountains on whose barren breast The labouring clouds do often rest ; Meadows trim with daisies... "
The Poetical Works of John Milton - Seite 596
von John Milton - 1842 - 767 Seiten
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Bell's Edition, Bände 31-32

John Bell - 1788 - 630 Seiten
...the mower whets his sithe, And every shepherd tells his tale Under the hawthorn in the dale. Strait mine eye hath caught new pleasures Whilst the landskip round it measures, 70 Russet lawns, and fallows gray, Where the nibbling flocks do stray, Mountains on whose barren breast...
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The Monthly Magazine, Band 29

1810 - 700 Seiten
...remark, that if Mr. John Milton proposctb to make himself merry with Russet lawns, and fallows grey Where the nibbling flocks do stray ; Mountains on...labouring clouds do often rest. Meadows trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks, and rivers wide, Towers and battlements, &c. &c. ice, he will either find himself...
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The British Essayists: The Mirror

Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - 232 Seiten, at one glance, and, at it were, with a single dash of his pen, Russet lawns, and fallows grey. Where the nibbling flocks do stray. Mountains, on...labouring clouds do often rest; Meadows trim with daisies pred, Shallow brooks and i ivers wide. The objects themselves are cheerful; for, besides having brooks,...
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Select British Classics, Band 31

1803 - 308 Seiten
...poems, L'AIkgro, and II Penseroso. Russet lawns, and fatto-ws gi*?, Where the nibbling ftocU do tt».y, Mountains, on whose barren breast The labouring clouds do often rest; Meadows trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks and rivers wide. ^he objects themselves are cheerful; for, besides aving brooks,...
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The beauties of English poetry, selected from the most esteemed ..., Band 1

John Wolcot - 1804 - 180 Seiten
...blithe, And the mower whets his scythe, And every shepherd tells his tale Under the hawthorn in the dale. Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures Whilst...landskip round it measures, Russet lawns, and fallows grey, Where the nibbling flocks do stray, Mountains, on whose barren breast The lab'ring clouds do...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue, and ...

E. Tomkins - 1804 - 416 Seiten
...eye hath caught new pleasures While the landscape round it measure*. Russet lawns, and fallows grey, Where the nibbling flocks do stray; .Mountains on whose barren breast The lab'ring clouds do often rest; Meadows trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks, and river* wide. Towers...
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Poems on various subjects, selected by E. Tomkins

E Tomkins - 1806 - 280 Seiten
...eye hath caught new pleasures While the landscape round it measures, Russet lawns, and fallows grpy, Where the nibbling flocks do stray; Mountains on whose barren breast The lab'ring clouds do often rest; Meadows trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks, and rivers wide. Towers...
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The British Essayists, Band 34

Alexander Chalmers - 1807 - 354 Seiten
...shews us, at one glance, and, as it were, with a ingle dash of his pen, Russet lawns, ,nd fallows grey, Where the nibbling flocks do stray, Mountains, on...barren breast The labouring clouds do often rest; Meadws trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks and rivers wide. ¿f'he objects themselves are cheerful;...
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The British Essayists;: Mirror

Alexander Chalmers - 1807 - 336 Seiten, at one glance, and, as it were, with a single dash of his pen, Russet lawns, snd fallows grey, Where the nibbling flocks do stray, Mountains, on...barren breast The labouring clouds do often rest; Me;d«vs trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks and rivers wide. The objects themselves are cheerful...
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The Muses' Bower,: Embellished with the Beauties of English Poetry, Band 1

English poetry - 1809 - 302 Seiten
...tale Under the hawthorn in the dale. Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures Whilst the landscape round it measures : Russet lawns, and fallows gray,...flocks do stray; Mountains, on whose barren breast The lab'ring clouds do often rest; Meadows trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks, and rivers wide : Towers...
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