Abbildungen der Seite


therein explained, 246.
the second to Timothy, 250.
remarks on that to Titus,
251. further observations on
those to Timothy, and that
to Titus, 252. remarks on
that of St. Paul to Philemon,
255. remarks on that to the
Hebrews, 263. who they
are, that are so called, 256.
remarks on the general one
of St. James, 272. further
observations on the same,
ibid. remarks on the general
one of St. Peter, 273.
marks on his second general
Epistle, 275. further obser-
vations on both those of St.
Peter, 277. remarks on the
first Epistle general of St.
John, 279. remarks on the
second of St. John, 283. to
whom addressed, ibid. re-
marks on the third, ibid. ob-
servations upon all his Epi-
stles, ibid. remarks on the
general one of St. Jude, 285.
Espousing the nature thereof,


amongst the Jews, 53.
Essenes, their opinions, 27.
Ethiopia, eunuch belonging to
the queen thereof converted
by Philip, 153.
Evangelists, why so called, 3.
Evening, why the Jews began
the day therewith, 56.
Evil, why not to be returned
by Christians, 90.
Eunuchs, why employed in the
highest offices of trust by
the eastern kings, 153. he
who was converted by Phi-
lip, a proselyte of the cove-
nant, ibid. the custom of pre-
ferring them to the highest
offices, still followed in the
east, 313.
Eusebius, what he says of the

Virgin Mary's being taken
up into heaven, 144.
Eye, plucking it out, what is
meant thereby, 92.
Eyes, the manner in which
they are painted by the east-
ern people, 309.
Ezekiel, why called the son of
man, 40.

Faith, why so much insisted on
by St. Paul, 188. disputes.
concerning it cleared, 189.
the benefit thereof explained
by St. Paul, 199. the excel-
lency of the Christian over
the Jewish, 257. in Christ
fully delineated, ibid. St.
James explains the true na-
ture thereof, 267.
Fasting of Christ compared
with Moses and Elias, 82.
why taken for a duty in the
Christian church, 89.
Father of the Israelites, God,
why so called, 61. prayer of
our Lord explained from
thence, ibid.

Father of mankind, God, con-
sidered as such in the Chris-
tian dispensation, 96.
Fathers, primitive, due respect
to be paid to their accounts
of church government, 183.
Feasts of idols to be abstained
from, 209.

Feet, disciples sat at those of

their masters, 60. of masters
washed by their servants,


Forms of prayer, an account of

them amongst the Jews, 49.
Funerals, Jewish customs at
them, 60.

Future state, different opinions
amongst the Jews concern-
ing it, 28.

Galatia, a country in the Lesser

Asia, 232.

Galatians, St. Paul's Epistle to

them, and its design, ibid.
Galilee, the aversion of the
Jews towards those of that
province, 15. Isaiah, his pro-
phecy concerning it fulfilled,
ibid. Christ's residence there,
ibid. sea thereof, now full of
fish, 312.

Generation, what meant there-

by in the prophecies of Christ,
78. the nature of it, 120.
Gentiles, who were so called by
the Jews, 23. how hated by
the Jews, 48. remarks upon
their calling, 67, how they
became proselytes, 135. how
they came to the knowledge
of the prophecies relating to
the Messiah, ibid. why they
opposed Christianity, 138.
when the Gospel was preach-
ed to them, 157. proof of
their having part in the Mes-
sian, 189.
Gerizim, mount of, worship-
ped on by the Samaritans,

God, his justice satisfied by the
death of Christ, 40, called
the father of the Israelites,
and why, 61. dwelleth in us,
how to be understood, 122.
children of him explained,
199. his being proved by
works of the creation, 202.

providence discerned
therein, 203. his attributes
known by the light of na-
ture, 204.

Good works, remarks upon
them, 86.

Gospel, its meaning and deri-
vation, 2. probably more
Gospels than in our canon of
the Scriptures, 3. principal

doctrines taught therein, 77.
condition thereof on our
parts, 86. observations on

them, 109. the virtues re-
quired by it, 111.
Government of the Christian
church, its primitive institu-
tion, 173. Irenæus, his testi-
mony concerning it, ibid.
Grace, saying thereof a neces-
sary and Christian practice,

Greeks or Gentiles, who were
so called by the Jews, 22.
another distinction concern-
ing them, 151.

Heathens, sensible of the uni-
versal depravity of the world,
about the time of Christ's
coming, 43.

Hebrews, by whom wrote, 256.
the intent of the Epistle,
261. morality of that Epi-
stle, 262.
Hellenists, who so called, and
why, 151.

Herbs, bitter, when eaten, 55.
Heresy, very early in the church,

184. particularly condemned
by the apostle, 185.
Hermon, dew of, explained,


Herod, why he slew the chil-
dren of Bethlehem, 9.
Herod the tetrarch, who, 17.
Herod Agrippa persecutes the

Christians, and causes St.

James to be beheaded, 160.
Herodians, who they were, 26.
Holy Ghost, its descent, 145.

what meant thereby in Scrip-
ture, 147. how conferred by
Christ's breathing, ibid. how
conferred by the apostles,


Holy Spirit, effects thereof, 120.
the manner of its operation,

121. true marks thereof,
123. its motions to be at-
tended to, ibid. the effects of
its descending on the apo-
stles, 145. further observa-
tions on this subject, 182.
Host, worshipping thereof di-
rect idolatry, 221. proofs
thereof, 222.

Hours, Jewish, compared with
ours, 56.

James, St. the Great, an apo-

stle, beheaded by Agrippa,
160. his doctrine reconciled
to St. Paul's, 187.
James, St. the Less, the bro-

ther of our Lord and bishop
of Jerusalem, 268. his Epi-
stle general, ibid.

Jannes and Jambres, the ma-
gicians who withstood Moses,

Idol feasts further explained,


Idolatry reckoned a crying sin

by St. Paul, 232.
Jerusalem, Christ's prophecy
against it, 78. mixed with
that of the end of the world,
ibid. `compared with Jose-
phus's account of its ruin,
ibid. the apostles preached
first there, 149. first Chris-
tian council there, 215.
Jesus, why so called, 80.
Jews, expected the Messiah, at

the time when Christ came,
10. cause of their rebelling
against the Romans, ibid.
their mistake about the Mes-
siah, 11. their condition at
the coming of Christ, 17.
strong prejudices of that peo-
ple, 22. reasons for their
hating the Samaritans, 27.
Christ sent in person only to
them, 47. how they reckon

their hours, 56. equal only
at the equinox, ibid. known
by one name amongst their
countrymen, and by another
unto the Gentiles, 59. like
other eastern nations, car-
ried presents, ibid. would not
probably have believed the
resurrection, if they had seen
Christ afterwards, 73. their
obstinacy aggravated, after
the resurrection of Christ,
132. dispersed over all the
earth, 133. on what pre-
tences they stirred up perse-
cution against the Chris-
tians, 136. curse Christians
in their synagogues, 137.
stone those of their nation to
death who become converts
to Christianity, ibid. unbe-
lieving, St. Paul's great ten-
derness for them, 199. why
at length rejected by God,
200. how to be looked on
by the Christians, 199. still
obstinate in their old tradi-
tions, 315.

Ignatius, bishop of Antioch,
his testimony concerning the
order of the clergy, 174.
Images condemned by St. Paul,

218. objections raised there-
to by the Papists answered,
Impiety of, the world at the
time of Christianity, 132.
Incest, St. Paul leaves a person

suspected thereof to the cen-
sure of the church, 207.
Interdiction or prohibition, vow

thereof explained, 62.
Interest, temporal, not affected
by the Christian religion,


John, St. settled the canon of
the New Testament, 3. things
omitted in his Gospel, ibid.

time when he wrote it, 5.
the meaning of the be-
ginning of his Gospel,
34. delivered miraculously
from death, 165. his first
Epistle general, 278. in-
tended to strengthen the
church of Christ, ibid. he
warns them against false pro-
phets, 279. passage thereof
relating to the Trinity vindi-
cated, 280. why styled the
elder, in his second Epistle,
283. lived to be upwards of
90 years of age, 284. his
third Epistle to Gaius, 283.
why styled the divine, 287.
Jonah represented Christ, how,


Joseph a
a representative of

Christ, how, 7.
Josephus, his account of the
Pharisees and Sadducees, 26.
flatters Vespasian with the
title of the Messiah, 42. his
account of the destruction
of Jerusalem compared with
Christ's prophecy, 78.
Irenæus, St. asserts the divinity

of Christ, 35. his testimony
of church-government, 173.
Isaac represented Christ, how,

7. born by the promise,
meaning thereof, 234.
Isaiah, the Jews acknowledge
his prophecy to be of the
Messiah, 15.
Ishmael born after the flesh,
how, 234.
Israelites, their errors explained
by St. Paul, by way of ad-
monition to the Corinthian
church, 211!

Judas, different histories of his

death reconciled, 144.
Jude, surnamed Thaddeus, one
of the twelve, brother of our
Lord and St. James, 285.

Judging others forbidden by
the Gospel, 102.

Kingdom of Christ spiritual,
12. of heaven, the different
meanings of that expression,
Kiss, an expression of mutual
kindness, 192. of charity,
what it was, ibid.

Labourers, hired, the meaning
of that parable, 67.
Laity distinct from the clergy
in all ages of Christianity,
170. an account of their state
under the primitive church,

Law, how fulfilled by Christ,
28. knowledge thereof, why
necessary to the understand-
ing of the New Testament,
47. how all are freed from it
by the coming of Christ,

Lazarus, Jews consult how to
put him to death, 73.
Liberty, permitted under the

Gospel, to be carefully used,
210. Christianity, the true
state thereof, 234. exhorta-
tion to the Galatians to stand
fast therein, ibid.

Love of Christ to mankind vi-
sible throughout the Gospel,


Loving one another the pecu-
liar character of Christians,

Luke, St. the Evangelist, at-
tendant on St. Paul, 3. time
when he wrote his Gospel, 4.
his genealogy of Christ re-
conciled with St. Matthew's,
44. author also of the Acts
of the Apostles, 131.
Lydia and her household bap-
tized, 176.

[blocks in formation]

Mark, St. an attendant on St.

Peter, 3. time when he
wrote his Gospel, 4. not an
abridgment of St. Mat-
thew's, ibid.
Marriage, how sacred, 100.
and virginity, St. Paul's opi-
nion on some questions re-
lating to both states, 208.
Mary, Virgin, where her last
being mentioned in Scrip-
ture, 144. whether received
up into heaven, ibid. what
authors mention her as-
sumption, ibid.

Mass, directly opposite to the
doctrine of St. Paul, 264.
Matthew, St. time when he
wrote his Gospel, 4.
Meekness recommended by the
apostles, 214.
Melchisedeck represented to
be Christ, how, 7. the na-
ture of his priesthood, 258.
Merchants, how they travel in

the east, compared with
what is said thereof in Scrip-
ture, 306.
Messiah, proofs that he is

come, 7. expected when
Christ came, 8. mistake of
the Jews about him, 11.
latter Jews say there are
to be two, 13. an objec-
tion made by the Jews
concerning him answered,
41. Herod, so called by

the Herodians, ibid. Ves-
pasian, by Josephus, called
the son of David, 42. why,
ibid. Jesus owned as such
by Simeon and Anna, 80.
even Christ's resurrection
would not convince the Jews
that he was the true Mes-
siah, 132. the apostles pro-
claim Jesus so to be, imme-
diately after his ascension,
149. more Jewish mistakes
about him, 158. the time of
his coming expressed some-
times by the last days, 193.
still expected by the Jews as
a great temporal prince, 315.
Miracles a just proof of the
Gospels, 68. none done by
John Baptist, ibid.
Mite of the widow, why so
acceptable, 102.

Moon, her age when Christ
suffered, 84.

Morality no way dispensed
with by the Christian insti-
tution, 89. of St. Paul's Epi-
stle to the Romans, 202. of
his Epistle to the Ephe-
sians, 236. of his Epistle to
the Colossians, 240.
Mortification of the body, an
early heresy concerning it,

Moses, his laws perverted, and
by whom, 17. his miracles
fall short of Christ's, 69. a
high esteem of him mislead
some of the primitive Chris-
tians, 185. his ordinances,
typical of Christ, 259.
Mysteries, what are and will
be so, 38. of the kingdom
of heaven, why concealed,

Nature, light of, sufficient to
convince us of a Deity, 202.

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