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Prepares for Bryn
Mawr, Smith, Vas-
Colleges. Strong

KENT PLACE SCHOOL for Girls The Baldwin School Girls sar and Wellesley

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- A girls' school, one hour from New York.

Diploma for college preparatory and general course.

general course with diploma. Improvements to Fire-proof stone building to be made during summer. Extensive grounds for athletics JANE L BROWNELL, A.M., Head: ELIZABETH FORREST JOHNSON, A.B., Asso Head Address Baldwin School, P. O. Box A.

The Misses Kirk's College Preparatory School

for Bryn Mawr and other colleges. Certificate privileges. Special schedule for each pupil. Percentage of pupils entering Bryn Mawr College unusually large. Gymnastics. Opens Oct 2d. 1913. BRYN MAWR, PA.

SPRINGSIDE, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia.
Boarding and Day School for Girls.
MRS. CHAPMAN and MISS JONES, Principals.

20 min. from Philadelphia. The late Mr. Jay Cooke's fine property
Social and family life distinguishing feature
MISS A A. SUTHERLAND, Principal, Ogontz School P O., Pa.

Khode Island

LINCOLN SCHOOL (Incorporated) Providence, R. I.

For Girls. Established 1884. A city school with country sports. College Preparatory and General Courses. Music, Art, Domestic Science. New fireproof building under construction. Large grounds. Basketball, hockey, tennis, skating, æsthetic dancing. For illustrated circular, address Miss FRANCES LUCAS, Principal.

Certificate privilege to Vassar, Smith, Wellesley and Mt. Morris Heights School


Unusual advantages in music.

Physical training, riding and out-door sports.

Mrs. LIFE, The Misses STOWE, Principals, Rye, New York.

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JOHN SHAW FRENCH, Ph. D., Principal

Upper School - Thorough preparation for college and techni-
cal school. Athletic fields and gymnasium with swimming pool.
Lower School-Special home care and training of younger
boys. Graded classes. Outdoor sports Catalog.
SETH K. GIFFORD, Ph. D., Principal, Providence, R. I.


Miss Wheeler's School and Studio 216 Hope St., Providence, R. I. (1) College preparatory, general and post-graduate courses, with professors from Brown University. Twenty-fourth year.

(2) A 75-acre farm will be opened in September, 1913, as a new department for horticulture, domestic science and out-door sports.

Miss Wheeler will reside at the farm during the summer vacation and receive a limited number of pupils in painting, horticulture and domestic science. Address Miss WHEELER.



SAXTONS RIVER, VERMONT. An ideal school for wholesome training and thorough education. Special attention to life in the open. Certificate to colleges. Lower school for younger boys. Terms $400-$500.

George B. Lawson, A. M., D.D., Principal.

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