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GALLI ex concubitu gravidam te, Pontia, Mori,
Quis bene moratam, morigeramque, neget?


RUSTICUS ex malo sapidissima poma quotannis
Legit, et urbano lecta dedit domino:
Hinc, incredibili fructus dulcedine captus,
Malum ipsam in proprias transtulit areolas.
Hactenus illa ferax, sed longo debilis ævo,

Mota solo assueto, protinus aret iners.
Quod tandem ut patuit domino, spe lusus inani,
Damnavit celeres in sua damna manus;
Atque ait, "Heu quanto satius fuit illa coloni,
Parva licet, grato dona tulisse animo!

Possem ego avaritiam frænare, gulamque voracem:

Nunc periere mihi et fœtus, et ipse parens."

BELLIPOTENS virgo, septem regina trionum,

Christina, Arctoi lucida stella poli!

Cernis, quas merui dura sub casside rugas,
Utque senex, armis impiger, ora tero:
Invia fatorum dum per vestigia nitor,
Exequor et populi fortia jussa manu.

Ast tibi submittit frontem reverentior umbra;

Nec sunt hi vultus regibus usque truces.


cern for his loss, and respect for his memory. Such, however, was Christina's levity, or hypocrisy, or caprice, that it is possible she might have acted inconsistently in some parts of this business.-T. WARTON.

1 From Milton's "Defensio Secunda," and his "Responsio " to Morus' Supplement. This distich was occasioned by a report, that Morus had debauched a favourite waitingmaid of the wife of Salmasius, Milton's antagonist.-T. WARTON.

This piece first appeared in the edition 1673.-TODD.

These lines are simple and sinewy. They present Cromwell in a new and pleasing light, and throw an air of amiable dignity on his rough and obstinate character. They are too great a compliment to Christina, who was contemptible both as a queen and a woman. The uncrowned Cromwell had no reason to approach a princess with so much reverence, who had renounced her crown. The frolics of other whimsical modern queens have been often only romantic; the pranks of Christina had neither elegance nor even decency to deserve so candid an appellation. An ample and lively picture of her court, politics, religion, intrigues, rambles, and masquerades, is to be gathered from Thurloe's "State Papers."-T. WARTON.

I have quoted the English version of Milton's epigram to Christina: it appeared as follows, in Toland's life of the poet, fol. 1698, p. 39 :—

Bright martial maid, queen of the frozen zone!
The northern pole supports thy shining throne:
Behold what furrows age and steel can plow;
The helmet's weight oppress'd this wrinkled brow.
Through fate's untrodden paths I move; my hands
Still act my free-born people's bold commands:
Yet this stern shade to you submits his frowns,
Nor are these looks always severe to crowns.-TODD.

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ΙΣΡΑΗ Δ' ότε παίδες, ὅτ' ἀγλαὸ φίλ ̓ Ἰακώβου
Αἰγύπτιον λίπε δήμου, ἀπεχθέα, βαρβαρόφωνον,
Δὴ τότε μοῦνον την ὅσιον γένος υιες Ιούδα
Εν δε Θεός λαοίσι μέγα κρείων βασίλευεν.
Εἶδε, καὶ ἐντροπαλην φυγάδ ̓ ἐῤῥώησε θάλασσα
Είματι ειλιμένη ῥοθίω, ὁδ ̓ ἄρ ̓ ἐστυφελίχθη
Πρὸς Ἰορδάνης ποτὶ ἀργυροειδέα πηγήν.
Ἐκ δ' όρεα σκαρθμοῖσιν ἀπειρέσια κλονέοντο,
Ως κρεοὶ σφριγόωντες ἐκτραφερῷ ἐν ἁλωῇ.
Βαιοτέραι δ ̓ ἅμα πάσαι ἀνασκίρτησαν ἐρίπναι,
Οἷα παραὶ σύριγγε φίλη ὑπὸ μητέρι ἄρνες.
Τίπτε σίγ', αἰνὰ θάλασσα, πέλωρ φυγάδ ̓ ἐῤῥώησας
Κίματι εἰλυμένη ῥοθίῳ; τί δ ̓ ἄρ ̓ ἐστυφελίχθης
Ιρὸς Ἰορδάνη ποτὶ ἀργυροειδέα πηγήν ;
Τίπτ', ὅρεα, σκαρθμοῖσιν ἀπειρέσια κλονέεσθε,
Ως κριοί σφριγόωντες ευτραφερῷ ἐν ἁλων;
Βαιοτέραι τί δ ̓ ἀρ' ίμμες ἀνασκιρτήσατ', ἐρίπναι,
Οἷα παραὶ σύριγγι φίλῃ ὑπὸ μητέρι ἄρνες ;
Σείες, γαῖα, τρέουσα Θεὸν μεγάλ ̓ ἐκτυπέοντα,
Γαία, Θεὸν τρείουσ ̓ ὕπατον σέβας Ἰσσακίδαο,

*Ος τε καὶ ἐκ σπιλάδων ποταμοὺς χέε μορμύροντας,

Κρήνην τ ̓ ἀέναον πέτρης ἀπὸ δακρυοέσσης.

Philosophus ad regem quendam, qui eum ignotum et insontem inter reos forte captum inscius damnaverat, τὴν ἐπὶ θανάτῳ πορευόμενος, haec subito misit:

Ω ̓́ΑΝΑ, εἰ ὀλέσης με τὸν ἔννομον, οὐδέ τιν ̓ ἀνδρῶν
Δεινὸν ὅλως δράσαντα, σοφώτατον ἴσθι κάρηνον
Ρηϊδίως ἀφέλοιο, τὸ δ ̓ ὕστερον αὖθι νοήσεις,
Μαψιδίως δ ̓ ἀρ ̓ ἔπειτα τεὸν πρὸς θυμὸν ὀδυρῆ,
Τοιόν δ ̓ ἐκ πόλιος περιώνυμον ἄλκαρ ὀλέσσας.


̓ΑΜΑΘΕΙ͂ γεγράφθαι χειρὶ τήνδε μὲν εἰκόνα
Φαίῃς τάχ ̓ ἄν, πρὸς εἶδος αὐτοφυὲς βλέπων.
Τὸν δ ̓ ἐκτυπωτὸν οὐκ ἐπιγνόντες, φίλοι,
Γελάτε φαύλου δυσμίμημα ζωγράφου.



Milton sent this translation to his friend Alexander Gill, in return for an elegant copy

of henderasyllables.-T. WARTON.


PARERE fati discite legibus,

Manusque Parcæ jam date supplices,
Qui pendulum telluris orbem
Iapeti colitis nepotes.

Vos si relicto mors vaga Tænaro
Semel vocarit flebilis, heu! moræ
Tentantur incassum, dolique;

Per tenebras Stygis ire certum est.

Si destinatam pellere dextera
Mortem valeret, non ferus Hercules,
Nessi venenatus cruore,

Emathia jacuisset Œta:

Nec fraude turpi Palladis invidæ
Vidisset occisum Ilion Hectora, aut

Quem larva Pelidis, peremit

Ense Locro, Jove lacrymante.
verba Hecateia

Si triste fatum

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This Ode is on the death of Dr. John Goslyn, master of Caius college, and king's professor of medicine at Cambridge; who died while a second time vice-chancellor of that university, in October, 1626. Milton was now seventeen.-T. WARTON.

e Quem larva Pelidis, &c.

Sarpedon, who was slain by Patroclus, disguised in the armour of Achilles. At his death his father wept a shower of blood. See Iliad. xvi.-T. WARTON.

d Si triste fatum, &c.

"If enchantments could have stopped death, Circe, the mother of Telegonus by Ulysses, would have still lived; and Medea, the sister of Ægialus or Absyrtus, with her magical rod." Telegonus killed his father Ulysses, and is the same who is called "parricida " by Horace.-T. WARTON.

e Absyrtus is called " Ægialius" by Justin, Hist. lib. xliii. cap. 3, speaking of Jason and Eetes:-" Filiam ejus Medeam abduxerat, et filium Ægialium interfecerat."-TODD.

f Machaon.

Machaon, the son of Esculapius, one of the Grecian leaders at the siege of Troy, and a physician, was killed by Eurypylus.-T. WARTON.

Philyreic, &c.

Chiron, the son of Philyra, a preceptor in medicine, was incurably wounded by Hercules, with a dart dipped in the poisonous blood of the serpent of Lerna.-T. WARTON.

h Nee tela te, &c.

Esculapius, who was cut out of his mother's womb by his father Apollo. Jupiter struck him dead with lightning, for restoring Hippolytus to life.-T. WARTON

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Tage Q Mummy major Apolline,
Gents Lyme mi regimen darum.

miss muem une Cirrha luget,
E: mellis Heron in undis,
Fun prerusses Palatio gregi
Laris, superstes, nec sine gloria;
Nee purce strasses Charentis

Erbles baratii recessus.

Afla ripit Persephone tua,

Zua, zum & videmt artibus,

Sucsapte Fellent, 306 atris
Fachus eripuisse mortis.

Crience Preses, nemòra precor, tua
Molli quiescant respite, et ex to
Crescant use caltheque busto,
Purecque hyacinthus ore.

Sit nie ie ejuficium Faci
Sucrsiempre E


Interque felices perennis

E su spattere campo.


Avvo Erans 17

Jax plus extrema veniens Lacobus ab arcto,
Taurigenas populos, lateque patentia regna
Alonum tenuit; jamque inviolabile fœdus
Sceptra Caledoniis conjunxerat Anglica Scotis:
Pacificusque novo, felix divesque, sedebat
La sello, occultique do securus et hostis:
Cum ferus ignifuo regnans Acheronte tyrannus,
Eumenidum pater, æthereo vagus exul Olympo,
Forte per immensum terrarum erraverat orbem,
Dinumerans sceleris socios, vernasque fideles,
Participes regni post funera mesta futuros:
Hie tempestates medio ciet aëre diras,
Ilie unanimes odium struit inter amicos,
Armat et invictas in mutua viseers gentes;
Regnaque olivifera vertit florentia pace:
Et quoscunque videt puræ virtutis amantes,
Hos cupit adjicere imperio, fraudumque magister
Tentat inaccessum sceleri corrumpere pectus;
Insidiasque locat tacitas, cassesque latentes
Tendit, ut incautos rapiat ; ceu Caspia tigris
Insequitur trepidam deserta per avia prædam
Nocte sub illuni, et somno nictantibus astris:

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I have formerly remarked, that this little poem, as containing a council, conspiracy, and expedition of Satan, may be considered as an early and promising prolusion of Milton's genius to the "Paradise Lost."-T. WARTON.

Talibus infestat populos Summanus et urbes,
Cinctus cæruleæ fumanti turbine flammæ.
Jamque fluentisonis albentia rupibus arva
Apparent, et terra deo dilecta marino,

Cui nomen dederat quondam Neptunia proles;
Amphitryoniaden qui non dubitavit atrocem,
Æquore tranato, furiali poscere bello,
Ante expugnatæ crudelia sæcula Trojæ.

At simul hanc, opibusque et festa pace beatam,
Aspicit, et pingues donis Cerealibus agros,
Quodque magis doluit, venerantem numina veri
Sancta Dei populum, tandem suspiria rupit
Tartareos ignes et luridum olentia sulphur;
Qualia Trinacria trux ab Jove clausus in Ætna
Efflat tabifico monstrosus ab ore Tiphæus.
Ignescunt oculi, stridetque adamantinus ordo
Dentis, ut armorum fragor, ictaque cuspide cuspis.
Atque,-" Pererrato solum hoc lacrymabile mundo
Inveni," dixit; "gens hæc mihi sola rebellis,
Contemtrixque jugi, nostraque potentior arte.
Illa tamen, mea si quicquam tentamina possunt,
Non feret hoc impune diu, non ibit inulta."
Hactenus; et piceis liquido natat aëre pennis:
Qua volat, adversi præcursant agmine venti,
Densantur nubes, et crebra tonitrua fulgent.

Jamque pruinosas velox superaverat Alpes,
Et tenet Ausoniæ fines; a parte sinistra
Nimbifer Apenninus erat, priscique Sabini,
Dextra veneficiis infamis Hetruria, necnon
Te furtiva, Tibris, Thetidi videt oscula dantem;
Hinc Mavortigenæ consistit in arce Quirini.
Reddiderant dubiam jam sera crepuscula lucem,
Cum circumgreditur totam Tricoronifer urbem,
Panificosque deos portat, scapulisque virorum
Evehitur; præeunt submisso poplite reges,
Et mendicantum series longissima fratrum';
Cereaque in manibus gestant funalia cæci,
Cimmeriis nati in tenebris, vitamque trahentes:
Templa dein multis subeunt lucentia tædis,

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(Vesper erat sacer iste Petro) fremitusque canentum
Sæpe tholos implet vacuos, et inane locorum.

J Summanus.


is an obsolete and uncommon name for Pluto, or the god of ghosts and night, summus Manium," which Milton most probably had from Ovid," Fast." vi. 731. -T. WARTON.


k Cum circumgreditur, &c.

He describes the procession of the pope to St. Peter's church at Rome, on the eve of St. Peter's day.-T. WARTON.

1 The orders of mendicant friars. -T. WARTON.

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