dire*, And aery tongues that syllable " men's names On sands, and shores, and desert wildernesses. These thoughts may startle well, but not astound The virtuous mind, that ever walks attended By a strong-siding champion. Conscience.— O, welcome, pure-eyed... The Poetical Works of John Milton - Seite 516von John Milton - 1842 - 767 SeitenVollansicht - Über dieses Buch
 | John Milton - 1759 - 412 Seiten
...mind, that ever walks attended 211 By a ftrong fiding champion, confidence.--- 0 welcome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering Angel girt with golden wings, And thou unblemifh'd form of Chaftity; 215 1 fee ye vifibly, and now believe That he, the Supreme Good, t'whom... | |
 | John Milton - 1765 - 412 Seiten
...virtuous mind that ever walks attended By a ftrong fiding champion, confcience.— 0 welcome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering Angel girt with golden wings, And thou unblemiih'd form of Chaftity ; 215 1 fee you vifibly, and now believe That he, the Supreme Good, t'whom... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 324 Seiten
...virtuous mind, that ever walks attended By a ftrong fiding champion, confciencc.— 0 weleome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering Angel girt with golden wings, And thou unblemifh'd form of Chaftity; 015 1 fee you vifibly, and now believe That he, the Supreme Good, t'... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 320 Seiten
...virtuous mind, that ever walks attended By a ftrong fiding champion, confcience.— 0 welcome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering Angel girt with golden wings, And thou unblemifh'd form of Chaftity; 315 1 fee you vifibly, and now believe That he, the Supreme Good, t'... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 334 Seiten
...virtuous mind, that ever walks attended By a ftrong fiding champion, confcience.— 0 welcome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering Angel girt with golden wings, And thou unblemim'd form of Chaftity; 215 1 fee you vifibly, and now believe That he, the Supreme Good, t' whom... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 320 Seiten
...virtuous mind, that ever walks attended By a ftrong fiding champion, confcience.— 0 welcome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering Angel girt with golden wings, And thou unblemifh'd form of Chaftityj 21 1 fee you vifibly, and now believe That he, the Supreme Good, t' whom... | |
 | John Milton - 1785 - 698 Seiten
...mind, that ever walks attended 211 By a ftrong fiding champion, confcience.— 0 welcome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering Angel girt with golden wings, And thou unblemim'd form of Chaftity; 215 1 fee ye vifibly, and now believe That he, the Supreme Good, t'whom... | |
 | John Bell - 1788 - 630 Seiten
...be? A thousand fantasies z05 Begin to throng into my memory, Of calling shapes, and beck'ning shadows dire, And aery tongues, that syllable men's names...astound The virtuous mind, that ever walks attended Ky a strong siding champion, Conscience.— 0 welcome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering... | |
 | 1896 - 1086 Seiten
...unknown that Milton exhibits when he talks Of calling shapes, and beckoning shadows dire, And airy tongues that syllable men's names On sands and shores and desert wildernesses; and Keats when he writes of the undescribed sounds That come a.swooning over hollow grounds And wither... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 342 Seiten
...virtuous mind, that ever walks attended By a ftrong fiding champion, confcience.— 0 welcome pure-ey'd Faith, white-handed Hope, Thou hovering Angel girt with golden wings, And thou unblemifh'd form of Chaftity; 21J 1 fee you vifibly, and now believe That he, the Supreme Good, t'... | |
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